# introduction

the base idea of this pad is simple: how can we build a utopia of the future of earth and us in it?
the purpose is to re-train ourselves to project into a "future" we understand, want and stands for.

several paths could be explored in this project
- core values: reevaluate our relation to religion, belief system and non-humans;
- organisation in the broad sense, from economics to politics, if we keep on segmenting knowledge with these categories;
- imagery and experimentation, this includes the communication side of the project and production of content on all media;
- integration and planetarian reappropriation, a global project has indeed 0 chances to succed if it produces a localised proposition understandable and perceivable only by a tiny group of individuals.

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## about "internationalism"

inclusion is mandatory to achieve a proposition: the premise here is that all the ideas forming this "desirable future" are already existing today, but are completlty scatered accross the global.
the search has to extend also accross all layers of population. This includes the socio-economical background, the education (type and depth) and ethnicities.
we are not aiming for any kind of exhaustivity or appropriation of the project anyway. the common of a large group of individuals is trusted to be sufficient to emulate new desires and therefore steers humankind into a positive future.

## no dreams

the effort here is not aimed at envisioning a paradise but a place we would like to live, at all the levels that human experiment and on top of all the upcoming ones, who knows about the new forms of consciousness we might discover on the way

# propostions study #

here below lies the differents tracks of reflexion. it's designed as an eternal ongoing work

## property

property can not continue to exists in the acception it has today. the very well accepted role of this almighty ownership 
can not be separated from its desastroys effect on the global scale. even if the legitimity of it can be proven by history/sociology, and we can recognise some positive effects it might have in today world, individual decisions can not xontimie to affect so many other in a so direct way!
to decouple political power from economical one, the idea of property must be restrained to a very narrow scope and prevent any power upon other living organism.
there's a lot of practical issue to discuss in this topic.

### layers of property

first, simpliest level, but also the most common, concerns homing and food! if owning lands does not exist anymore, how do we reimagine food production at a level that keeps us living
regarding housing, we propose the idea of a restrained "right to use" a place, that has always existed anyway, in human and other species! once a bird has finished the construction of a nest, it seems logical it ca use it for hosting its family. the duration and the absolutness of this affirmation are relative and can not be applied to any pseudo-similar situations.

### no IP [intellectual property]

to ensure that the most efficient and latest norms and goods are available everywhere, all patterns and blueprints are available publicly, modifiable and shareable with any restriction. reviews and validation are achieved by specialists and people can publicly reports issues or concerns they have regarding them

[gnu, 4 basic freedoms]

## end of nations

no more borders, artificial abstract lines dividing spaces, that are a related to property > "this the 'land' of this or this people", people being the group of humans (and humans only!) living in this protion of space. first it's a self sufficient loop > " it is my land because all the humans inside of it is one group belonging to it" (says the local power system that retrieve its legitimiy (see "imperium" from  F.Lordon) from the same group they shape! it's an obvious and shameless manipulation and fucks up the words in such a way it becomes impossible for individuals to dispose of themsleves.
a world without political frontier seems tribal and wild to our "civilised" mind because we were born in this belief system.
making an effort to formulate something valid might help next generations anyway.

a big advantage of this is that it makes the concept of army totally irrelevant: there's no more "us and them". no more economy of death.

"war" is a disgusting concept. explained in simple terms: organised slaughter of people, based on a difference of nationlity, ethnicity, religion or political belief. less easily accepted reasons for war is the access to resources or geopolitical power positions.
from afar, war is always conducted by centralised powers represented by individuals that generally know personally each other and almost never participate in field operations. as long as war will be promoted by the society as a way to prove the value of a group, a reasonable way to access to resources, it is completly futile to imagine a improvment of the relation to other species and the whole ecosystem.

the society aiming at a global peace, the only element that should endure for a while is the police. until the habit of violence and aggression have vanished, an organisation dedicated to refrain and contain aggression and crimes is necessary. the rules that police is applying have to be defined collectively, and the individuals being part of it selected carefully.

another concept that vanish once countries cease to exist is the patriotism, and after that racism. we have no doubt that xenophoby will continue to exists for a while as education will take time to erase completly the concept from the culture. movement of population will be smoother and will not be blocked by invisible walls. the world will once again be continuous and open to exploration, by walking even. mixed to free access to food, nomadism can start to exists again, technology being able to sustain any kind of lifestyle, not only sedentary ones.

## multiple scale organisation for different scale issues

in order to organise public life, we propose a new  way to make desicion.

instead of delegating all our political power to obscure structure, each individual must take decision on what concerns him.
there's a lot of different scales to this statement.
there's a very local scale (houses group, street, food access, water access, energy access and on top ecosystem, meaning global scale)
the number of individuals concerned at each level is increasingly bigger until we reach global, where it concerns all humans.
in these decisions, one individual is one voice, with constraint to participate but with constant access to the decision process.
each time a decision has to be taken, a call to vote is emited. each call can concern multiple decisiona on different scale.

the logic behind this is to avoid concentration of political power into "elected" representatives. the day to day management of the food / water / energy distribution is assumed by teams trained and skilled. when a decision has to be made in the production, these team put together a proposal, explaining how to handle the situation. these proposals are proposed to votation by people impacted by them.

levels of organisation are connected between them by special organs. the management of the pollution of a specific river has indeed side-effect on underground water stocks and sea pollution. but not all are. 

[ref. etienne chouard]

## collective parenting

[this parts targets specifically western europe and north america areas]

point is simple: children education should not depends on 2 or even 1 individuals.
once politically active, a child brings with him the values and belief system s.he has been raised into.

to increase public awereness, children should be taken care by a group of people in densely populated areas. in remote areas, it is obvious that the group must be the direct neighbours.

on top of rising political awereness, this should also decrease the load of the care of children on couples or genitors.

this includes the importance of blending workspaces and children care > it's unhealthy to separate children from work environments when these ones are not dangerous for children.
this is also true for elderlies that should stay present in daily life of children and grownups

## education

re-enforce collaboration and shows limitations of competitivity in early . no grading!
early education must focus on understanding how to interact with other and structures, not on being productive.
production is a speciality teached in high schools once the individual is able to cope with h.is.er surrounding. whatever they do with their life, the common point is that we all depends on a shared social and political intelligence. the average level is the most important.

[ref. frank lepage]

about higher education, the idea of departments can stay as long as the knowledge they contains is acurate. with time, merge and hybridation of fields should end up in a total fluidity across fields, not segmented anymore but varying. achieving a de-classification of knowledge is the next scientific level beyond what it id hard to project. by merging deeply, knowledge mutates to an extend our XXI century brains can not encompass.
via inter-disciplinarity in the broader sense, including manual expertises at the same level as contemporary academic fields, common patterns are made visible, helping the ...

## industry

localised production and global planning. this part is of the highest importance, as it will ensure the access to technology at a global level

raw materials are not distributed evenly on the surface of the earth, causing disparities in the access to base elements such as metals or energy > this will generates geo-political tensions that must be addressed.

decentralisation of production does not implies tiny (fablab style) production units in every city and village. steal, glass and other heavy transformation industries have to remain of a critical size to ensure an acceptable level of efficiency (pollution/production). but heavy reduction of transport implies scattering  these production units all over the globe, depending on the population density

[ref b. stiegler]

linked to the industry is the persistence of the communication and knowledge network. the hardware and landlines have to be maintained and replaced regularly. a lot of datacenter have been closed and the hardware refurbished or stored into vacuum chambers for later use. handheld devices have been kept because they are convenient and already mass-produced. their evolution has been slowed down a lot and a effort is being done to produce smarter and energy efficient software + easily fixable hardware. for other uses, workstation are accessible on demand in big villages and cities. the density increase in larger cities, 

about production organisation, see:
    - Lip factory, besançon, 1973
    - General food, topeka, 1971
source: isbn 978-2-35872-169-1, la société ingouvernable, g. chamayou

## resources redistribution

some people lives in areas where underground is rich in metals and raw materials, other where weather is compliant with agriculture.

## food access

human, before making considerable effort to remove themsleves from the ecosystem, were able to find enough food and water in their environment to sustain the growth of their population. based on this idea, food and water access should go back to be free and guarantee the life of every human being born.

similar to the western europe situation before the inquisition, it is allowed to gather food in the wild. when it comes to fields actively maintained by farmers, legislation may varies depending on the kind of culture, but a decent percentage of the crop should be accessible to locals, 10 to 25% (?)

animal breading for food is abolished, especially industrial ones. insects farming remains the only form of animal enslaving authorised and no wild animals (terrestrial or aquatic) is killed for food or pleasure, religious sacrifices included.
milk, cheese, eggs and other animal derivatives keep existing in a respectuous manner, meaning without slaughtering of the newborms. old and sick amimals can be eaten.

## production is pollution

hidden behind the production of goods and services lies the necessary resources consumption and therefore the emission of polluant. this implies the need to first reduce production of unnecessary to 0 and find ways to equilibrate any pollution by an equivalent boost to depolluant practices or processes.
"am i ready to work to level the pollution my habits and way of life are generating"?
pollution balance: should stay >= 0 for every individual.

## currencies and wealth redistribution

connected to the no property topic, it is important to choose a monetary system (global and local) that prevent as much as possible the specualtion first, and the accumulation in a second time. decaying currencies are a good starting poiint.


## work

the concept of "having a job" is abolished. individuals choose activities they perform. some of them are of an higher importance, such as medicine, energy & information network management, food and water distribution. a plannification system is in place that helps the supervision of the tasks to be done.
individuals can dedicate themselves willingfully to research, invention, management, etc. they are also free to wander and travel thanks to a rail-based transport system, currencies being exchangeable everywhere. depending on the areas, the amount of currency dedicated to a task can vary. every week an amount is distributed automatically to all individuals and vanishes after a month.

## trans-species

any life form is recognised as an individual, at the same level as a human. therefore protection and rebuilding of a sane and vivid ecosystem is a foundation of the edicative system. humans should consider themselves as a special attempt of evolution to produce a logical and learning species. that's the position every human should have first towards its environment: observation and knowledge gathering.
by leaving the predator position that humans never had anyway and by fully embracing the specificity of their cognitive habilities, the relation to the other species is becoming obvious.

### becoming-plant

the ability to photosynthetise is available on simple demand to all human. via a heavy genetic alteration of the dna, blood cells become able to synthetise glucose out of light. the process is less efficient than in the plants, but it allows a drastic reduction of the footprint of human on their environment. the ability is a recessive gene, but can be inherited. a risk of infertility or foetus development issue are common when parents are not both "photoes".

the process being undoable, a morandum of 6 months and a mental evaluation of the individual are conditionning the access to the procedure. it is free, positively promoted but not mandatory.

the procedure can not be carried on non-humans as it is impossible to validate their consent.

habits: individuals having this ability are often taking care of task requiring a lot of concentration on a long period of time. the photosynthesis is able to provide enough energy to the individual not to sleep for several days. for sustained physic effort, photosynthesis is of poor help.

## transport (good & beings)

no more private cars, dense rail network covering continents, inter-connected with boats and ferries. trucks and cabs still exists but are most of the time a buffer for medical emergencies. no more combustion engines, oil and coal exploitation have shrunk to a heavy industry only usage,nuclear is the main source of electricity.

## egality/equity


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