[related pad on the archive: http://pad.constantvzw.org:8000/S1Wl3rN4WM]
Published on Labtolab: http://www.labtolab.org/~labtolab/wiki/index.php/Constant_Meeting
Monday 24 January (Address: Constant Office, Fortstraat 5)
TO DO in the immediate future
- get coffee at oxfam (they have bancontact) [An]
- get the food and drinks [FS]
- finish radio jingle [WVW]
- print out a program [FS], list of phone numbers [An]
- make mappekes with maps: programma, map Brussels [WVW]
- prepare Tuesday [Tuesday morning FS, NM, AM]
- book restaurant -> rugantino 20h30 [An - 20 people]
- prepare radio -> what questions to ask [WVW]
- last e-mails for briefing to okno imal qo2 & bains [WVW]
- bring coffee machine & kettle to DPF (Nicolas]
- utensils, plates etc? [Nicolas]
- make the thursday clear!i!i!i OK
- Take coffee, tea and milk to Fo.am [Nicolas]
15:00 Participants arrive
[Wendy is present in Constant, the whole afternoon]
20:00 Welcome dinner [FS cooks + shops + checks with seda / 200 eur incl drinks]
Tuesday 25 January (Address: De Pianofabriek, Fortstraat 35)
At various levels, the European Commission is preparing to legislate harshly on different issues that are central for the development of collaborative networks and European medialabs. During this day, we will get some information from activists who are closely monitoring the decision-making processes within the EU. We will try to understand how the current developments may affect us directly in a near future and - hopefully - how to react.
(Address to be confirmed - soon!)
9:30 Walk around the EU Parliament, towards EU Commission.
11:30 -12:00 Address: De Pianofabriek, Fortstraat 35
Welcome + introduction De Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats
12:00 - 12:15
Introduction to the afternoon (Nicolas)
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch (Guillaume) with IPRED, featuring Benjamin Henrion. The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the findings of a report assessing the application of Directive 2004/48/EC (IPRED) on the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Member States. Beware!
Guest: Félix Tréguer, in charge of the policy and legal analysis of the issues in which La Quadrature is engaged.
Writing a collective statement to the European Union in response to ACTA-related regulations. [Catherine? check met Nicolas]
[Not sure::::Take-away in Nadine/Gaillait? as Schaarbeek is the right direction ...]
Data Protection Pecha Kucha organised in the context of http://www.cpdpconferences.org/
(Address: Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Rue Royale Ste Marie 22a) and/or visit Hackerspace http://hackerspace.be (Address: Avenue Princesse Elisabeth 46) [Wendy confirms on HL list? Who accompanies Labtolab to Hackerspace? Idea: re-phrase ...: Hacking session @ Hackerspace (so, people that want to participate can simply join)]
Wednesday 26 January (FoAM, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34)
09:30 Coffee
Mapping Session [check with Catherine + Attila -> done]
Organised by Catherine and Attila following the working group on mapping issues:
"Our aim is to create an interactive map online, in order to gain specific data related to art and science and technology (social) DIY culture worldwide"
Radio Panik [An-> Radio studio ok!]
In parallel to the Mapping Session, 3-4 participants join a live radio-broadcast on Radio Panik, Free radio project. One participant per organisation.
Wendy hosts - here you can add questions. Femke or Peter?
13:00-14:30 Lunch [Guilaume:-)]
Tour of Brussels' Medialabs + art organisations [What do you do (10 minutes)? How do you tackle the subject of informal learning? -> Wendy prepares, informs orgs]
Every visit has someone from the Labtolab group who takes notes - someone else to take photograps, to archive on Friday
Reporters per group
Group splits up in two: half visits [Wendy]:
*FoAm http://fo.am -> yes :-)
*QO2 http://www.q-o2.be -> :-)
Other half visits [Femke]:
*Imal http://www.imal.org -> yes :-)
*OKNO http://www.okno.be -> yes :-)
*LesBains [tourguide: An] http://www.bains.be -> yes :-)
*Nadine: not possible here
20:00 tbc: Café Numérique http://www.cafenumerique.be [Wendy asked Attila]
On the website of Café Numerique no CN meeting is scheduled. This could still come
- evt proposal for cultural agenda in Bssl ... Kaaitheater?
Thursday 27 January (Address: De Pianofabriek, Fortstraat 35)
09:30 Coffee
The Future of Informal Learning [Wendy prepares with Maya - preparatory meeting on 18th of January]
A collective futurologist exercise re-imagining the past and future of informal learning.
(Session open for external participants)
Wendy invites: pieter (hackerspace), marthe, stefanie, Samedies (Agnes/Juliane), pierre,
Peter invites: Kris Rutten
Femke invites: Michael, Michel, Liesbeth
Nicolas invites:
An invites: maarten, peggy, seda, anne-laure, pierre h, john h?
13:00-14:30 Lunch [Guilaume:-)]
Meeting on self-managed learning processes [MLP proposal -> checked]
This session based on the MásterDIWO project at Medialab Prado:
"The MásterDIWO project arised from the understanding that in the formal education system, certain structures and content is missing. The purpose is not necessarily an answer to this gap, but a common quest to build complementary learning processes and / or alternatives." http://masterdiwo.wordpress.com
Presentation Furtherfield: zero dollar computer
Contact Olga -> about Diwo & Furtherfield
16:30-18:00: free discussion
18:00: Conclusions [who moderates]
20:00 Collective dinner (location tbc -> An? Peter?):
Dinner in ?
- Bazar?
- Fin de siècle
- Kasbah
------> Rugantino !
Kobob -> http://www.kokob.be/page/groupes/
Friday 28 January (Address: De Pianofabriek, Fortstraat 35)
09:30 Coffee
Archiving session
[Wendy checks with Catherine & labtolab list; Femke prepares with Wendy moderation of day monday morning 24]
Gathering and organising materials of Lab2Lab sessions Budapest, Madrid and Brussels (text, notes, pictures, links, interviews)
- photographs: where?
- annotate video-interviews
- text from baltan
- other texts?
13:00-14:30 Lunch [Guilaume:-)]
14:30-16:00 Archiving session (continued) [Femke prepares]
16:00-18:00 Discussion: Nantes June 2011 + closure
Practical info:
*Maps -> from mivb & use-it
Other participants:
Olga Panades Massanet
University of Seville
Yolanda Spínola Elías (DNI. 28916615A)
Professor at Fine Art Faculty.
# Baltan Labs
Angela Plohman -> has been invited - alas she cannot come...
Preparatory meetings:
- Pianofabriek: for network and other practical stuff
Archive links:
Inspiring texts
*Raoul Vaneigem "A warning to students of all ages":
http://www.notbored.org/avertissement.html (in English)
http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/fr/display/95 (in French)
Notes Acta
Re-read: http://www.constantvzw.org/verlag/spip.php?page=article&id_article=110&mot_filtre=5&id_lang=0&debut_source_material=0
Interessant a relire, la charte, probablement trop generale pour labtolab, mais des points essentiels:
[Nicolas prepares with An]
Can we after Hadopi, Acta, Wikileaks, the mass Googlommoration of webservices, still speak of such a thing as a public virtual space? What about rights to co-decide? Organic growth? Real participation? Censorship? After Facebook, SecondLife, Twitter, Youtube, are we meant to believe that 'sharing' and 'friends' are just euphemisms for data trade, concentration of capital and monopolism? What does a public virtual space mean for art, for sharing creative processes?
--> quelles conditions d'infrastructures digitales sont nécessaires pour l'existence du type de médialab qu'on définit?
Budget: Lab2Lab 100€ de transport + 250€ fee & Samedies: 200€
1. 1er choix: Jeremie Zimmerman
http://giss.tv/dmmdb/fcforum (search)
2. Benjamin Henrion FFII (Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure)
3. EFF Brussels http://www.eff.org/
Pour Samedies:
1. Ameliai Andersdotter
http://giss.tv/dmmdb//incdl.php?ID=996&file=http%3A%2F%2Fgiss.tv%2Fdmmdb%2F%2Fcontents%2Ffcforum7-3-dl.ogg (Amelia answering questions about Pirate Party)
Amelia Andersdotter of Pirate Party Sweden, who will be our guest on Acta for Samedies in the morning,
3. Laurence Vandewalle (evt avec Denis): perspective à la fois en Belgique FR + Europe
cfr Digitales 2006/7
2. Michel
passer en revue infos liés à ACTA & co sur E-traces -> voir comment identifier des sources d'informations
formuler une série de questions importantes pour les gens qui s'intéressent aux licenses libres/culture en réseau, qui utilisent l'infrastructure digitale pour créer, réfléchir...
-> voir les point problématiques
utiliser les Samedies pour confronter ces points-là au discours d'Amelia + voir les stratégies
-> rapporter mardi + lister les propositions
Autres par video:
1. James Love (talk sur ACTA)
Autres idées:
- Je viens de découvrir (par fred peters que j'ai vu à sa conférence gnome3) qu'il existe une association en belgique NURPA (Net Users' Rights Protection Association),
aux dernières nouvelles, étudiant à l'ulb il est normalement entre paris et bxl - aucune idée s'il serait dispo :-) psycojoker@gmail.com
dont fait partie d'ailleurs le laurent Peuch cité dans un autre courrier (qui avait été interviewé par sophie-radio-panik et qui se démenait beaucoup pour la quadrature du net)
--> Denis les a vus, assez jeunes
- http://www.vub.ac.be/LSTS/members/depreeuw/
Currently she focuses on the copyright aspects of electronic publishing in the Flemish newspaper sector in the framework of a four-year interdisciplinary research project FLEET.
- by Amelia:
maybe you could invite eva lichtenberger or eva-britt svensson from the parliament, although i think that they are probably not in bxl over the weekends. ralf bendrath from jan philip albrechts office (@bendrath on twitter) is an experienced digital activist from
germany who lives in brussels. also wouter van holst from bits of freedom, netherlands is good. joe mcnamee from EDRi also, but he is often busy and stressed out."
List of Phone Numbers:
Constant: +32 2 539 2467
De Pianofabriek:+32 2 541 0170
Wendy Van Wynsberghe: +32 476 890 658
Peter Westenberg: +32 498 493 018
Femke Snelting: +32 495 125 526
An Mertens: +32 477 735 511