https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/undisciplinedresearch.notes [this page]
Constant worksessions till now have been self-selecting. Getting now 70 applications for one call created problems. Became a competition but it's never been about that
The issue of open invitation -- closing the session cuts out the weird stuff.
individualist criticism!
managing expectations. or not. not explaining things.
a map of what people thought it was going to be.
things that were not on the programme, worked really well. the textures
selling out too fast, not wanting to invite, ... how to deal with people really wanting it.
not selecting -- too white. awkward to target black people but also understanding that non-visible diversity that was there already, in expectations, tolerances, exposure to these kinds of ideas. not trying to be diverse-everything
oversubscription was stressful.
distributed selection -- stays too close/close friends/can homogenise. wildcards are impossible.
write a paragraph in response to a specific question. make clear it is not about quality.
double / triple the event.
calls/copy should be not too cute.
different expectations can be really good to reveal a terrain, surface a span of what people are wanting
10-15% do not show up in the end, even if they paid/committed.
preparing for unstability. a training: how to stay in relation
how to prepare for unequal interdependence
rethink and repractice solidarity
the multi-scalar is very present
in a crisis people eventually stay at home. conversely doing anything together then has its own value.
the square - a reason to get out of the house. it amplifies, through the psychological effect of getting out of the house
Meeting February 8
Next meetings:
- 17:00 CET 5 April (discuss worksession evaluation/text analysis)
- end September ('recorded' conversation on multi-scalar activation !! + greyness). Let's meet in Brussels!
- A meeting in June - kate is in brussels june 1-5. we try to do a session either sun 2nd, or mon 3rd evening
*-- let Kate know London in June? Probably 12-16 June
-- maybe meet end June/July in Brussels
Possible reading:
could combine with Strathern interestingly
Trying to make a plan:
What we are doing: thinking out loud, thinking the elements we are working with together.
Radmin + vague documentation plan
Working from AU from October onwards.
working with FoAm
referencing issues
authorship beyond individuals
with FoAm: grey areas / existential grey areas.
Eurostar, conversations with Heath
Legitimisation, claims (or not)
without greyness Kate would die -- difference between moving within interstices or to make them happen. What agencies?
11 March -- text analysis of all Open Calls for worksessions.
Open call (= invitation) vs. Manifesto, inverted manifesto.
How do you invite, rather than define.
Ways to bring people together around something that is not yet done.
To reach out and excite people but not foreclose/fix.
Manetta Berends -- computer grrrrrls, analyse (cyber)feminist manifestos. Machine learning tech + Machine analysis.
[a meeting sometime end of March]
Femke is formulating a plan for Ongoingness studies -- temporary institution (sometime 2021/22)
bringing together people working in complex situations, across communities, fields of study, scales. To intensify what they do, for a while.
Working across scale, working across time/timescale, across urgencies
Ursula le Guin connection to
- Other utopias -- dynamic tensions
- Intersectionality
- Radical undisciplinarity
- Queer analytics
- Other methodologies for (or not)
- Boundaries do not sit still
Trans*feminist render/scanner programme -- Furtherfield summer 2021
Jara Rocha, Helen Pritchard, me + others
[a meeting in september?]
Points of connection. Dynamic tensions - has something to do with interstices and grey areas,
and also not. But something in how you produce situations.
We should prepare a more intensified conversation. f2f, in brussels. take time and record.
Grey areas as somewhere we can learn from wach other, where the interests and vocabulary match
and where we can distinguish differences.
end of year 2019: finish 'evaluations' of 2014-2020
- division of tasks within Constant (time, who, ...)
- budgets
- worksessions
[a meeting in December]
Constant was just in a super-long planning process including imagining the end of Constant. What would happen/ what would it mean.
Like a ship, you can't stop it just like that. A slow ship, but it still can't be stopped.
Then it's interesting to think about how it might continue, not just out of panic of not knowing how to stop it.
RADMIN right now more like a motor boat with 3 people standing up & sitting down in it & without the safety cords attached.
Next meeting:
Thursday February 7 17:00, on-line
Dynamic tension -- need to check first
Referencing Melanesians first and then Strathern by Haraway --
- (...) unraveling the supposed natural necessity of ties between sex and gender, race and sex, race and nation, class and race, gender and morphology, sex and reproduction, and reproduction and composing persons (our debts here are due especially to Melanesians, in alliance with Marilyn Strathern and her ethnographer kin).
a double compliment
Meeting December 12, on-line
Seeing Tsing with free wine. Invited by the Anthropological society. "The feral atlas" (for Tsing: plastics eaten by cows). Index to the 'performing' feral atlas.
Seeing things from art, but it does not work the other way?
No mention of the Tyranny of structurelessness! Bibliographic referencing gone wrong/missing - it doesn't fit the academic genealogy. academic silos, bit of a cliche but there you go
What would undisciplined rigour mean? in both its positive and negative attributes. Undisciplined rigour: other ways of thinking validation/output (?) and framing, definition. What other modes of validation? What other modes of definition?
Undisciplined research has a practice of 'affirmative framing' between; relational and interstitial (between what and what?) rather than contrasting, not- is-or field-making (how do the boundaries appear, where does it focus.
Transparence: validation through visibility, not trust
Issues with auditing, mainly critiqueing calibration rather than other methods.
Is knowledge always information? Or: Strathern 'against best practice' -- other forms of auditing. Courage not to publish. Evidence of productivity, not of failure.
incommensurability " something to consider not solve" -- identifying weak points, but what are they suggesting?
Weak theory thick description. So: situated
scoping, disciplining
At the worksession, Femke presented work with Jara. What constantly came up - it's too complicated, not framed according to conventional research modes - not even in art - so interpreted as wild, unruly, untenable, overwhelming. Another comment that stuck - came through research superstar Eyal Weissman - who told her she should calibrate her research. This comes up more and more: the urgency to keep things complicated and undisciplined. Then how do you deal with the beginning and ending, the in/out, how do you report and talk about the results? The relationality of it is an issue. A desired mode, but it produces problems - or conceived problems - in how it can be made accessible, tangible, measurable.
Why framing and validation make sense to talk about. To bring people in to the research and to bring the research to people, you need framings. What is the geometry of that - in an academic proposal you would locate it in relation to prior work, discipline and scope. You would discipline the research questions.
Non-defensive undisciplined rigour
in- and out ...
- auto-ethnography: pulling some wires from hypermedia designer Margot Duncan: judging the quality of autoethnography against the bias against the value of inner knowing in research culture.
different types of evidence; constructing evidencing (tedious, defensive) -- note-taking, description. "delineating study-boundaries". Usefulness of evidence: Understand/place situation. Understanding what application. Guide: point out. (this is about audience) -- applying in other situations.
from Duncan:
-study boundaries: delineating the boundaries. time, location, project type, point of view.
- instrumental utility: 3 kinds. helps others comprehend a situation otherwise enigmatic or confusing, giving the various elements involved direction and a sense of place.
- help others anticipate future possibilities and scenarios, design and practice elements that might apply to / illuminate future cases
- act as guides, highlighting aspects of a situation that might otherwise go unnoticed
also of potential usefulness in sketching out the undsciplined, Duncan's aims to insure against an under- scholarly account, which might include:
over-personal writing style, lack of disclosure, self-justification, missing connections to broader theoretical concepts, inability to defend against reasoned critique particularly in more experimental challenges to academic knowledge practices
from validation to mediation
shift from a binary to a thing that involves the translating relationship
intra-action between framing and mediation
Establishing a lexicon - (validation->mediation as example) - working on language, re-wording. syntax. part of the research. Coining, substitution, sub(s)tractions. Performativity of language.
The problematically popularity of radmin. People flying in for a term. words to gather around. . Not just performative in the Butler sense - which feels more like making law - also you can warm your hands on it. Like Cqrrelations, a psychological or therepeutic level, just as important.
This also came up at the worksession, this idea of externalising. Analysis as a way of doing both therapy and weaponising. Jara and others made a proposal 'queering damage' for queering analytics. Not give up on logic but change the logic.
Emotion. Sorcery -- psychology, not just 'legal'.
Bringing together emotional/psychic and analytical work this is also where it feels wild and uncalibrated.
Geometry of gravitation
Organisations as gravitational fields, not bounded (any org?) -- so you need to describe that, not a frame.
Series of conversations without sides, people orbit-in around conversations -- nothing is excluded. The whole universe is concerned through latent participation, things might happen light years away.
http://organizationunbound.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Organization-Unbound.pdf Warren Nilsson on gravitational forms of organisation
is not spationalizable (hence orbiting!) Not thinking through preclusion. Multi-scalar, it is a perspective.
What orbits towards what.
since the 19th century explanations for gravity have usually been taught in terms of a field model, rather than a point attraction (wikipedia)
rather than two particles attracting each other, the particles distort spacetime via their mass, and this distortion is what is perceived and measured as a "force". (sounds sufficiently decentralised?)
At the worksession - with spiritual and algorithmic (both) there is so much assumption of symmetry - the circle, the centre, where things go from large to small - the geometry of both proposals is extremely non-feral and non-queer. Disciplined in all ways. Queer provideda tool to operate with, within these essentialist practices, sampling from Nilsson, a stability of intention.
"a festival of administration"
"queering mother earth" --
elements within a field. Fields with many points.
what is the rigour in the worksession - not anything goes - a field of tensions.
Stability of intentions
Holding a field, while keeping normativities in check. Rigour of fieldness
Things that operate in the field, like bringing term 'Queer'. Lexicon, methodology, operator
'Field of tensions'
Circles are the ultimate in normative. - the colour wheel in the kids book where you spin it everything depressingly turns to white. the potter's wheel - anything irregular shoots out.
Strategy is pointless (?) or - gravitational shapes in organisation render conventional strategy pointless.
Agency? Forming an organisational strategy ... Or: just not convential business strategy which means opportunity assesment
How to think strategy for gravitational orgs strategy as engagement (Nilsson)
Doing research: How to do a fielding that is both inviting and rigourous.
How to make it consequent outside of its own doing?
Kate: incommensurable and consequential research. Translation, mediation, communication.
consequential means scale-sensitive . scalular
"methods which would infect other sites and scales" ('90s, Gibson) http://www.communityeconomies.org/sites/default/files/paper_attachment/BEYOND%2520GLOBAL%2520VS.%2520LOCAL.pdf
(on the local in the face of the global)
infectuous and inviting
If Constant want to push the practice further, they need to develop the methods for doing and assessing this
Ref. Constant -- doing research collectively For Constant, the moderation and the research are very close, drawing people in to do the research is a large part of it. The collectiveness of the research practice.
"what would success look like"
rigour-as-a-container (ie rigour not necessarily more solid?)
Carrier bag theory - Le Guin - The additional properties of the string bag (holes)
What infrastructure as a way to think about strategy in this ("Language as an infrastructure")?
How to think about relationalitiy. the work of making relations, the inbetween work - rather than setting up the points. In the classic understanding, the rails which carry the train. The work of relations - how is this supported, described, made visible, validated?
One thing that comes up is asymmetry. The archipelago or hypermedia.
Unavailability. falling apart - not in the sense of transparency and validation, where everything not solid disappears - more how the nonstructured can find a place within research.
"the way the energy of people goes" (but at Constant: at different timescales)
business has strategy but you never get strategy in research. Instead: a research questions, aims, and objectives. For disciplined research, the discipline is often the strategy. You advance the field / your career / to larger funding application tiers. The research is formatted by the disciplinary. When you detach the discipline from the research this question of what it does changes.
From strategy to research -- trying to get somewhere, so what else drives it ...
activism? urgency? what moves it/drives
What drives the undisciplined research of Constant is an understanding of needing to work with complexity and complication, located between different forms of life and technological culture.
It is this (not-strategy) that is organising their activities, aimed at making these things happen over varied timescales - within a worksession (bringing queer analytics into a session that could
easily flatten or circle), in writing a 5-year funding application, the rasp-pi super 8, or this conversation. Which is affective work - friendship, history, pleasure - but also helpful for work coming up
in 1.5 years' time. Plotting somehow - on different timescales - and not rasp-pi all the time, which would be losing the plot.
plotting on/through different timescales + levels of desire/affect (plotting the field, not overlooking) -- Haraway: ongoingness?
"planning is making the spirits laugh" (kroatian saying)
Research: not 'strategy' but aims (what is the contribution to your (five fields of) knowledge) + objectives (what do you do to make the aims happen). But they are the same!?
Reading each other's research for methodology (not so much for its content)
finding ways to deal with similar problems, and making it useful to colleagues.
conditions / gravitational fields / research
jumping fields, relation between proving and sharing and which comes first
what type of evidence for (not against) undisciplined research
Marylin Strathern - Tyranny of Transparency
Edouard Glissant - For Opacity
Meeting November 6, on-line
a.pass research center rewrites: https://etherpad.net/p/associatedresearch
worksession evaluations: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/worksessions.evaluatie
'an ethics flag' - that the researcher is likely to be predating / extracting from its networks and collaborators
Predator vs. victim: an assumption of predation and protections. Beyond the implications of holding their data (in a fake safe for disk storage) you have to also protect your interviewee/victim from 'trigger' experiences while being interviewed.
Research as transformative encounters goes unrecognised-- who's at risk here?
A reductionist framework
Exchange? Conversation! a dialouge
relationality of the contract, not transactional
A non-binary contract.
Transactions + relations
Ian MacNeil: legal scholar, argued for the relational nature of contract - all contract law should be re-written as exchange is relational, embedded and cyclical, not discrete transactions.
[Exchange] transactions -- legal contract status quo - bounded, instantaneous, sharp consent
[Exchange] relations -- indirect, cyclical exchange as in fact the dominant type. the duration of which can be infinite
what are we exchanging/contracting here?
Interest in the experiment of thinking across disciplined and undisciplined research
value of the live and realtime thinking, co-formulating, fumbling for words/shapes in an important period for both/each researcher/s
the timing is mutual
and the scheduling of course
exchanging source materials - theory and material experiences
- 'Cross-training time'? Schedule time for it. YES!
- Constant:
- Continuation of a thinking process, to make sure it continues even if it moves to a disciplined place
- No Phd! This process helps understanding/articulating that decision without isolating Constant from the knowledge.
- Enlarging the reflexive framework around worksession-evaluations.
- KR:
- Phd!
- The research overlaps with varied other contexts / collaborators / co-thinkers- sail cargo alliance, foam network, cube, feral business research network, feral trade
Conversant updates
Kate: has 'started' PhD, amidst multiple administrative debacles. The university were emailing her on her previous staff email address that they
themselves had disabled so she missed all the induction formalities, probably not a bad thing. First supervision meeting her director of studies
didn't show up but texted 40 minutes later that she was on a far-off campus in a workshop that had overrun, then spent the rest of the meeting in
a bus in a traffic jam. Luckily the research side is failry self-directed, and one of the motivations behind doing the PhD in the first place was anyway
to hack the workflow of the secondary supervisor, who then sprang into action and we had a very intensive 2 hours transferring understandings of
feral busiiness and PhD research representing acutal mutual learning.
Constant: has started the worksession evaluations. Femke has also suprisingly managed to get the Apass ressearch centre programme and its
whole relationship to research and the PhD re-written, with Vladimir (links above). A means of testing Apass methods in public with a 1 year group
of independent researchers.
[Mixing contexts]
C U T / E N D
In the evaluation sessions, there was a question around ending something. A collaboration, a prceess - the cut-off point. How do you cut while dealing
with the consequences responsibly?
How to define what's internal/external to the research?
Guilt about leaving. 'The start of the process'. Workshop with Brave New Alps
Projecting feelings of guilt. The only way is to make things explicit?
& the 'cookie-licker' effect: someone 'owns the task and puts it back so that no-one else can pick it up. Things which cannot be handed over
Katherine Gibson: 'Cross-training time'. Schedule it! (to prevent holding on to a task). Rotating tasks? Training each other up, for resilience.
[internal jobshadowing, to prevent single people to have a skill]
Casco legally re-naming themselves
Annette Kraus, Unlearning
Unlearning business. Structures to be less busy.
Assemblees. Arts collaboratory. Book/recipes.
'eating shit collectively in the canteen'
Spivak -- (can the subaltern speak, habit)
Eva Weinmayer -- Femininist pedagogies reader
Learning vs. research?
informal education vs. deciding what to study -->> dispute
transformation vs transfer
unlearning = co-generation of knowledge.
research or pedagogy as a framework? Pedagogy as subject matter
for Constant, research is very much in formulating the subject matter, then calling in the methods that can be worked with/on.
learning assumes a knowledge that already exists, that can be transferred/transformed.
the accent in research is more on the generation of knowledge.
Discussing Tsing
Tsing as a business guru!
Reading observers/ethnographers
Complementary practice: not just noticing, but doing it.
Scholars and experimenters.
Non-scalable inventories
What would would non-scalable research be?
Tsing doesn't answer her own question, and reading around the citations, it seems like people have picked up on her work as ethnography
but not as a question of academic research.
It would be interesting to see a comparison of critiques of abstraction (in decolonial scholarship), scalability (in ethnography) and optimisation (in computer science).
The value of the Tsing texts, it moves you away from these critiques by focusing on certain ways of scaling, directly linked to colonial / expansionist / capitalist thinking.
& that these 2 regimes, the scalable and nonscalable are intertwined/interdependent.
& clear to point out that it is not that the non-scalable is 'good', just that it is systematically overlooked.
Not being romantic, how.
Adding the politics?
It's the understanding of the interdependence between the 2 binaries that is most attractive.
We are already entangled - not thinking away from the problem, for alternatives, but also not thinking
of the problems as just something to live with.
Since Spetember Constant conversation on people working on alternative technology in the context of
sovereignty. Tsing text useful in the impossibility of soverignty, but life happens beween those 2 modes.
Co-option of non-scalable.
Tsing talks about salvage capitalism, where non-scalable practices become part of a capitalist supply chain,
for eg. at the moment the wild, foraged mushroom is coded in to legible inventory.
Can this statement not be flipped?
Can you do the opposite of the inventory.
Taking things out of scalable inventories? 'Co-option runs both ways'
Or putting them into illegible inventories.
As the feral is fueled by scavenging from scale resources
but perhaps making these incursions more brzen/explicit?
Taking coffee out of capitalist circulation?
Constant: relations, projects, products all about non-scalability.
How to bring scalable into a non-?scalable context. Reversed move.
Ongoingness - Haraway. Collaborations of the scalable / non-scalable.
in relation to the ehtnographers / noticers and the theorists / academic researchers
Is there a way artists are experimenting on themselves. Situation + observation.
'situated observation' - the software observatory guide as example
more of a thinking-with. a team develops a situation - more than thinking through practice, it is
practice as a way to think together
writing from the position of the experimenter
the quality of Haraway's work - it manages to do situation and observation together.
Hands-on lab. Different situatedness.
Differences between Constant + Feral trade in its relation to research
Difference between individual practice and collective thinking together?
Situations to bring individual practicses together?
'inhabited research'
Does the shift of context change a practice?
And what is making context?
And infrastructure/methods/tools
For Constant, some of the project is to make the context.
then linked to infrastructure/methods/tools.
scalable is about size, but very clearly about context
Desire to scale - excuses for not scaling
relative 'weight'!
Femke presented a Constant book - people say - it should be everywhere!
success can only be measured in numerical weight?
success measured in ongoingness? Not as a marginal move
making/weighting arguments at wildly different scales
a frontline struggle in feral business
In what ways does undisciplined research infect across scales.
- methods
- recipes
- vocabularies
Efficiency, optimisation differently.
Critiques of:
- productivity / efficiency
- abstraction
- scale
- optimisations
... needs looking at specific forms of, intented/politicised forms of
Terms like 'frame' and 'perspective' seem to produce binaries through the semantic fields they are attached to. Only particular 'insides' and an 'outsides' can emerge? What about 'situation', 'figuration' (Donna Haraway), 'phenomenon' (Karen Barad) or 'infrastructure' (Lauren Berlant)? Thinking through togetherness is not about belief or the suspension thereof. We live interdependent realities, developing (non-goodist) collective modes is urgent.
How to live gracefully in "relentlessly diffracting worlds" (Haraway) or "messed up yet shared infrastructures of experience" (Berlant)? Reading Rosi Braidotti, Karen Barad, Donna Haraway, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and more recently Lauren Berlant for tools. Figuring out how to imagine (and practice?) a kind of collectiveness that is not coercive (confirmation vs. affirmation). A collective life otherwise: not eclipsing, absorbing nor ignoring critique, pain, radical difference, ambivalence.
Queerness: "... to wonder together about the potential queer analytics of microbial, animal, plant, mineral, cosmological technoscience, situating ourselves in these mundane and alluring scenes – as an invitation to consider these labours and imagine a collective life otherwise. We will ponder the possibilities and limitation of informatics; and will take seriously the affective forces of nonhuman animals and machines. We ask how might we extend queer theories that concern personal injury into more-than-human ensembles in order to consider the damages shared by humans and nonhumans? How can we generate ways that take us beyond reparative narratives or benevolent utopianism towards more-than-human life?"
[Workshop description 'Queering damage: methodologies for partial reparations ... or not'. Helen Pritchard, Jara Rocha and Laura Benítez https://hangar.org/en/recerca/noticies/workshop-collaboratiu-amb-helen-pritchard-jara-rocha-i-laura-benitez/ ]
Ongoingness: "We all share this problem, and we all have very different ideas about what to do about it. That’s already hard enough. That does not mean the science is not settled on climate change, or that relativism reigns; it does mean learning to compose possible ongoingness inside relentlessly diffracting worlds. And we need resolutely to keep cosmopolitical practices going here, focusing on those practices that can build a common-enough world. Bruno says this, too. Common is not capital C. "Common.” How can we build —compose— a better water policy in the state of California and its various, many parts? How can we truly learn to compose rather than decry or impose?"
[Donna Haraway in discussion with Cary Wolfe]
Affirmative Ethics: "Calling for hybridized poly-lingualism and creolization on a global scale is an affi rmative answer to the coercive mono-culturalism imposed by the colonial and imperial powers. The ethics of productive affirmation is a different way of handling the issue of how to deal with pain and traumas and to operate in situations which are extreme, while working to bring out the generative force of zoe – life beyond the ego-bound human."
[Rosi Braidotti, The Posthuman]
Revisceralization: "None of this feels like the preenactment of fantasies of stardom or love. It does not feel fantasmatic, or allegorical, at all: learning to be awkward, to be graceful, to leap, and to fall is a training in attention and also in revisceralizing one's bodily intuition. It is a training that collapses getting hurt with making a life, but that includes the welcoming of exposure alongside of a dread of it. There can be no change in life without revisceralization. This involves all kinds of loss and transitional suspension."
[Lauren Berlant, The commons: Infrastructure for troubling times]
Boundaries do not sit still: "(A)ny particular apparatus is always in the process of intra-acting with other apparatuses, and the enfolding of locally stabilized phenomena (which may be traded across laboratories, cultures, or geopolitical spaces only to find themselves differently materializing) into subsequent iterations of particular practices constitutes important shifts in the particular apparatus in question and therefore in the nature of the intra-actions that result in the production of new phenomena, and so on. Boundaries do not sit still."
[Karen Barad, Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter]
How does critique work when there is no removal or exteriorisation possible? Where is agency located?
Agential separability I: "It is through specific agential intra-actions that the boundaries and properties of "individuals" within the phenomenon become determinate and particular material articulations of the world become meaningful. A specific intra-action enacts an "agential cut" (in contrast to the Cartesian cut — an inherent distinction— between subject and object), effecting a separation between "subject" and "object" within the phenomenon. In particular, agential cuts enact a resolution within the phenomenon of some inherent ontological indeterminacies to the exclusion of others. That is, intra-actions enact "agential separability"—the condition of exteriority-within-phenomena. So it is not that there are no separations or differentiations, but that they only exist within relations."
[Karen Barad in an interview with Adam Kleinman]
Agential separability II: "The intra-actively emergent "parts" of phenomena are co-constituted. Not only subjects but also objects are permeated through and through with their entangled kin; the other is not just in one's skin, but in one's bones, in one's belly, in one's heart, in one's nucleus, in one's past and future. This is as true for electrons as it is for brittlestars as it is for the differentially constituted human ... What is on the other side of the agential cut is not separate from us -- agential separability is not individuation. Ethics is therefore not about right response to a radically exterior/ized other, but about responsibility and accountability for the lively relationalities of becoming of which we are a part."
[Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning]
(ir)responsibility: "Irresponsible means unable to be called into account. There is a premium on establishing the capacity to see from the peripheries and the depths. But here there also lies a serious danger of romanticizing and/or appropriating the vision of the less powerful while claiming to see from their positions. To see from below is neither easily learned nor unproblematic, even if "we" "naturally" inhabit the great underground terrain of subjugated knowledges. The positionings of the subjugated are not exempt from critical reexamination, decoding, deconstruction, and interpretation; that is, from both semiological and hermeneutic modes of critical inquiry."
[Donna Haraway, Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective]