open design?
think about performance strategies, designing systems routines ways of doing close to performance art, installation..


designing spots of autonomy to develop critical thinking about society. 
students are not trained for a commercial world to serve clients, but they develop their own trajectories.

ideas for the worksession?

departing from something quite concrete.

what is a library, why would it be bound. large
approach is to have something concrete to establish a relation to the topic.

recently been going to think about small project?
punch holes in facades of building that are symbols of capitalism.

starting in the noordwijk. buildings that represent institutions that are part of capitalist society

now having multiple stones from these facades

why establishing a collection, how is it done, centralized decentralized.
thinking about several layers that can be shared

how do you think of something marginal to be relevant as practice..
life of a mouse, nibbling away materials

catalog of holes.. an entity that can-cannot be catalog

any building can be symbolism of capitalism
why those buildings?
> close to the house :P
proposal for long term practise
categorisation: by having something you can start thinking about similarity & difference
where is the knowledge? there is knowledge in very unsuspected thing: listening at the building, you can hear where it will crack
-> goes beyond the book as unit of knowledge

it is also textual
thinking about routines/habits, notion of authorship as something carried over the ages
ex folk stories, is about moral/ethics embedded in construction conveyed over generations
we're used to deal with buildings in a certain way, unusual to stick screwdrive in facade of a bank
as a routine to make protest against capitalism visible

choice of a building?
surveillance cameras, any link to capitalism is target
very subjective
vandalism? goes fast
goes by bike, being filmed is part of the test

biggest stone for now is 20x30cm
every stone is labeled with information of its origin

Protest & resilience
is this putting together of collection a protest?
practise can be enquiry based action
the goal could even be trying to be filmed
'the red link' - a parallel to markers that mark something that is important but are absent because we're not used to it
'what if' - curiosity based protest, make buildings more ugly, not respect these symbolisms of capitalism

facade is public part of a building, part of public space
publicity is one pthing to think about
what is publicity? Public-ness, public-ability, publishing

culture of graffiti, it grew as underground culture
can be ugly, beautiful, protesting
do you see a link?
yes, but approach is to do everything in day light
you can 'misuse' fact that you're an artist

cfr surveillance tours 2010-11
about what cameras are supposed to do and what they don't do

how is collectiveness in worksession organised?
asynchronous: some plenary moments & work in smaller groups
conversations are a way to find interlocutors

how to think of stone as knowledge carrier, how to link it to less obvious collections
how to bring this knowledge back into format of publi library?

2007 VJ9 Constant : has been collecting stones from Congo momument in Parc du Cinquantenaire
word arab has been scratched out
Peter has been distributing these stones
it is a continuation of this, with different focus

Library as space for writing - medieval practise
use it like this