x, y, z (four filmstills)
The volume of volumetric data that mining companies, hospitals, border agents and gaming industries acquire, is ever increasing in scale and resolution. As a result, the usage of powerful software environments to analyse and navigate this digital matter, grows exponentially as well. Imaging platforms draw expertise from computer vision, 3D-visualisation and algorithmic data-processing to join forces with modern science. Obediently adhering to Euclidean perspective, they efficiently generate virtual volumes and perform exclusionary boundaries on the fly.
To interrogate the consequences of these alignments, Possible Bodies presents four filmstills from a movie-in-the making. The movie is calling for queer rotations and disobedient trans*feminist angles that can go beyond the rigidness of axiomatic axes within the techno-ecologies of 3D tracking, modelling and scanning. Possible Bodies is a collective research project that investigates the complex and fictional entities that "bodies" are, asking what matter-cultural conditions of possibility render them present. This becomes especially urgent in the context of 3D technologies, infrastructures and tools.
x, y, z emerges from the Possible Bodies inventory. The inventory is a mutant set of artworks, manuals, vocabulary, texts, software, physical objects, mathematical concepts and renderings. It is an attempt to think along the agency of these cultural artifacts, hopefully widening their possibilities beyond pre-designed ways of doing and being.
Possible Bodies (Jara Rocha + Femke Snelting) is a collaborative research on the very concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that "bodies" are, asking what matter-cultural conditions of possibility render them present. This becomes especially urgent in contact with the technologies, infrastructures and techniques of 3D tracking, modelling and scanning. Intersecting issues of race, gender, class, species, age and ability resurface through these performative as well as representational practices. The research is concerned with genealogies of how bodies and technologies have been mutually constituted. It interrogates corpo-realities and their orientation through parametric interfaces and looks at anatomies that are computationally constrained by the requirements of mesh-modelling. It invites the generation of concepts and experimental renderings, wild combinations and digital and non-digital prototypes for different embodiments.
Reality and fiction intertwine in a set of articles about Israeli-Palestine desert community and an Israeli defense system. The articles and collages bring along questions of physical and psychological elements of security.
A collection of observations draws together contemporary political events and ancient future-telling practices. These can be considered human and non-human strategies in forecasting what a political future might look like – for better or worse.
Herbert Bayer was a significant designer. A lesser-known aspect of his work, alongside his commercial work, is he also worked for the Nazi regime. An essay investigating the responsibilities and ethics of designers while creating a form for a message.
uncanny nr / fictional journal--> http://www.fictional-journal.com/open-call-03-uncanny/
https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/xyz/xyz.html <--- save this page to your desktop <<<<<<
80 char. max
- If the point of origin changes, the world moves but the body doesn't
- For every pixel: Construct a ray from the eye. For every object in the scene:
- ultrasound and echography violently rendered real bodies
Duerer in GIMP
The crisis of presence that emerged with the computational turn
Hand + axis
Dog https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QhxIDH-szqU/Vcj-8OG0fSI/AAAAAAAAA3s/XIKBlX-epH4/s1600/anatomical%2Bterms%2Bdog.JPG
soil: https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/assets/geomodlr_tutslic.png
vertical cat
lesbian rule
Artist Drawing a Nude with Perspective Device https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?003
The techno-ecology that unfolds through this drawing, and the drawing machine within it, is one of clear agential differentiation. What is recognized as a device in the picture is the gridded frame. Not the pencil, nor the paper sheet or the artists eyes. But power relations are defined through humans and their dispositions, their practices, behaviours and tasks as well as through their technological devices.
Registration https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?073
Anatomical planes https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?070
The Right-Hand Rule https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?014
Multiple-axis space test inertia facility https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?032
Worldsetting for beginners https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?007
Preferred Orientations of a Vertically Experienced Cat https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?083
Shiny bones https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?095 (or: raycasting)
Hyperbolic spaces https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?005
Some Sarah Ahmed? Do we need a Queer orientations item?
Unsupervised depth? https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/possiblebodies.unsuperviseddepth
No Ground (the video as well?) https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?012
A ray from the eye https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?105
This does work in Chrome; my example doesn't material needs to be on a server/can't play local