old links (from who?)

10-12 presentations
12-14 Lunch

14 - 18
* wikisource validations
* divide into groups
* work + document!

Oct 23, 2015
Antoine, Alexia, Michael, Gijs, An
everyone has an account on the wiki now!

Traité de Documentation - Paul Otlet :

workshop Le livre sur le livre

( Treating the Traité (mondotheque page)
http://www.mondotheque.be/wiki/index.php/Treating_the_Trait%C3%A9 )
Other references:
Douglas Engelbart : The Mother of All Demos:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfIgzSoTMOs

Alexia presentation:
    * showing the making of
    * writing a new index, with concepts we find interesting (future of the book...)

Audience: students
    Arts² Media Design
    Académie des Beaux-Arts: Media design & books
    ERG: typography/graphic design
    1 person from University Library in Sofia + scenarist

Live Books
How can Paul Otlet’s Traité de Documentation be treated, published and read today, in a new context and with new tools?

Otlet’s facsimilé (pdf and paper version)
wikisource version (structured text) — ePub generated from the wikisource files

First day

Introduction of the workshop’s track
Look  together into the ePub generated from wikisource: its structure  (compared with the structure of the original book), its components.
Play with the elements generated, to modify the digital form of the Traité: css (style), js (dynamics).

Second day

10:00 - 11:30
Manipulate the stylesheet of the book individually & locally

11:30 - 12:30
Present  different stylesheets by linking a central 'ebook' to the written  styles one by one. Come to a common stylesheet / discuss common  tendencies in the sheets.


14:00 - 18:00
Perhaps split?
*Discussing  the role of  this new style. How could it be implemented in Wikisource.  Does there need to be a possibility in WikiSource to write your own  styles for books. Or  can it be a layer in front that uses WikiSource as  a source for the content?
*Perhaps some students develop their projects further, start implementing Javascript as well to import external content?
*Finalize  the intentions in a proposition that includes the life after the  production and the distribution (not finished result necessarily)

Une réédition digitale, lire + écrire
* Lire Le Livre en utilisant des scripts en Python
_words ending_with
_ occurences
* Play with the metaphor of indexation (to be developed) to create next content

Wikimedia presentation :
*The Wikimedia galaxy :
*Wikimedia Commons
*Commons rules of all theses projects

Interface (visitor + contributor) for wikisource
Rules of attribution (differences with wikipedia)
Stéphane Mallarme , Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard (4 versions)

common work moment: validate extracts pages of Livre sur le Livre > one page each
workshop: process of wikisourcing Le Monde ? https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Livre:Otlet_-_Monde_-_1935.djvu
-> combine with Michael
page-scan-ocr-text-lay-out-validate, starting from the source or from the page

Pixels and characters

rencontre entre le texte de wikisource corrigé et le pdf du livre


example: http://guttormsgaard.activearchives.org/orderings/
playlist: Douglas Englebart, Mother of all Demos ? (relation to otlet's own "bootstrapping" of the book)
(MM: need to prepare an interface like that listed above, but with the 289 pages of the Traite (based on Gent scan))
? maybe link to participants in wikisource / epub groups?

- pad
- wiki Mondotheque > use semantic wiki same framework but different from wikisource 

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