Leonie Lafontaine "Moins connue du grand public que son frère" (1857-1949)
*"The evolution of a feminist documentation office in the Union of International Associations is due to Léonie La Fontaine. Her private documents reflect the extent of her militancy at the origins of the feminist combat of the nineteenth century and of pacifism in the twentieth century. After she dies in 1949, the Mundaneum will continue her document collection on feminism with press cuttings and publications.
*The archives of a feminist of the National Council of Belgian Women (from the twenties until the Second World War) represent the feminism fund. Finally, recent donations by Luce Hautier and René Fosséprez allow for understanding post-1945 feminism through increasingly economic and social preoccupations.
*The feminist collection comprises 222 archive boxes. An inventory was completed in 1998." http://archives.mundaneum.org/en/feminism-fund
*L'office de documentation feminine (1909) Leonie La Fontaine + Elise Soyer (Dictionnaire des femmes belges: XIXe et XXe siècles By Eliane Gubin)
*See what happened at "Congrès international de bibliographie et documentation (Bruxelles 25-27 août 1910)" -- the year before, as well. ICW was invited to join in 1910 and there were women delegates who participated on behalf of the "Office Central de Documentation ... la femme" at least in 1909 (acc. to Rapport to ICW 1909)
*ARCHIVES: Belgian State Archives: http://search.arch.be/
Henri Lafontaine + Mathilde Lhoest (1864-1941)
"Senator and Mrs. La Fontaine" + "Professor and Mrs. Paul Otlet" ...
personnage - personage
Mademoiselle Poels
*"Mmes Poels and de Bauche are shadowy figures who were part of the staff of 01B, having joined it in its heyday in the first decade of the century. After Masure's death, Mme. Poels, seems to have acted as almost Otlet's secretary." (p. 220) [ok]
*(on the same pages, no word of Milisa Coops; in fact, in the whole book, there's no Coops...)
Fernande Gloner (divorced in 1908)
*Paul Joseph Marie Ghislain OTLET 1868-1944 &1890 Jeanne Alice Adrienne Fernande GLONER 1870-1944
*genealogy: http://gw.geneanet.org/ycalomme?lang=fr&m=N&v=OTLET#
Cato Van Nederhasselt "The most beautiful girl of Amsterdam" (Remark by ms. Willemien Coops, former assistant of Otlet, during an interview with Theater Adhoc, on March 28th 2002 in The Hague) http://www.theateradhoc.com/items/pdf/performance-lecture.pdf
*Paul Joseph Marie Ghislain OTLET 1868-1944 &1912 Catherine Gérardine VAN NEDERHASSELT 1864-1958
*(buried in Nijmegen)
*"He married in 1912 a wealthy Dutchwoman, Cato Van Nederhasselt, whose income helped support him and his institutes for the rest of his life." (World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, edited by Robert Wedgeworth, p. 643)
*"At some time during the period of his divorce proceedings he met a friend of Leonie La Fontaine's, a wealthy Dutch woman, Cato Van Nederhasselt, who was older than he." ( Rayward, Warden Boyd, The Universe of Information, p. 146)
*"La divergencia de caracteres entre Paul Otlet y Fernande Gloner desemubocó, en 1908, en un proceso de divorcio. Paul Otlet ~<queno resistía la soledad», se casó de nuevo en 1912 con una mujer rica, Cato Nederhasselt, que dedicó a la obra de Otlet su capital y colaboración." (Pilar Arnau, Transcendencia de la vida y obra de Paul Otlet, p. 155)
*"Otlet, acompañado por su esposa Cato (Otlet se había casado en 1.912 con Cato Van Nederhasselt; en 1.941 ambos esposos, que fueron felices en su matrimonio, constituyeron la Otletaneum-Foundatio Paul Otlet-Cato Nederhasselt) [...]" http://biblioteca.ucm.es/tesis/19911996/S/3/S3004601.pdf (p. 279)
*http://www.denhaag.nl/home/bewoners/kunst-en-cultuur/haags-gemeentearchief.htm (ARCHIVES!)
Willemien Coops = Melissa Coops; + Thea Coops (Dorothea)
*Wilhelmina Emilia Suzanna Coops (1912-2006) ("Milisa")
*Dorothea Coops (1916-2013) (Thea) ... married Jan Piet Frederik Herman Kloppenborg
*their mother: Emilia Broese van Groenou (1876-1960)
*!! some interesting stuff about the Coops/van Groenou family, pdf page 20, after that in German: http://www3.ferienjournal.ch/site/images/fjottobre2014.pdf
*piece of local history from Onsernonetal, Switzerland, where van Groenou had a villa
*"La famiglia Broese van Groenou, nell’Ottocento, aveva costruito la sua fortuna a Giava nelle Indie Olandesi, dove Wolter Broese van Groenou
* senior (1845 – 1924) aveva creato una piantagione di zucchero." (p. 36)
*"Sie (die Familie Broese van Groenou) unterhielt deshalb sowohl interne wie auch internationale Kontakte mit Persönlichkeiten wie dem Pazifisten Paul Otlet (1868-1944)
*vom Palais Mondial (dem Mundaneum) von Brüssel, der Femministin Aletta A. H. Jacobs (1854-1929) und der Pädagogin Maria Montessori (1870-1952)."
*"Milisa (1912-2006), in un’intervista, ha raccontato i suoi ricordi della saga familiare, ora reperibile all’archivio comunale dell’Aia."
*"Milisa (1912-2006) hat in einem Interview ihre Erinnerungen an die Familiensaga erzählt, die dann 2011 in einem Büchlein publiziert und gegenwärtig
*im Gemeindearchiv von den Haag eingesehen werden können."
*LIT: De familie Broese van Groenou : Haagse idealisten / Inge de Wilde. - Den Haag : Uitgeverij De Nieuwe Haagsche, 2006. - 84 p. : ills. ; 19 cm
*Bevat literatuurlijst.
*Dit boek geeft een impressie van het privé-leven van de familie in de periode 1890-1945 en van hun betekenis voor het culturele en maatschappelijk leven in Den Haag. Dolf Broese van Groenou was architect en de familie onderhield contact met o.a. Otto Neurath en Paul Otlet.
*!! almost (2/3) the entire film "L'homme qui voulait classifier le monde" (which means also interview with Milisa Coops in part 3): http://brich59.canalblog.com/archives/2011/02/08/20333341.html
*oh wow scholarly work signed by Milisa Coops: http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CCkQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.degruyter.com%2Fdg%2Fviewbooktoc.chapterlist.resultlinks.fullcontentlink%3Apdfeventlink%2F%24002fbooks%24002f9783111356655%24002f9783111356655.56%24002f9783111356655.56.pdf%3Ft%3Aac%3Dproduct%2F65729&ei=FmwiVeqgG4m4sQHv44LQBQ&usg=AFQjCNF9z5wxS2sVZmUWavt0_xa89tulYw&sig2=lAXPYJpvXkmw3NE9A5qnOw&bvm=bv.89947451,d.bGg&cad=rja
*IFLA = International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
*says Herman Liebaers: "I should not forget Milisa Coops, Dutch librarian of Unesco in Paris, who refused always to step out of the
*shadow, but who wrote in IFLA’s First fifty Years the best and most useful 10 page chapter under the title
*the Evolution of Professional Activities and their Interplay with IFLA’s structure. Milisa’s own modesty
*induced me to forget that she acted as editor of IFLA Annual from 1972 onwards, when Verlag
*Dokumentation from München became IFLA’s publisher." (from here: http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/hq/history/the_dutch_tea_party_of_ifla_in_the_70s.pdf ; where there's also talk about VINTI) -- probably makes for an interesting read
Thea Coops kept a diary (maybe to be found in the Haague, see: http://www.denhaag.nl/home/bewoners/kunst-en-cultuur/haags-gemeentearchief.htm )
"Peek and cloppenburg" (?)
Thea married Jan Piet Frederik Herman Kloppenborg (1917 - 2002)
*"By the way the Coops sisters didn’t manage to identify this young lady, in the centre of the photo." (in the pdf above - theater adhoc)
"The maiden name of Henri LaFontaine’s mother was Philips." (family of the light bulb makers): Marie-Louise Philips (1826-1899) -- "a well-known feminist"
*Otlet worked with Philips in the 1930s to develop technology for the Mundaneum (e.g. Guide automatique des visiteurs) + seems that Igor Platounouff was employed by Philips! (some info here: http://www.uia.org/sites/uia.org/files/journals/Transnational_Associations_Journal_2003-1-2_0.pdf )
*LIT: a chapter here too, by Lena Christolova: Sortieren, Sammeln, Suchen, Spielen edited by Stefan Böhme
*[what's in the guestbook(s) of the Mundaneum?]
The unidentified women
13 Unknown women http://geuzen.org/unknown/
The work of Thea Coops on The Traite was not credited.
*see, i'm confused by this performance lecture by theateradhoc... maybe it was actually/also Milisa who helped?
*"Comme il n’y avait pas d’enfant à garder, j’ai aidé le maître de maison à mettre sous presse
*son Traité de Documentation", explique avec fierté Milisa à l’auteur, 70 ans plus tard. (from Levie: http://www.abd-bvd.be/cah/papers/2012-2_Levie.pdf )
*"L’ouvrage était terminé mais il devait être relu.
*Le professeur Otlet avait une écriture très peu
*lisible, ce n’était donc pas facile pour l’éditeur de
*déchiffrer le manuscrit. Je corrigeais les épreu-
*ves. Parfois il y avait un mot que ni l’imprimeur, ni
*moi, ne pouvions relire, il fallait alors demander
*au professeur Otlet qui, la plupart du temps,
*n’avait pas le temps ! Je faisais de mon mieux
*pour rendre le texte plus compréhensible ! J’avais
*des lunettes spéciales. Je travaillais chez lui, rue
*Fétis, et pendant six mois, nous avons été assis à
*la même table. Nous nous faisions face. Parfois,
*je l’accompagnais aux débats de l’hebdomadaire
*Le Rouge et le Noir. C’était un orateur éloquent." // quoted //
* Levie on Milisa:
*"Son expérience bibliographique et sa connaissance de la
*CDU permirent à Milisa Coops de faire une brillante carrière. Après avoir travaillé
*pendant quelques années à la Bibliothèque de La Haye puis au Conseil hollandais des Brevets, elle
*fut engagée à l’Unesco où elle travailla toute sa vie." (from Levie: http://www.abd-bvd.be/cah/papers/2012-2_Levie.pdf )
*"It had been elevated into an independent legal foundation following a request in his will." (says Boyd: http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~wrayward/otlet/PAUL_OTLET_REFLECTIONS_ON_BIOG.HTM) -- unclear if it's about the Otletaneum Fondation or about some Otletaneum
*Otlet's will?
*more contemporary photos of Otlet's tomb: http://www.zita.be/foto/roel-de-groof/allerlei/graf-paul-otlet/foto#5831125 (took one as sample, couldn't read what said on neighboring tombs...)
*who's buried next to him?
Anne Oderfeld + Paul Otlet: Atlas de la civilisation universelle : conception, organisation, méthodes de la préparation du matériel didactique en coopération internationale, 1929
*??Is she Anna Oderfeld?? http://www.wysokieobcasy.pl/wysokie-obcasy/51,114757,9865307.html?i=4
*Is she on the first row? http://www.mondotheque.be/wiki/index.php/File:Le_R%C3%A9pertoire_Bibliographique_Universel_vers_1900.jpg
*or maybe not
* Union des Associations Internationales. Publication No. 127. 'Le Matériel didactique. Rapport préliminaire présénte à la Commission Internationale pour le matériel didactique par M. Paul Otlet et Mile. A. Oderfeld'
* Datum(s)
* 1928 (Vervaardig)
*Paul Otlet, A. Oderfeld, Atlas de la Civilisation Universelle. Conception, organisation, méthode de la préparation du matériel didactique en coopération internationale. 1929, Public, n° 132 de l’Union des Associations internationales.
Mme De Stürler, sans profession, avenue Longchamp 132, Bruxelles (from Les Amis du Palais Mondial, Statues)
Renée-Marie-Helene-Suzanne Briet: http://monoskop.org/Suzanne_Briet
Marie Popelin, ‘Cinquième assemblée générale du Conseil des femmes belges. Rapport général sur l’activité du Conseil international et du Conseil national des femmes belges’, La Ligue, 18 (1910) 4, pp. 108-109.
Marie Parent (Belgian League of Women's Rights)
la femme et la cite: http://numeriques.be/index.php?id=1&no_cache=1&tx_portailnumeriques_pi1[view]=item_detail&tx_portailnumeriques_pi1[id]=peps%3AARC-MUND-EUMC-3676-001&tx_portailnumeriques_pi1[num]=23 (done)
International Institute of Documentation: https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/asset-viewer/international-institute-of-documentation/uwFIx4o43kL0BQ
photos photos fotos http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr (mostly done, but a rich source) here source for la fontaine touchscreen bit
Louis Masure: (secretary to the IIB) -- in general, probably a reliable author for finding out how the searches functioned
*IIB = Office International de Bibliographie
*among his writings:
LIT: Institut international de bibliographie. Rapport sur la situation et les travaux pour l'année 1912
Louis Masure Published in 1913 in Bruxelles by Institut international de bibliographie
*Boyd quotes Masure a lot.
*On searches, Boyd says:
*"Search Services and Strategies
*An international mail search service for the Institute's databases was instituted not long after they were set up, widely advertised and drew considerable business (Masure, 1913). Search results were copied for a fee (27 francs per 1000 cards or 5 centimes a card in 1902 [Rayward, 1975, p. 132]). Instructions for formulating searches were drawn up. The retrieval effects of search terms that were either too broad or too narrow were described and it was suggested that requests should be formulated in terms of UDC numbers. In the Tables of the Classification "the degree of generality and specificity of each question is exactly determined by the context." Use of the Tables would prompt enquirers to both bibliographic completeness as well as exactness in the use of terminology. However it was IIB policy that if a request was likely to produce more than 50 items users would be notified of this "to obviate surprise"(Communication des fiches, 1897). By 1912, requests numbered 1500 a year and subjects ranged from the boomerang to Bulgarian finances and coagulation of the blood. Searches continued to be made in the files ¾ both bibliographic and image or iconographic ¾ until the early 1970's when they became unavailable." http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~wrayward/otlet/OriginsofInfoSci.htm
*et le facebook ::::: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LeMundaneum
*marketing documents as vintage: http://www.vintagemarket.be/mundaneum/fr/home
*motorcycle route paul otlet mundaneum tour!!! http://www.routeyou.com/route/view/65896/motorcycle-route/paul-otlet-mundaneum-tour.en
*Annuaire de la Vie Internationale
*Collaboration began with the Institut International de Bibliographie and the Institut International de la Paix on the 1908 and 1909 editions of the Annuaire de la Vie Internationale, the precursor to the Yearbook of International Organizations. It was published from 1910 until 1911 with the support of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (from www.uia.org)
*UIA = Union of International Associations
*timeline: http://www.uia.org/history
Igor George PLATOUNOFF, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 12, 1050 Bruxelles (??): http://www.teslabel.be/001/documents/AP/AUFRUF%20VON%20BRUSSEL.pdf
*LIT: Korrespondenz zwischen Walter Gropius, I. G. Platounoff? Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung? Gropius, Walter
*I.G. Platounoff was involved in Le Corbusier's project for an Olympic Stadium in Baghdad in the 1950s
Jeanne Rogissart, veuve Saroléa, epouse van der Kerken (... see Histoire des femmes en situation coloniale: Afrique et Asie, XXe siècle ... or not)
Jeanne Van der Kerken-Saroléa décède à Ixelles le 29 mars 1947
from a report to UNESCO: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/mow/nomination_forms/belgium_universal_bibliographic_repertory.pdf
"Today, the Universal Bibliographic Repertory elaborated by the International Institute of Bibliography is a unique heritage. If at a certain time, some “copies” of this Repertory may have existed in other countries –
in France or in Switzerland –
following the cooperation between the IIB and the national sections, they do no longer exist today.
The Concilium Bibliographicum in Switzerland and the Bureau Bibliographique de Paris (Bibliographic Bureau of Paris)
both ceased activity in the 1920s."
*So what happened to these "copies"/mirrors? What are their histories?
*Information and Intrigue From Index Cards to Dewey Decimals to Alger Hiss By Colin B. Burke
* "In the 1890s, the idealistic American Herbert Haviland Field established the Concilium Bibliographicum, a Switzerland-based science information service that sent millions of index cards to American and European scientists. Field’s radical new idea was to index major ideas rather than books or documents. In his struggle to create and maintain his system, Field became entangled with nationalistic struggles over the control of science information, the new system of American philanthropy (powered by millionaires), the politics of an emerging American professional science, and in the efforts of another information visionary, Paul Otlet, to create a pre-digital worldwide database for all subjects."
* perhaps more interesting: Sylvie Fayet-Scribe. The Cross Fertilization of the U.S Public Library and the French Documentation Model (IIB, French Correspondant of FID) Through the French Associations between World War I and World War II. Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48 (Sept 1997):782-793. (S.F.-S. -- very descriptive in another article)
Herbert Haviland Field
Robert-Benedict Goldschmidt Il met au point (en 1906) avec Paul Otlet** la ‘’Bibliophoto’’, sorte de bibliothèque portable de microfiches.
"Wir saßen mitten im „Gehirn der Welt", wenn man die Tausende von Schubfächern mit den vielen Millionen Zetteln, auf denen sich die Literatur aller Völker registriert findet, so nennen darf. "
from "Die Brüsseler Generalversammlung", Die Friedens-Warte, Vol. 11, No. 10 (Oktober 1909), pp. 185-188 (p. 185)
Cent ans de I'Office international de Bibliographie, Mons, Mundaneum, 1995
*finally refound:
*François Schuiten: http://www.sonuma.be/archive/fran%C3%A7ois-schuiten-et-le-mundaneum (to take screenshots of the missing index drawers - done)
*to search here too: http://www.europeana.eu/portal/ nada
Vint Cerf. 30ème anniversaire de l'Internet. VO
relevant past?
1998 Boyd: Otlet's schemes anticipated what we call now the internet: http://archive.org/details/paulotlet/ (min. 2:50)
2011 der Spiegel: Netzvisionär Paul Otlet: Googles genialer Urahn: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/netzvisionaer-paul-otlet-googles-genialer-urahn-a-768312.html
*Paul Otlet on facebook since August 2008
*Otlet Institute -- Pascal Francq
on internationalism
maybe something from here? http://web.ceu.hu/crc/Syllabi/07-08/history/Internationalism%20and%20the%20Transformation%20of%20Global%20Inequality%200708.pdf
*Otlet's Shelf is a Tumblr theme and a bookmarklet for Amazon.com. Together, they make it easy to collect and publish a list of your favorite books
* chAchacHaosos
*from tweets: photo of 3 biographers (what was the exact event???) -- event identified, though including the photo on the Not dissimilar page appears somehow problematic... may have to undo, image+chronology flatten/freeze ageny
*+ extra photos of flikr -- via the mundaneum webpage for the alex wright event (left unlinked)
* photo of fische bibliographique -- Le traite!! - 1934 -- in what way was it used as promo?
*also from retweets:
* Karolina Andersd. @Karolingva
*Bibliotekarie & student i Uppis. Intressen: bibliotek, böcker, informationspolitik, Sherlock och allt finländskt. Projekt: Reformera europeisk upphovsrätt.
*found map of Cite Mondiale at bcub Antwerpen
*[weird] [scatter] [magnet]
*MUNDANEUM & GOOGLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvLKr8Go3iA (added 2 screenshots)
* whois: Thomas Donker ??
*Légendes Mundaneum (2013 - 2014)
* Centre d'archives et espace d'expositions temporaires
* Architectes : association momentanée Coton - Lelion - Nottebaert
* Photographe: Maud Faivre
*http://inoutproject.be/galeries/mu ndaneum.html (covered globe, nice .. ; frame + drawers!) makes 2 + x ... ehm: http://inoutproject.be/galeries/mundaneum.html (not done)
*info sur in/out: http://arpeditions.org/fr/catalogue/in-out/mission-photographique
*to check: https://plus.google.com/events/crf8gtsq640d2ijurgsmuhj0ovo?e=-RedirectToSandbox
* William Echikson (William or Bill)
*Wouter Van Acker on Otlet, v new video
*was he a monomaniac? otlet included in a museum of physchiatry in ghent
g de papier
2 screenshots from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rivnFL6AoGU (to add) - done
Krishnamurti: http://www.cesnur.org/2014/waco-introvigne-delville.pdf
+ Besant
otlet + krishnamurti: http://www.koregos.org/fr/emilie-berger_jean-delville-et-l-enjeu-du-monumental/7221/
*"Probably also through Delville,
*Otlet was invited to speak about the spiritual aspect of the Cité
*Mondiale in 1923 for
*the Société Théosophique of Brussels, of
*which Delville had become Secretary in 1910."
*23. Paul Otlet, “L’aspect spirituel de la cité internationale,” Bulletin de l’Ordre de l’etoile d’orient 1 (Janvier 1924). -- available on gallica: http://gallica.bnf.fr
*quote from https://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/536966/S16_02_Van-Acker_Opening-the-Shrine-of-the-Mundaneum.pdf
|Caption=Bill Echikson: "Google has partnered with Mundaneum because we realized together that this was Google on paper a hundred years ago."
|Person=Bill Echikson,
|Subject=Not dissimilar,
order for:
similar to?
- persons do not show up in actors chart when using the edit form
"facts about a file" works so nicely now!!
* pyramid,
* poetic encryption
* algorithm
* may the algorithm find you
*. . . . . . . . W. Van Acker for Mundaneum and for Google Cultural Institute....
* https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/exhibit/mapping-knowledge/QQ_clnh7?hl=en-GB&position=42%2C0
*? ? joins the almost official gallery of biographers, GCI legitimizes, validates
*also new to me: https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/exhibit/palimpseste/QQ98IKln?hl=en-GB
*what's w o r t h archiving unarchive decompress zip zip code
first known use of "archive": 1855 -- apud merriam webster aga meister chef
oooooooOoooOOoooOoOoOpen Society Archives -- http://www.osaarchivum.org/teaching/toolkits
*to search gallica for le traite again -- [ future]
* does le traite have a dedication? for cato?
chaos bureau, chaos worker, chaos couch, chaos bits
* gender/libraries/archives: http://www.ceupress.com/books/html/TeachingGenderwithLibraries.htm
enactment of difference [through photos from very different contexts, w text in other languages]; how many - en, fr, ro (1 instance)
defamiliarize, but render seemingly authentic again, make a loop; need 1 hot mess illegible card as falsified proof of this loop
2014, Nov., Sibiu, Brukenthal Museum
*UDC cloud of signatures
** under heading landscapes
*screenshot of [source link needed for "d-o-u-c-e-m-e-n-t" bit] done
*screenshot source, min 0:11 -- paper sculpture bit (woman with necklace) -- done, smth doesn't work though >> title t not disimilar to test t
http://www.clickworker.com/en/about-us/clickworker-crowd/ (with DE investors) +++++++ http://www.mondotheque.be/wiki/index.php/File:Mundaneum-exposition-origines-web.jpg
*letter or sign or icon or symbol or glyph or alpha beta gamma delta
+++ ... ... ... copyshop, virgil widrich ... ... ... but
*HANDS. so many hands, scanned hands, unscanned hands, photographed hands, missing hands, cropped hands
*"It reminds me of what Robert Darnton wrote about one of the cheaper editions of the famous encyclopedia of Diderot and D’Alembert:
*the monstrous size of the project forced labourers to speed up: ‘A close examination of any set will reveal a profusion of workers’ finger prints,
*over inked pages, misfolded sheets’ (The Business of Enlightenment [1979], 274)."
*"Lest this interpretation seem romanticized, it should be added
*that some mastery over the production process did not // mean that
*the workers developed any special affection for the real masters of it.
*The bourgeois (ita.) retained most of the poower and manipulated it brutally,
*by hiring and firing, while the workers responded with the few devices at their
*disposal. They quit; they cheated on their voyage (ita.); they collected small
*advances on the new week's work (sale accent on e) and then disappeared; and
*sometimes they spied for rival publishers or the police. Although
*they may have felt some pride in their craft, they took shortcuts and compromised
*on quality when it made labor easier. The results can be seen in any copy of the
*Encyclopedie today - clear, crisp typography for the most part,
*but margins askew here, pages misnumbered there, uneven register, unsightly spacing,
*typographical errors, and smudges -- all of them testimony to the activity
*of anonymous artisans two centuries ago."
*(Robert Darnton, Business of Enlightenment: publishing history of the Encylcopedie, 1775-1800, Harvard Up, 1979, 227-228)
*"To see into the life behind a fingerprint in the Encyclopedie is to
*get some sense of how men moved through the obscure channels of working-class history,
*but Bonnemain's thumbmark also can be studied for its typograhical significance.
*It illustrates a point that is difficult to appreciate in an age of automation:
*the printers of the Old Regime left their mark on their books -- literally,
*in Bonnemain's case, and figuratively in all the others. For each workman stamped each page
*with something of his individuality, and the quality of his craftmanship
*affected the success of the product.
*Bonnemain's fingerprint really resulted from a typographical trick.
*By smearing the forme excessively with ink, he and his companion did not have
*to pull so hard at the bar of the press to get an impression. But the extra ink
*came off on their fingers and smudged the sheets during handling." (p. 230)
*"(If a printer's devil took a turn at the press, one could coat the
*bar with glue or ink, or one could produce bald spots on his sheets
*by surreptitiously touching the inked surface of his forme with one's fingertips;
*and a new boy at the casse (ita.) could always be asked to clean the ink out of the eye
*of a capital P, which was really an eyeless paragraph sign or pied de mouche (ita.).)" (243)
*+ printers' slang
*l'encyclopedie ... vol... umm
*also on gallica: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k505440
*and good, better, maybe the best for finding l'encyclopedie, but still too clean: http://www.e-rara.ch/zuz/doi/10.3931/e-rara-22462
***traces of invisibile workers from past centuries are now removed through scanning - or at least they become ambiguous, even harder to identify; one invisible hand removes the other
* invisibility <> money
* the more... , the less...
*thumbnail, thumbmark
*error creating thumbnail
*error creating thumbmark
*((( la main: https://archive.org/stream/encyclopdieoud09alem#page/874/mode/2up >> chiromancie / chiromancy (=palmistry) )))
*((( la main, // comme elle s'assoit,... la main sans moi... de s'assoir sans chaise (gherasim luca, "auto-determination") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIX0xqFxvcw )))
can it be fixed "Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters" re
can it be fixed "too long a caption under an image"
*photographer credits
*text finished and sleeping 20.11
*- to remove "contents" .. preferrably [done]
*- minimum info for pictures in the gallery (definitely no caption [ok], if possible no title either - would be great) // alternative, insert with eg [[File:Luniverslasciencelelivre.jpg|250px]] ... [alternative works]
*- to edit info for all photos uploaded - including names of photos but: -
*nb: "Where possible, image names have not been changed. .tiff files have been converted into .jpg and image credits were added whenever possible." -
*- decide on "property" name; title - big issue, decide on taking property and subject out ok ok
*- subject into new title: is subject the right/most useful category to use? decide or delete roll back the breakfast roll roll-delete redirected
*- text format different for the pyramid text -- try to fix hm aeiou still
*- hmmh to to to ot ot ot
*brain + brain
*"discourses of the head for the head" (allan sekula)
*wow "In the United States in the 1840s, newspaper advertisements for jobs frequently requested that applicants submit a phrenological analysis." (sekula, p. 70 -- quote of a quote)
*"application of photography to the task of phrenological analysis .." .. step step skip step criminology
*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pinky and the brain
*w i k i p e d i a
*Many of the Pinky and the Brain episodes occur in the 1990s at Acme Labs, located in some large American city underneath a suspension bridge. Several episodes take place in historical times, with Pinky and the Brain in the laboratory of some scientifically-minded person, including Merlin,[2] H.G. Wells,[3] and Ivan Pavlov.[4] There is very little continuity between episodes outside of the common fixtures of the mice, though some plans for world domination from early episodes are subsequently referred to in later seasons .........................................................................The Brain (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) looks and sounds a little like Orson Welles.
*[to re-do]
*mess, photo sizes
*smth beautiful with "height | px |"
*does this | depend on | resolution
*to fix after dec. 1
*radar 2
*2 copies of?
re: can it be fixed "Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters" -->> files can't be used in galleries
*"By default, MediaWiki has a maximum image dimension in pixels to allow before thumbnail generation breaks and the file can't be uploaded. I believe the current maximum dimensions are 3500×3500. The full sized image on that link is 7720 X 4409. I'd recommend resizing the image to 25%, which should still upload a fairly generously large image while getting under that thumbnail limit." http://community.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:786656
*one works with a huge file, one doesn't [same file]
*8 says: "Try increasing the values $wgMaxShellMemory, $wgMaxShellFileSize, $wgMaxShellTime" 9 says "However, I did some research and it appears there is a long-standing (over 3 years) bug that reports problems producing thumbnails for large png files (see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9497). This bug is still open, so it is possible I have run up against an unresolved problem." date please: 2010..
*** might be a bug-eyed error
*um, [alternative] simply resize images, probably some of them taken from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Mundaneum
*but it's not the size
*[to bc]
* radar 1
* different kinds of intersections
*xxx timesarrowbackward: 23.08.2015.23.08.1929.23.08.1868
*handwriting CatoisCatoisWho 23.08.1929+Paul La Cle
*other paths ..
*Lorraine Hansberry > Pan-Africanist newspaper "Freedom" (NYC) > W. E. B. Du Bois, who appears in La Mondotheque (secretary at the Second Pan-African Congress, Brussels, 1922) - http://www.mondotheque.be/wiki/index.php/File:4757696786_10263d69f1_o.jpg
*Nina Simone: To Be Young, Gifted and Black
*the scroll (age); the protocol (first page of a scroll); + linearity // wax-covered wooden tablets using the pointy end of a stick called a stylus ; multiply >> codex -- religion ; "The codex is built for nonlinear reading. [...] the codex isn’t just another format, it’s the one for which the novel is optimized. The contemporary novel’s dense, layered language took root and grew in the codex, and it demands the kind of navigation that only the codex provides."
* /g/l/o/s/s/a/r/y/
A recognised variant form of a given character.
The way (or one of the ways) in which an individual writes a given allograph.
*Digital Resources for Manuscript Studies and Palaeography
* http://www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/
* http://repertorium.obdurodon.org/
* http://www.wdl.org/es/sets/illuminated-manuscripts/map/
* http://www.doaks.org/library-archives/library/mmdb
* http://vocabulaire.irht.cnrs.fr/pages/vocab2.htm
* http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/en/catalogues-databases/digital-collections/
*Last modified: Sunday, 27 September 2015, 2:53 PM
*from Divna's "Learning and Scholarship in Byzantium. From the "Classical Tradition" to the Power Politics and Performance Culture of a Medieval Empire"
*parchment making
*sheep, goats, or cows
*"lamp/b? black"
*another point/page of digression
* and another
*Radical archives
* via: http://www.kamellazaarfoundation.org/initiatives/4/23
* how do you digress among 14 million index cards, no space, it feels
* a curved line
* missing
* the possibility
* of
* a walk, a curved line , a tram ride
*Brüssel, 1912, outdoors
* edouard, edouard
v i d e o s
§ Steve Crossan open culture video - glitches w subtitles?
Nooka Kiili (project manager at Cursor, Kotka) :: http://www.cursor.fi/
Joyce Proot (director, Technocite, Mons)
in Kotka, Finland // Kotka -- Hamina: 27 km ... Google Faculty Manager Arni Jonsson
paper mill, acquired in 2009, sea water
hm -- video date?
!! Vint Cerf's gestures -- sign language, really --
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBsGl684sVU&list=PLNdHAbf4xhomM3Bf2mJGJMkm7rc4CSVi5 (e.g., 1hour:::26min. )
*- possible explanation: Sigrid Cerf was deaf for 50 years: http://www.hearingloss.org/sites/default/files/mags/Cerf_Interview_MayJune2009_HLM.pdf
** using everything he's got to persuade
tbc.. http://www.uia.org/sites/uia.org/files/journals/Transnational_Associations_Journal_2003-1-2_0.pdf
philips, radio... Otlet, "Les aspects du livre" -- futures of the book ~~ files named anticipation?
[futures past]
*« guide automatique des visiteurs "
*« Ici Radio Conférence. Salut à vous auditeurs
*que je ne vois pas, à qui je m’adresse comme une
*voix qui viendrait d’ailleurs, sans contact avec
*un auditoire qu’elle n’a pas choisi, sans possibi-
*lité aucune d’établir ce contact d’esprit à
*Voilà, auditeurs inconnus, d’heureuses condi-
*tions pour se borner à penser tout haut, presque
*dans l’abstrait, de faire entendre des paroles
*quasi mathématiques, d’aborder l’examen de ces
*questions : Aurons-nous la guerre, comment évi-
*ter la guerre ? Que fait la Société des Nations
*pour nous protéger ? Ce sont les problèmes les
*plus vastes et les plus angoissants que l’esprit
*peut se poser en ce moment, les plus hauts aussi,
*car il s’agit du monde, de l’ensemble du monde,
*de l’organisation efficiente ou défectueuse de cet
*ensemble. "
*: "a table where 1 and 3 and 6 have been so often discussed"
-- a way to link cross-readings to quotations or references on the other pages? (Michael's suggestion, I believe, from some time ago); would make the cross-readings page more alive
*"Only Madame Lafontaine can say, who tells the story of part of her honeymoon spent in correcting card-proofs and who later bundled card-proofs into packets that the Vice-president carried to the Senate."
*"It is easily possible to reproduce 1,248 cards on a metre of film and thus to obtain reels of film, which represent continuous catalogue drawers that have no limit."
Telephotography, a form of telefacsimile transmission
Microphotic encyclopedia
microphotolibraries, says OoooO.: https://archive.org/stream/internationalorg00otle#page/208/mode/2up
13: Goldschmidt, Robert. Sur une forme nouvelle du livre :le livre microphotographique. Bruxelles : [Institut international de bibliographie], 1906. 11
documents photographiques ! Robert GOLDSCHMIDT et Paul OTLET. NOTE. — Cette communication a été lue au ...
*the idea of microphotography goes back to 1865-1880, see about Simpson = "george wharton simpson" --, at p. 6 in "Sur une forme nouvelle" .. quoting from a book on these older ideas: "Il est vrai que pour lire ces ouvrages en miniature il faudrait employer le microscope ou la lanterne magique." (p. 7, double quote)
*so it's about revisiting an older idea: microphotography, military pigeons, and war times (probably French-Prussian war)
*>> efficiency + space concerns + multiplication/availability