posting regeln/vorlagen/fragen

Post visiual language
Ren and melina had a conversation about streamlined designs for similar posts. 
Melinas ideas Categories Posts:

English (f.e. always yelllow border)
    - Artistic transformation (film, audio)
    - analysation academic
    - thougfhts, opinions
    - reading of a text / translation of a text

German (fe allways blue border)
    - Artistic transformation (film, audio)
    - analysation academic
    - thougfhts, opinions
    - reading of a text 

Fonts we could use:

- Should we have a common design template/ fonts/ colors/ font sizes....? 
  -> yes, because of "wiedererkennungswert"
  - what about the colors?
  - Iz used to colors of the krüppel zeitung book. what about the disability flag colors? or to find a color - through a generator.
  How can we find a shared visual language? 

  Pictograms for categories: (each ephemera stands for a category) 
      - images
      - translations
      - extracts from text
      - analysis
      - joke
      - experiment
      - work in progress
      - video
      - audio

    Cover Pages (foto on telegram), Ren will make a design for it

Ideas for formats:
    - soundscaping how they move through the city as a work for the exhibition
    - link with ICI conference - check out the next conferences & present there 

Ideas to get the material acsessible
- image description
- getting letters/essays read on stage or filmed or as a podcast.... f.e. the sisters letter in 1/84
- audio recordings (if the cassettes cannot be found)
- leichte sprache
- english translations
- accessibility/instead of palatiability

Questions/Perspectives to get through the Material
- effects of the Movement of cities, structures etc
- protection of data (1/84)
- accessibility outside of written language
- making sense of it in the nowthrough storytelling

metaposts about the cripmagazione and theoreticla framing:

- Ren - off our backs reference - oldest and longest printing radical feminist magazine from 1970-2008, why did they manage to be printed for so long? 
- How do and don't the illustrations interact with the articles?
First Draft for research focus/questions and aestetic practices:

Research question: how do and dont the illustrations interact with the articles?

Research question: Dialog randomness of the magazine how did it happen in the krüppelfrauen meeting?

Frottage and intimicy between academic text, activistic approaches and little doodles as a artistic principle maybe for our estetic process? 
- friction: frottage - > and intimacy
- intimacy in chains, that were doing friction on black bodies, the friction between disabled and nondisabled bodies - rough concept - this put on of intimacy and friction --> Keguro macharia: frottage 

    - generate speculations about the objects to relate to the gaps - methodologically and content wise
    - read through Venus in Two Acts 

Wie weit bereiten wir die Posts vor damit es dann gepostet werden kann?
How specificly do we prepare the posts for posting?

Checklist for Posts:
  - Alt Text prepared
  - stylesheet (Iz will prepare that)
  - inhaltsposts bilingual deutsch englisch

Für Instagram reposts:
    - Videos müssen unter 58 Sekunden sein
    - längeres kann über den Feed gepostet werden, das wird dann auch als Short gepostet
    - aber shorts werden gekürzt wenn mensch direkt als short postet
    => am Besten ist es über den Feed zu posten, weil dann wird es auch als Short gepostet.
    => Entweder deutlich unter oder über 1 Minute ergibt Sinn!