Uk or swiss?
which sites
onboarding costs and the money in the budget 

Timing issue
social and cultural imaginaries - some tensions with how trying to hold between TITipi - cultural transformations, cultural, technical and economical .. so need some space for working on this... if all TITIpi time held by the project...
What does it mean for F+S - 20%... 
If that is eaten .... by the project.. risk of hollowing out institute....

the location ... is for getting the grant. It was present from the start that it would not just be UK
now HP not in UK? so then what would it mean to move it to switzerland
Frictions of researching cloud transnationally
There would be activities in UK
titipi as the transnational site

it is about the materiality of infrastructure and how it is shifting; how communities are imagined by these infrastructures. Migration politics. Undoing borders/re-establishing borders

it doesn't have to be within migration studies

we could be doing the work through interviewing ... some in the UK or some with titipi

does maybe not need to speak back to UK?

there is the reality of work 
it will be more than one day a week for FS

interested in working  with these people and learn from them; brilliant political work.

doing research jointly
can some of the tasks be done by the RA
Could we do some of the AHRC work onto this? What would it look like? This is interesting
How would it make it possible for Miri and Seda to be there

right now no resources ... what might it mean if it would pay for research
AHRC would mean buy out

from no resources to some 



1. Not do it all
2. HP does all of it, without TITIpi and a different collaborator
3. FS out -- someone else does the 65% with HP
4. Split the role now: FS + HP both 20% and someone else 45%
5. FS does it with HP as listed now: HP 20% and FS 65%
6. We start it together, and then see how to hand SRF role over to another highly skilled practitioner (in year 2-3?)
7. We start it together, and then split the role (in year 2-3?): FS + HP both 20% and someone else 45% (another highly skilled practitioner)