Masters' class on PossibleBodies

24/10 -- 15.45-18.45

15:45 INTRO  (30 min)--------------------------------

in the context of a speculative fiction in design reasearch and experimentation.
This class proposed as a guided tour through some items in the inventory,
+ methodogical details from a 'disobedient action-research' => inventory, rotations/iterations/displacements, tool description/archaeology, cultural studies of science and technology, semiotic-material approach.

Focus: The Phenonema / of 3D / and its emergent / objectsubjects

*We are working with/on volumes, computation and so-called bodies.
*Bodies are a technological construction, in an industrial continuum of a political fiction // biopolitics, thanatopolitics and the invention of the clinic / Body as a political fiction, and femininity and masculinity as anatomical truths resulting from a performative standarisation [min 21.13]
*reinforced antropocentrism in times of the quantified self... the body somehow becomes the self for some insdustrial apparatuses. // are we human? cybernetics, ecofeminism, posthumanism, / MakeHuman + 
*We are in the middle of a research on the tension between the probable and the possible.
*inventorying as a method, so we selected some items to tour through // not an archive, nor a collection, nor a repository. Inventory related to invention, but also to commerce. // Interest in: finding ways to collectively specify and  take stock, to prepare for eventual replacement, repair or replenishment. // Inventorying is a hands-on practice of readying for  further use, not one of account-giving for the sake of legitimation.  //As  an "onto-epistemological" practice, it is as much about recognizing what  is there (ontological) as it is about trying to understand  (epistemological). // with its roots in the culture of  manufacture, inventorying counts on cultural reflection as much as on  action. 
*disobedient action-research (zines, reports, misuses...) // disobedience --  invokes and invites further remediations that can  go from the academic paper to the readme, from the narrative to the  diagramatic, from tool mis-use to interface re-design and from bug-report to the dancefloor. It provides us with inscriptions,  de-scriptions and re-interpretations of a vocabulary under development. / reMakeHuman
*language is important: naming, unnaming, renaming, noting, tagging, verbalizing... / World setting for beginners

Technologies involved in volume management (3D):

*motion capture 
*modelling *printing/additive  

The continuum:

Think together about other areas. Explain about models, data, methods slipping from one industry to another. Working through math: logic, formulas, topology, xyz, ...

*cgi (computer generated imagery)
*motion tracking
military & borders
*using similar data between military and gaming
*modelling spaces that can not be visited otherwise
*looking inside a mummy without unpacking it
extractivism / minery
*soil scanning
biomedical imaging
*tomography (CT, PET, MRI)
*parametric design of buildings: variation (parametric) vs generation
*on-line shopping, fabric modelling
*3D porn industry
*history of the human expo
*#newpalmyra collective re-construction of Palmyra

16:15 PHENOMENA (10 min)--------------------------------

Para esta rotación, Possible Bodies gira hacia los fenómenos del 3D. En el contexto de Bau (Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona), nos  preguntamos cómo tomar el dispositivo de escaneo, modelado y traqueo 3D  si realidad no implica ni hecho ni verdad, y virtualidad no significa  ni ficción ni mentira. Del diseño de videojuegos a la moda, del diseño  de interiores al grafismo, del audiovisual a la fabricación... el diseño  funciona en el continuum industrial de las tecnologías 3D y todas esas  industrias están entramadas en y afectadas por la producción de los  (llamados) cuerpos y (sus) verdades.

El régimen de verdad de la modernidad afecta aún tangiblemente las  vidas cotidianas y cómo éstas se viven. Lo que nos preocupa en Possible Bodies es la forma en que los cáculos volumétricos y su matriz  tecnológica se infunden con la ciencia anatómica, combinada con un entendimiento paramétrico de la materia y ciertos modos rígidos de perspectiva. De manera conjunta parecen haber alcanzado intactos las  tecnologías 3D, arrastrando sus valores coloniales, racistas, misóginos,  edadistas y capacitistas hasta su código-base, el diseño de sus  interfaces, la cultura visual y los métodos pedagógicos.

Karen Barad habla de los fenómenos (phenomena) que resultan de las "intra-acciones de múltiples dispositivos de producción corporal". La  noción de phenomena ayuda a entender que los cuerpos son producciones  tecnológicas y calculadas que hemos aprendido a comprender y habitar. De forma torpe y urgente tomamos la mano de Barad y preguntamos: si los  cuerpos son ficciones políticas vivas, ¿cuál es el cuerpo fenomenal de  las verdades 3D? Y seguiremos: ¿cómo podemos proveernos de procesos de  desarrollo de herramientas y vocabularios de 3D que extiendan las  ficciones corporales más allá -o más acá- del régimen de la modernidad?

16:25 TOUR (40 minutes)--------------------------------

on agency:
*003: Durer -- perspective device // one, still, one-eyed, male, enlightened and representer of an-other naked, asimetrically posed and female. /
*026: Psychotechnic checa -- tortured-disoriented subject fragile, ready to declare "truth"
*009: NSFW -- emergent subjectivity: hyperproductive and sexualized subject emerges // learning from what datasets contain/preserve/accumulate
the real, computed:
*085: Synthetic Pareidolia: Invention/fiction happens with algorithmic processes? What would be volumetric pareidolia, how would it be different? Also: the idea of "false positive"?
*084: Goodbye Uncanny Valley -- "photorealism", "unobserved but visually accurate / sucess equals invisibility (vs. Glissant "for opacity") +
*059: Anarcha -- renaming - reworlding
*028: Circlusion/circluding -- verbalising for decolonising, depatriarchalising & decapitalising +
captured bodies:
*068: A>T>horizontalfix>cactus poses to calibrate and acquire: the phenomenal in the domestic
*060: we help each other grow
*020: Fag Face -- data realities and their consequences + hide and show simultaneously
*046: The Saydanya Project: syrian prison in 3d -- reconstruction as proof // temporality, memory, facilitate material memories emerge?

17:05 BREAK (15 min)--------------------------------

17:20 EXPLAIN METHOD + QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION (10 min)--------------------------------

-what "we"? / a question on agency: how to assume being fictional without leaving our responsibilities.
-lexicon/vocabulary for the possible
-3D technologies at the industrial continuum of technocolonialism in turbocapitalism
-volume and truth regimes: tools for volumetrically shaping the processes of identification with the apparatus of normalisation. // truth regimes are linked to property regimes, so...what tools could be designed and placed in place for/by inapropriate/d others?
-from probable to possible bodies

17:30 EXERCISE -2 groups of 3, or 3 of 2-(60min)

possible exercises:
    -diagram a 3D phenomenon from the inventory / then, yuxtapose


18:45 END

materials to bring:
    -continuum zine
    -abstract feat. pritchard zine

+ Publications: