Parametric fixes of Makehuman software

How to modify and customize MakeHuman to overcome the fixed categorisation of sliders

In a few accessible paths it is possible to transform the titles and functionning ways of sliders and completely modify the categorization in make human, Using translate features for changing title and changing the relation between balance in sliders.

Step I install make human:
or for more recent updates reMake human from github:

access the translate sources the make human or reMakehuman folder,  makehuman/data/languages allows you to access the files were titles of the sliders are stored
you can modify any title in any language by opening the specific .json file and modifying the translated word.

For the advanced version you can equally 

Some important and explanatory code is stored in the Makehuman/ apps folder 

Makehuman/ apps/  for examples informs us on the way the gender slider functions by stating things as:

Some  comments also present the relation between sliders their  interdependency system as well as the way they function according to a  number of predefined states

If self.getGender() < 0.5 return female
If self.getGender () < 0.5 return male

 An  important modification was to implement Randomisation at the start all  sliders choose a random value at the start set the default from where  you run the slider open 
Originally  at start all sliders are set to O.5 you can implement a randomisation  system by setting the  def setDefaultValues(self): in the  Makehuman/  apps/ file, instead of setting them to 0.5 you have to import  random librairy (wich was not in the file previously) set the  random variable between 0 and 1 wich are the extrem values of the  sliders. The randomisation at the loaded different characters but still  into a acceptable range of the sliders.

However  in order to get a more clear understanding of what was at stake from  the new interface it feels better to start not from a random value but  from a choice between the extrems rather 0 or 1. 

To understand the file structure, I have been coping it into the spreadsheet  by using grep i search for specific patterns.

The main transformation is really to transform the relationnal patterns between sliders in order to do so access XXXXXXX and change the code XXXXXXXX parametric decoupling.

Description video text!

Destabilizing Make human

first of all down load make human source code from bit bucket.

some examples of how to destabilize make human

changing the language.

you can change the language of the software - use your own imagination. look inside the data folder and then the language folder to choose which language you would like to modify. you can use grep to recursively search files. 


changing the colors.

if you are uncomfortable with the ethnicity sliders, you can change them. all you need to do is edit the image files that are used form texture. these are located in the lit spheres folder. we have changed them using gimp to be red green and blue. this means you can make any color model you want. 


playing with the defaults.

if you are not happy with your start up model being made from so called averages, you can randomize it. edit the human python file and replace the default middle values with random numbers. 


choose some different icons.

if you dont like the icons inside make human you can always change them to something else. look for the targets folder inside the data folder. each of the body parts has its own icon set inside. you can just edit or change the image files.

no problem.

parametric decoupling.

this sounds complicated, but do not worry. we want to affect the relationship between the parameters and to increase the space of possibilities. inside the human modifier python file we have removed the part of the code that updates the related modifiers. it is in the apps folder. between lines 228 and 237. this will give you some unexpected outcomes. 


give an identity to your modified software.

once you have personalized your software, you should give it an identity. if you search for the splash image inside the theme folder you can edit it or replace it with an image of your own. 


congratulations. you have hacked make human.

you can fork the software on bit bucket and make your own, or you can follow our bug report that explains our suggestions.

good luck.