# wget --no-parent -nd -r -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png http://titipi.org/diag/
# wget -O style.css https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/titipi.nonsovereign-css/export/txt
# wget -O - https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/titipi.nonsovereign-graph/export/txt | sfdp -Tsvg -o diagram.svg
# wget -O - https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/titipi.nonsovereign-graph/export/txt | sfdp -Tpdf -o "so-and-sovereignty.pdf"
# rsvg-convert -u -w 9933 -f svg -o diagram-lg.svg diagram.svg
# convert diagram-lg.svg diagram.pdf 
# pdfposter -p4x8a4 diag333.pdf diagram-tiled.pdf
# pdf2ps diagram4.pdf - | ps2pdf - diagram4-print.pdf

digraph nonsovereign {

        # ranksep=0.75;
        # size="146.8x166.2!";
        # size="23.4x33!";
  node [fontname="Certegeska", fontsize="24pt",color=transparent]  
  edge [fontname="Liberation Serif", fontsize="12pt", arrowhead="curve",dir=both,arrowtail="curve"]

subgraph creases {
    node [fillcolor="black",color=transparent,style=bold, fontsize="36pt",fontname="Amiamie round"

  "The Institute for\nTechnology in the\nInterest of Worms"

subgraph images {

node [imagescale=true,shape=square,color=transparent,fixedsize=true, width=2, height=1,style=bold,labeljust=l,labelloc=t,fontname="Liberation Serif",fontsize="12pt",label="",class="quotes",xlp=1];
#adjusting labeljust nor labelloc seems to make a difference?


  Constellations: Tracing possible
  and probable relations and patterns
  Throwing worms at Paul Baran, 
  On Distributed Networks (1964)
Active helical waves produced by 
the motion of individual worms 
facilitate collective tangling 
and ultrafast untangling.
Paranodal is a term that conceptualizes
that which is other to — or an 
alternative to — a network 
configuration. (...) the paranode is
the space that networks leave out,
the negative space of networks, the
noise between nodes and edges. 
(Zach Blas, Contra-Internet ←→
Ulises Ali Mejias, Off the Network)

Polynesian stick chart for
archipelaic navigation: 
wind, tide, location

imgGraph[image="so-and-sovereignty.svg", width=11,xlabel="
   Warning: the bounding boxes of some nodes touch 
   - falling back to straight line edges
failed at node 0[1]
sfdp: maze.c:313: chkSgraph: 
    Assertion `np->cells[1]' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)



        Mycellium, circular cascading
        rootstructure (decentralized
        but hierarchical)

   imgAbime[image="misenabime.png", width=2.5,xlabel="

   imgTrace[image="burrow-trace.png", width=6,xlabel="

        imgHyper[image="hypervisor.png", width=3, xlabel="
        “(It) is not about a relationship
        between the tangible and the
        intangible, it is about the fixed
        duration of a relationship of 
        trust, and a way of structuring
        the future in terms of liability
        and responsibility” (The durability
        of software, Erickson & Kelty)
        Preparing a server migration",fontsize="15pt"
        Cell for Digital Discomfort, diagram of “Conditions
        for Connectivity,” 2021, digital rendering of an
        abstract plain-text diagram.



        Diagram of the crystallographic 
        structure of a zinc metallo-beta-
        lactamase from bacillus cereus. 
        Folding is part of the dynamics 
        of proteins. Proteins are not
        strictly static objects, but 
        rather populate ensembles of 
        Transitions between these states 
        occur on a variety of time scales.
        “This is a rhythm of endurance, of surging
        forward and withdrawing. It is not a
        rhythm of endless becoming nor of staying
        put; it is making the most of the “hinge,”
        of knowing how to move and think through
        various angles while being fully aware of
        the constraints, the durability of those
        things that are “bad for us”.” 
        (Improvised Lives, AbdouMaliq Simone)

        Lygia Clark, Caminhando
        [Walking] (1964)

        Virtualization is a process that
        allows a computer to share its
        hardware resources with multiple
        digitally separated environments.
        Each virtualized environment runs
        within its allocated resources,
        such as memory, processing power,
        and storage. (AWS)

“The 3300 is a time sharing
mini-computer system for only
1/4 the cost of subscription
services or other in-house
time sharing systems.
That, in itself, is very

        “In the wormhole the worm creates an 
        infrastructure to hold itself in the
        world: the hole fits the worm, but only
        as it moves.” (On the inconvenience of 
        other people, Lauren Berlant)

        “We might imagine re-turning as a
  multiplicity of processes, such
  as the kinds earthworms revel in
  while helping to make compost or
  otherwise being busy at work and
  at play: turning the soil over and
  over – ingesting and excreting it,
  tunnelling through it, burrowing, 
  all means of aerating the soil, 
  allowing oxygen in, opening it up
  and breathing new life into it”
  (Diffracting Diffraction: Cutting
  Together-Apart, Karen Barad)






        Klein Bottle topology:
        Inside is outside is inside
        is outside is inside is
        outside is inside is outside
        is inside is outside is inside



        Queer ligatures: inclusive, non-binary,
        post-binary fonts, under construction.
        The fonts use the Queer Unicode Initiative
        (QUNI) to encode their inclusive glyphs
        and make their use compatible.
        (Bye Bye Binary)


        Abolishing the ally industrial
        complex, an indigenous perspective

Teletype Plot, abstraction
of a collective tracing of 
wormly togetherness at XPUB
(Aglaia, Boby, Suzan, 
Ada, Stephen, Cara)  

subgraph main {
        edge [fontsize="10pt"]
        imgUltrafast -> imgNemaone, imgNematwo, imgNemathree, imgNemafour

                        imgTeletype -> imgDiagtty2
                        imgDiagtty2 -> containerization

        imgPassage -> imgHinge -> imgTwoworms -> imgWorms -> "The Institute for\nTechnology in the\nInterest of Worms" 
        imgLigature -> imgPassage, imgTwoworms
        imgUniverse -> imgPassage, imgUniverse, imgAbime
        imgWorm -> imgWorms -> imgTwoworms -> imgWormhole
        imgTwoworms -> imgBridge, imgPassage, imgBurrow
        imgAbime -> imgWalking, imgUniverse
        imgAbime -> imgAbime -> imgGraph
        "The Institute for\nTechnology in the\nInterest of Worms" -> imgTrace, imgBurrow, imgEnzyme, imgBridge, imgGroundhog, imgMycelium, imgUltrafast
        imgDecentralize -> imgFediverse -> imgParanode
        imgIslands -> imgConstellation -> imgGraph
   imgConstellation -> nonsovereignty [label="as the being together with stars",fontsize="15pt"]
        "federation" -> imgFediverse -> imgConstellation -> imgIslands, imgDiffraction
        federation, imgDecentralize -> horizontality -> "horizontal integration"
        "horizontal integration" -> "vertical integration"
        "digital\nnonsovereignty" -> imgBurrow, "so-and-sovereignty"
        "boundaries\ndo not\nsit still" -> "so-and-sovereignty"
        "digital\nnonsovereignty" -> nonsovereignty
        "digital sovereignty" -> "state sovereignty", "food sovereignty"
        "digital\nnonsovereignty" -> "radical\nrelationality", "(neo-)liberalism", "free market"
        "food sovereignty" -> "self-determination"
        "self-determination" -> "food sovereignty"
        terroir -> territory
        "self-determination" -> autonomy
        sovereignty -> "strategic autonomy" [label=
        "A colleague reports: Recently, the EU decided
        to use the term 'strategic autonomy' instead of
        'sovereignty' because the latter term would 
        suggest that the EU is not in support of a
        free market.", class="quote"]
        "strategic autonomy" -> "free market"
        "strategic autonomy" -> "relational\nsovereignty"

        territory -> "boundaries\ndo not\nsit still"
        "state sovereignty" -> "control", "borders", "violence", "territory", "institution"
        "control" -> "flow management" -> imgGraph
        "radical\nrelationality" -> "interdependency" -> "digital\nnonsovereignty"

        "interdependency" -> attachment
        "(neo-)liberalism" -> "free flows" -> "free market"
        "smooth-flow" -> "free market"
        "smooth-flow" -> "borders" [class="quote",xlabel="
        Effective control of the border 
        crossings should strive for 
        smooth flows of persons and goods. 
        (Specific Objective 2.1: Smooth, 
        Lawful, Safe and Secure Border 
        Crossings, FRONTEX )
        "smooth-flow" -> "flow management"
        subgraph what{
        edge [fontsize="14pt",fontname="Amiamie round",label="?", style=dotted]
        "bundled beings" -> unbundling
        imgIslands -> imgFediverse
        "self-determination" -> "territory"
        "interdependency" -> dependency
        autonomy -> interdependency
        "free flows" -> "no borders"
        "technological\nsovereignty" -> "digital sovereignty"
        "food sovereignty" -> autonomy -> sovereignty
        "technological\nnonsovereignty" -> "relational\nsovereignty"
        "free flows" -> imgIslands
        centralization -> imgDecentralize
        solidarity -> intersectionality -> "relational\nsovereignty"
        "reproductive\nnetworking" -> "productive\nconnectivity"
        subgraph not{
        edge [label="≠", style=dashed, fontsize="20pt",fontname="Amiamie round"]

        horizontality -> "horizontal integration"
        "horizontal integration" -> "vertical integration"
        unbundling -> solidarity -> imgAccomplice
        "strategic autonomy" -> "autonomy"
        "strategic autonomy" -> "relational\nsovereignty"
        imgMycelium -> imgDecentralize
        seamfulness -> "smooth-flow" 
        parallelism -> "queer angles"
        intersectionality -> parallelism
        imgIslands -> "boundaries\ndo not\nsit still" -> "no borders" -> borders
        "technological\nnonsovereignty" -> "technological\nsovereignty"
        state -> "the anti-state state"
        undercommons -> "The Commons"
        autonomy -> "the cyst model"
        ambiguity -> "digital separation"
        "bounded beings" -> "bundled beings"
        "food sovereignty" -> "food security"
        subgraph clusterTheCloud {
        "The Cloud" -> imgAbime, imgHyper, imgGuest, virtualization
        parallelism -> "The Cloud", imgAbime
        "The Cloud" -> containerization, virtualization
        "digital separation" -> "digital sovereignty"
        "digital separation" -> parallelism

        "queer angles" -> imgWalking, imgUniverse, imgLigature, imgHinge
        "technological\nsovereignty" -> "food sovereignty"
        "technological\nsovereignty" -> autonomy, "Do It Yourself" -> "technological\nsovereignty"
        "food sovereignty" -> terroir
        imgImbricate -> "entrenchment" -> imgBurrow 
        maintenance -> entrenchment [label="Some entrenched software\nis maintained, and some\nis not"]
        "entrenchment" -> "burrowing" -> "The Institute for\nTechnology in the\nInterest of Worms"
        "The Institute for\nTechnology in the\nInterest of Worms" -> extitution -> institution
        extitution -> imgParanode -> imgTitipi -> institution
        extitution -> "queering operations"
        imgGraph -> territory, "boundaries\ndo not\nsit still" -> "The Cloud"
        "The Cloud" -> containerization, virtualization
        centralization -> imgWormhole
        solidarity -> "relational\nsovereignty", "insurgent\nintersectionality"
        solidarity -> "relational\nsovereignty" [label="solidarity needs to be a condition otherwise this is all just philosophy (Miriyam Aouragh)",fontsize="15pt"]
        "insurgent\nintersectionality" -> "radical\nrelationality" -> "relational\nsovereignty" -> sovereignty
        "radical\nrelationality" -> imgAccomplice
        "insurgent\nintersectionality" -> imgTwoworms
        "relational\nsovereignty" -> "relational\nsovereignty" [label="Miriyam Aouragh,\nLayal Ftouni,\nMaayke Botman,\nSruti Bala", class="quote"]

        state -> territory [label="The potential\nof less sovereignty"]
        affect -> state -> "The Commons"
        autonomy -> "self-determination" 
        Freedom -> sovereignty [label="
        One need not be a nationalist,
        nor imagine self-determination
        to be fixed in modern definitions
        of states and sovereignty, to
        conclude that, at the end of
        the day, freedom is a place.
        (Abolition Geography: Essays
        Towards Liberation, Ruth Wilson
        no -> opacity [label=<
        We say <B>no</B>; <B>no </B>to this disposal of <B>no</B>.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        We raise our voices in saying <B>no </B> to <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        this violence and injustice. <B>No </B> can <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        become a form of critical refusal, as<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        Angela Davis might suggest; <B>no </B> that <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        involves commitment, <B>no </B> that requires <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        time and work as we grapple to <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        understand the system from which an<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        injustice gapes like a hole; <B>no </B> as part <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        of a project of counter-knowledge, to<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        counter with knowledge; <B>no </B> as a struggle<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        not to reproduce injustices that exist.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
        (<B>No</B>, Sara Ahmed)<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>>,class="quote"]
        no -> "counterlog(ist)ics"
        affect -> "affective\ninfrastructure"
        "affective\ninfrastructure" -> nonsovereignty
        "infrastructural\nmanoeuvres" -> "institutional\nmanoeuvres"
        "infrastructural\nmanoeuvres" -> entrenchment
        "institutional\nmanoeuvres" -> entrenchment
        opacity -> "the cyst model"
        extitution -> "the cyst model"
        entrenchment -> "the cyst model"
        nonsovereignty -> "the cyst model"
        undercommons -> "the cyst model" 
        "the cyst model" -> endosymbiosys
        "the cyst model" -> "vertical integration"
        "the cyst model" -> dissolution
        "so-called\nausterity" -> "institutional\nexhaustion"
        "institutional\ningratitude" -> "institutional\nexhaustion"
        "institutional\ndetachment" -> "institutional\nexhaustion"
        "institutional\nexhaustion" -> dissolution
        institution -> "institutional\ningratitude"
        institution -> "institutional\ndetachment"
        institution -> "so-called\nausterity"
        imgCompanion -> "conditions for\nconnectivity", "software\ncompanionship", "mutual\nconstitution", "reproductive\nnetworking", "productive\nconnectivity"
        "mutual\nconstitution" -> "radical\nrelationality" [label="
        Incon­ve­nience is another way of pointing to
        the experience of nonsovereign relationality.
        It does not always produce a sense of injury
        but does always signify the pressure of what
        to do with coexistence. (On the inconvenience
        of other people, Lauren Berlant)",class="quote"]
        "software\ncompanionship" -> solidarity
        imgTimeshare -> parallelism -> "time sharing"-> "productive\nconnectivity"
        imgTeletype -> parallelism, imgTimeshare
        "institutional\nmanoeuvres" -> imgCompanion, imgTitipi, imgGraph, solidarity, extitution
        "institutional\nexhaustion" -> "digital depletion" -> "The Cloud"
        "institutional\nmanoeuvres" -> extitution [label="ongoing conversations\nwith Tere Badia, Jara Rocha",class="quote"]
        "institutional\ndetachment" -> outsourcing -> "The Cloud"
        "institutional\ndetachment" -> "organized\nabandonment" [label="
        But even stand-ins, in times of austerity,
        might unionize, might move from being
        objects of organized abandonment (...)
        to subjects who refuse — who refuse to bear
        the weight of late capitalism’s stark utopia,
        the abstraction of abandonment, the violence
        of abstraction. (Abolition Geography: Essays
        Towards Liberation, Ruth Wilson Gilmore)", class="quote"]
        "organized\nabandonment" -> "so-called\nausterity"
        "The Cloud" -> abstraction
        "The Cloud" -> "data disposession"
        sovereignty -> dispossession
        dispossession -> "data dispossession"
        dispossession -> "bounded beings"
        "bounded beings" -> solidarity
        "bounded beings" -> "radical\nrelationality"
        "bounded beings" -> "mutual\nconstitution"
        vulnerability -> nonsovereignty [label="
        vulnerability is [not]\nreducible to its injurability.
        (Judith Butler ←→ Jennifer C. Nash)",class="quote"]
        "The Commons" -> nonsovereignty [label="
        If The Commons claim sounds like an 
        incontestably positive aim, I think of
        it more as a tool, and often a weapon,
        for unlearning the world, which is key
        to not reproducing it (On the inconvenience
        of other people, Lauren Berlant)", class="quote"]
        opacity -> ambiguity -> ambivalence
        ambiguity -> "so-and-sovereignty" 
        trembling -> nonsovereignty 
        trembling -> imgUltrafast [label="
        A trembling thought is not a frightened
        thinking, nor a fearful or hesitant one,
        it is the thought that refuses systems
        that are rigidly self-contained, and
        that believes that the world trembles,
        physiologically, in its becoming, in
        its suffering, in its oppositions, in
        its massacres, in its genocides, in its
        pleasures. (Poetics of relation, Édouard
        Glissant)", class="quote"]
        opacity -> "nonsovereignty" [label="
        Agree not merely to the right to difference, but,
         carrying this further, agree also to the right 
        to opacity that is not enclosure within an 
        impenetrable autarchy but subsistence within an 
        irreducible singularity. Opacities can coexist 
        and converge, weaving fabrics. To understand 
        these truly one must focus on the texture of the 
        weave and not on the nature of its components.
        (For Opacity, Édouard Glissant)", class="quote"]
        opacity -> "counterlog(ist)ics"
        opacity -> invisibility
        undercommons -> invisibility
        undercommons -> fugitive
        fugitive [label=""]
        invisibility -> invisibility
        invisibility -> fugitive
        seamfulness -> friction
        friction -> imgUltrafast
        "topological\nself-transformation" -> imgUltrafast

        imgEnzyme -> imgUltrafast, imgWorms
        imgQueernation -> "boundaries\ndo not\nsit still"

        "seemingly\nsimultaneous" -> "time sharing" [class="quote",label="
        (I)n the ideal case, a time-sharing system
        gave multiple users the illusion of having
        exclusive access to a machine all their
        own (The Apple II Age: How the Computer
        Became Personal, Laine Nooney)"]
        "seemingly\nsimultaneous" -> "The Cloud"
        "bundled beings" -> "The Cloud" [class="quote",label="
        The student card, the username and password, 
        the name.surname@institution.edu email, 
        the LDAP credentials, the eduroam account, 
        the Adobe license, the Zoom login, the card 
        to pay at the canteen, the library card, the 
        badge to enter the premises — or the 
        recorded fingerprint directly, 
        so you can’t leave it at home
        unbundling -> "digital separation"
        unbundling -> outsourcing
        unbundling -> solidarity
        "bundled beings" -> unbundling
        "bundled beings" -> "🪢🪢🪢🪢🪢"
        "so-and-sovereignty" -> "queer angles" [label="Maybe it is not about replacing one term by another, but to find was to cut diagonally through them"]
        "Indeterminate\nprecarity" -> trembling [label="
        Indeterminacy, the unplanned nature of
        time, is frightening, but thinking
        through precarity makes it evident
        that indeterminacy also makes life
        possible. (The Mushroom at the End of
        the World: On the Possibility of Life
        in Capitalist Ruins, Anna Lowenhaupt
        Tsing", class="quote"]
        "insurgent\nintersectionality" -> "trans-sectionality"
        "Indeterminate\nprecarity" -> nonsovereignty

                        "Ambivalent precarity" -> ambivalence, "Indeterminate\nprecarity" [label="
                        Precarity is ambivalent, because we
                        are always dependent on other people
                        from the beginning but other people
                        can also harm us, so we need an
                        understanding of ethics to cope with
                        this ambivalence (Judith Butler)", class="quote"]

%Hybrid cloud (Red Hat)
%fog computing = edge computing
        "so-and-sovereignty" -> date
        date [label="So-and-sovereignty diagram, v0.4. June, 2023",fontsize="10pt",fillcolor="black"]
