An xdex Iof the publication that looks to investigate how the topic of authership is brought up implicitly throughout the publication

fixed: handle - by
fixed: handle - for
loose: all contributions

    1. search the word "by" and "for" (in the sense of by or for whom) in the contributions and copy the sentence+
    2. Merge the sentences deliberately by using link words    

What protocols would for example work "for" non-normative human constellations.might create possibilities for others of us.  
The second document is a splash page for_ leave space for others, (some ppl will occupy more space than others for various reasons) 
Powe relations given "by" institutions are phagocyted "by" the bigger organisms and I thought about “the death of the
author” "by" Roland Barthes for the contribution “Dear visitor,” by Behuki.
And there is a rainbow that is observed by several people at the same time but from different places for companion-articles: “holding spell” by Kym Ward and created by Rica Rickson in a process of creative writing
also generate possibilities for others or simply got carry "by" others? 
nispero is mostly called néfle or loquat by the inhabitants and by the work of trans*feminist collectives on ally-ship

 just a shell for other bodies to enter as a response to a proposition by Elodie Mugrefya and Olave Nduwanje
 Don’t speak for others. Do not intrude or impose yourself. → Speak for yourself only  unless explicit consent by all involved
A worksession organised by Constant, performed by those who are exploited by contemporary slavery, which were implemented differently by each organisation.

 used by activists and legislators and to be remixed by the artists who joined for the next residency  with their “restrictions” for transformative collective action;

 (ref. Jara Rocha)
  (After “we have written these guidelines to think of ways ...”).
two residencies, inhabited by each of the group or many of them at the same time, were organised by Constant in Brussels will create possibilities for others 

built by queer feminist activist groups and at the same ime/level/speed by everyone 
Iterations is co-funded by the Creative Europe framework of the European Commission.
was organised by
owned by Elsevier which now defines itself as a tech company

using “informed by” or “found useful” rather than “inspired by” because of the content of the text, somehow “inspired by” for me feels a bit uncomfortable