Notes on conversation with Eva Weinmayr

AND: Publishing as educational tool in context of university, in different way than it is usually done, explore immediacy of Print on Demand
Pricay Project, Library of Omissions and Inclusions are all linked to AND, looking at policy of making, distribution, reading publications - economy around it
last 5 ys research into politics of publishing, as Phd
trying to figure out blockages for emancipatory publishing practises:
    - publication is seen as output which feeds systems of validation
    - fixity, stabilization of publications, often finite object (which live in library)
    - authority these discrete finite objects produce

Question to deal with in worksession:
-> collective practise, always the question: how is authorship attributed, sometimes hard to distinguish roles
certain regimes demand that authorship is being attributed, when you're collective, you have to figure out how to deal with this demand
-> anonymous authorship, not attributing....
Sara Ahmed: it is really problematic that it doesn't matter who wrote the piece, it does matter
conversation with migrant friends outside global north: I want to be aknowledged
2 forces pulling in different directions
some want visibility/some don't want it
ex thinking in terms of archive: colophon, is the source bibliographers look at when cataloguing a book, being replicated forever
which roles do you aknowledge? the one who made coffee, had the idea, edited the text...
cfr reader indigenous classification: making small parcels that can be easily used in name of efficiency
-> colophon as a space to meet & think
ex. if you register a book in International standard, you can only register 5 author's names

went into politics of classification, hierarchal structure/controlled vocabulary f.ex. in Library of Congress>>Perspectives and framing under the disguise of neutrality,_theorisation_of_projects#Library_of_Inclusions_and_Omissions_.E2.80.93_radical_publising_practices_require_radical_librarianship
person who describes what this book is about, is always subjective
with Piracy Project, they experimented a lot with classification: ex different categories to put books on the shelf during reading rooms (ex. black/grey/white market/archive/POD or categories of the law/fair use)
the entry point to book collection was each time very different, category organising is meaning making structure
would like to research more how smaller/self-organised libraries/archives find their self-costumized vocabulary & classifications

all research happens in academic context
is also a practical struggle, ex after meeting Femke/Michael she decided to produce research on a wiki, it changes how thesis is produced
everything is public
Manetta Berends/Cristina Cochior (Varia) wrote code for annotation feature: offers space where collaborators can disagree/comment/express different voices
writing research about collective practise

not clear when to stop with this process
it is unbound, not linear, not stable, experiment in itself

-> anyone interested in thinking about systems of attribution?

Mayday Rooms, medium sized collection (16000 documents)
authorship/publisher category to make body a political research tool, mostly always blank!
they are mostly groups
how do you capture collective body? name of collective? affinities?
category 'social mouvement', 'tactics'

Rosemary is ready to continue this conversation

Piracy Project
questions finite aspect of the book
pirating because of censorship, disobedience, minority politics...
Library of Omissions & Inclusions: looked at what goes on the shelf in institutional library
and why not:
- too flimsy
- too ephemeral
- too radical

Look at agency of the book
not so interested on cataloguing in the beginning, she put in descriptions inside the book, became entry point into the book, became a different way to catalog the book, the reader describes what the book did for her/him

rethink the boxes we are in
wondering why physical activity of learning how to box, was intense moment, because of exposure to hit and being hit
this has something to do with borders of the box: my fist touches you & you touch my fist at the same time, vulnerable

Talking about how to work/exchange
ex Mayday Ktichen: collective readings