PADS linked to this Objetos Comunes:
---> other pad:
---> Exhibition pad:
----> Seminar
Convocatoria abierta para el envío de proyectos: del 9 de septiembre al 8 de octubre.
Inscripción de colaboradores: del 13 al 20 de octubre.
* Young social makers Workshop 24th september to 4th October del 2015
*Taller prototipado colaborativo 28-31 octubre y 25-28 noviembre 2015. Open call for ptoject 7-30 september. Registration collaborators: 5th-20th October
Cierre de convocatoria: 18 de octubre
Inscripción de colaboradores:
-19 - 25 october for reading-evaluating
- 26 we have the list and communicate with people
- 28 we publish summary of selected projects and call for collaborators.
*Seminario de discusión teórica 2 y 3 diciembre
*Taller interactivos Del 2 al 16 de diciembre
Grigri-Pixels*22 de febrero: Presentación del proyecto
*23 de febrero al 9 de marzo: Taller con los 4 residentes africanos y 15 participantes de MLP, junto a 2 facilitadores
*10 y 11 marzo: Presentación de los resultados de la residencia y debate sobre la cultura libre y la fabricación digital en Africa en Medialab Prado, en el marco del encuentro y exposición “Objetos Comunes”.
Encuentro de trabajo objetos comunes 7 al 12 de marzo
Exhibición objetos comunes 14 de octubre al 31 de marzo
We can invite 8 speakers.
- Richard Sennet - The Craftman // it will be difficult but we should try, no? YES // PLIZ! :)
- Johan Soderberg (Suecia) - critical and academic look at maker culture // +1!
- Ernesto Oroza (Cuba, vive en Florida) - theoric&artist / objetual disobedience and generic objects.
Utilizo el término para definir un conjunto de acciones creativas cotidianas ocurridas en Cuba durante los 90’.Me refiero, entre muchas otras, a la acumulación, la reparación y el re-uso. Son prácticas que no parecen muy desobedientes pero que ponen en cuestión radicalmente las lógicas tecnológicas y de consumo de los objetos industriales.Entre las lógicas cuestionadas están el ciclo de vida de los objetos, muchas veces preconcebido por el fabricante; y el objeto industrial cerrado, concluido, casi hermético, cuyo diseño no incluye la posibilidad de reparar o de ser intervenido por el usuario.Es remarcable que el cuestionamiento de los objetos y lógicas industriales se produjo desde una perspectiva artesanal. Eran lógicas y productos industriales revisados desde procesos artesanales y operaciones manuales. Los cubanos diseccionaron la cultura industrial, abrieron todos los cuerpos posibles, repararon y alteraron todo tipo de objetos sin dejarse intimidar por la complejidad técnica ni la escala, como es el caso de los automóviles. Entonces, llamo Desobediencia Tecnológica a un sistemático irrespeto del individuo en Cuba ante la complejidad y lógicas cerradas y excluyentes de los objetos industriales capitalistas y comunistas.
- Clone Wars y/o Josef Prusa
- Antonio Lopez - developing agile methods in Decathlon. //Cesar: Decathlon products are some of the most common around and I'm sure having some insights about how do they create stuff in a distributed company like that, could be valuable in terms of transcending prototypes?
- Sophie de Oliveira Barata - Prosthesis designer Sophie de Oliveira Barata runs The Alternative Limb Project in London, a studio that designs unusual prosthetic limbs. From stereo legs to snake arms, Sophie's project borders on surrealist art and Project crosses into the realm of surrealist art and is redefining the way we see prosthetics.
- Binna Choi director of Casco, Office for Art, Design and Theory
- Rob Holmes - sobre materiales- that's a GREAT talk from 2011 - very inspiring
- Vicente Lull, universidad de barcelona "Los objetos distinguidos. La arqueología como excusa" - archeologist
- Collectif Usinette - fablab/hackerspace tolouse -
they have participed in Afropixel Festival 2012 with a machine de recyclage des déchets plastiques
- Tarek Loubani - is aiming to bring low-cost medical supplies to hospitals in Gaza -
The Glia Project is now developing designs for 3D printable surgical tools including needle drivers, used by surgeons to hold suturing needles, and pulse oximeters, used to measure the oxygen levels in a patient's blood.
- Matt Ratto - 3D printing prosthetics - social scientist (ginger coons was in his work group until recently)
- Felix Stadler - "Digital Solidarity"
- Lalya Gaye
- Lucas Platero
- Rustha Luna Pozzi-Escot artist cotemporaine Ropa projet
- a designer from Decathlon? (Cesar's idea, tell us more! ;-)) Antonio Lopez, developing agile methods
- someone to talk about materials? I've remembered this talk: ---> very very good talk!!!
-Daniel Charny, curator of the Maker Exhibition at Victoria and Albert Musuem (London). His selection was superb and quite diverse. He could offer insights on terms of design, craftsmanship and a new initiative to be launched to bring Makespaces to all libraries and schools.
- Libre Objet may enter a project - otherwise they could give an interesting contribution ..
Medical & body related
- Sophie de Oliveira Barata - Prosthesis designer Sophie de Oliveira Barata runs The Alternative Limb Project in London, a studio that designs unusual prosthetic limbs. From stereo legs to snake arms, Sophie's project borders on surrealist art and Project crosses into the realm of surrealist art and is redefining the way we see prosthetics.
- Tarek Loubani - is aiming to bring low-cost medical supplies to hospitals in Gaza -
The Glia Project is now developing designs for 3D printable surgical tools including needle drivers, used by surgeons to hold suturing needles, and pulse oximeters, used to measure the oxygen levels in a patient's blood.
- Matt Ratto - 3D printing prosthetics - social scientist (ginger coons was in his work group until recently)
- Bram Geenen of okfn (open knowledge foundation) &
Also a moderated intervention --> he was in tedx Madrid 2 weeks ago!! (meh)
Medical open hardware projects
Links from there:
(also - ))
-david weinberger
-bret frischman?
-Aymeric Mansoux
-Ethan Zuckerman? - (Dis)connect:
-Susan Spencer? --> she has entered her project!! great!!
We would like to share with you some idea about "Objetos Comunes" exhibition. We are thinking to articulate the exhibition through 3 main concepts: Design, Production and Distribution, these concepts would take us to manufacture circuit and we could recognize it as classic Fordist terms but also as handcraft or digital forms.
On the floor we would like to put some marks, a kind of stickers that remember the candy colors balls from our wonderful poster.
Theses colors on the floor represent different kinds of relationships, those that usually happen in the production of any object, i mean all the invisibles and social links produced when we make an object, that is the main focus of our project, Objetos Comunes ;-)
These colors, for example, mean:
Blue: with who did you decide to make your object-- Which needs are answered with the creation of the object?
Yellow: to whom do you need to make it -- How was it built?
Green: which links appear after the creation of the object - How will reach a wider audience?
At the beginning, in the exhibition, there will be some objets/prototype from MLP with the Objetos Commun's focus. We would like to make a recipe for each object exhibited, like a take-away recipe ;-) This recipe will have the typical items like materials, and how to do, but also this invisibles "items" that I mentioned before (blue, yellow and green). So the main idea , during the workshop, is that all the participants should think about this items: blue, yelow, and green when they prepare the prototype, an so far the recipe.
I think it will be the opportunity to give the sensitive, domestic even fictional values to the material things like the objets. Also it will create an "open and friendly" way of sharing knowledges.
TIMETABLE meetings and preparations
- Wendy gone from 25/07 - 03/08
- Susanna: between 6 and 30 Augus but she will be on-line
- Laura gone 1-23 August
- Meeting August 31th 13:00. Susana, Alma, Myriam, Wendy, Josianito, Laura
- Functionamientos & Interactivos call ready for 1st week of September
- 7 September: publish introductory text and image Objetos Comunes + Funcionamientos open call for projects (ideally with confirmed names of leading tutors)
-14 September: Interactivos?'15 open call for projects
- 7 September 11:00 next meeting Laura
- Plan for worksession reformulated: End of year
- Start communication worksession: First week January
- February 2016: Discuss follow up (expo/book, funding)
- Follow-up: Before end of 2016
(Spanish version 8.9.)
Las redes digitales han favorecido el auge de la fabricación distribuida y personalizada de objetos. El llamado movimiento “maker” ha marcado una nueva cultura de lo material, en la que las comunidades locales y personas conectadas a nivel global pueden compartir conocimientos, recetas y habilidades para diseñar y fabricar objetos de manera autónoma. Esto constituye una oportunidad sin precedentes para replantear los modelos de producción, fabricar objetos más adaptados a sus contextos o mejorar el acceso a determinados bienes. A la vez, un enfoque crítico y reflexivo de este fenómeno nos permite ver cuáles son sus límites y sus retos actuales, señalando de este modo la importancia de los contextos de producción donde emerge, los principios de la cultura libre en los que se basa y los cuerpos y afectos que se ponen en juego.
Objetos comunes son objetos cotidianos, pero también objetos compartidos, objetos que crean comunidad y objetos en los que confluyen múltiples saberes y prácticas. Por tanto, objetos que dan forma y transforman nuestra vida en común. Partiendo desde la perspectiva de la cultura hacker y la cultura libre, que han dado lugar a proyectos como Arduino o Reprap (links) imprescindibles para comprender la rápida generalización de la fabricación digital, Objetos comunes plantea diversos interrogantes:
¿Cómo hacer para que sea realmente accesible la fabricación y diseño de estos objetos, más allá de la mera publicación de los planos en plataformas on-line?
¿Cómo responder a una producción de mayor escala que supere a la propia comunidad de inicio?
¿Cómo dialoga la cultura artesanal con las practicas digitales?
¿Qué posibilidad hay de intercambiar estas practicas entre contextos diversos?¿podemos hablar de un horizonte común? ¿Cómo pensar en lo particular sin perder de vista su función dentro de una comunidad y su posibilidad de impacto universal?
¿Como conectar diferentes entornos de lo cotidiano, desde las herramientas profesionales que usamos a diario hasta los objetos domésticos?
¿Como crear colectivamente objetos que sean flexibles en su uso y hechos por y para otros cuerpos?
¿Cómo compaginar la fabricación distribuida con una explotación más sostenible de los recursos naturales?
¿Cómo se documentarían estos procesos en los que es tan importante el conocimiento técnico así como el aspecto relacional de su fabricación?
“Objetos comunes” se compone de diferentes nodos de investigación: los talleres de prototipado colaborativo Funcionamientos: objetos comunes y cuerpos diversos (28-31 octubre y 25-28 noviembre) eInteractivos?: culturas materiales en la era digital (2-16 diciembre), el programa de residencias de fablabs africanos “Grigri Pixel” y otras actividades que se irán sucediendo para confluir a lo largo del proceso en una exhibición y en un encuentro al término del proyecto.
A partir de los prototipos realizados en los talleres, el intercambio de ideas en los grupos de reflexión y una exposición compuesta de piezas realizadas y escogidas a lo largo del proceso de investigación, Objetos Comunes quiere compartir prácticas similares en territorios interconectados y dependientes a fin de articular un discurso «común» que defienda y produzca valores de autonomía, igualdad y singularidad, y garantizar, de este modo, la expresión de formas diferentes y posibles de diseño, funcionamiento, fabricación y uso de los objetos que nos rodean y construyen nuestro día a día.
(Spanish version 7.9.)
Las redes digitales han favorecido el auge de la fabricación distribuida y personalizada de objetos. El llamado movimiento “maker” ha marcado una nueva cultura de lo material, en la que las comunidades locales y personas conectadas a nivel global pueden compartir conocimientos, recetas y habilidades para diseñar y fabricar objetos de manera autónoma. Esto constituye una oportunidad sin precedentes para replantear los modelos de producción, fabricar objetos más adaptados a sus contextos o mejorar el acceso a determinados bienes. A la vez, un enfoque crítico y reflexivo de este fenómeno nos permite ver cuáles son sus límites y sus retos actuales, señalando de este modo la importancia de los contextos de producción donde emerge, los principios de la cultura libre en los que se basa y los cuerpos y afectos que se ponen en juego.
Objetos comunes son objetos cotidianos, pero también objetos compartidos, objetos que crean comunidad y objetos en los que confluyen múltiples saberes y prácticas. Por tanto, objetos que dan forma y transforman nuestra vida en común. Partiendo desde la perspectiva de la cultura hacker y la cultura libre, que han dado lugar a proyectos como Arduino o Reprap (links) imprescindibles para comprender la rápida generalización de la fabricación digital, Objetos comunes plantea diversos interrogantes:
*¿Cómo responder a una producción de escala mayor que supere a la propia comunidad de inicio?
*¿Cómo hacer para que sea realmente accesible la fabricación y diseño de estos objetos, más allá de la mera publicación de los planos en plataformas on-line?
*¿Cómo dialoga la cultura artesanal con las practicas digitales?
*¿Qué posibilidad hay de intercambiar estas practicas entre contextos diversos?¿podemos hablar de un horizonte común?
*¿Como conectar diferentes entornos de lo cotidiano, desde las herramientas profesionales que usamos a diario hasta los objetos domesticos o nuestros propios cuerpos con sus protesis y accesorios?
*¿Como crear colectivamente objetos que sean flexibles en su uso y hechos por y para otros cuerpos?
*¿Cómo compaginar la fabricación distribuida con una explotación más sostenible de los recursos naturales?
*¿Cómo pensar en lo particular sin perder de vista su función dentro de una comunidad y su posibilidad de impacto universal?,
*¿Cómo se documentarian los procesos en los que es tan importante el conocimiento técnico de los planos, como el relacional de la colaboación, para la usabilidad el diseño final de modelos abiertos?
“Objetos comunes” se compone de diferentes nodos de investigación: los talleres de prototipado colaborativo Funcionamientos: objetos comunes y cuerpos diversos (28-31 octubre y 25-28 noviembre) eInteractivos?: culturas materiales en la era digital (2-16 diciembre), el programa de residencias de fablabs africanos “Grigri Pixel” y otras actividades que se irán sucediendo para confluir a lo largo del proceso en una exhibición y en un encuentro al término del proyecto.
A partir de los prototipos realizados en los talleres, el intercambio de ideas en los grupos de reflexión y una exposición compuesta de piezas realizadas y escogidas a lo largo del proceso de investigación, Objetos Comunes quiere compartir prácticas similares en territorios interconectados y dependientes a fin de articular un discurso «común» que defienda y produzca valores de autonomía, igualdad y singularidad, y garantizar, de este modo, la expresión de formas diferentes y posibles de diseño, funcionamiento, fabricación y uso de los objetos que nos rodean y construyen nuestro día a día.
Objetos comunes es un proyecto de Medialab-Prado y Constant, comisariado por Susana Moliner y Wendy Van Wynsberghe
Funcionamientos: Objetos comunes y cuerpos diversos
Taller de prototipado colaborativo. Comisariado por Alma Orozco
Fechas: 28-31 octubre y 25-28 noviembre 2015
Convocatoria de proyectos: 7-30 septiembre. Inscripción de colaboradores: 5-20 octubre
Interactivos: Culturas materiales en la era digital
Fechas: 2 al 16 de diciembre
Coordinado por Susana Moliner.
*Seminario de discusión teórica: 2 y 3 diciembre
*Taller de prototipado colaborativo: 2 al 16 de diciembre. Tutores: Josian Llorente, Wendy Van Wynsberghe, César García?
Grigri-Pixels: Cartografías y objetos en común
*22 febrero: Presentación del proyecto
*23 febrero al 9 de marzo: Taller con los 4 residentes africanos y 15 participantes de MLP, junto a 2 facilitadores
*10 y 11 marzo: Presentación de los resultados de la residencia y debate sobre la cultura libre y la fabricación digital en Africa en Medialab Prado, en el marco del encuentro y exposición “Objetos Comunes”.
Encuentro de trabajo Objetos comunes. 7 al 12 de marzo
Exhibición de prototipos Objetos comunes. 14 octubre al 31 marzo
Objetos comunes / Objects in Common
Common objects in common ---> I would keep "Objects in common", because it's more poetic and it is layered
(when do you have an object in common, because of it's function? because it's a copy? because it's based on the same source code? etc --> the common object is already in there (for example a lot of people have plates to eat, or chopsticks, they are common and in common))
The emergence of the internet and of hacker and maker culture has produced (Since the advent of internet there has been) a boom of distributed fabrication of objects and custom manufacturing. Making technology by your own means, the do it yourself (or DIY) to invent or create new things, has marked a new approach to the material culture. Globally connected communities share knowledge, recipes, tools and skills to make objects. The manufacture and use of such objects can contribute to understand the creation of communities from a complex perspective that visualizes the circuits of production , exchange and experience linked to our everyday objects.
Understanding the paradigm of manufacturing these objects implies not only learning how a 3D printer works, the basics of programming and electronics or the use of Arduino and other interactive tools . It also entails understanding the context where and collaborative production emerges, the principles of free culture in which it is based or the forms and methodologies designed to share and experiment with these tools.
Here lies the biggest problem zone: where and how do you share (for example instructables & thingiverse are commercial structures for sharing)
What do you share? (in the beginning, this project was called transformers --> you need a good & accessible source file to be able to transform it, mold it to your body etc)
(Yes, I think that we need to show more clearly a critical /skeptical approach from the beginning...)
The possibility of designing cookware, digital artifacts or devices for the construction of a wheelchair, contributes to the promotion of the agency of communities who respond, by such making, to their everyday problems. The development of these hybrid ways of sharing practices and knowledge creates meaningful connections between areas which usually operate with different objectives: links between culture and industry, community networks and centralized governments, between economic systems and exchange culture, between social and technological innovation, between territories from the south and from the north.
"Common Objects in Common" aims at analyzing the role of this manufacturing objects and their use in the processes that create a community, emphasizing the limits and challenges of the so-called "maker culture". This proposal consists of different nodes of research: “Funcionamientos”, “Interactivos” and “Grigri Pixel” that will be developing in parallel and converge in an exhibition and a worksession at the end of the project.
The worksession at the end is not a seminar, it wll also be a moment to collectively prototype. ok!
We want to approach the "maker culture" taking this connections as a stand-point, away from homogenizing assumptions, playing in the boundaries, in order to invade, interrupt and enrich other ways of doing. Connecting this knowledge and strategies that explore those "other ways of doing", where functional diversity, situated digital manufacturing in African cities or the feminist perspective of use and enjoyment of objects are the starting point.
Starting from the prototypes produced in our workshops, the exchange of ideas in discussion groups and an exhibition of the pieces produced and selected through the research process, "Common Objects in Common" tries to answer the following questions: What are the chances/ways to exchange such practices? Is there a shared horizon in this regard? How to collectively create "daily"objects that are flexible in their use and made by and for other bodies, in different geopolitical maker contexts?
---> can we see this sentence as the core idea for interactivos?
How to respond to a large-scale production exceeding the community where they have been created? How to make manufacturing and design of such products really accessible? In which ways material culture may establish a dialogue with digital practices? Is the division of labor reproduced in the different categories of users in the maker culture?
What is a common object? How does it function in daily life, as the daily is not homogenous? When do you have an object in common?
An attempt to share similar practices in interconnected and dependent territories to articulate a shared discourse to defend and produce values of autonomy, equality and singularity, and to ensure thus the expression of different possible forms of design, functioning and use of the objects that surround us and build our daily life.
I totally agree with this approach for Interactivos?. It would be great to gather some examples of already existing projects with this approach.
===================> this paragraph from the original application is still valid - and is very close to your "avant dernier" paragraph Susana - minus the solidarity alarm bell :-p
Objects of solidarity (...) refers to the transformative role that everyday material culture plays in the formation of local networks. Utensils, tools and furniture but also digital artifacts shape our daily lives.
With the emergence of the hacker- and maker-culture and helped by technologies such as 3D printing and laser-cutting, we can potentially produce our daily (digital) environment ourselves. The growing adaptation of Free Culture technologies and methods means that it is time to reassess the social reality of this promise. How to respond to questions of scaling when communities of users grow beyond their ?common cultural horizon? and what tactics can we use to confront barriers of entry? How to co-create objects that fit different bodies, are flexibile in use and have a tolerance for error?
Developing hybrid forms of solidarity means making meaningful connections between sectors that are generally operating with different objectives: between culture and industry, networked communities and centralized governments, between economic value systems and a culture of sharing, between social and technological innovation.
- remarks of Josian on text
- connect digital culture with artisanal culture
- critical approach - on making culture
- making community stuff - isolated
- role of artisan is inside community
- maker culture - isolated people?
- artisan = connected with community
- text in first redaction is very optimistic, make more critical --> Laura
- transformative power of daily objects // first redaction -> Laura
thicken the sauce
- specific examples, (núcleos teóricos)
- focus on the daily ===> examples - clothing - cooking - tools - roof etc ==> what is the necessity for you (from the needs to your community)
images for the open call - collage? (sugestion 15M structures as adaptative design, not image examples)
- decide questions, slogans, the main one - framework // then specific for each call
more sloganesk
- website - wordpress also for Monday
- exhibition - displayed on object made in fablab? - Josian
add the documentation
digital files -> doc chairs
different versions
questions & problems
quotes from:
- examples - clothing - cooking
critical making highlights
It's important to see the origins of the term "critical" in "critical making" as coming from the notion of critical scholarship defined by Frankfurt School scholars such as Adorno and Benjamin. Central to their work was the idea that criticality entailed not just reflection but also intervention in society.
Critical making as a larger category allows us to connect up a variety of practices and see them in some sense as similar, like design practice, art practice, tactical media practice, academic practice, or engineering practice. Critical making can become a kind of a common hub that a whole set of material interventions can circulate through
But how does one disseminate the work of critical making? Do you host a bunch of workshops, or how does the work spread?
From my perspective making a project is a process where knowledge resides in the thing, like a blunt, powerful, and legible mode of knowledge production. In an art context you're able to display that object and perform with it in a festival or an exhibition.
Matt Ratto is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto and directs the Semaphore Research cluster on Inclusive Design, Mobile and Pervasive Computing and, as part of Semaphore, the Critical Making Lab. His work explores the intersections between digital technologies and the human life world, with a particular focus on new developments that trouble the divide between online and offline modes of production. Ratto is an avowed expert on 3D printing and digital fabrication, having carried out research on this topic since 2009. His research also addresses pervasive and ubiquitous technologies including wearable computing and the Internet of Things.
His work crosses both the boundaries between the digital and physical world and the divide between humanities and engineering disciplines. He coined the term "critical making" in 2007 to describe work that combines humanities insights and engineering practices, and has published extensively on this concept. A current project involves the development of a cost-effective software and hardware toolchain for the scanning, design, and 3D printing of lower-limb prostheses for use in the developing world. This work is being carried out in partnership with non-profit CBM Canada, CoRSU hospital in Uganda, Autodesk inc., and Toronto prosthetics and orthotics experts.
David Bollier:
[T]he commons arises whenever a given community decides it wishes to manage a resource in a collective manner, with special regard for equitable access, use and sustainability.
Los comunes emergen allí donde una comunidad decide que quiere manejar unos recursos de manera colectiva, con especial énfasis en el acceso y uso equitativo y en la sostenibilidad
INTERACTIVOS?'15 culturas materiales en la era digital
General approach: Connecting objects/atoms-> material cultures in the digital era
How to collectively create "daily"objects that are flexible in their use and made by and for other bodies, in different geopolitical maker contexts?
---> can we see this sentence as the core idea for interactivos?
How to respond to a large-scale production exceeding the community where they have been created? How to make manufacturing and design of such products really accessible? In which ways material culture may establish a dialogue with digital practices? Is the division of labor reproduced in the different categories of users in the maker culture?
What is a common object?
How does it function in daily life, as the daily is not homogenous?
When do you have an object in common?
/j/ Can the power of daily objects transformate reality in the digital age?
An attempt to share similar practices in interconnected and dependent territories to articulate a shared discourse to defend and produce values of autonomy, equality and singularity, and to ensure thus the expression of different possible forms of design, functioning and use of the objects that surround us and build our daily life.
Orientation of projects:
MOBILIARIO - Furniture
Not only domestic,
Ayudas técnicas - technical assistance
It would be great to gather some examples of already existing projects with this approach.
-César García
-Beka Iglesias
-Yago Torroja
-Iván Carrasquedo - construction (building houses) - strong relation with techniques & building - lives very small town (Obelix of the village) // 685758289 - (small town- phone 50% time without signal, better mail)
Speakers: Seminar 2-3 december
Topics we would like to cover:
Possible speakers:
- Richard Sennet
- Binna Choi director of Casco, Office for Art, Design and Theory - it sounds great!
- Collectif Usinette they have participed in Afropixel Festival 2012 with a machine de recyclage des déchets plastiques
-Tarek Loubani (gaza)
-felix stalder - "Digital Solidarity"
-david weinberger
-bret frischman?
-Aymeric Mansoux
-Johan Soderberg (Suecia)
-Ethan Zuckerman? - (Dis)connect:
-Susan Spencer?
- Viktoria Modesta (she is not a speakear, but perhaps is possible to do a concert? -
Calificada como la primera artista 'biónica', Viktoria Modesta lanza ahora el vídeo de su nuevo single 'Prototype' en el que se la puede ver como la líder de un movimiento social que desafía las reglas establecidas.
- Vicente Lull, universidad de barcelona "Los objetos distinguidos. La arqueología como excusa"
- Lalya Gaye
- Rustha Luna Pozzi-Escot artist cotemporaine Ropa projet
Media & resources
--> inspiration:
- to read:
invite him for interactivos
Achille Mbembe suggests that what some regard as the explosion of the Internet is really just the continuation of the age old cultures in the new age of the Afropolitan.
- also look into this:
Paula Pin
Generic Lab Equipment
- and this: ---> Bram Geenen of okfn &
Medical open hardware projects
Links from there:
- a very very televisionized view on 3d printed "gadgets" for different bodies
(also - )
"critical making". It's a concep developed by Matt Ratto.
Here, an serial of articles and enterviews very interesting, over that isuue: (you have to go to the link, and them, link to the articles by Garnet Hertz)
The Toaster Project - Thomas Thwaites
Or A Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch
Los objetos son sujetos insconcientes que denamarcan los gestos y las ideas sociales limitándolas y posibilitándolas: determinana el sujeto histórico mediante el esfuerzo que contienen y las posibilidades que abren...La materialidad social constituye lo concreto -real de toda la socieda dy expresa objetivamente las condiciones disponibles y la extensión que de ellas prpcura la intención y la conciencia colectiva.
El mundo está lleno de cosas que convertimos en objetos cuando las compartimos, las miramos atentamente y les damos nombre. A cada mirada atenta le corresponde un objeto. Los objetos son cosas atendidas y distinguidas; nuestra manera de aprender la vida.
"Los objetos distinguidos. La arqueología como excusa"
Vicente Lull
Title & Brainstorm
-- title suggestions
Objetos comunes? Common Objects? --> potential "solution" in English: Communal Objects
( -here we lose the other meaning, daily/everyday
Susana suggests: "communs objects"? A mix language ;-) the French word "commun" sounds like "común" in Spanish
(mutual objects)
everyday material culture + free culture
Wendy suggests:
comm(u/o)n Objects
comm(o/u)n Objects
comm(u/o)n(al) Objects
(dabbling a bit in learning code - again.. --> hence the [](){} focus)
Objetos en comun (we like this one the most, but problem with unintended connection to "Ahora en comun
Objects in common
Objets en commun
Objetos comunes
Objects in common
Objets en commun
Objetos solidarios
- Source code to physical - differentiate - clone - transform - mutate - merge - split
- Free libre objects - hitting boundaries and breaking borders
beyond customising
(check with libre object if they are ok with this mutation)
- of vectors, sharing, objects and bodies
- from vector to object - common data & bodies
-- social technologies
--> industry standards - translations
continuous transformation, variation, improvement, adaptation, reparation
--> formats of exchange
reassess the promise of the "maker culture"
Short paragraph i am using for program advance:
Internet ha traído consigo el auge de una nueva cultura material de la producción distribuida y personalizada, con comunidades de práctica y de aprendizaje conectadas globalmente que comparten conocimientos, recetas, herramientas y habilidades. Objetos comunes quiere poner el énfasis en los límites y los retos actuales de esta “cultura maker”.
With the Internet, a new materail culture has arisen..
from EU project description:
Objects of solidarity (...) refers to the transformative role that everyday material culture plays in the formation of local networks. Utensils, tools and furniture but also digital artifacts shape our daily lives.
With the emergence of the hacker- and maker-culture and helped by technologies such as 3D printing and laser-cutting, we can potentially produce our daily (digital) environment ourselves. The growing adaptation of Free Culture technologies and methods means that it is time to reassess the social reality of this promise. How to respond to questions of scaling when communities of users grow beyond their ?common cultural horizon? and what tactics can we use to confront barriers of entry? How to co-create objects that fit different bodies, are flexibile in use and have a tolerance for error?
Developing hybrid forms of solidarity means making meaningful connections between sectors that are generally operating with different objectives: between culture and industry, networked communities and centralized governments, between economic value systems and a culture of sharing, between social and technological innovation.
-- some more thoughts - on the status of the maker
Make = verb that has been appropriated (Maker Faires are trademarked) -
*License You must have a signed license agreement in order to organize a Mini Maker Faire. You may not use the Maker Faire brand or trademark without this license.
*License Fee Fees are applicable for both free and paid ticket events. Given the variety of types of organizations that apply (and the varying range of resources), fees are determined in conversation with the applicant. For budgeting purposes for community-based events, we offer these guidelines:
*For PAID TICKET events, estimate .50 per paid ticket (with a minimum fee of $500).
*For FREE to attend events, estimate .25 per attendee (with a minimum fee of $500).
(Not taking the logo, nor the license: )
- How do you deal with the limits of your machines --> tools
Almost all lasercutters are Chinese with crappy software
(is the tinkerer's energy in the tool (for example open source 3D printers) or what is being made with it?)
- Where do you share?
- How?
- The trouble with Arduino..
- project refused by Kickstarter mke Selfstarter
-Wendy and Susana co-curators to develop, discuss thematics/program and write texts for:
-General framework - Objetos Comunes
-Interactivos?'15 open call
-Meeting in March
-Alma takes care of Funcionamientos workshop
Wendy and Susana care about the connection of Funcionamientos and Grigri Pixels with the rest.
-how to include Multimedia Institut Zagreb ---> Via Tomislav Medak (copied from Tom's email: "Currently we can contribute with the skill set, tools and workflows we developed for the Public Library project -- as you know, it includes on the hardware side of DIY scanner, on the software (infrastructure) side Let's Share Books and Memory of the World website backend, and on the workflow side the manual. More info is on our website: Much of it has been localized into Spanish by Spider Alex: Currently, Marcell is working mostly on the backend infrastructure of our distribute library. So, if any of this is of interest, that can be included. Workshopping around tools, but also social and esthetic implication too. Also, if critical reflection from the perspective of uneven development and technology politics on the book piracy, maker culture and the like is needed, both of us can contribute."
From email Femke:
MLP will fund the project partially by linking to an EU project described here: [3]
Constant has 15.000 available for Transformers + fee for co-curator (= Wendy).
Budget split in 2 parts: 10.000 for worksession in Madrid and 5.000 for follow-up in Belgium.
MLP has 2.000 plus space + production support plus fee for a co-curator (tbc).
To make sure the work has some impact for Constant too, need to get ± 15 people from Belgium to Madrid.
Additionally, need to come up with forms of documentation, reporting, showing results that can be visible in Belgium. An expo? A publication? Extra funding for this? A second small session in BXL? This needs probably extra funding, and thinking of partners in BXL in advance. Part of Wendy's work/responsibility in collaboration with Dona (check deadline_th forms of documentation, reporting, showing results that can be visible in Belgium. An expo? A publication? Extra funding for this? A second small session in BXL? This needs probably extra funding, and thinking of partners in BXL in advance. Part of Wendy's work/responsibility in collaboration with Dona (check deadline_s!).