Anarcha server/Feminist server, why it/she was wanted, needed and why it did not happen for a long time

How did Anarcha process unlock: from a desire/dream/frustration at the time of Are You Being Served? (December 2013) to it now having two instances and members.

You spoke about problem of 'tired activists' with too much on their plate to also have to take care of infrastructure. What will be different, how is it going to be sustainable?

I felt that your account of the preparations for transhackfeminist! (this winter, in Brussels) described a typical 'sneaky moment', where some people had ended up doing labor, and others not; a division following well known fault lines (north-south; well paid-underpaid). 
Would you agree? How did that situation eventually shift?

How do these 'sneaky moments' come about, what do you think is their 'character' (how do you recognize or foresee them?), what actually makes them 'sneaky'?

How do you recognize 'sneaky moments'; what are ways to eventually prevent them, or make sure that they do not lead to unwanted results?

Why is it necessary to develop your own infrastructure, to 'Do It Your self/With Others'? Which things need to be 'Done With Others', and what things can be left to Others?

I was struck by how many times the term 'control' was mentioned in Calafou feminist server discussion notes. Can you speak about your understanding of that term, what it means to speak of 'control' in this context? 

Wendy Chun, Control and Freedom: Power and control in the age of fiberoptics, 2006:
«  We must explore the democratic potential of communications technologies  – a potential that stems from our vulnerabilities rather than our  control. And we must face and seize freedom with determination rather  than fear and alibis. »

What would you consider sources of friction between activists and technologists? Concrete situations: Tactical tech, Calafou as a community/project, Backbone 404

Tactical Tech lists 'technical skills' and 'use of tech' but also seem to co-develop or are involved in defining 'what tech' ('advance tools')?

Mission statement: "Our mission is to advance the skills, tools and techniques of rights advocates, empowering them to use information and communications to help  marginalised communities understand and effect progressive social, environmental and political change."
What We Do: 
"we work with an international network of partners  and collaborators to help rights, accountability and transparency  advocates and the communities they work with to use information and  digital technologies effectively in their work. Through trainings and workshops we provide direct support to over 2000 activists a year. Through a range of toolkits, guides, online resources and films (created with on and offline-sharing, repurposing and translating in mind), we reach a further 2 million people per year."

Do you think philosophies embedded within technologies differ from those in activism?

Where could this tension be particularly disruptive, productive (or both at the same time maybe?)

How do you view issues such as 'specialism' and 'expertise'? What could be considered a trans-hack-feminist division of labor? 

Infrastructure: how to decide what comes first, and what after.

Does delegation of infrastructure to technologists always means to take distance? And if so, what are ways you have managed to overcome it?

Time - timing: Before action/During action/After action