1. culturally conditioned separations: male_01 female_02
2. make human lies -> bug report
3. other ways of moving
The anecdote
The software conditions us, and confines us
but how can it open up other perception
Document to repeat
Notation before the body.
Text to body. Dance notation computerizes the body?
Occidental dance (ballet for example)
Pointed shoes
auto run python scripts
mhx import (user pref make humen)
put .bhv files in ressources>scripts>addons
go into tools>misc>MakeWalk -> load and retarget; find file
alt + a
Starting modern dance notations
From the hip to the head one part ...
Because the category
Starting a movement from writing
a new schematization of the body allows new movement
Dance notation for pupils/eyes
Make Manequin
connected from image of 'beautiful movements'? Too fragmeneted view unthinkable
Point shoes and deforming the body, stabilising the hip ...
mixing precision and imprecision
a table with divisions of bodies: instructions of how to become a body
what's typical ... what is essential ... what belongs to the body, and what belongs to the person
The discovery of the hip
Analysing 'Male stand bvh' with Pierrick and Vera
xml-skeleton! = body-tree - strict hierarchy between bones
inverted kinematics
making rigging funny ... sausages. "mother moves, baby moves" -- pregnancy
Natan Vergal rigify Blender dvd
parent, child - ref xml
difference between hierarchies for software and animators.
skeleton is a local coordinate system
ordering the skeleton around
physical bodies coordinate through nervous systems
bone as root
talking about families ...
faking the spine: cutting in three parts
this file needs to connect/talk to a concept of world space, needs a world/global space coordinate
Q: how does movement relate to space?
movement depends on world space. a walk cycle is like walking on a tred-mill
the movement has no space, the world is moving.
we are always in the middle of our own world ;-)
time ... do we create it
what if the elbow would be ROOT?
what if we create other dependencies? ELBOW joins KNEE?
ROOT Hips <- root, first point of attachment/movement; spine depends etc. = main parent. point 0
OFFSET 13.6774 106.653 -34.4427 <- In Blender units, relative to parent bone
CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET -2.69724 7.43032 -0.144315
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET -0.0310711 10.7595 1.96963
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT Spine1
OFFSET 19.9056 3.91189 0.764692
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET 25.9749 7.03908 -0.130764
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET 9.52751 0.295786 -0.907742
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 16.4037 0.713936 2.7358
JOINT LeftShoulder
OFFSET 17.7449 4.33886 11.7777
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET 0.911315 1.27913 9.80584
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT LeftForeArm
OFFSET 28.6126 1.18197 -3.53199
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT LeftHand
OFFSET 27.5088 0.0218783 0.327423
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 18.6038 -0.000155887 0.382096
JOINT RightShoulder
OFFSET 17.1009 2.89543 -12.2328
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT RightArm
OFFSET 1.4228 0.178766 -10.211
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT RightForeArm
OFFSET 28.733 1.87905 2.64907
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT RightHand
OFFSET 27.4588 0.290562 -0.101845
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 17.8396 -0.255518 -0.000602873
OFFSET -5.61296 -2.22332 -10.2353
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
OFFSET 2.56703 -44.7417 -7.93097
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT LeftFoot
OFFSET 3.16933 -46.5642 -3.96578
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT LeftToeBase
OFFSET 0.346054 -6.02161 12.8035
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET 0.134235 -1.35082 5.13018
JOINT RightUpLeg
OFFSET -5.7928 -1.72406 10.6446
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT RightLeg
OFFSET -2.57161 -44.7178 -7.85259
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT RightFoot
OFFSET -3.10148 -46.5936 -4.03391
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
JOINT RightToeBase
OFFSET -0.0828122 -6.13587 12.8035
CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
End Site
OFFSET -0.131328 -1.35082 5.13018
Frames: 187