Part of the [Unbound Libraries Documentation](
# Unbound Libraries: Index of materials
## During the worksession
### Recordings of final sharing
#### [Part 1 - 1h18 -](
<li>[00:33 - 09:09] Introduction to the week: Elodie, Martino, An</li>
<li>[09:55 - 27:40] Feminist Search Tools: Alice, Angeliki, Anja, Annette </li>
<li>[34:03 - 42:48] Walk through wiki: Peter <></li>
<li>[44:58 - 53:40] Podcasts: Wendy <></li>
<li>[44:55 - 1:02:20] BAL - a recap on maps of lists/lists of maps: Mia, Jessica</li>
<li>[1:02:55 - 1:15:15] Mayday Rooms - lists instead of index: Rosemary</li>
<li>[1:16:48 - 1:18] Different crops of PDFs: Gijs/Open Source Publishing - continues in Part 2 [Recropped pdfs]( </li>
#### [Part 2 - 1h07 -](
<li>[00:00 - 14:40] Different crops of PDFs: Gijs/Open Source Publishing - [Recropped pdfs](</li>
<li>[17:00 - 23:52] Complexifying relationship between ownership and cultural appropriation - short reading: Elodie - ADD LINK to Trinh T. Minh-ha - Elsewhere, Within Here Immigration, Refuge.pdf </li>
<li>[24:20 - 47:05] To Be Determined - I don't have a good title, but it's about spinelessness as opposed to not being bound to anything and collective load bearing in the absence of a spine and formations in lieu of order. In short: a short reading of collective voices, but maybe not as short as the previous one.</li>
<li>[48:00 - 1:03:33] Femke (Constant) introducing a placeholder // F.A.C. <></li>
<li>[1:03:40 - 1:05:15] pad rebinding session, mash-up of leftovers and omissions, with live commentator-medium <></li>
### Recordings of work moments
<li>A conversation between Rosemary (Mayday Rooms) and Mia & Loraine (BAL - Brussels Almenac Lesbian) about fragmented ephemera – or ways to not be daunted by the body of material at your hands - 1h14: [](</li>
<li>The team of Feminist Search Tool discusses the idea of complexifying gender categories in libraries - 1h16: [](</li>
<li>Discussion about questions around response-ability, openness, federation mechanisms and RSS feeds-podcasts starting from <> with Roel, Femke, Rosemary, Eva - 1:14: [](</li>
<li>To Be Determined (Clara and Matthew) talk about the physical migration of libraries and spineless publications, or on the experience of shipping one's library as a form of mooring, when one has forsaken home - 54:11: [](</li>
<li>Rosemary (<>), Eva (<>), Femke(<>) discuss 3 cases of omission in libraries - 51:28: [](</li>
<li>Discussion with Elodie on open access in relation to cultural appropriation - 51:43: [](</li>
<li>Open Source Publishing (Alex & Gijs) give a guided tour on tools and tricks to unbind pdfs - 1:10: [](</li>
<li>A following-up talk on the dis/affordances of federation mechanisms moderated by Roel - 1h17: [](</li>
### Collective notetaking
#### General
<li>Program: <></li>
<li>Brainstorm (an overlook on ongoing threads for the week): <></li>
<li>Starting questions (trace of a round of questions on the first day): <></li>
<li>Program for friday afternoon: <></li>
#### Threads
<li>Rebinding licenses: <></li>
<li>Unbinding pdfs: <></li>
<li>Short introduction to the IRC Chat: <></li>
<li>Open access and cultural appropriation: <></li>
<li>MARC Records: <></li>
<li>Omission: <></li>
<li>Research on Podcasts, RSS and aggregators: <></li>
<li>Fragments and ephemera BAL & MDR: <></li>
<li>Complexifying Gender Categories FST: <>
<li>To Be Determined <></li>
<li>Federation Mechanisms: <></li>
<li>Tour of Mayday Rooms Archive: <></li>
<li>Exercises: <></li>
<li>Unbinding/Rebinding exercise: <></li>
<li>Hotglue collage with images: <></li>
## Before the worksession
### Reader
We selected fragments of texts and organised them in a reader that was posted to the participants in the first week of May.
<li>References and different possible orderings: <></li>
<li>Pdfs <></li>
### Conversations with participants during the month of May
As we were 21 unbound librarians trying to get to know each other, collaborate and exchange as much as possible, we decided to organise online conversations with each one during the month of May. People could listen in if they were interested. Every conversation was recorded and shared online.
<li>Index: <></li>
<li>Open Source Publishing: [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Roel Roscam Abbing: [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>BAL (Brussel Almanack Lesbian*) (Jessica Gysel, Loraine Furter, Mia Melvær): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Feminist Search Tool (Anja Groten-Hackers & Designers, Angeliki Diakrousi, Alice Strete, Annette Krauss, Ola Hassanin, Svenja Engels, Laura Pardo (Read-in): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Eva Weinmayr (AND, Piracy Project, Why Publish?): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Infrastructural Manoeuvres (Anita, Martino): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Wendy Van Wynsberghe (Constant): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>TBD (To Be Determined) (Clara Balaguer): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Peter Westenberg (Constant): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Femke Snelting (Constant): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Mayday Rooms (Rosemary Grennan): [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Rebal (Jacopo Anderlini): [Recording](</li>
### Interviews of local experts during the month of May
To prepare this worksession we organised a few interviews with people working in libraries.
<li>Muntpunt, Lise Vanderpiete: Muntpunt is a public Flemish library in the center of Brussels where we would have organised the worksession in normal times. Last year they organised a 'decolonizing trajectory' for which they invited 13 curators who could select books to add to the collection. Lise Vanderpiete coordinated the project. [Recording](</li>
<li>KBR, Frédéric Lemmers: KBR is the acronym for Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Bibliothèque Royal. It is the Royal Library of Belgium located in the center of Brussels. Over the years they developed their own digitization department, managed now by Frédéric Lemmers. He gave us a tour of the department and highlighted the main challenges and issues.
<li>[Pictures of the visit](</li>
<li>[Snippets per topic](</li>
<li>[Raw file 1](</li>
<li>[Raw file 2](</li>
<li>[Raw file 3](</li>
<li>KBR, Hannes Lowagie: As an employee of KBR Hannes Lowagie is responsable for the digital catalogue. Two years ago KBR decided to merge all the separate database systems - related to different departments, like 'coins', 'manuscripts' etc - into one. Hannes was responsible for this process. He has also some thoughts about how the profession of cataloguist is changing in the digital age. [Recording](</li>
<li>Cultuurconnect, Rosa Matthys: Rosa is retired since 5 months, but for 40 years she has been a cataloguist working on the federal system for Flanders. [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Cultuurconnect, Annika Buysse: Annika is responsable for keywording & SISO/ZIZO system for libraries in Flanders. [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
<li>Bruxelles nous appartient/Brussel behoort ons toe (BNA-BBOT), Séverine Janssen: BNA-BBOT is a 20 year old archive with audio recordings/stories from people living in Brussels by people living in Brussels. With Séverine we discussed the ideas of 'minor' archive, 'oral' history, participatory methods of collecting interviews/sounds/testimonies in Brussels. [Notes]( - [Recording](</li>
## After the worksession
<li>A guided decolonial tour of the catalogue of Muntpunt with Heleen Debeuckelaere. Heleen is a historian, writer and organizer based in Brussels. She regularly contributes to Belgian and international media and was involved in the birth of the non-profit organization "Metissen van België" and the video channel Black speak Back. Last year she led a curators team on a special collection for the Muntpunt library on the theme of "decolonization" - 1h6: [](</li>
## Images during the worksession
<li> <></li>