- Explain our plans

Three Initial Areas of Study for the Trans*Feminist Rendering Programme 

Plan for august:
    A library of scanning + rendering devices that cross these areas. Some will be provided, others to be made on the spot: metal scanning, dowsing, digging, ...

- Update on the funding apps

- system to sign-up 
- long description (how long? By when latest?)
- change image on website

Thinking together about how we will work in the long term
How to not always place collective work within the "family" section. Can this be in dialogue with us? 

Where are the tables located?
Is there permission to dig a m3 (cubic)
Invitation letters for funding run May 15
Checking budget: £ 500

+ the collective naming of the constellation for the new project
yes, Possible Bodies or not. Or beyond :P
how do you both see it?

JR: conceptually and historically would like to try another name. Not to suggest a from scratch (it is obviously connected). Likes a rendering of the name. No concrete proposal yet. It is a three-fold, to have a way to name it together. Body also might not to need to be so necessary here.
FS: can not make up mind because on the one hand excited aboutPB being a two ended or continuing or also three. But agrees that the name with "bodies" in it force us to every time clarify about that, so maybe not useful on this collaboration. Happy to rename. But ... names are always hard.
HP like the wor bodies does in that way. Forcing an entnglement not just disconneced subterreans.
-> it can maybe be a special edition? like "PB subterranean edition"? How the renaming opens other 
accountability and responsibility
JR: maybe other force to the "yes, let's keep PB" is self-legitimation. Yes, because of all the work already done.
FS: BUT if we continue how to deal with the inventory

subterreanean fork of PB
[Possible Bodies: ] The Subterranean Division (featuring Gabriel Tarde)

i like it
me tooooo!
i donno
yup haha
yes could be good
in the bio is that
oral shortcut
Division - eek - i think its ok!! 
exactly, in the bios we can put it (and waste (!!!) our hundred of words...) but yes! haha :P
no, i like it. when writing it down we use the whole syntax. but we also have a shorter name for the division's operations
subterranian operation?
subterranean subdivision
but "subterranea" is a plural, right?
like "data"

yes, it has been plastic and elastic

well, we've already signed things as Possible Bodies (Helen, Femke, Jara)

pedigrees?? did you say that!?

Possible Bodies (subterranean edition)
überpossible subbodies :P
subbodies a bit kind of "sub space" not sure this is what we are thinking here 

Short description:

Investigating contemporary scanning practices for tectonic and cosmic imaging (such as Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging, magnetic resonance, UltraSound, and Computer Tomography) together with fiction writers, earth techno-scientists and trans*feminist device problematizers. Come and find Finsbury Park’s hidden underground worlds.

Long description:

What we want to do in the fair
and how it relates to the programme (and maybe the AR thing)

- a library of devices, one that can be there on site for the different constellation
- constellate to other places - different temporalspatialities
- One device we make together
- circulate something like leaflets?
- each constellation has a different leaflet 
- so each device can have more than one leafelet 
- Tent .. Weather data crunchers ...

Texts and devices to enhance latent presences
Introducing the sensibilities of the project
A library of devices and texts
At night?
Speculating backwards. Echolocation

What would we want to do and why?
Scanning vs rendering
Industrial Scanning and Rendering... 
Park as a situated object of study 
Objects of study 
Production of fiction apparatus -- Not so much based on the positivist operation of whats there 
industrial scaning / extraction / construction
the park below the surface is not so contested yet?
Water reservoir 
is a beginning - and also a transition from one way of working to another
FS interested in the connection between scanning, rendering, sensing and modelling, imagining,
it seems that any form of scanning feels and is felt -- material interventions
there are signals send out, compiled and brought together into a render/processing/translation/[actualisation]
what the scanners do, what for. 
with hallucinatory resolution, the memory of what is supposed to be seen is what renders the rest of the image

rendering - non-totalizing scanning / other planetaries
modelling - 

size/scale relation between scanner and what is being scanned

where to cut? how can the border cross us?
what does it mean to 'scan the earth'
scanner comes to park, park comes to scanner

rocks, strata, earth

Alexis Pauline Gumbs on Echolocation..

"going into the forrest" (Jennifer Gabrys),

petro porn

"la frontera me atraviesa" (Gloria Anzaldúa/Sayak Valencia)

Three Areas of Study for the Trans*Feminist Rendering Programme 
connected subsurfaces
stories of the undergrounds
constellation of subsurface politics

subsurface solidarities
underground solidarities

anti-territorial soil solidarities

in the NL sea bottom turned into state-national surface

starting with a set of constellations.

- anti-territorial soil solidarities
- the necropolitics of the subsurface
- stories of the underground
- non-totalizing scanning / otherwise planetary scanning
- making the below the surface public

Maxima Acuña singing

-additional fundraising? Furtherfield one-exhibit a year

if it has no presence in the gallery, there needs to be an extra fundraising way.

for august: Catalyst

-> 19/20 program plus tiny description

our work could fit into both love machines and land oracles years

-> playful consultation tools

-> nr of participants for the 10th, technical needs, etc
--> a table, plus a kick-off time so people approaches

Could be having a table and then going out on distributed activities throughout the day.. 
Potential for people to drop in and join on the day also
10am -5pm events some timebased 
That people participate for the duration of the day
The project with the GPS app there will be an app for people to play.. 
Extra layer that we proposed in the first text, the moment in august is a launching of the empty plates.. 
Connected with the funding issue and connecected or not.. 

The Extended Trans*Feminist Rendering Program - Scanning deep into the earthy alien-worlds of the park
+ the signup link
+ an image
+ speak in a copy of weeks times.. extended description of the project.. 
+new website in April 
+email Yoki for a call for the longer term project.
(website will be online by the begginning of april, hopefuly)

-> Helen exposes the plan of para-academic fundraising, and the triangle of this-PB-citizen sci

 -> no access to the reservoir yet-- were hoping to do the future scape project, but nightmare to give enough access to enough people with wireless devices ?¿? issue about safety precautions
there is a too-narrow ladder only...

more likely to be us three plus one of Furtherfield's.

[we should think of a plan for widening access, like live-streaming from within or something!]

but still want to create an underground publicly programed cultural zone out of it.

-> ask letters of mottivation to participants?
-> circulate the questions in advance? (through social networks...or not)

-> we need to check/modify this before next week:
The Extended Trans*Feminist Rendering Program - Scanning deep into the earthy alien-worlds of the park

The Extended Trans*Feminist Rendering Program
Possible Bodies (Helen Pritchard, Femke Snelting, Jara Rocha)

Imaginations of the (under)grounds, of the earth and of Finsbury Park specifically. Investigating contemporary scanning practices for tectonic and cosmic imaging (such as magnetic resonance, UltraSound,  and Computer Tomography) together with fiction writers, earth techno-scientists and trans*feminist device problematizers.


Possible Bodies is a collaborative research project, interrogating the concrete and at the same time fictional entities of “bodies” in the context of 3D-tracking, -modelling and -scanning.

Jara Rocha is an independent researcher/mediator who tends to attend to the semiotic-material urgencies of present cultures with a trans*feminist sensibility. Works with infrastructural politics and aesthetics, text logistics, body inscriptions and tests non-formal ways of learning in collective situations like Euraca Seminar, Las promesas de los algos, Relearn Summerschool, or The Darmstadt Delegation. 

Femke Snelting works as artist and designer, developing undisciplined research at the intersection of feminisms and free software. In various constellations she explores how digital tools and cultural practices might co-construct each other. She is member of Constant, a non-profit, artist-run association for art and media based in Brussels.

Helen Pritchard is an artist and researcher, whose interdisciplinary work brings together the fields of Computational Aesthetics, Geography and Feminist TechnoScience. Helen's practice is both one of writing and making and these two modes mutually inform each other in order to consider the impact of computational practices on our engagement with environments.

[original sent by Charlotte: 
Transfeminist Rendering 10th Aug
Helen Pritchard, Femke Snelting,  Jara Rocha

Imaginations of the underground, of the earth and Finsbury Park specifically. Using contemporary scanning practices for underground and cosmic imaging (such as magnetic resonance, UltraSound and Computer Tomography) with fiction writers, earth scientists and trans*feminists device makers.]

The Extended Trans*Feminist Rendering Program

The Extended TransFeminist Rendering Program will take place at irregular moments in the Finsbury Reservoir between 2020 and 2021. The program exists to take care of the production, reproduction and interpretation of DIWO scanning devices and scanning practices within the field of a-clinical, underground and cosmic imaging such as magnetic resonance (MR), UltraSound (US) and Computer Tomography (CT).

The intense training sessions are organized around autonomous, ecologically sustainable municipalities. The programme benefits the scanning equipment themselves, as well as the local amateur operators who interact with a-clinical renderings and speculations.

For the unsupervised professionals, certification provides possibilities, Optical Character Recognition, the potential for machine recruitment, increased learning power and electricity tokens. For the programme participants, prefigurative organizing certification for MR, US and CT. The Program offers its help to readily identify competent scanner mentors in participant communities.

The rendering program is based upon a set of Crystal Variation Standards that undefine what a competent TransFeminist scanner operator could imagine and might be able to do. Upon fulfillment of these standards, applicants are granted the ETRP Professional Certification credentials.

Framed within the ETRP, learning forks lead to a number of specialized degrees, including:

– Agile 2D to 3D Tu(r)ning.
– Interpretation of Diversity.
– Radiation Safety and Self-Defence.
– Recreational Imaging.
– Cut, slice and go.
– Neolithic Temporality: theory and practice.

This programme is for those interested in being trained for/with other imaginations of the underground, of the earth and the Finsbury park specifically. This includes: permaculture activists, science fiction writers, earth scientists, trans*feminists device makers.

Participants are asked to bring sufficient electricity tokens, bandanna or blindfold, blanket (in case you get cold), and if possible a pillow, to the group meetings. Jewelry and other metal accessories are not allowed for safety reasons. Everything can be a distraction, especially feelings – if you want to cry, you should and use them in the scans and throw a party. You will receive a copy of any one of the following books and cosmology cards by CT1010 of your choosing: Scanner Magic, CT Ceremony, Coyote Spirit Guides (or Pocket Guide to Spirit Machines), Groups and Geometric Analysis: Integral Geometry, Invariant Differential Operators, and Spherical Functions, Choose Your Own Scanning Family, Voxcell Constellations as a Daily Practice, Earth Technomagic Oracle Cards, Cosmic Cat Cards, Messages from Your Cellular Desire Guides, Voxel Algorithm Oracle Cards or Resonating on Gaia at the first meeting. Print on demand.

You must complete each class in sequence!

ETRP would like to collaborate with the following mentors/tutors/participants:

Kym Ward (Liverpool)
Maria Dada (London)
Sina Seifee (Brussels)
Jara Rocha (Barcelona)
Femke Snelting (Brussels)
Helen Pritchard (London)
Maria Puig de la Bellacasa  (Warwick)
Abelardo Gil-Fournier (London)
Kathryn Yusoff (London)
Anja Kanngieser (wollonong...australia?)
The Extracted bodies_corporeal grounds group (Berlin)
Connie Mendoza (former extracted bodies group)



one-week preparation meeting (Helen, Jara, Femke)
Development + production of speculative scanning devices with Maria Dada
Production of 'schoolplates'

one-week preparation meeting (Helen, Jara, Femke)
[Jara + Femke one month residency in London]
- Two two-day training sessions (with invited mentors)
- A two-day publicly accessible sessions (with general public)

one-week preparation meeting (Helen, Jara, Femke)
[Jara + Femke one month residency in London]
- A two-day training sessions (with invited mentors
- A two-day publicly accessible sessions (with general public)
One-week documentation meeting (Helen, Jara, Femke)


Possible Bodies is a collaborative research, interrogating the concrete and at the same time fictional entities of “bodies” in the context of 3D-tracking, -modelling and -scanning.

Femke Snelting works as artist and designer, developing projects at the intersection of design, feminisms and free software. In various constellations she explores how digital tools and practices might co-construct each other. She is member of Constant, an association for art and media based in Brussels.

Helen Pritchard is an artist and researcher, whose interdisciplinary work brings together the fields of Computational Aesthetics, Geography and Feminist TechnoScience. Helen's practice is both one of writing and making and these two modes mutually inform each other in order to consider the impact of computational practices on our engagement with environments.

Jara Rocha tends to investigate the situated and complex forms of the materialities of present cultures and the distribution of the technological. With a curious confidence in textual logistics and with a clear tendency to profanate modes, she’s often found in tasks of cultural mediation, trans*feminist research and independent curatorship.


This proposal is a mutation from a speculative exercise entitled "Ultrasonic dreams of Aclinical Renderings":


HP read 'what to bring to class' to them

Other contributions:
Solar punk
trans science fiction writer
participatory data art
park as experiemntal context
design for action and permaculture
ecological and fantastic stories
triggers for new thinking
--> quite a big bunch!

a 2-year project

interesting discussion about mapping - 
Mapping? Maybe not!
stay away from mapping!:P
anti-mapping sentiment


how to investigate and enquire into current 3D modelling practices of Earth scanning // cosmological modelling // soil
entanglement with toxicities -- bring this into the mix
intersectional concerns

a series of workshops?
actualize an artwork form? a video? images?VR?, book?
"an architect who does scanning"?
Louisa Minkin

What we might like to do!!

The Extended TransFeminist Rendering Program

A trans*feminist study scanning
training program
gymnastic practice
rendering program

It is an opportunity to keep wandering about scale and the potentials of switching/negotiating between scales (and materialities).
It is opportunity to keep wondering about the entangalements and how to account for them in technoscientific situations
Thinking about a way of prospecting: types of liveliness derived from the scanning
connected to "axiomatic Earth": Interventionist scanning: how the scanning makes world ie another mathematics/calculation  - scanning worldlings

- what agencies
- what is to be learned/unlearned/relearned
- what sections are key in this intersectionality?
- what devices are addressed under the practice of "scanning"? and what is being scanned?
- situatedness: the park, the reservoir, the underground waters,
- geopolitics of scanning and measurement of whats below the surface
- different perspective switches: from within, from space...

School / traning camp /
Having a space
Having devices, scanners that exist and ones that we imagine
Having a team of people that can come as trainers


what they asked:

We need a plan!
commission vs workshops or both

starting next spring -> events summer 2020 + summer 2021
part of the funding already secured, part not

FS in London on the 12th of October

Sina's forrests!: