Unbound Libraries
Worksession 1-5 June 2020, online
Monday 1 June
10h-12h in the Studio https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/mar-ztm-epn: collective session, welcome
10h-10h45: introduction to the week, the program, places, tools, conditions, objectives
10h45-11h: break
11h-12h: each participant asks a question to someone else, based (or not) on the conversations
12h-13h in the Kitchen, Café, Studio, Scriptoria: start possible paths of research, individually or in groups
13h-14h: hangout in the Kitchen
15h: Meeting with BAL + TBD: Conversation about Archive of Volumes (Published and Audible), the agency of the secretariat + Transcriptive Exercise
15h: Proposal for collective gathering in the Studio - by Eva & Peter - to organise the ideas & possible threads
14h-15h in the Studio: 'Guided decolonial tour of the catalogue of Muntpunt' with Heleen Debeuckelaere Heleen is a historian, writer and organizer based in Brussels. She regularly contributes to Belgian and international media and was involved in the birth of the non-profit organization "Metissen van België" and the video channel Black speak Back. Last year she led a curators team on a special collection for the Muntpunt library on the theme of "decolonization".Canceled, hoping for rescheduling
15h-18h in the Kitchen, Café, Studio, Scriptoria: research, individually or in groups
16:00-16:30 Unbinding PDFs (Rosemary, Gijs) Meet in the studio
Unb.lib exercise of the day
A private moment with your library, an 8 minute activity.
+ 12h-13h and 15h-17h: Rebindery
+ 24h: Kitchen, Café, Scriptoria & Studio
Tuesday 2 June
10h-10h30 in the Studio: Goodmorning!
Sharing of plans and proposing collective moments for the day.
[11h-18h in the Kitchen, Café, Studio, Scriptoria: research, individually or in groups]
10h30-11h: IRC session (Roel, Eva, Anja...) SORRY: could we do this straight after the morning session - at 10.30? yes good for me too
12:00-13.30 (Feminist Search Tool) session about: Complexifying gender categories:
14:00 Unb.lib exercise of the day
Unbinding Lib walk - address your library
15:00 MARC
16h-17h discussion about questions around response-ability + openness starting from https://monoskop.org/images/c/cc/Mansoux_Aymeric_Abbing_Roel_Roscam_2020_Seven_Theses_on_the_Fediverse_and_the_Becoming_of_FLOSS.pdf Roel, Femke + rosemary + Eva will join
+ on federation mechanisms, RSS feeds-podcasts
Meet here: https://conf.domainepublic.net/FAC - sorry, here instead: https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/mar-ztm-epn
Notes: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_FAC
16h: Extra Spinal Content: Collective Writing Exercise w members of Hardworking Goodlooking
i.e., how to answer an interview together, when we don't want to do free labor but also want to be counted in a research project
Location: where are you organising this? is it open? https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/HWGLInterview
---we are meeting again tomorrow! and i got permission from others to make it an open thing, we are happy to have guests!
17.30: Preparing conversation with IHLIA
+ 11h-13h and 14h-17h: Rebindery
+ 24h: Kitchen, Café, Scriptoria & Studio
Wednesday 3 June
10h-11h in the Studio: Goodmorning!
Sharing of plans of the day, updating the program for the afternoon.
[11h-15h in the Kitchen, Café, Studio, Scriptoria: research, individually or in groups]
11.30 FST Sketching session as follow up of the 'complicating_gender_classification' session - possibilties of a writable matrix (svenja, annette, alice, angeliki) https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/ali-w2u-jcn
12.00-13.00 BAL, MaydayRooms: Ephemera
1330h Catering Service
RECIPIENTS Alice and Angeliki
- Filling: Smoked mackerel, umesu paste, and Kewpie mayo
- Rice dressing: Mirin, Furikake
- Covering: Nori
Ful Medames
- Ingredients: Fava beans (canned), lemon, tahini, garlic, roasted cumin seeds, goodness
- Ingredients: Grape leaves, rice, onion, dill, mint, salt, pepper, lemon---->>>(from a can, but it's yum)
14h Extra-spinal content: TBD + Neighbor/Writer/Publisher
On the experience of shipping one's library as a form of mooring, when one has forsaken home
TEXT ONLY https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibrary.neighborlytranscripts
AUDIO SALON https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/cla-7e9-czf
14:00 PDF tour OSP (Alex Leray) on https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/ale-jzg-d3x
Unb.lib exercise of the day:
BAL proposes a Fortune teller
Send us an email and receive a fortune for the next three days based on fragments from the BAL archive.
This exercise does not require you being present at a meeting. You can find instructions here https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unbinding_exercises
15h-18h in the Studio: collective session with all groups possibly
internal exchange, with XPUB students as guests
15h-15h45: Open access and cultural appropriation (hosts: Elo (Clara--lurking mostly))
Notes: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_appropriateaccess
16h-16h45: MARC Records (hosts: Martino, Anice, Jacopo, Svenja?)
Notes: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_marcru
17h-17:45h: Omissions (hosts: Eva, Rosemary, Femke)
Notes: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_omission_discussion
16h: Extra Spinal Content: Collective Writing Exercise w members of Hardworking Goodlooking Part 2
TEXT ONLY https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/HWGLInterview
AUDIO SALON https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/cla-7e9-czf
+ 11h-13h and 14h-15h: Rebindery
+ 24h: Kitchen, Café, Scriptoria & Studio
Thursday 4 June
10h-10h30 in the Studio: Goodmorning!
collective session sharing plans of the day, updating the day program
11.00 MayDay Rooms Archive tour https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/mar-ztm-epn
11.30 talk on dis/affordances of federation: https://conf.domainepublic.net/FAC and https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_fed
we're meeting here instead: https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/an--7r2-rnc
12.00: Anja conversation with IHLIA at OBA (public library Amsterdam) ... will be recorded
14h: Padbinding exercise (&...)https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unbinding_exercises
16h-17h: Radio Implicancies, broadcast by XPUB students https://issue.xpub.nl/12/
16h Extra-spinal content: TBD + Sandberg Institute
Another attempt at mediating a choreography between volumed/unvolumed, audible/visible conversation.
Another edition of Publishing as Bloodletting.
+ 11h-13h and 14h-15h: Rebindery
+ 24h: Kitchen, Café, Scriptoria & Studio
Friday 5 June
10h-11h in the Studio: collective session with all groups, look at the materials, discuss and decide degrees of publicity and circulation, organise public moment
11:30 talk on dis/affordances of federation II: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/unboundlibraries_fed and https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/an--7r2-rnc
14h meet in studio
15h-18h on the Unbound Libraries Broadcast: informal sharing moment
sharing some results of the week with interested friends & friendly outsiders
+ 12h-13h and 14h-15h: Rebindery
+ 24h: Kitchen, Café, Scriptoria & Studio
The Index gathers tools, and lists of pads https://etherdump.constantvzw.org/unboundlibraries/
The Studio is a video call room using Big Blue Button where we can meet with up to 50 people and record sessions, create screencasts. https://bbb.constantvzw.org/b/mar-ztm-epn
The Rebindery is an audio call room using jit.si where you can find either Elodie, Martino or An. At different times of the day you can come here to share doubts, ask questions, discuss, look for recommendations...
The Café is an audio call room using jit.si that can take up to 10 people for live discussions and sharing. information in a chat.
The Kitchen is an IRC channel (#unboundlibraries) for hangouts, small talk, oxygen breaks.
(or use IRC client: server= irc.freenode.net channel=#unboundlibraries port=6697)
The Scriptoria are th pads for collective note taking, they also have a chat option.
The Unbound Libraries Broadcast is a streaming system, to play video and sound.
Constant Collaboration Guidelines