A Library device for Possible Bodies at Bau:
Step 1: [November 2017] JR + FS propose re-ordering and layers
Step 2: installing bibliotecha or bibliobox + offline library. Think/work on how the community can appear around it. SG -> https://bibliobox.net/ + Making a graphviz
Step 3: FS + JR provide a Calibre library [a seed], to be added to and copied from // as it will be an illegal practice, we need to assume it, as a position! http://custodians.online/
consider the closedness of the school's library, the physicality of that closedness,
Step 4: January 8th -- SG activates the libraries -- how to inform, make activate. An opening? A beer in the library! An install party?
Step 5: 3 reading moments, so what 3 texts? February - March - April -- [once a month? noise ok? outside] SG + JR proposes Reading groups (with students!), how to activate/evaluate.
Step 6: Possible Bodies as a prototype for opening the library as a coalition with research. What next?!
Step 7: Scale up to the universe :-)
Temporality - Until 30 April 2018?
Categories / clusters of issues/questions
Facilitating the reading
offline library + photocopies
Possible Bodies intensifies certain interests.
Possible Bodies as an emergent research project. How can we open up research through/with design to other designers (students and teachers)
The online catalog -- a bibliographic reference. Stuff that is referenced but we facilitate the access.
thereis a lot, so how to keep some focus.
How to find out specific interests, why.
First layer: visibility of research
Second layer: who is reading the books/article? Reading groups?
Bibliographic resistance: how to use the bibliography as a battleground.
problematize bibliographic practices
ideas for "installing" bibliographically the inventory at Bau's library (with the implication of librarian Sergi Carcía):
*- offline library? / bibliotecha : http://p-dpa.net/work/bibliotecha/ We got TP -Link from Jaron Rowan
-selection of library funds, dis-ordered? Tabakalera Donosti https://www.google.es/maps/uv?hl=es&pb=!1s0xd51a55967ee9337%3A0xee78c31e1e9100c!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Flh%2Fsredir%3Funame%3D107407438885879840938%26id%3D6286834789627635618%26target%3DPHOTO!5sBuscar%20con%20Google&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMtGG9ExJWd30Ko3ikT3HmwmcBejKLpE993vND0
-printed pdfs, inviting to be read? please :)
-new reading trajectories around the shelves? it could be ...
Books selected by Sergi, already in the BAU library:
*Le Breton, D. (2002) Antropología del cuerpo y modernidad. Madrid : Nueva Visión
*Le Breton, D. (1998) Sociología del cuerpo. Madrid : Nueva Visión
*Le Breton, D. (2002) Antropología del cuerpo y modernidad. Madrid : Nueva Visión
*Jonas, W. (2006) Transformation Design Montreal : BIRD.
*Papanek, V. (2014) Diseñar para el mundo real. Barcelona : Pol·len.
*Heidegger, M. (2007) La idea de la filosofía y el problema de la concepción del mundo Barcelona : Herder
*Warnier, C. (2014) Printing things : visions and essentials for 3D printing, Berlin : Die Gestalten
*Martí, J. (2008) La cultura del cos, Barcelona : UOC
*Berchon, M. La impresión 3D: guía… Barcelona : GG
*3D TOTAL “Anatomy for 3d artists..”
[Not complete. There are other books on the picture?] NOt complete /Yes
Printed articles/books for the PB dispositivo in BAU:JARON borrowed to us his tp-link :) Offline library
*The additivist manifesto's cookbook http://additivism.org/manifesto [tenemos una copia en papel, impresa]
*Possible Bodies fanzines
*Gynepunk zines
*Preciado: let's print flesh! [hay copia en "textos efímeros" de Bau] http://paroledequeer.blogspot.de/2017/02/paul-b-preciado.html#more
*if Bau has it: "los condenados de la pantalla" de Hito Steyerl
*if Bau has it: Maria Ptqk, Soft Power
*[en castellano!] Braidotti, R. (2015) "Lo posthumano"... https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-lo-posthumano/9788497848114/260 We have it :)
*Article: Dis-orientation and its aftermath [revista Bau-Inmaterial] https://www.inmaterialdesign.com/index.php/mag/article/view/27 PRINT
*Entry: "MakeHuman" in Posthuman Glossary http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/assets/makehuman_glossary.pdf PRINT
*Ana Isabel Carvalho & ginger coons & Ricardo Lafuente, Libre Graphics Magazine, Gendering F/LOSS http://libregraphicsmag.com/ PRINT/COLOR
*Modifying the universal http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/assets/DB06_Executing_Practices_Modifiying_the_Universal_Pierrot_Roscam_Abbing_Snelting.pdf PRINT
*The fragility of life (a conversation between Femke Snelting, Jara Rocha and Simone Niquille) https://research-development.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/en/fellows/fragility-life print
*Blas, Zach and Micha Cardenas, “Imaginary computational systems: queer technologies and transreal aesthetics”. AI & SOCIETY December 2013, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp 559-566. https://www.academia.edu/5349392/Imaginary_computational_systems_queer_technologies_and_transreal_aestheticsPRINT
*Chapter 5 from Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway: Getting Real https://conceptsinsts.wikispaces.com/file/view/Barad+differences98.pdf PRINT
*Karen Barad: Diffracting Diffraction: Cutting Together-Apart https://www.academia.edu/30091118/Diffracting_Diffraction_Cutting_Together-Apart PRINT
*Chapter 2: Posthuman Spectacle from Catherine Waldby - The Visible Human [Femke has pdf] OK
*Luciana Parisi, The incomputable and instrumental possibility http://www.e-flux.com/journal/77/76322/the-incomputable-and-instrumental-possibility/ PRINT/COLOR
*Hito Steyerl, In free fall A thought experiment on verticality http://www.e-flux.com/journal/24/67860/in-free-fall-a-thought-experiment-on-vertical-perspective/PRINT/COLOR
*Hito steyerl, Ripping Reality http://eipcp.net/e/projects/heterolingual/files/hitosteyerl/print PRINT
*Haraway, Donna - manifiesto chthuluceno desde santa cruz https://helenatorres.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/chthulucene-haraway-esp5.pdf PRINT
*Haraway, Donna – Ciencia cyborgs y mujeres... https://es.scribd.com/document/43519536/Haraway-Donna-Ciencia-Cyborg print in color :)
*Donna Haraway: Cyborg Manifesto http://www.icesi.edu.co/blogs/antro_conocimiento/files/2012/02/Haraway_MANIFIESTO-CYBORG.pdf PRINTED
*«Testigo_Modesto@Segundo_Milenio. HombreHembra©_Conoce_Oncoratón®. Feminismo y tecnociencia» http://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/lectora/article/viewFile/7061/8888 PRINTED
*Adrian Mackenzie, Living Multiples: How Large-scale Scientific Data-Mining Pursues Identity and Differences https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258192456_Living_Multiples_How_Large-scale_Scientific_Data-mining_Pursues_Identity_and_Difference NOT PRINTED :(
*Stacy Alaimo New Materialisms, Old Humanisms, or, Following the Submersible [jara has pdf]
*La «glòria de la impressió» introdueix una topologia d’allò infra-mince, un tema que el propi Duchamp desenvolupà en les seves Notes. http://www.raco.cat/index.php/Materia/article/view/89867/115028
*El erotismo de precisión de la máquina, Fragmentos de carne esencial., Indicios falseados y prótesis agonística .. [?] PRINTED
*Computational logic and ecological rationality - Luciana Parisi / General Ecology https://monoskop.org/media/text/hoerl_burton_eds_2017_general_ecology/#cha-2
*Haraway, D https://epistemologiascriticas.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/haraway-conocimientos-situados.pdf + https://lascirujanas666.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/haraway-conocimientossituados.pdf PRINTED
*Shooting the mother: photography and the politics of disappearance [jara has pdf]
*Chapter 4: Data from Josh Berson, Computable Bodies: https://slowrotation.memoryoftheworld.org/Josh%20Berson/Computable%20Bodies_%20Instrumented%20Li%20(39834)/Computable%20Bodies_%20Instrumented%20-%20Josh%20Berson.pdf
*A phenomenology of whiteness (sara ahmed) [jara has pdf]
*Margarete Sandelowski, Separate, but less unequal [Femke has pdf]
*Aud Sissel Hoel, Images and measurements across arts and sciences [Femke has pdf]
*Foucault, el nacimiento de la clínica chapter "seeing, knowing" https://monoskop.org/images/9/96/Foucault_Michel_El_nacimiento_de_la_clinica.pdf PRINTED
*Death of the posthuman http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/books/titles/death-of-the-posthuman/
*Chapter 6: Worlds to come from Alexis Shotwell: Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised Times [Femke has pdf]
*Lucía Egaña: "Hacking the Body. A Transfeminist War Machine" : https://www.academia.edu/26645169/Hacking_the_Body._A_Transfeminist_War_Machine PRINTED
*Chapter xxx from: Stamatia Portanova, MIT Press, Moving Without a Body: Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thought [Femke has pdf]
Books to order: / I'm already ordering j now :) Done¡
(we have a budget by the library of 200€)
*Queer Phenomenology https://www.dukeupress.edu/queer-phenomenology $24.95 paperback
*Gut Feminism https://www.amazon.es/Gut-Feminism-Next-Wave-Directions/dp/0822359707 21,44 e
*Haraway, Donna J.:Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene https://www.dukeupress.edu/staying-with-the-trouble paperback
*Karen Barad, Meeting the universe halfway: https://www.dukeupress.edu/meeting-the-universe-halfway 30,00$
*Samantha Frost, Biocultural creatures https://www.dukeupress.edu/biocultural-creatures
*Luciana Parisi, Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Bio-Technology and the Mutations of Desire https://marcell.memoryoftheworld.org/Luciana%20Parisi/Abstract%20Sex_%20Philosophy,%20Bio-Technology%20and%20the%20Mutations%20of%20Desire%20(435)/Abstract%20Sex_%20Philosophy,%20Bio-Technology%20a%20-%20Luciana%20Parisi.pdf FREE
*[if not already there: "los condenados de la pantalla" de Hito Steyerl?]
*[if not already there: Maria Ptqk, Soft Power]
Maybe add, proposed by Sergi:
*Latour, Bruno (2007) Nunca fuimos modernos. Siglo XXI https://monoskop.org/images/f/fb/Latour_Bruno_Nunca_fuimos_modernos_Ensayo_de_antropologia_simetrica.pdf
*JÖnsson Li, Lenskjold Tau (2017). Prototipos especulativos y etnografías exógenas: experimentando con relaciones más allá de lo humano. REVISTA DISEÑA, 11 , 134-147.
*http://www.revistadisena.com/prototipos-especulativos-y-etnografias-exogenas/ http://www.revistadisena.com/pdf/DISENA11_134-147_ISSN0718-8447.pdf FREE PDF
*López del Rincón, D. (2015) "Bioarte" https://www.akal.com/libro/bioarte_35120/
*De Miguel , R "Ex Machina"..
*Thwaites, T. (2016) GoatMan: How I Took a Holiday from Being Human
*Morton, Timothy (2017) Humankind. Verso Books
*https://monoskop.org/File:Body-artist_and_computer.png ?
*Latour, B. "Give me a laboratory and i ... http://www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/12-GIVE-ME-A-LAB-GB.pdf FREE
*Films: Analizando gran parte de la cinematografía pasada y reciente que tratan o incorporan en su plot historias sobre formas de vida artificial inteligente, siempre me he preguntado acerca de la insistencia en corporeizarla o dotarla de rasgos humanos.
*Ex Machina (2015), Under the Skin (2013), Her (2013), Solaris (1972), Metropolis (1927), etc....