*Hamburg case study output: ">> text that goes in the website of the hamburg school and can be published on other websites / floss sites >> input to research in schools: http://siru.hfbk-hamburg.de/"
* I saw that in the mangement part Circe is listed as the responsible for publication. In the IO part however it is Constant, as I thought it was ... maybe this can go on a last cross check list for tomorrow (Martino?) before sending tomorrow ?
* is the kick-off meeting organized by constant or hamburg in the end? In management says:
"In addition to that the coordinator will organise a Kick-Off Partners meeting at the very start of the project to outline the collaboration guidelines between the partners and refine the planning of the programme." in meetings says Hamburg?
* Search and Replace siRU etc (can it be done on form?) also in project title :P
* could use more situatedness.... or one explanation at the beginning
* get rid of WE wherever possible (replace with partner or relevant org)
* FIX OUTPUT NAMES (not consistent with titles in outputs, else get rid of names leave output number?)- How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners? https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/readiness
* "a series of publications that" missing text https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/readiness line 52
* MISSING! Please explain how will the project activities lead to the achievement of the project objectives and
delivery of the planned results? https://stuff2233.club/padlife/p/erasmus_implementation
* Letter from additional partners ("But since they need to sign a letter, time is maybe too short to involve them.")
* SUMMIT STILL MISSING LINK TO OUTPUT IN TEXT!!!!! https://stuff2233.club/padlife/p/erasmus_events
* also check dates again -- outputs should be done! multipliersss are for public
* CIRCE"S texts typos and DAYS of participants in activities! +
* Travel and accommodation exc. costs ISSUE / doubt
* dissemnination coukd have another check (that multipliers shoukd be connected to specific output + status of the overall project (not just stages)
*https://stuff2233.club/padlife/p/erasmus_sustainability COULD GET A FIX, remind the importance of FLOSS and questions of Care and mantainance --- ethos of the project | downloadable curriculum sounds horrible ahaha
i go to sleep! tomorrow morning i can have a last check while on the train and maybe a bit around 10
ciaos bravi tutti
I go to sleep too.. x)
* "You could add the actual names of the persons that will be involved in the project" "with one or two lines about their position and specific expertise." in organization descriptions [we could, so not urgent]
* It would make the application stronger if you also have one or two associated partners who can disseminate results, like networks in higher education. But since they need to sign a letter, time is maybe too short to involve them."
*"Who is/are the target group(s) of this Intellectual Output?"
* Summit: • "It is essential to mention which Intellectual Outputs you will present/launch at these events! Without presenting Intellectual Outputs the events will not be funded. So it is essential you time the finishing of the Intellectual Outputs right before the multiplier events!"
notes form the meeting of the 27th of October
language notes:
* higher art education > > higher education in the arts >>higher arts education (HAE)
* NO YOUTH >> SAY STUDENTS ( no adult education too )
* 'we' will replace "we" in the whole document will be replaced by: "the partners" or "partnership"
* mandate letters
needs to be signed by the legal representative of the orgnisation
rietveld ok: annelies ... ?
circe is ok: who is that ? alessia
constant is ok: dona / femke
hfbk: president or eike ?, tbd
*p. 151 documents https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/sites/erasmusplus2/files/erasmus_programme_guide_2020_v3_en.pdf
* each organization need:
- legal representative > assigned by the organization as being the legal representative person ( the ceo :D )
- contact person > can be anyone? contact with constant or with EU? what does it need? > project member
* intellectual outputs:
- cannot be used for one only partner. cannot be used just for the consortium, descriptions need to be adapted in such a way that the beneficiary of the output is clearly not internal. artciulating that :: write in the way that things will be shared out of the consortium ( git, online websites, etc..)
- implement description of Activity 01 & 02
- fuse 04 (constant workshops with schools) with 02 (bbb development?) ->
- output 07 demo? example? guidelines -- installer? recommendations + installer.. link to a multiplier event? orientative curriculum kit..?!
- amount of outputs? is it realistic? a bit too many.
* events
- events > one event at the end of the first year, a final event with a lot more participants, and two smaller ones.
* meta
- missing contingency (covid/"readiness" to adapt-rethink activities and in general) (Agnese: this is what I added to ZEI/CIRCE activities: If there won't be the condition to run the activity in presence, the partner Constant will provide the necessary infrastructure in the shape of a Big Blue Button server. In this way the consortium will start immediatly to test and experience the tools and the infrastructure in development. The partecipants to the activity will be dedicating their daily time to the activity even if from home and without travelling.)
> make the argument to why we focus on the intellectual outputs, as they are the mean to experiment on these specific issues?
(phil point: now bottom output pad -->to rewrite and find good place --> would be good to combine with practical budget shifting proposal) ---> anice tries
*activities are too many? reorganize...
- merge O8 networks of ones own with O3 common publication
- also merge CIRCE book in general documentation / publication effort? or another thing?
- rephrass things so they do not overlap (infra-man at rietveld NOT the same as common infra)
* summary - description - priorities - impact - choice of partners ---> martino, a
* results - maintenance - sustainability --> a
* project management - implementation; re-organize regularity of meeting; constant guidelines > Dona adds it!
* add qualitative and quantitative indicators > Dona adds it!
* send mandates to sign + constant guidelines to partners > Dona does it!
* intellectual outputs: readjust the descriptions to include the way they are shared
* for the Multiplier events: summit more participants and put fees for speakers in exceptional costs
* circe writing >> agnese rechecks LTT activities and circe organization text, which will then be included in common txt
no 'youth' but 'students' DID IT! (You enter the right fiels for the activity, the first is for staff, the second for students)
- 2 multiplier events (please connect them to the intellectual outputs).
One after 1 year, the second at the end of the project (the summit).
- 2 LTT activities. On in the first year, one in the second.
- 4 or 5 intellectual outputs maximum.
- O5 and O7 should be parts of O3 and
not separate outputs.
- O8 now seems to have similar content O3, please
see what you can combine there. One handbook at the end of the project
is enough.
13:30 - 14:00 Rewrite intellectual outputs together
-things that would go into publications,
-things that will go into educational formats/curricula (activities/methods),
-and opensource tools to be released
*name discussion
Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness (in the fields of school education, vocational education and training, and higher education): these projects aim at equipping education and training systems to face the challenges presented by the recent sudden shift to online and distance learning, including supporting teachers to develop digital competences and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities.
proposals shortlist:
(rusi)Research Unit for Situated Infrastructures +1
(siru) Situated infrastructure Research Unit +1
(siru) Situated infrastructures Research Unit +1 +1 +1
End of shortlist
souris ?
Ex-SITU Experimental Situated IT(or infra) in Times of Uncertainty!
siru suri rusi risu ursi sriu irsu
re-imagining pedagogy and the digital beyond the emergency +1+1
(infrastructures for a read-write world) +1 if infrastructure not in the title/acronym
techniques for a read-write world
art (if infra is in the title)
moved from shortlist (mediumlist)
Situated infrastructures Research Unit (siru)
Situational Infrastructure Research Unit (siru)
research unit for experimental situated infrastructures (ruesi)
research unit for imaginist situated infrastructures (ruisi)
research unit for situated infrastructures (rusi) +
Imaginist Learning with Digital Infrastructures (ILDI)
Institutional-Infrastructural manoeuvres in the arts (Ima)
international research unit for situated infrastructures (irusi)
experimental research for situated infrastructures (ersi)
critical digital pedagogy in the arts cdpa (ahaha sounds a bit gdpr- dp is nice for a logo though)
MDRU Manipulative Digital Research Unit
RUIR Research unit for infrastructural readiness
ARIRA archipelagic research initiative for readiness in the arts
Ex-SITU Experimental Situated IT in Times of Uncertainty (also, diastant/ non present/Outside, off site, or away from the natural location) ----> Or Infrastructres instead of IT
Ex-SITU --- Experimental Situated Infrastructures in Times of Uncertainty
close reading infrastructures for distant learning
Read write/ generic R (readable, relearning,
close learning situation .. close/distant is maybe interesting+1
convivial learning infrastructures in times of distance
convivial learning infrastructures in contingency CLIC
times of uncertainty
SITU Situated IT in Times of Uncertainty
Ex-SITU Experimental Situated IT in Times of Uncertainty
IT by other means
IT's not like before
IT's time for r-e-learning
It is like it is
ExIT (ex- experimental)
SITU situated it uninit - situated testnologies :P
ruceloo - research unit for convivial and experimental learning online and offline
Ex-ICT -Experimental Infrastructural Convivial Tools nice :P
ICT for the arts / for artistic research.. bla
BREXIT = biannual research for experimental infrastructure tools? ahahahah
LOOP = learning online-offline in proximity
Co-position (no acronim)
sapo - s* a* ..
Rigid (no acronym)
the Rigid network
Distant rigi
digital investigative group
methods/ pedagogy / learning / approaches /
re-imagining networks for learning at differential proximity
interdependent network for ...
speculative / situational +/ conglomerational / transnational / transductive /
* infrastructure research unit
situational infrastructure research unit
infracurricular manoeuvres :P (aka institutional m)
institutional-infrastructural manoeuvres in the arts
in-formation and common-icating test-nologies
learning arts digital network
ARSI artistic research in situated infrastructures
Sirius (brightest start in night sky and a very serius experimental research project :P )
sirius serious stardom
sally !
:) RUsi or siRU? Re-Usi! nice
research unit for experimental situated infrastructures (ruesi uhm)
Situated Infrastructure Research Unit
ESIRU experimental situational infra research unit (also Electricity Supply Industry Reform Unit )
Research International Unit for Situated Infrastructure (RiUsi)
:-)situationist internationale? yeee
rousy ruisi ruido
susy souci
S I Re U S:
Situated Infrastructure Research Unit (serious??)
there are 2 good connotations: réusi in french (we would need another s, but phonetically it works) and reuse in english but then is research experimental unit?
or the 're' comes from 're-search'ah!
Research Unit for situated infrastructural Readiness
international research unit for situated infrastructures (irusi)
"Research Unit " and "Infrastructure" seem agreed elements? yep
the part I miss is imagination, trying out, going away from th e path of efficiency, solutionism ....
experimental? situational? psychogeographical? tentacular?
desirable, situated, imaginative, participatory, common, shared, communal, art, investigative
emergency responsive dynamic flexible ondemand - subtitle could be.. something something beyond the emergency yeah or precognition^Wforesight or sth
infrastructure for arts and science
situated infrastructures in contingency (SINC)
tool ecology
practical arts resources scientific env (parse)
infrastyructural imaginations
critical digital pedagogy something
critical and experimental digital education
con-cede :P (consortium for critical and exp. education)
artificial infrastructure ai
RULSI: Research Unit for Learning with Situated Infrastructures +1
everything is debatable research unit
anti zoom learning network
research unit for convivial infrastructures
convivial infrastructures research unit
asiru arts sciences infra research unit
Learning infrastructures for learning
learning beyond the emergency
post-emergency learning infrastructures -/ toolkit
international bed-and-breakfast infrastructure setup
descholarizing the digital
higher education in the arts=
*add exceptional costs:
- translation of documents
- printing costs
- hardware, software, tools etc
- fee for external experts/speakers --->name of guests!
* merging outputs
* distant elephant (is there?) -->maybe in background/preparation?
* changes in curriculum (tentative goal)
* missing "body" (mentioned once at the beginning as urgent but then not much anymore...)
* missing contingency (covid/"readiness" to adapt-rethink activities and in general)
* name (other ideas?)
notes to the meeting of 20 october Erasmus + application
* is hamburg joining the proposal as a partner?
audio latency
sound over the network
head of IT econtact, tomorrow contact with head of IT
W: For Hamburg helpful would be information about what the paperwork should consist of.
A: what if all is filled in by the other partners, and then Hamburg just has to take care of the insititutional backing.
bullet points
- documentation work on the existent infrastructure choices;
- one event on the project with public lectures / stream / workshops (in the beginning of the project?)
- hosting 1 transnational meeting
In the network there are different degrees of being inside institutions
rietveld this is starting
hamburg tools and choices are more matured IT has set tools and ethics
interesting to analyse, to see how this was put in place so it can inform what is happening or what is possible in other places.
process of 15 years, so very interesting example that can be helpful to other projects..
comittment to open source where that is possible
you don't have to sell your soul ...
A: limited time ... what kind of work can we do so that this can work on such short notice ?
informal education settings,
they can not connect top a university
> express why circe is important to the project.. and informal education is important too
exery activity needs to be connected to the 'bigger plan'?
general way the forms works:
* very generative: starts from the activities which is the main written part.. generates automatically the budget. depending on type of activity, how many hours, participants etc.
> so starting from activities kind of make sense.
How do we deal with the parts of the project?
why is this project important for us?
what does the project mean for each organisation?
Rietveld ..
foregrounding infrastructural work, bring IT work as something that is also important in learning environment, that is normally excluded from teaching.
The ambition is to create a,n experimental space in the school with tools, learning capacities, that is inspiratonal;
collaboration, proposing another way to do IT.
- involving young people 13 - 35 years in informal learning, what is under the surfcace of the device. Work with people .. join infrastructure. Involving educators to be empowered in their technological skills when teaching to younger people and become more confident in on-line teaching.
- For the project circe can do this,
- The other associations could help in laboratories and infrastructures,
- common use with young pepole to understand how technology can help them when they do formations, teaching in distance.
- So a common technological infrastructure would be valuable.
short term thinig would be to get a feeling who we are working woth, long term hoping that we don't have to use digital tools like BBB (or worse) analogue is also an option,
digital tool sto become more fun
not interested in grading over the internet :-)
tools for asrticti collaboration that actually work would be great
make connection, share, network contacts ..
together promoting usng and share tools
working for a while on tools as etherbox
we work in laboratories where people come togehter to speculate about technologies
interesting to think about what this technology is doing to our bodies for example, etc...
interested in making a common pool of resources
tools more as suggestions of what things can be
political task to not leave IT alone
networks of partners that can share their experiences, intuitions, ideas about these possible tools could be super interesting for us
do we build a common infrastructure, what is it, how does that process work who takes care of what, etc.?
nice list now on the pad
writing process:
how do we divide the writing work ?
martino, anita, peter .. dedicate time to
what is the list of things to write:
sally can do feedback :
- on coherency and ... if we send something on friday 23 (filling in the form)
- meaning activities description have priority
- over the weekend .. to have a draft of all the proposal and texts by monday 26 morning