The Techno-Galactic Walk-in Clinic
Boulevard Roi Albert II / Koning Albert II-laan 28-30 Brussels / Bruxelles
12.06.2017, 14:00-17:00 /
Do you suffer from the disappearance of your software into the cloud, feel oppressed by unequal user privilege, or experience the torment of software-ransom of any sort? Bring your devices and interfaces to the World Trade Center! With the help of a clear and in-depth session, at the Techno-Galactic Walk-In Clinic we guarantee immediate results.
The Walk-In Clinic provides free hands-on observations to software curious people of all kinds. A wide range of professional and amateur practitioners will provide you with Software-as-a-Critique-as-a-Service on the spot. Available services range from immediate interface critique, collaborative code inspection, data dowsing, various forms of network analyses, unusability testing, identification of unknown viruses, risk assessment, opening of black-boxes and more.
Free software observations provided. Last intake at 16:45
The walk-in clinic is a service provided by the Techno-Galactic Software Observatory, a worksession organised by Constant from 7-12 June.
The Techno-Galactische Inloopkliniek
Koning Albert II-laan 28-30 Brussel12.06.2017, 14:00-17:00
Heb je last van software die in de cloud verdwijnt, voel je je gedeprimeerd door ongelijke toegangsprivileges of heb je de indruk dat je door software wordt afgeperst? Kom met je apparaten en interfaces naar het World Trade Center! Met behulp van een verhelderende en diepgaande sessie garandeert de Techno-Galactic inloopkliniek je doeltreffend resultaat.
De inloopkliniek biedt gratis hands-on observaties aan iedereen die nieuwsgierig is naar software. Professionals en amateurs bieden je ter plaatse Software-as-a-Critique-as-a-Service. De aangeboden diensten variëren van impromptu interface kritiek, collaboratieve inspectie van code, data dompeling, diverse vormen van network analyse, onbruikbaarheids tests, de identificatie van onbekende virussen, risico inschatting, het openen van zwarte dozen en meer.
Gratis software observaties. Laatste intake om 16:45.
De inloopkliniek is een service aangeboden door the Techno-Galactic Software Observatory, een werksessie georganiseerd door Constant van 7 tot 12 juni 2017.
Clinique de jour techno-galactique - sans rendez-vous
Boulevard Roi Albert II Bruxelles
12.06.2017, 14:00-17:00
Souffrez-vous de la disparition de vos logiciels dans le cloud, vous sentez-vous oppressés par les privilèges d'usage et les possibilités inégales laissées aux utilisateurs, êtes-vous épuisés par votre expérience des logiciels d'extorsion et d'hameçonnage ? Amenez vos outils et ordinateurs, tablettes, téléphones au World Trade Center. Grâce à un examen clair et approndi de votre problème, à la clinique de jour de l'observatoire techno-galactique nous vous garantissons des résultats immédiats.
Notre clinique de jour fournit des observations personnalisées à toute personne curieuse d'en savoir plus sur les logiciels. Des praticiens professionnels et amateurs vous offriront un service instantané de logiciel-comme-critique. Les services disponibles vont de la critique immédiate des interfaces, la revue de code collaborative, diffférentes formes d'analyses des réseaux et données, de tests d'impraticabilité, l'identification de virus inconnus, l'évaluation des risques, l'ouverture de boites noires et bien d'autres choses encore.
Observations logicielles gratuites. Dernière consultation à 16.45.
La clinique de jour techno-galactique est un service de l'observatoire techno-galactique des logiciels, une session de travail organisée par Constant du 7 au 12 juin 2017.
The Techno-Galactic Walk-In Clinic
Boulevard Roi Albert II / Koning Albert II-laan 28-30 Brussels / Bruxelles
12.06.2017, 14:00-17:00 /
Do you suffer from the disappearance of your software into the cloud, feel oppressed by unequal user privilege, or experience the torment of software-ransom of any sort? Bring your devices and interfaces to the World Trade Center! With the help of a clear and in-depth session, at the Techno-Galactic Walk-In Clinic we guarantee immediate results.
The Walk-In Clinic provides free hands-on observations to software curious people of all kinds. A wide range of professional and amateur practitioners will provide you with Software-as-a-Critique-as-a-Service on the spot. Available services range from immediate interface critique, collaborative code inspection, data dowsing, various forms of network analyses, unusability testing, identification of unknown viruses, risk assessment, opening of black-boxes and more.
Free software observations provided. Last intake at 16:45
The Techno-Galactic walk-in clinic is a service offered/provided/developed by Techno-Galactic software observatory, a worksession organised by Constant from 7-12 June.
CW suggestions:
Wording: At the Techno-Galactic Walk-In Clinic you will receive a clear and in-depth session. We guarantee results and efficacy.
Commnets: [[I am not quite sure what we get from the guarantee of results and efficacy. I understand the genre that is being referenced with this language and it makes sense if we want to poke a bit of fun at the rhetoric of help desks but I wonder if there is another kind of guarantee that we would more earnestly want to make and/or if we want to indicate that we may have different definitions for "results" and "efficacy."
FS OK, liking Peggy's suggestion: 'immediate results'. Also, with the poster it works (in Dutch: Doeltreffend resultaat, even better)
Heb je last van software die in de cloud verdwijnt, voel je je gedeprimeerd door ongelijke toegangsprivileges of heb je de indruk dat je door software wordt afgeperst? Kom met je apparaten en interfaces naar het World Trade Center! Met behulp van een verhelderende en diepgaande sessie garandeert de Techno-Galactic Walk-In Clinic je doeltreffend resultaat.
Gratis software observaties. Laatste intake om 16:45.
Clinique de jour techno-galactique - sans rendez-vous
Souffrez-vous de la disparition de vos logiciels dans le cloud, vous sentez-vous oppressés par les privilèges d'usage et les possibilités inégales laissées aux utilisateurs, êtes-vous épuisés par votre expérience des logiciels d'extorsion et d'hameçonnage ? Amenez vos outils et ordinateurs, tablettes, téléphones au World Trade Center. Grâce à un examen clair et approndi de votre problème, à la clinique de jour de l'observatoire techno-galactique nous vous garantissons des résultats immédiats.
Notre clinique de jour fournit des observations personnalisées à toute personne curieuse d'en savoir plus sur les logiciels..Des praticiens professionnels et amateurs vous offriront un service instantané de logiciel-comme-critique. Les services disponibles vont de la critique immédiate des interfaces, la revue de code collaborative, diffférentes formes d'analyses des réseaux et données, de tests d'impraticabilité, l'identification de virus inconnus, l'évaluation des risques, l'ouveture de boites noires et bien d'autres choses encore.
Observations logicielles gratuites. Dernière consultation à 16.45
La clinique de jour techno-galactique est un service de l'observatoire techno-galactique des logiciels, une session de travail organisée par Constant du 7 au 12 juin 2017.
Honest and serious work. [...]
Guaranteed expertise in the opening of black-boxes, return of the missing interfaces, [...]
Soothing of the user-infrastructure separation, privacy problems,
Or, we shall remain puzzled in solidarity.
what to bring
what to ask
range of whos that are invited..
range of observations/stations
(just a sketch... inspired by these door to door flyers )
I like the broadest range of problems that are taken on (from health to love to work to happiness), so to move away from the health-clinic set of analogies and yea there's something very ironic in the contained idea of 'expertise'.. ;)
"The clinic—constantly praised for its empiricism, the modesty of its attention, and the care with which it silently lets things surface to the observing gaze without disturbing them with discourse—owes its real importance to the fact that it is a reorganization in depth, not only of medical discourse, but of the very possibility of a discourse about disease."
The interwebs says:
1620s, from French clinique (17c.), from Latin clinicus "physician that visits patients in their beds," from Greek klinike (techne) "(practice) at the sickbed," from klinikos "of the bed," from kline "bed, couch, that on which one lies," from suffixed form of PIE root *klei- "to lean.”
Law clinics seem to have taken over the “hands on” bit but not the bedside matter:
"A legal clinic (also law clinic or law school clinic) is a law school program providing hands-on-legal experience to law school students and services to various clients. Clinics are usually directed by clinical professors.[1] Legal clinics typically do pro bono work in a particular area, providing free legal services to clients. A legal clinic or law clinic is a nonprofit law practice serving the public interest. Legal clinics originated as a method of practical teaching of law school students, but today they encompass also free legal aid with no academic links.[2] There are practice based law clinics with no academic link which provide hands on skills to lawyers,judges and non lawyers on practical ethical dimensions of the law at the same time offer free public defence legal services.[3]"
but then come the musicians, and they want to learn from the “patient":
"A musical clinic is an informal meeting with a guest musician, where a small-to-medium-sized audience questions the musician's styles and techniques and also how to improve their own skill. The musician might perform an entire piece, or demonstrate certain techniques for the audience to observe.
The objective is for the audience to learn from the guest musician. A musical clinic can apply to any type of musical instrument, music or player. The clinics are often held at a musical instrument stores.”
I know for sure (having done tool clinics before) that most people associate clinics with the first definition (hospital sick person, doctor etc.) the rest opens up many possibilities but may just remain an insider thing.
So, let me know if you still want to continue in this direction and I will tweak the text on the train tomorrow (if you have a later version, i would appreciate it if you would send me an email since i may not be getting on the web as easily).