Here are 18 out of 84 applications for the vacature that we think could possibly work:
We followed the criteria in the call, and added some notes in the spreadsheet that you find in the folder:
Out of these 18 candidates that we think could eventually become a Constant collaborator, we know 10 very well, so please be discrete.
Here's what we ask you to do *before* next Newcleus meeting: Check the dossiers of the 18 candidates, and put a '1' in the spreadsheet where you can imagine they eventually might become your new colleague. Select minimum 5 dossiers, and maximum 10. This selection is not final, we will discuss during Newcleus and you can change your mind!
Based on our discussion next week, we will invite maximum ten people (but preferrably less) for a conversation with Elo and/or Femke and/or Dona and if possible, a member of the board.
After that, we'll propose a smaller selection (max three) that we invite for a second conversation, in which An, Wendy and Peter are also invited to be present. After that, we make a decision together!