pi8 workshop @ Constant_V,
Let's built pi8's !
Visual installation in the window of Constant, with a three day workshop for a group of ... 8 - 10 (?) participants.
Michael remarked that having the window up earlier, before we have the workshop, will probably attract visitors from the neighborhood. That is a good point.
Maybe a first version of the installation can be put up a week before the workshop,
and then during the workshop we change the window and finish the workshop with the 'vernissage' of the window,films and drinks.
Maxime and Peter thought working in the office during three days would be fun, better then in WTC because we are directly behind the window.
Donatella and Femke will put up headphones, and work on their desks, so the white table in the front, + the middle space will be available. Great!
Maybe a more specific direction could be determined, for example soldering buttons to shoot on the outside of the camera.
But it is also nice to go with the flow and make it fun and experimental and less aiming for output.
=> Aiming for output doesn't prevent you to experiment diffrent ways to get it and/or to change your mind meanwhile : it's a good backbone.
Is it a good idea to do one afternoon for newcomers, or is it better to all work together all the time?
to be discussed....
First version of the window on 08 november 2018
With a big anouncement of the workshop, a text and invitation for the vernissage, and of course lots of super 8 and Pi stuff.
Installation of this first version: 6 november
We do the workshop on monday 19, tuesday 20, wednesday 21.
10:00 -> 18h00
installation window on thursday 22 november
The installation ends on 13 January 2019.
The installation is taken down on 14 january 2019.
For each Constant_V, Morgane Le Ferec and Quentin Jumelin design a flyer.
The text for the flyer should be ready 19 october,
the print of the flyer is ready on the 1st november,
Distribution will be done in the week of 5 november
There is a budget of 400 fees + 200 materials for the window and for the costs of the workshop.
Flyer and drinks for vernissage are covered. (hmmm untill a reasonable amount I presume .. )
How do we do look for participants ?
We send out an open call ?
For how many places ?
=> Let's say 8 people. Regarding the space at constant, I think it's more than enough !
Or do we invite people personally ?
=> It's a good idea. There are already interrested people (who know the project from Cinéma Sauvages, or else) and it would be interessting to have also "skilled" people in the team (= people who already know soldering and/or programming and/or camera stuff).
This can be send on mailing lists. (House, open source video, pi8, Labo, apertus, ...)
Info for the website of Constant should be ready at the latest 1st october.
The info will be send in the newsletter of november.
SuPi8 workshop 19 -> 2 november
The SuPi8 is a digital camera ... but built inside a Super8 camera. More precisely, it is a digital sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi, stuck inside a 8mm or Super8 camera.
During this workshop we'll built camera's from scratch, experiment with its design and shoot SuPi8 footage. The idea is to develop a small amateur camera wich is cheap, easy to adapt, and which consumes little energy because it does not have a monitor. Instead we use the optical viewer of the analogue camera. The project is still in its prototype phase, so be prepared to discover unknown territories !
If you want to join the workshop: email maxime@collectifs.net, places are limited.
Expo: SuPi8
22 nov -> 13 jan
vernissage: 22 nov, 18:00
The videos and cameras that are produced will be shown in the window of Constant.
SuPi8 atelier 20 -> 22 november
La SuPi8 est une caméra numérique .... mais dans la forme/carcasse/boîtier d'une caméra super 8 !
Plus précisément, c'est un capteur numérique relié à un Raspberry Pi, que l'on glisse dans une caméra 8mm ou super 8.
Pendant l'atelier, nous allons assembler des caméras SuPi8, améliorer leur conception et filmer des images avec. L'idée est de developper une petite caméra amateur et bon marché, qui fonctionne avec peu d'énergie car elle n'a pas besoin de moniteur (on utilise le viseur optique de la caméra argentique) et qui est facilement configurable selon ses besoins. Le projet est toujours à l'étape du prototypage : soyez prêt à découvrir des territoires encore inexplorés !
Expo: SuPi8 22 nov -> 13 jan
vernissage: 22 nov, 18h00
Les vidéos et caméras qui sont produites seront montrées dans la vitrine de Constant.
SuPi8 workshop 20 -> 22 november
De SuPi8 is een digitale filmcamera, andersgezegd: het is een digitale sensor, verbonden aan een Raspberry Pi, geïntegreerd in een Super8 of 8mm camera.
Tijdens de workshop bouwen we camera's, experimenteren we met hun design, en filmen we SuPi8 footage! Het idee is om zelf een kleine amateurcamera te bouwen, die goedkoop is, makkelijk aanpasbaar en die weinig stroom verbruikt omdat hij geen monitor heeft. Maar hij gebruikt wel de optische lens en viewer van de analoge camera.
Het project is in een protoype fase dus bereid je voor omonbekend terrein te betreden !
Meedoen? Stuur een mail aan: maxime@collectifs.net
Expo: SuPi8
22 nov -> 13 jan
vernissage: 22 nov, 18:00
De gemaakte video's en camera's worden getoond in de vitrine van Constant.
Manual: => https://vimeo.com/224954655
Website: => https://supi8.constantvzw.org
Who to send mails to:
liste House (peter)
mailinglist Flat (peter)
newsletterconstant (peter)
mail Pieter Heiremans (peter
Piet Zwart (Michael)
Marthe van Dessel
open source video (peter)
mensen van beneden
Nova annonces (maxime)
LABO bxl / labobis / labobine (maxime)
anciens participants (maxime)
Jean-Michel + Kino B (maxime)
Antje van Wichelen
IAD Louvain La Neuve,
Insas, SIC, -> Laurent van Lancker
IAD vragen Laurent
Pauline vragen om door te sturen