Lab2Lab archive
Lab2lab is over ... than what.
FTP wiki Medialab --> plugins
Aim: Reorganise wiki from a working site to present the project
Design -- Femke (+ OSP)
- Change logo
- Change template
- Change front-page
[In process / Deadline: March 1]
General (Main page)
- Introduction: what is the project about? 4 workshops, definition of "medialab", etc...
- List of participants (¿cartographie?) - For each meeting: done. Global list: needs organisation (columns?)
- overview of meetings
Programs: add, rewrite so it becomes legible to outsiders: what happened! (each lab cleans up their own program page)
- expand writing
- add pictures
- organise resources around it
List of participants for each meeting (names+short bio/profile + organisation -> cath, irene
Traces + Resources (Reports of the process)
- Extended programs of the meetings
- Media resources (see below)
- Pictures (selected!!)
- Sound archives
- Video
- Mindmaps+ Prezis
- Etherpads
- Applications : sharing grundtvig application process +mid-term report -> cath
- Links (to latin labs' websites, related projects both collective and individual: labsurlab, rose de vents numériques... )
- Bibliographies
In-between meetings
("milestones" maybe?) : Nerea's residency in Kibu (In The Air Budapest), Irene's voluntary program in Nantes, Julien's (PiNG) visit to Waag society, conferences in which some of us took part (ISEA,Crea Numerica, Baltan lab Expert meeting, LabSurLab...) -> cath
Outcomes (output)
- Texts/Papers (baltan text) + MCD review : articles from Budapest and Madrid + specific issue on medialabs in Europe -> cath
- Interviews Madrid (Wendy edits; needs interface)
- Interviews Brussels/Sevilla (?)
- Labster (narrative mapping?) -> A page explaining the project, relation to L2L (Attilla?)
- Radiobroadcast (Radio Panik) -> A page explaining the context (Wendy)
- Questionnaire (for the Medialab Prado meeting) -> A page explaining who asked the questions, links to category (Jara)
- Questionnaire in-between (Catherine?)
- Report anthropologists Madrid (? Jara is keeping in touch)
Media resources
Sound archives
Kibu + Constant (olivier)
Meeting Kitchen:
- Kibu's activities
Meeting Medialab Prado (videos to be found - homeworks for mp :-)
- Activities: Intermediae (no audio) + Tabacalera (no audio) + Performance David&Gosie
Meeting Constant:
- Activities: Yolanda's videos
Photo album: uploaded in the web or through Flikr
Constant Gallery:
Transfer Etherpads to wiki
Gather links and bibliography here:
example for editing a categorie: [[Category: Budapest]]
check pages without categories:
check listings:
[Network] ¿? (this would drive the user to the activities related to L2L's network: list of latinlabbers, connection with Eyebeam and LAbsurLAb, visited spaces such as FOAM, OKNO, Tabacalera or Intermediae...etc). ->(...not sure about this category)
Manuals and howtos
+We may write a "good practices manual" so anybody can edit nicely ;) it could be placed at the bottom on the homepage maybe?
+Practical-use stuff:
How to embed flickr pics:
How to embed videos: