Information for users

Humanoid representations
A leaflet that goes along with a banner depicting five 3D-generated humanoid characters

Please read carefully before engaging with 3D-generated humanoid representations, this leaflet contains important information for you:

- Save this leaflet, it might be useful in other circumstances.
- You should always inform yourself before engaging with 3D-characters.
- If you have additional questions about 3D-generated humanoid representations, first discuss with your colleagues.
- If you experience a worsening of your condition, document and publish.
- If you experience any of the side-effects described in this leaflet or you experience additional side-effects not described in this leaflet, report a bug.
- See under 4 to see if you are specifically at risk.

1. What is this image?

The image is circa 80 cm wide and 2.50 cm high, printed on a high resolution inkjet printer. It accompanies the display of results from the course Fonaments del Disseny I (2014-2015) and can be found in the hallway of Bau, Design College of Barcelona, from May 12 until 18, 2015. It consists of five 3D-generated humanoid representations, depicted as wireframe textures on a white contour, placed on a blood-red background. The 3D-generated humanoid representations are depicted on nearly life-size, without clothes and holding the same body posture.
The software used to generate this image is MakeHuman, an open source tool for making 3D-characters.
The perspective used is orthogonal, the figures appear stacked upon each other. 
Height is normalized: the figure representing a grown-up male is larger than the female, the older female figure is smaller than the younger female.
The genitals of the largest male figure and elder female figure are hidden; the genitals of the adult female figure are only half-shown; the genitals of the childeren are shown frontally.

2. What is important to know about 3D-generated humanoid representations?
- There is an illusionary trick at work related to resolution. 3D-generated images might appear hyper-real, but are generated from a crude of underlying structure.
- 3D-generated imagery has a particular way of dealing with inside and outside. The 'mesh' that is depicted here as a wireframe, necessitates a binary division between inside and outside, between flesh and skin.
- Software to generate 3D humanoid representations is parametric. This means that its space of possibilities is limited.
- The nature of the algorithms used to generate the representations, have an effect on the nature of the representation.
- 3D-generated humanoid representations often depart from a fundamentally narcissistic structure.
- These 3D-generated images are aligned with a humanist cultural paradigm, otherwise known as The Modern Project. They are not isolated from this paradigm, but evidence of an epidemy.
- The Modern Project produces a desire for an ecstasy of the real.

3.1  Before engaging with humanoid representations:

- Remember that viewing images has always an effect, therefore in this leaflet 'engagement' is used rather than 'looking' or 'viewing'. It is not possible to look without being transformed.
- Representations are made by a collective of humans and non-humans: algorithms and tools are co-designers.
- Scientific data suggests perfection through averaging. An average is the result of a mathematical calculation and results in hypochondria.

3.2 In case humanoid representations are grouped:

- What is placed in the foreground and what is placed in the background matters. If bodies are ordered by size and age (for example smaller and younger in the foreground, larger and older in background), a hierarchy is suggested that might not be the case.
- Size matters. The correlation between age/gender and size is most of the time not corresponding to the average.
- Nuclear families are not the norm. The represention of gender and age, as well as the number of bodies depicted, is a decision and not an accident.
- The depiction of figures with a variety of racial physiological standards matters, but the reality of hybridisation is even more complex than that. There is no mestizos in the image.
- The lack of resemblance to how people relate to each other in an everyday situation, matters. Bodies are not usually stacked upon each other, nor positioned frontally.
- The represented 'space for relational possibilities' can be unneccesarily limited. For example: if in a group one male is depicted, it is assumed that this body relates to the others in a hetero-patriarchal manner.

4. Counter-indications:
Be especially careful with this type of image if:

- You have - or belong to - a family
- You are pregnant or lactating
- You feel traumatized by hetero-patriarchal, capitalist or religious institutions
- Your body type does not fit
- You think another world is possible
- Your unconscious shines

And, in general, if you are concerned by the over-representation of nuclear families.

5. How should I engage with this image?

Approach these images with care, preferrably when you are not alone. It is useful to discuss your impressions and intuitions with colleagues.

- Try out various ways of critically engaging with the representation
- Measure yourself against these representations
- Try decolonial perspectives
- Ask questions about the ordering of figures, what is made visible and what is left out
- Ask why these humanoids do not have any (pubic) hair
- Problematize the parametric nature of these images: What is their space of possibilities?

In general, be aware of your desire apparatus.

6. Interactions with other images:

These images are part of an ecosystem. They generally align with gender-stereotypes and neoliberal post-colonialist imagery found in mainstream media. They might look 'normal' just because they seem to fit.
Pay attention to the hallucinatory effect of repetition.

7. What to avoid while engaging with this image:

Avoid trusting this image as a representation of your species. The pseudo-scientific atmosphere it creates is an illusion, and constructed for a reason.
Do not compare yourself with these representations.

8. What are the most common side effects of engaging with humanoid representations:

- Vertigo and dis-orientation
- A general feeling of not belonging
- Anger, frustration
- Insomnia, confusion
- Nausea
- Speechlessness
- An agitation of life conditions
- It may increase thinking or extreme questioning

9. In case of overdose:

In case of overdose, a false sense of inclusion might be multiplied. Apply at least three of the methods described under 5. Repeat if necessary until the condition ameliorates.

This leaflet provides basic information about 3D-generated humanoid representations. After reading, it is not uncomman that your rather passive engagement with these images transforms into another type of engagement. You might experience the desire to generate action and political work vis-a-vis humanoid and other representations. In this case, it is advisable that you approach the condition collectively.

Barcelona, May 2015
Jara Rocha, Femke Snelting



Patient Leaflet

Questions and Answers About ELMIRON ® (Generic name = pentosan polysulfate sodium) Capsules

What is the most important information I should know about ELMIRON ® ?
ELMIRON ® (pronounced EL ma ron) is used to treat the pain or discomfort of interstitial cystitis
You must take ELMIRON ® as prescribed by your doctor in the dosage prescribed but no more
frequently than prescribed.
ELMIRON ® is a weak anticoagulant (blood thinner) which may increase bleeding.
Call your doctor if you will be undergoing surgery or will begin taking anticoagulant therapy
such as warfarin sodium, heparin, high doses of aspirin, or anti-inflammatory drugs such as


What is ELMIRON ® ?
ELMIRON ® is used to treat the pain or discomfort of interstitial cystitis (IC). It is not known
exactly how ELMIRON ® works, but it is not a pain medication like aspirin or acetaminophen
and therefore must be taken continuously for relief as prescribed.

Who should not take ELMIRON ® ?
 Patients undergoing surgery should speak with their doctor about when to discontinue
ELMIRON ® prior to surgery.
 ELMIRON ® should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

What does your doctor need to know?
 If you are taking anticoagulant therapy such as warfarin sodium, heparin, high doses
of aspirin, or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
 If you are pregnant.
 If you have any liver problems.

How should I take ELMIRON ® ?
You should take 1 capsule of ELMIRON ® by mouth three times a day, with water at least
1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. Each capsule contains 100 mg of ELMIRON ® .

What should I avoid while taking ELMIRON ® ?
Anticoagulant therapy such as warfarin sodium, heparin, high doses of aspirin or
anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen until you speak with your doctor.

What are the most common side effects of ELMIRON ® ?
The most common side effects are hair loss, diarrhea, nausea, blood in the stool, headache,
rash, upset stomach, abnormal liver function tests, dizziness and bruising.
Call your doctor if these side effects persist or are bothersome or if there is blood in your stool.
If you suspect that someone may have taken more than the prescribed dose of this medicine,
contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. This medication was
prescribed for your particular condition. Do not use it for another condition or give the drug to

This leaflet provides a summary of information about ELMIRON ® . Medicines are sometimes
prescribed for uses other than those listed in a Patient Leaflet. If you have any questions or
concerns, or want more information about ELMIRON ® , contact your doctor or pharmacist.
Your pharmacist also has a longer leaflet about ELMIRON ® that is written for health
professionals that you can ask to read.

ELMIRON ® is a Registered Trademark of Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.
under license to Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
© Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2002,1998
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Titusville, New Jersey 08560
Revised August 2012


US (?):

*Brand name and generic name of the product. The other sections are as follows:
*Clinical pharmacology  - tells how the medicine works in the body, how it is absorbed and  eliminated, and what its effects are likely to be at various  concentrations. May also contain results of various clinical trials (studies) and/or explanations of the medication's effect on various populations (e.g. children, women, etc.).
*Indications and usage - uses (indications) for which the drug has been FDA-approved (e.g. migraines, seizures, high blood pressure).  Physicians legally can and often do prescribe medicines for purposes not  listed in this section (so-called "off-label uses").
*Contra-indications - lists situations in which the medication should not be used, for example in patients with other medical conditions such as kidney problems or allergies
*Warnings - covers possible serious side effects that may occur
*Precautions - explains how to use the medication safely including  physical impairments and drug interactions; for example "Do not drink  alcohol while taking this medication" or "Do not take this medication if  you are currently taking MAOI inhibitors"
*Adverse reactions - lists all side effects observed in all  studies of the drug (as opposed to just the dangerous side effects which  are separately listed in "Warnings" section)
*Drug abuse and dependence - provides information regarding whether prolonged use of the medication can cause physical dependence (only included if applicable)
*Overdosage - gives the results of an overdose and provides recommended action in such cases
*Dosage and administration - gives recommended dosage(s); may list  more than one for different conditions or different patients (e.g.,  lower dosages for children)
*How supplied - explains in detail the physical characteristics of  the medication including color, shape, markings, etc., and storage  information (e.g., "Do not store above 95°")



Identificación del medicamento 
*Denominación del medicamento (el principio activo o bien el nombre comercial)
*Composición cualitativa completa en principios activos y excipientes
*Forma farmacéutica y el contenido en peso, en volumen, o en unidad de toma
*Categoría farmacoterapéutica, o tipo de actividad, en términos fácilmente comprensibles para el consumidor o usuario
*Identificación del titular de la autorización sanitaria del medicamento

Indicaciones terapéuticas. Enumeración de las informaciones necesarias previas a la toma del medicamento 
*Precauciones de empleo adecuadas
*Interacciones farmacológicas o de otros tipos (por ejemplo con alcohol, tabaco o alimentos) que puedan afectar a la acción del medicamento
*Advertencias especiales, cuando sea necesario tener en cuenta:
*La situación particular de ciertas categorías de usuarios (niños,  mujeres embarazadas o durante la lactancia, ancianos, deportistas,  personas con ciertas patologías específicas)
*Los posibles efectos del tratamiento sobre la capacidad para conducir un vehículo o manipular determinadas máquinas
*Los excipientes que tengan acción o efecto conocidos, cuyo  conocimiento sea importante para una utilización eficaz y sin riesgos  del medicamento

Instrucciones necesarias y habituales para una buena utilización, en particular: 
*Forma farmacéutica y, si fuere necesario, vía de administración del medicamento (intravenosa, intramuscular, intravesical, etc.)
*Frecuencia de administración  (o tomas), precisando, si fuera necesario, el momento en que deba o  pueda administrarse el medicamento (en especial, en relación con las  comidas)
*En caso necesario, cuando la naturaleza del medicamento lo requiera:
*Duración del tratamiento, cuando tenga que ser limitada
*Medidas que deban tomarse en caso de sobredosis (por ejemplo, síntomas, tratamiento de urgencia)
*Actitud que debe tomarse en caso de que se hay omitido la administración de una o varias dosis
*Indicación, si es necesario, del riesgo de síndrome de abstinencia
*Instrucciones, en caso necesario, para la preparación extemporánea del medicamento, con objeto de una correcta administración

Descripción de las reacciones adversas  que puedan observarse durante el uso normal del medicamento y, en su  caso, medidas que deban adoptarse. Se indicará al consumidor  expresamente que debe comunicar a su médico o farmacéutico o enfermero cualquier reacción adversa que no estuviese descrita en el prospecto.
Referencia a la fecha de caducidad que figure en el envase con:
*Una advertencia para no sobrepasar esta fecha
*Si procediere, las precauciones especiales de conservación.
*En su caso, una advertencia con respecto a ciertos signos visibles al deterioro.
*Para las preparaciones extemporáneasdosis, las condiciones de conservación para la suspensión reconstituida y su plazo de validez, ya sea a temperatura 



*Merknaam en stofnaam van het geneesmiddel
*Sterkte van het geneesmiddel, bijvoorbeeld de hoeveelheid werkzame stof
*Eigenschappen van het geneesmiddel (werking)
*Geschiktheid bij zwangerschap en lactatie
*Eventueel: speciale waarschuwingen en voorzorgen
*Dosering en wijze van gebruik
*Naam van fabrikant (en importeur), adres van fabrikant
*Datum van herziening of goedkeuring


a very particular way of dealing with inside and outside
the "ether" of digital space (no contextual backgraund) --  there  is also something about the environment of simulation, the world in  which the simulation is created in order to then simulate within, or to  represent within or to modify within
the mesh
related to resolution: the disconnect between the hyper-real and the crudeness of the underlying structure
its being parametric
the limited 'space of possibilities' it creates
the nature of the algorithm effects the nature of the model
structural stability
structural simulation
building down to boxes
 but very rarely do you see what you need to do to the geometry in order to expose or subject it to the algorithm
you are basically hardcoding it's functionality
and what is it's relationship to the biological and body-sciences from which it is taking it's methaphors
why be clever when you can be big
the  computer is often described as a neutral executer and the algorithm is a  separate cultural approach to something, which is not really true, it  is much more a connected relationship
"you can't separate from the datastructure", they can never exist on it's own, it is always responding to some kind of context
in the end there is not a huge amount of  difference between what the two ends of that spectrum are
the  bigger issue is more how that materiality is encoded into the model,  what you consider worthy of encoding and what is left out.
But  there is no user in there. There are no people. There is no behavioural  model, the materiality of us is left out of that simulation. There is  the tick, cross .. tick, cross next to the things you are going to  include in it, and across the spectrum of super curvy algorithmic  architecture, and super boxy algorithmic architecture, it is still the  same question for me actually: what have you included and what have you  left out in order to get to this outcome? 
it is not just the materiality of the (body) that creates the social condition of its use. 
Even if  you are trying to encourage more different types of sociality in your  (body?design?), you probably shouldn't be doing that only through the  materiality of the (body?design?).
almost 'deprofesionalising' the process somehow, from an (design) point of view
 it comes down to the way in which you are defining that system in which you are operating in. 
 It is a world in which there are no people... let alone different types of people
There  are only these conditions of performance, there is only this  materiality, there is only this physical sciences behaviour. But why  couldn't you build a different world? And  then you could test other things. Of course, now you have software that  can test how people move in an airport, but that is not really ...
 It is the reduction of the user to generalised behaviour. -- And only one type of behaviour gets looked at.