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Informal Sharing Moment
Friday 5 June 2020

Everyone chooses an item from the week & presents briefly
Please paste timing/link here
No pressure to be complete on what you worked on

15h-15h45 Slot 1
15h-15h10 Introduction to the week by Elodie/Martino/An
15h10-15h20 Feminist Search Tools (we are with 4: Alice, Angeliki, Anja, Annette - has to leave at 17.00 so it would be great if we could share in an earlier slot) / we would like to show a sketch and invite everyone in the room to draw on it while we share our questions/thoughts of this week -- 10 min
This is the image we want to upload on the Whiteboard (but we can do it ourselves): https://cloud.constantvzw.org/s/7Xf3ArjGp2HJXCA?path=%2Fimgs%2FFeminist%20Search%20Tool%20Group
15h20-15h25 RSS - Podcasts (short & have to leave at 16:45) it would be a  sketch and questions about RSS feeds, aggregating and the future - shadow rss? - https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_rss
15h25-15h35 (Option if time allows it + anytime: a walk through a wiki I worked on during the week. Very much solo side project: http://videomagazijn.org/capitawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (very inspiring. It has a bit of détournement)

15min Break
( hot glue intermezzo: https://www.hotglue.constantvzw.org/?unboundlibraries  )

16h-16h45 Slot 2
BAL - a recap on maps of lists / lists of maps (short) 
MDR- lists instead of index 
PDF - different crops of PDF's (5 to 10 min ?)

15min Break
( hot glue intermezzo: https://www.hotglue.constantvzw.org/?unboundlibraries  ) (I love it!) 

17h-17h45 Slot 3
17h-17h05 complexifying relationship between ownership and cultural appropriation - short reading (2-3 min)
17h05-17h20 TBD  I don't have a good title, but it's about spinelessness as opposed to not being bound to anything and collective load bearing in the absence of a spine and formations in lieu of order. In short: a short reading of collective voices, but maybe not as short as the previous one.
17h20-17h30 Femke (Constant) introducing a placeholder // F.A.C. https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/FAC
pad rebinding session, mash-up of leftovers and omissions, with live commentator-medium: 17 min