#<multi>[nl]Werksessies[en]Worksessions[fr]Sessions de travail</multi>
<multi>[nl]Werksessies zijn intensieve transdisciplinaire momenten waar deelnemers uit heel de wereld aan bijdragen. Elk halfjaar opent Constant een tijdelijk onderzoekslab, een collectieve werkomgeving waar verschillende soorten expertise met elkaar in aanraking komen. Tijdens werksessies ontwikkelen we ideeën en prototypes die op lange termijn leiden tot publicaties, projecten en nieuwe voorstellen.[en]Worksessions are intensive transdisciplinary situations to which participants from all over the world contribute. Every six months Constant opens such a temporary research lab; a collective working environment where different types of expertise come into contact with each other. During work sessions we develop ideas and prototypes that in the long-term lead to publications, projects and new proposals.[fr]Les sessions de travail sont des situations transdisciplinaires intensives auxquelles contribuent des participants du monde entier. Tous les six mois, Constant ouvre un tel laboratoire de recherche temporaire ; un environnement de travail collectif où différents types d'expertise entrent en contact les uns avec les autres. Au cours des sessions de travail, nous développons des idées et des prototypes qui, à long terme, se traduisent par des publications, des projets et de nouvelles propositions.</multi>

### Techno-Cul-de-Sac
[This worksession](https://constantvzw.org/site/-Techno-Cul-de-Sac-.html) investigated the city as a woven fabric of territories of inclusion and exclusion, of availabilities and scarcities, of obligations and potentials. It starts from observing the relations between different forms of zoning and the technology they involve in the Brussels context. (November 2022)

* [Public programme](https://technoculdesac.constantvzw.org/)
* [Open Call](https://constantvzw.org/site/Open-Call-Techno-Cul-de-Sac.html)
* [Experimental Alley Cast Radio broadcast](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/tcds.en.html)

### Weak Signaaal
_4 afternoons under the title of Weak Signaaal at cafe La Vieille Chechette. Seeing the search for weak signals as a practice that centers sensibilities towards what easily goes under the radar, is barely perceivable, or straight up unclear. (Summer 2022)
This workshop brought a play on word2vec, a model commonly used to create ‘word embeddings’ in machine learning.
This afternoon was dedicated to intentional silences, dramatic pauses and obfuscation methods. 
Wendy Van Wynsberghe brought the participants to the swamp in Wiels and playfully helped them pricking up their ears.
The research group Ballades Infidèles worked around the Ballades en jargon, 11 poems composed by 15th century poet Françoys Villon which are written in the secret tongue of the Coquillard·es, a posse of French rogues. 

* [Project description](https://constantvzw.org/site/-Weak-signaaal,240-.html)

### Down Dwars Delà
_Assembling and studying a tools-not-box (see it more as a jumble of tools than a neatly ordered toolbox) to bring together techniques, rituals, protocols and technologies for non-intrusive, non-extractivist, intra-vertical observation with the narrative worlds they make._ (Summer 2021)
* [Logbook report of the first session, at Eben Ezer tower in Bessange, BE]
* [Open call #1](https://constantvzw.org/site/Open-Call-Worksession-Down-Dwars-Dela-1-BE.html) (Eben Ezer tower, Bessange, BE)
* [Open call #2](https://constantvzw.org/site/Open-Call-Worksession-Down-Dwars-Dela-2-UK.html) (Bidston Observatory, Liverpool, UK)

### Bureaucracksy
_An investigating the governance of techno-social systems through the prism of bureaucracy._  
on-line (December 2020)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/Bureaucracksy-worksession-Open-Call.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/bureaucracksy.en.html)

### The Unbound Library
_What can we learn from the promise of digital formats to go beyond pages, page numbers and index systems that are bound to the single book only?_  
Brussels, Rotterdam, Utrecht, North-England and on-line (June 2020)


* [Worksession description](http://constantvzw.org/site/Unbound-Libraries-Worksession.html)
* [Documentation](http://unboundlibraries.constantvzw.org)

### [Collective Conditions](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Collective-Conditions,220-.html)
_Experiments with the generative potential of codes of conduct, bugreports, licenses and complaints._  
Brussels (November 2019)


* [Open call](http://constantvzw.org/site/Call-for-participants-Collective-Conditions.html)
* [Preparatory materials](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/collectiveconditions.en.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/collectiveconditions.documentation.en.html)
* [Reader](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/ccreader.en.html)

### Networks with an attitude
_The Internet is Dead / Long Live the Internets!_
Antwerp (April 2019)


* [Open call](http://constantvzw.org/site/Call-for-participants-Networks-with-an-Attitude,3102.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/NwaA.en.html)

### Alchorisma
_Algorithms, charisma, rhythm, alchemy and karma: infecting algorithms with ideologies that acknowledge the co-existence with non-human entities._
Z33, Hasselt (December 2018)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Alchorisma,217-.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/alchorisma.en.html)
* [Publication](http://alchorisma.constantvzw.org)

### Ageing Companions / Geprogrammeerde veroudering / Les cyborgs vieillissants
_The interconnected lifespan of both technology and bodies_
De Pianofabriek, Brussels (June 2018)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Ageing-companions-.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/ageingcompanions.en.html)

### Transmarcations: X is not for destination
_A worksession situated at the technological crossing of geographies, biographies, bodies, terrains and deplacements._
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (December 2017)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Transmarcations-.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/transmarcations.en.html)

### The Techno-galactic Software Observatory
_How can we interact, intervene, respond and think with software?_
WTC25, Brussels (June 2017)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-The-Technogalactic-Software-Observatory-.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/observatory.en.html)
* [Publication](http://www.books.constantvzw.org/nl/home/tgso)

### DiVersions
_Collaboration, conflict, divergence and the digital archive_
Museum voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Brussels (December 2016)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-DiVersions-.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/diversions.en.html)
* [On-line exhibition](http://di.versions.space)
* [Publication](https://diversions.constantvzw.org)

### Objects in common
_Challenges of material culture in a read-write world_
Medialab Prado, Madrid (March 2016)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Objets-en-Commun-.html)
* [Documentation](https://constantvzw.org/wefts/objects_in_common.en.html)
* [Publication](http://constantvzw.org/documents/oic/Peggy.publication.pdf)

### Promiscuous Pipelines
_How can we imagine modularity, knowing that software processes are inherently leaky and contextual?_
FoAm, Brussels (August 2015)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Promiscuous-pipelines-.html)
* [Publication](https://gitlab.com/fs/pppp)

### Cqrrelations
_Cqrrelation is poetry to the statistician. It is science to the dissident. It is detox to the data-addict._
De Buren, Brussels (January 2015)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-Cqrrelations,193-.html)
* [Publication](http://www.cqrrelations.constantvzw.org/1x0/)

### GenderBlending
_Experiments at the contact zones of gender and 3D-technology_
De Beursschouwburg, Brussels (November 2014)


* [Open Call](http://constantvzw.org/site/-GenderBlending,190-.html)
* [Collective notes](http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/documentation)
* [Report](https://www.constantvzw.org/verlag/IMG/pdf/genderblending_report_2014.pdf)