"la vida es demasiado corta como para andarse con hojas de cálculo" (Sage, sic)
July 10-14th, 2023
Calls: https://jitsi.hangar.org/LaaS
Materials and documentation: https://cloud.hangar.org/s/kPStg2f6rRroiLF
Bibliography (in progress): https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/titipi.operationshangar-reading
Method: https://titipi.org/wiki/index.php/Operations_room
Description: https://hangar.org/es/ultimes-noticies/operations-room/
Wiki page: https://titipi.org/wiki/index.php/Operations_Room_Hangar
P R O G R A M M E :
- Monday 10 July
- morning: set-up of the room, TITiPI attunement to Hangar
- [lunch]
- 14:30 Open doors to the Room, loose encounter with the materials
- 15:00 Introductions
- - Welcome / who is in the room (Antonio, Matteo, Jorge, Laila, Femke, Helen, Aggeliki, Miriyam, Jara, Anna (on-line)) (Femke+Jara)
- - Proposed documentation system: keywords and timestamps (Antonio, Aggeliki)
- - Hangar and InfraMaintainance (Anna)
- - Life as a Service (LaaS) (Jara)
- - TITiPI, The Cloud Regime (Miriyam, TITiPI)
- - Operations Room as a method (Helen, TITiPI)
- - Why SAGE on-line accounting system with Seda + Donald recorded inserts, tour through the room (Femke)
- 16:30 Break
- 17:00 Laila's input, discussion and articulations of questions [ESP, with translation to ENG]
- 18:30 end
- ---
- Tuesday 11 July (Laila joins at 11:00)
- 10:00 Infrables micro version: share an experience with digital administration
- https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/operationsroom_hangar-VF
- 10:20-10:40 round 1
- 10:40-11:00 round 2
- 11:00 2 stories with accompaniment (Anna, Matteo/Jorge) (5m each)
- 11:20 break
- 11:30 Intro collective infrasoftware study (3 groups). In this session we make different cuts trough the concrete SAGE ecosystem as implemented by Mits Informatica:
- [break]
- 13:00/12:30 Bringing analyses together
- 13.30/14:00 - 15:00 self-catering lunch break
- 16:00 Visit to Lumbung press @Hangar; documentation, reflection, re-organisation
- 18:00 end
- 19:00 Documentation meeting
20:15 Dinner with Hangar team + TITiPI
- ---
- Wednesday 12 July
- 10:00 Collective diagramming session of "what is at stake" (Antonio, Aggeliki, based on documentation so far: Field forces, Entanglements, Points of singularity + sites of struggle and possibility)
- 11:30 Break
- 12:00 Input guest: Jaume Abelló, Hangar's accountant
- 13:00 Closing the room for/with Hangar's team
- 13.30h - 15:00 self-catering lunch break
- 15:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for documentation, reflection, re-organisation (visit to MITS headquarters? Miriyam leaves around 18:00)
- 18:00 end
- ---
- Thursday 13 July (visit MITS headquarters?)
- 10:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for processing
- 11:30 break
- 12:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for processing
- 13.30h - 15:00 lunch break (visited by two artists-reserachers?)
- 15:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for processing
- 18:00 end
- ---
- Friday 14 July (visit MITS headquarters?)
- 10:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for processing
- 11:30 break
- 12:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for processing
- 13.30h - 15:00 lunch break (Helen leaves at 15.00)
- 15:00 TITiPI's internal worksession for processing
- 18:00 end
- (Femke leaves)
- - Public presentation (Anna + Jara, La Virreina)
- - Report on TITiPI's wiki
- - Brief report on Hangar's website
- - A diagram (Antonio, Aggeliki)
- - Publication (La Virreina, Hangar, TITiPI)
Around the table of this Operations Room, there will be:
- - Laila, the administrator that works at Hangar
- - Anna (director) and Antonio (research coordinator) taking care of the institutional infrastructure of Hangar
- - Jorge (web developer) and Matteo (systemadministrator), together taking care of Hangar's digital infrastructure
- - Jara, in their double role as associate member of TITiPI and fellow in the Hangar research track called InfraMaintainance
- - TITiPI, represented by Helen, Miriyam, Femke and Aggeliki (+ Jara)
- - Jaume Abelló, Hangar's accountant (guest on Wednesday)