# wget -O - https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/titipi.audit.NeON-graph/export/txt | sfdp -Tpng -o infrastructure.png
digraph {
NEoN [style=filled fillcolor=darkorchid1 fontcolor=white fontsize="60" shape=component]
Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, "Amazon inc.", AWS [style=filled fillcolor=blue fontcolor=white fontsize="25pt" shape=circle]
Alphabet -> GMail, YouTube, "Google Maps", "Google Drive", "Google Docs", "Google Calendar", "Google Fonts", "Google Meet", "Google Translate", "Google Forms", "Google Analytics",
reCAPTCHA, Flickr
"Google Analytics" -> "www.neon-festival.com", "https://neondigitalarts.com", Gathertown
"Google Fonts" -> Gathertown
Meta -> WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger
"Amazon inc." -> Twitch, "Amazon.co.uk", AWS, "meet.jit.si" , Slack, Twitch, Soundcloud, Spotify, Amazon, Confluence, Facebook, Messenger, Zoho, Zoom, Soundcloud, Wetransfer -> AWS
Microsoft -> "MS Teams", Discord, PayCircle, "booking.com", Flickr
Zoom -> "Otter-AI"
Wordpress -> UpDraftPlus -> "Google Drive"
Jitsi -> "meet.jit.si"
"Webdeveloper B" -> "https://neon-archive.com" -> "Dreamhost", "Digital Ocean" -> Wordpress
"Webdeveloper C" -> "https://neondigitalarts.com" -> "Pulse North", "Digital Ocean" -> Indexhibit
"Webdeveloper A" -> "www.neon-festival.com" -> "Krystal" -> "three.js", "react-three"
"Krystal", "Digital Ocean", "Pulse North", Dreamhost [fontcolor=blue]
Director, "Transparency officer", "Curator A", "Webdeveloper A", "Webdeveloper B", "Development officer", "Curator B", "Webdeveloper C", Bookkeeper, "Portfolio manager", "Webmanager" [fontcolor="red"]
Director -> NeON
"Transparency officer" -> NEoN
"Curator A" -> NEoN
"Webdeveloper A" -> NEoN
"Webdeveloper B" -> NEoN
"Development officer" -> NEoN
"Curator B" -> NEoN
"Webdeveloper C" -> NEoN
"Webdeveloper C" -> "Webdeveloper B"
Bookkeeper -> NEoN
"Portfolio manager"-> NEoN
"Webmanager"-> NEoN
#Donna, Beatrix, Alie, Rifke, Stuart, Sabrina, Biliyana, Rick, Eleanor, Ashley, Allan [fontcolor="red"]
#Donna -> NEoN [label="Director"]
#Beatrix -> NEoN [label="Transparency officer"]
#Alie -> NEoN [label="Curator"]
#Rifke -> NEoN [label="Webhosting and webdevelopment"]
#Stuart -> NEoN [label="Webhosting and webdevelopment"]
#Sabrina -> NEoN [label="Development officer"]
#Biliyana -> NEoN [label="Curator"]
#Rick -> NEoN [label="Webdevelopment"]
#Rick -> Stuart
#Eleanor -> NEoN [label="Bookkeeping"]
#Ashley -> NEoN [label="Portfolio manager"]
#Allan -> NEoN [label="Webmanagement"]
"Transparency officer" -> GMail, Slack, "Google Docs", "Google Drive", Zoom, "Riseup etherpad", PayCircle, "Read-Write", Zoho
"Curator A" -> GMail, Slack, "Google Docs", "Google Drive", Zoom, "Riseup etherpad", BigBlueButton
"Development officer" -> GMail, Slack, "Google Docs", "Google Drive", Zoom, Confluence, "Riseup etherpad", PayCircle, LibreOffice, BigBlueButton, Zoho
"Curator B" -> GMail, Slack, "Google Docs", "Google Drive", Zoom, Twitter
Director -> DropBox, Telegram, "MS Teams", Discord, Facebook, Messenger, YouTube, BigBlueButton, "Riseup etherpad", Slack, Zoom, "Read-Write", "Otter-AI", GMail, "Google Meet", Twitter, EventBrite, PayCircle, "Google Drive", "Google Docs", Confluence, Workflowey, PayPal, "Google Forms", "Google Translate", LibreOffice, "meet.jit.si", Zoho, Wave, Transferwise, "Google Analytics", Box
"Webdeveloper C" -> Wordpress, UpDraftPlus, "Google Drive", Zoho
"Webdeveloper B" -> Wordpress
"Webdeveloper A" -> "Google Analytics", Vimeo, Github, Wetransfer, "Google Drive", Cockpit, "three.js", "react-three"
"Riseup etherpad", LibreOffice, BigBlueButton, Jitsi [fontcolor="forestgreen"]
Administration, Archiving, Filesharing, "Internal communication", Communication, "Internal communication", "Event management", "Financial management", "Hospitality", Accessibility, "Creative production", "Project management", Streaming, Procurement, "On-line public events" [style="filled" fontcolor="black" fontsize="20"]
NEoN -> Administration, Archiving, Filesharing, Communication, "Internal communication", "Event management", "Financial management", "Hospitality", Accessibility, "Creative production", "Project management", Streaming, Procurement, "On-line public events"
Administration -> "Google Docs", "Google Drive", "Google Calendar", "Google Forms", "Google Translate", LibreOffice, "Riseup etherpad", "Google Analytics"
Archiving -> "Google Drive", Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, Soundcloud, Vimeo, DropBox, UpDraftPlus, Indexhibit, Box
Filesharing -> DropBox, "Google Drive"
"Internal communication" -> Zoom, Jitsi, "meet.jit.si", BigBlueButton, "Google Meet", Zoho
"On-line public events" -> Zoom, Jitsi, "meet.jit.si", BigBlueButton, "Google Meet", Cockpit
"Streaming" -> Zoom, YouTube, Vimeo
"Creative production" -> Gathertown, "three.js", "react-three"
"Project management" -> Confluence, Workflowey, "MS Teams", Slack, WhatsApp, Twitch, GMail, Discord, LinkedIn, "Google Analytics"
"Financial management" -> PayCircle, PayPal, Wave, Transferwise
"Hospitality" -> "booking.com", "Google Maps"
"Event management" -> EventBrite, "Google Analytics"
"Accessibility"-> Zoom, "Read-Write", "Otter-AI", "Google Translate", "react-three"
Communication -> Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, Wordpress, Zoho, Cockpit, reCAPTCHA
Procurement -> Amazon
# NeON accounts or explicit institutional use
Zoho, Wordpress, WhatsApp, DropBox, Telegram, "MS Teams", Discord, Facebook, Messenger, YouTube, BigBlueButton, "Riseup etherpad", Slack, Zoom, "Otter-AI", GMail, "Google Meet", Twitter, EventBrite, PayCircle, "Google Drive", "Google Docs", Confluence, Workflowey, PayPal, "Google Forms", "Google Translate", LibreOffice, Jitsi, "meet.jit.si", Indexhibit, Wave, Transferwise, "Google Analytics", Cockpit, Vimeo, reCAPTCHA, Box, "Google Analytics" [style="filled" fillcolor="yellow"]