Newsletter drafting pad

Just For The Record vzw asbl

42, rue Blanchestraat
1060 Saint Gilles/Sint Gillis

Numéro d'entreprise

Compte en banque Triodos
Compte à vue
IBAN BE49 523 08 083 94 71

Rue Haute 139/3
1000 Bruxelles

Compte d’épargne
BE08 523 04 800 88 13

Paper to send and sign after AG
- PV should be sign by everyone but not necessary in original
- The budget and annaul accounts should be signed originally by at least one board member.
to be sent to 
Tribunal de l'entreprise
Boulevard de la Deuxième Armée Britannique, 148
1190 Bruxelles (Forest)


*begining year: plan AG + make yearly accounting
*half March: WMF PEG Grant proposal
*1st April: interim report PEG WMF
*spring-summer: TAX-declaration
*November: final report PEG WMF

*newsletter: take the list and send an “automatic” email to say You showed your interest in registering to our event at *****. In order to keep in touch we are adding you to our newsletter (not more than once a month). If you would like to unsubscribe simply send us an email with the subject “unsubscribe”.
*re-contact Benedikte



Last AG
 Convoquer une réunion d’AG
B. Lors de cette première réunion, faire voter la dissolution, l’approbation des
comptes, la décharge aux administrateurs, l’affectation de l’actif net (le cas
échéant) et le vote sur la clôture immédiate.
C. Publier la décision de dissolution et de clôture de liquidation au Moniteur
D. Procéder aux éventuelles opérations de liquidation qui subsisteraient

Agenda for the AG
- ASBL dissolution - vote
- validation of the accounts - vote
- what to do with whats left on the account - vote if something left
- décharge administrative
- Archives: what to do with the archives, website, admin, etc
- Immediate closure - vote
- signing documents 
triodos : 
greffe :
Dissolution 157,91 EUR, TVAC
1 copie de l’acte pour le dossier + 2 x Formulaire I et le cas échéant II
Formulaire I – Volet A Formulaire I –Volet B
Formulaire II - Volet A 1° en 2° - Volet C 8/9

=== Meeting 05/09/2023 ===

==== Meeting AG preparation 28th June 2022 ====

JFTR slumber party
We take a 2 year asbl sleep :)
1 year Deep Sleep
1 year Light Sleep

The AG becomes the line in the sand, calendar wise.
We prepare next AG in April 2023 and we organise it in May, so that we don't get too close to September. 
We would then start thinking of the light sleep year, planning to be more actively thinking from September 2023 on, with thinking sessions.


NEW potential ROLE:
Because JFTR is limited now, there is a limit to how much we can define the role.
Always invited to AG
Without the financial responsability of a board member


AG ASBL Just For The Record

Place rue des Glands 53, 1190 Forest
18:00-20:30 CEST


✨ A word of welcome - announce structure of the agenda, weather check

✨ Finance 2021
• Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of 2021 (has arleady been signed and so approved last year)
SM  - it is already signed, ALL OK
• Presentation of the budget, accounts and balance sheet for the previous financial year - 2021
SM - There are no big surprises, calc to keep just enough on the account for basic maintainance - soldes negative because the subsid came from the year before, otherwise nothing much unexpected. 
7000 - ventes is quite general
• Approval of the budget & accounts 2021 + ask juliette to sign directly
• Jacques investement
We should be clear with him: Jacques, not much is going to happen with the asbl sleeping, so we think can stop our collaboration here.

✨ Activity Report 2021
• Presentation of the activity report for 2021

✨ Present/Future
• Presentation of the activity report for 2022
+ Le 75
• Presentation of the (sleeping) budget for the upcoming financial year – 2022

• ASBL structure:

Because we didn't have to make a change in the status yet, we would rather wait to group changes (= 300€)

• Miscellaneous, questions, and finish up PV of 2022

===== Meeting lescheret =====

Email AG invitation :D

Dear Donatella, Juliette, Steph and Myriam,
Happy new year ✨💫

We just had a 3 days reflection on JFTR project in the Ardennes, with snow, runing ducks, sheeps, cats and cows. These refreshing days helped us to start to shape the coming year(s), through some futurology exercises, walks and projections of this coming "sleeping" mode year.

We are already looking forward to share that with you all! We thus prepared a few dates propositions for this year's Just for the Record AG, where we also look forward to hear your inputs and discuss the possible futures of JFTR.

The dates we propose are:  13th, 14th, 27th or 28th of June from 18:00-20:30. We hope some of these days can work for you. Would you mind filling in your availabilities here? -->

We don't have a precise AG agenda to send you yet (though it will follow the usual structure of sharing past activities and future plans, and making time for in-depth discussions with you all). We planned another work session in April in which we will send you an agenda.

Juliette (or others abroad); if you do not happen to be in Brussels around this time, and will join us online, we would be interested in planning a way to make your participation more comfortable, for example by meeting with you half an hour before the AG starts, to make sure we can hear and amplify your participation and feedback.

Have a nice week and looking forward to see you soon!
Sarah, Mia and Loraine

=== Meeting 11.01.22 ===


    Sarah can pick us up on sunday evening when we arrive by train
    Xavier's father can drive us to the trainstation on Wednesday
    Train ~1h30 Libramont
    Sunday: 3:30 arriving at 5:52
Things to bring:

There are no shops, so we should plan a little the food. 
Think about a gift — plant, book, … :)
Walking shoes, warm clothes, woolen socks, 

Food suggestions: 
    Mia: would love to bring flour and make bread/or freshly made cinnamon buns, brings a good cheese, some drinks,
    Sarah: coffee, things for the morning, fruits
    Loraine: will bring nice stuff to eat for apero and also on lunch, some drinks and dessert

    Sunday evening → Sarah makes a thian with rice.
    Breakfast — 
    Lunch — 
    Evening — Loraine can cook lentil soup + sth more
    Breakfast — 
    Lunch — Sarah/Ti Anne (Xavier's mother)
    Evening — Mia cooks


futurology exercises
ROI – futurology ROI – 

big sheet of paper
Some threads
Some surprises

=== Meeting 30.11.2021===

Pasteis de nata & Tea <3

Weft - Neutrality - Searching for weak signals of neutrality
Accounting & Finance

PV needs to be signed :D

12/12/21 16h drink with good snacks :)

===Meeting 20.09.2021===

We are writing an ROI - so is Juliette - Interested to still stay as a board member until this document is written?

We are writing an ROI -- An umbrella document with:

*Timeline 2020


It was, of course, a strange year, with a lot of postponing, but ...








=== REPORT 2021 ===









---- PV AG ----

PV of last year approved. As Juliette is in France the board accept to have her to sign the PV of this year and next through email.

Financial report
Since IOC was longer than expected, Loraine propose to give a bit more to JFTR as running expenses. She will confirm how much later. till now The project left 300€

The board Approve the accounts and bilan of 2020

=== compta phone 2021.01.07 ===

=== work session 28th and 29th of October ===
TO DO / want to do:

=== Work sessionsionsionsionsion ===


*Day 1

*Day 2

*Friday morning accounting 
- PV signing (original?) + sending
- accounting session editing and jacques payement

=== AG ===

=== 18 June ===

=== 11 june ===

=== 2nd of June ===

Confirmation of AG 29th of june

=== 21st of May===



Dear Donatella, Juliette and Steph,
How are you in this beautiful sunny weekend?

We are currently preparing for this year's Just for the Record AG, and wanted to send you possible dates and an agenda. 

The dates we propose are:  16-19 or 29 or 30 June at 18:00 (or another time if you prefer!)

Place: online -

Our agenda is the following:

Looking forward to see you and have a nice weekend!

x & JFTR


=== 1th May ===
Summer discussion


=== Agenda 7th of April 2020 ===

    how many money is ther on the account to spend
    → we still have 2497,75 € to spend
    what are our yearly runnning expenses
    how much to will be get in 2020
TRIODOS CALLED ME (Loraine): we have to call them back → done already :) everything is in order, the card reader will arrive in a month or somtg

Website update

=== 2020.04.03 ===
Video-conf avec Chloe

=== 2020.03.04 ===

Bonjour Aicha,
Nous nous sommes déjà excusées pour notre manque de réactivité, mais il nous semble que c'est à nous d'être surprises que vous ayez pu nous mettre dans votre programme sans confirmation de notre part.
Il semble par ailleurs, vu votre insistance, que vous ayez de la peine à comprendre notre échelle — nous sommes 4 personnes dans Just for the record, travaillant une grande partie du temps bénévolement, et par ailleurs nous sommes des travailleuses relativement précaires. Notre écosystème est donc fragile, et à certaines périodes nous n'avons pas les moyens de répondre comme une plus grande organisation à des solicitations. Mais nous ne devrions pas devoir expliquer ce genre de choses dans un contexte féministe. Peut-être que pour l'université des femmes ce type de pratiques n'est pas compréhensible, et par ce type d'échange vous stimulez en fait l'épuisement de milieux activistes.
Merci de nous retirer de votre programme.

Bonne chance pour votre événement,
Loraine et Just for the record

=== 04.06.2019 ===
Preparation workshop Amazone

9:30-12:30 — 3h
12:30-13:30 — 2h
15:30 END

Event page:

=== AG meetin preparation ===

- ask for a date
- where
- change of statutes
→ administrators have to be reconfirmed or changed avery 2 years. We need to confirme D + S +  J untill 2020 and disucss if we change this 2 year period to a longer one or at least to make sure that their mandat don't stop at the same time
→ see and discuss if we need to add in the ROI (and so maybe change teh statutes) if one of us has to be daily manager.  


Outline of timeline RoSa exhibition

Start work 

4th-11th of feb 
heads up to womensweek
copyright clearance

18th of feb
final approval and proofread

22nd of feb
print file delivery

1st of march

8th of march installation

9th of march opening



Hello Frederic,

Thank you for your email!

We have made an offer for you to look at, based on 2 members of Just for the Record hosting a workshop and being present at the think tank session plus preparing material all together, it goes as follows:
Apart from this we wanted to mention that we can send you some PDF's (of our fact sheet and cheat sheet for example). Just letting you know in case you want to hold aside a little money for print.

As for the documentation material we have found some video files for you, but they are quite large, so we are working on compressing them enought to send them over WeTransfer (If not we could also just extract the audio). We will get back to you once we have found a solution. 

All the best,


Dear Chris,

hope you are doing well. During the event at Kasko we promised to send some information regarding Just for the Record, and some feminist projects happening in Brussels. We are also curious to know about the organisations you are part of / collaborating with.

Just for the Record

Non exhautive list of related projects and partners in Belgium:

Thank you again for your presence and support before and during the event!
Hope we can collaborate again in the future,

Edit-a-thon Chiroux
- préparer page meetup
- trouver page sur laquelle éditer en français
- imprimer références: sur place



=== Meeting RoSa ===
8th of March - what would we like to do-
Application deadline 5th of Nov.

Want to organise debates. 
Sexual violence not fitting into the legal system (not legal but under human rights)
Favourite book

Sometihng more graphic and entertaining
Big windows, lot of books, 

For example: postcards with statements in the window + tour of the library

Creative and interactive, possibly with the book classics, but also the "unsung heroines" in the library

Something that captions the eye - possibly bringing people into the library for a continuation

Intersectional feminist visual inheritance display in the window 

Library based treasure hunt - 
Cadavre exquis with book sentences

To prepare:

Highlights for the text:
    Visual language
    Activating the library
    Link to the rights of women
    Massivenes of what happened - backing up women's right
    Bringing it back to the archive
    Public event
    Underlining what 

how to address the fact that the only visible tonight are the three white persons in the group?


- Meeting about Basel
- RoSa : anwer about funding for Women's Week (ok let's meet - Loraine)
- Fanzine Eriazo ( stickers, text for Basel, Fact sheet, visual for le casier exhibition, visuals from the totebag, some slides from our presentations) (Sarah)
- chercher magazines (Viviane de Laveleye) (Loraine)
- answer Margaux Vendredi 23 novembre - Colloque langage & féminisme (too busy, sorry - Sarah)
- answer Nicolas ULB (ok Mia)

=== 19.09.18 ===
- send ticket receipts
- brainstorm again?
    - send devis 
Aay: make appontment 

=== 12.09.18 ===

=== 05.09.18 ===

Split into two work groups, one for accounting run-through and one for the other things:

=== 29.08.18 ===

===30/05/18 === 
- general assembly agenda (cf OSP GA

Prepare the minute for 2018 (Myriam)
- (add question to board members if they want to add a point to the agenda)
print minutes 2017

- wikimedia (myriam)
- pay invoice stickers
- residency

=== 16/05/18 ===

=== SESSION COMPTA DONA 11.04  ===

=== 25/04/18 ===

Meeting Chiroux OK
Myriam sends budget email.

Mia in BXL before le Casier:

11th and 12th of May
21st and 22nd of May

=== 28/03/18 ===

=== 21/03/18 ===
- Invitation to antwerp MHKA Katrin Kamrau
- confirm the date with Guillaume

=== 14/03/18 ===
- rosa short project description
- answe Aay

=== 7/03/18 ===


Event on how we represent spaces

Coven Berlin

"Not found on wikipedia" 
- Hannah Gadsby  in the guilty feminist
How would 

Networking between different spaces
More connections
Mapping groups
How places with less "recognition" 

Brainstorm what we want to do at RoSa
- group reading of short texts. Every 2 weeks we propose one text to the group that we can discuss
- end sessions with library browsing
- Brainstorm Le Casier
- meeeeerch!

=== 28/02/18 ===

=== 14/02/18 ===

=== 17/01/18 ===


=== 10/01/18 ===
- work on a toolkit
future of JFTR

=== 04/01/18 ===

=== 18/12/17 ===
Answer emails/propositions: (L)
*Bâle Louise & Cristian

=== 17/12/17 ===
Xmas future dinner
*food for thoughts for the future
*what do we want for the future?
*propositions we received: workshops around Wikipedia — we could also find people who can organise stuff -> Maïté; and help us with invitations to talk about the gender gap), monthly meeting
*propositions we received: propositions that are going a bit wider on the scope: make a website, a data visualisation, …
*money: is it an argument? make a summary of what amount came from WMF and from elsewhere, and in the current propositions
*press: our link with Art+Feminism gives us visibility.
*A period of not inviting guest speakers for a while - as it takes a lot of time to organise - we might say yes to events but not do guests. 
*Guillaume Clermont proposed us to participate to le casier:

=== 13/12/17 ===
- An email to ask for the 4th room Hanne or An (Mia)
- communication for next event. 
*? some lines on Severine
     ? 3 lingual
*- visuals 
*- vlog
- newsletter TRANSLATIONS
- travel money. What do we do with ?
*add it in the report --> FUTURE
- mwanamke ? possible dates on the 17th of January or 21st of February

- initial presentation
- research (oral history on Wikipedia)

Séverine Janssens coordinatrice de bna-bbot

For this last event we are very happy to invite Séverine Janssen, philosopher and coordinator of the organisation BNA BBOT, recording the memory and history of Brussels and its diversity. The project focuses on puting on the foreground missing and disapearing voices or what is usually called a minor history. It invites people from Brussels to record their history or their community history through daily life. This invitation to listen to a plurality of voice gives us back a richer and more inclusive history.

*//// scroll voor Franse en Nederlandse versies ////
*//// français et néerlandais au bas ////


*This autumn we have been Chanting & Recording away, and here's your last chance to participate to this series of events if you haven't already or couldn't get enough!
*We have been addressing oral history and its importance as a narrative and collective practice. Seeing how marginalized groups have long been exempted from written publications, but have spread their stories in other ways, we need to put care into rethinking what we consider credible sources for *writing* history.
*This time we have the chance to introduce Séverine Janssens who will present the project BNA-BBOT, which is working to preserve a portrait of Brussels through the sounds and voices of it's inhabitants. 
*The questions we will raise with her will be the starting point for discussions and will guide us in the editing of Wikipedia pages, to add missing narratives to the polyphonic collaborative encyclopedia.

*Chanting & Recording #3
*20.12.2017 — 18:00-21:00
*With Séverine Janssens (BNA-BBOT)
*Free entrance with reservation
*Please bring your laptop
*Free food will be provided
*We are organizing child care, but please let us know in advance if this is of use to you
*This presentation will be done in 3 languages EN-NL-FR
*20-28 A. Ortsstraat street, Brussels

*Chanting & Recording #3
*20.12.2017 — 18:00-21:00
*Met Séverine Janssens (BNA-BBOT)

*Vrij en toegankelijk voor iedereen, met reservering
*Wij nodigen u uit om uw laptop mee te nemen
*Versnaperingen en drank worden voorzien
*Er is mogelijkheid tot kinderopvang, laat het ons wel vooraf weten
*A. Ortsstraat 20-28, Brussel



*Chanting & Recording #3
*20.12.2017 — 18:00-21:00
*Avec Séverine Janssens (BNA-BBOT)
*Ces événements sont gratuits et ouvert à tou·te·s, sur réservation! 

*Amenez votre ordinateur portable
*Des boissons et des en-cas seront offerts
*Nous organisons une garde d'enfants, prévenez-nous à l’avance
*Rue Auguste Orts 20-28, Bruxelles


Draft email forced newsletter

? FR & NL ?

Dear ***,
Thank you for showing your interest in our activities through registering to one of our Just for the record event at ***.
We added you to our newsletter so that you can follow our activities and maybe join us for a next time!
We don’t send it more than once a month, and if you would like to be un-subscribed, please don’t hesitate to send us an email with “un-subscribe” as subject

Best regards,
Loraine, Mia, Myriam and Sarah
of Just for the record

? EN  ?  ? NL ?

Merci d’avoir montré votre intérêt pour les activités de Just for the record en vous inscrivant à notre événement au ***.
Nous vous avons ajouté.e à notre newsletter afin que vous puissiez suivre nos activités et peut-être nous rejoindre à nouveau une prochaine fois!
Nous n’envoyons pas plus d’une newsletter par mois, et si vous souhaitez vous désinscrire n’hésitez pas à le faire en nous renvoyant un email avec en objet “désinscription”.

Bien à vous,
Loraine, Mia, Myriam et Sarah
de Just for the record

? EN  &  FR ?

Beste ***,
Bedankt voor het tonen van uw interesse in onze activiteiten door u te registreren voor een van onze Just for the record-evenementen op ***.
We hebben u toegevoegd aan onze nieuwsbrief, zodat u onze activiteiten kunt volgen en misschien nog een volgende keer deelnemen!
We sturen het niet vaker dan één keer per maand en als u niet geabonneerd wilt zijn, aarzel dan niet om ons een e-mail te sturen met "un-subscribe" als onderwerp.

Beste wensen,
Loraine, Mia, Myriam en Sarah
van Just for the record

=== 11/12/17 ===
- meet with severine
- answer mwanamke 
- add info  Séverine on fb for 20th event

=== 6/12/17 ===

*we all need to make 2017 invoices. JFTRasbl can pay until end of january 2018 but our personal invoices and other external people invoices need to be made and dated on 2017.
*We can finish the accountind spread sheet in January if necessary.
*We need/can buy some book on the WMF material budget before the end of 2017. 100€ per person.

*send an email to mwanamke to say since they don't answer we decided to so something with them later
*art+feminism design work. 
*OPPORTUNITY: Art+Feminism is looking for an Instructional Designer to re-vamp our training materials. Is that you or someone you know? We encourage you to apply and share this call amongst your networks!

=== 29/11/17 ===
*follow-up Séverine (propose lunch) + Mwanamke
*common dates: 
*accounting? do we need to meet before the end of December? Or is it enough if we pay the bills and then set a meeting in 2018?
*add newsletter contacts from the 1st event at Bsb DONE
*WMF report November
*Christmas Dinner: 17th of December?
*RoSa’s proposition for Public Domain Day - doing an event in anticipation of PDD - wonder woman or belgian painter who does not have a written biography - want to brainstorm around ideas of what to arrange - unpaid, but they can facilitate.  4-17 of April  (writing week, maybe happening) or 1 and 26 of May (Wonder woman themed month).
*Data Visualization for a publication (deadline abstract 18.01): Lucile Haute is coordinating an upcoming issue of the journal “Sciences du design”, with the theme digital publishing (out in Autumn 2018), and she’s inviting us to make a data visualization about gendered representation on Wikipedia or something else (a bit like what we did for Médor)
*March 2018, between the 8th and 30th: project on women and public space in Charleroi, feminisation of street names and gathering knowledge about women in Charleroi’s history (Margaux, PAC Charleroi, paid (they are asking what are our conditions)
*8th of March? Art+Feminism (just the regular question: do we do an Art+Feminism around the 8th of March, etc)
*Guillaume Clermont proposed us to participate to le casier:



*Send to Beurs:
*Beurs website text
*Practical list of what we need -
*meeting a technician
*Azahara cc with reminders
*reservation link

*answer Louise food + childcare money (decide 15e/h)

*Fb event update - check it at least

*Azahara money email and technical, time

*Third event
*No Mwanamke
*Do we want guests?
*BNA BBOT (Séverine Janssen <>)
*Esther’s friend in Australia
*Marion W. --> As backup 

*Diversions? Answer Femke&An

*schedule meeting to discuss about what's next



*missing invoices
*go through spreadsheet - clean up
? to ask Donatella:
*how do write the 10% on our log and how to write it if it is on another account
*Code for transferring the 10 000 eur to 2017 / check that we did it right.

*missing invoice ? to be ckecked with the "relevé"
*invoice smart Loraine to be put in outcomes
? to ask Donatella:
*savings account? (10%)
*One invoice per funding source?

*Budget spead sheet
? Sarah will make a proposition with a spread with wmf as it is now and another per project-budget link to the wmf when needed.

*Eur 1800 Admin cost
how to split the wikimedia 'Project management time' 1800 eur
? we sent an email to alex to know if we can split it in several person.

*invoices to be done
*voix de femme
*pompidou ?
*fonderie de l'image ?

*mwanamke ping for beurs event

*answer Silke

*Pad - meeting page - email


*rewrite english - Brief
*Goedele dutch
*Myriam French
*send today/tomorrow

*Outline first event
*Brainstorm visuals - run by Beurs
*Valériane catering?
*Short event-specific text

*RoSa email - songs and books on oral history
*Azahara answer
*Ann email
*Benedikte answer

- mwanamke

*Finance focus
*prepare the accounting meeting with Donatella
*see how much we spent so far on the WMF grant
*prepare your 'expenses notes'
*paying the invoices
*Wikimedia grant redistribution
• rosa for beurschouwburg: suggest books for our events?

Meeting Benedikte
*Propose to present in october?
meeting Azara and An at Beurs

* Beursschouwburg
? we keep the originial dates. Send back an fb message to mwanamke? done
? ask azahara to visite beurs possible rooms with her on the 13th of october done
*voix de femmes
*How We Behave
*how we get there ? train?
*Proposal from Marion Wasserbauer : collaboration with UAntwerp
yes. Mia aswers


*Benedicte email ? ok for all of us to meet her on the 13th. OK
*Clean up the Beursschouwburg dates
*ping mwanamke
*Voix de Femme

=== 23/08/2017 ===

*answer Egalité about the word in Dutch
*Script how we behabe
*form F word Fest
*check finances project luca gent

=== 09.08.17 ===

*sent emails Chanting & Recording: An + invitations guests <3
*filled form organisations for equality in Belgium (see email: questionnaire visant à recenser les initiatives visant à promouvoir l'égalité femmes-hommes)

=== 07.08.17 ===

Program Sunday:
*workshops all at the same time (14:00-16:00)
*presentation moment with the others moderation

2 heures seulement?

*history festival: women’s residency then more festival
*still idea: make people meet
*10 days of “diffusion” (music, theater) in the evening
*one special day: Sunday, more activities, meetings

=== 02.08.17 ===

*Comes back to us
*Writing a draft
*Existing threads: making links with Beursschouwburg reading groups program? With guests?
*14/10 — 17:00 (The Female Body) us: 18/10 — guest ?
*28/10 — 17:00 (Intersectionality) us: 22/11 — Mwanamke ?
*9/12 — 17:00 (Postbinary) us: 20/12 — Azahara ?
*Others ideas:
*witches (simultaneous as the spanish editatonas)
*music (continuation Liège)
*Azahara: one of her performances is about protests chants, from her mother and father (political protests in Spain, feminism) — NICE THREAD!!
*Chanting & Recording:
*18/10 —  Azahara
*22/11 — Mwanamke ?
*20/12 — Benedikte Zitouni the girl that loraine knows/loves, and saw one time - aaah that one! - also known as the girl who gives loraine shivers/loves

narrative thread
oral history
alternative sources

Benedikte Zitouni: sociologist who worked on ecofeminists protests in the US and the UK during the early eighties (, wrote about Donna Harraway, works with and around Isabelle Stengers and Latour…

Chanting & Recording

Presentation for communication / website:
A participative worksession with the collective Just For The Record, addressing how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and what influence this has on the way history is recorded today. In a series of three workshops, under the title Chanting and Recording, we will address oral history and its importance as a narrative and collective practice. Feminist chants and slogans will guide us in the editing of Wikipedia pages to add these missing narratives to the polyphonic collaborative encyclopedia.

Dear Mwanamke,

How are you?

It might be a while ago but we have been wishing to contact you since we saw your presentation in Maastricht during the Ladyfest.

We are Just For The Record, a collective that looks into how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and what influence this has on the way history is recorded. Mostly this happens through events that we organise around a specific subject, where we invite experts, speakers, representatives or researchers of these subjects to do small presentations that are followed by a group discussion and a workshop. The workshop is often linked to how these topics are represented or misrepresented online/on Wikipedia and focussed on finding solutions as to how to better the situation. As our events are in different locations and with different guests they are often developed together with the people we work with, and our participation is often to create a contextualising presentation around the guest speaker(s).

This autumn we have been invited by the Beursschouwburg to organize 3 worshops this autumn during their program "The future is feminist" and we would like to propose you to take part to one of these events as guests. The common title of these participative worksessions is "Chanting & Recording", focusing on oral histories and their importance as narrative and collective practices.  "Chanting" or chants can here be interpreted in its many forms, as protest slogans, songs of witches/women, repetition, hypnosis and bonding several indiviuals into one entity. "Recording" because of how oral sources need to be included in how we write history online, because of recordings of old chants let us understand history better, because non-white-male-straight and other marginalized groups have long been exempted from written publications but have spread their stories in other ways, and because of this we need to put a lot of care into rethinking how we write history today.

We  think your knowledge of afro-feminism would be a very relevant contribution to this topic and were wondering if you would be interested in making an intervention? Your participation could take many forms: presentation, screening, listening session, reading group, etc.

Practical info: This worksession will take place at the Beursschouwburg on the 22/11 from 6pm till 10pm (but your participation is as long or short as you wish) and we have a fee of 200 euros available per intervention. We understand that this is not a lot, and that you have to take this into consideration.

We hope you will find this proposition interesting and if you do, then we would love to meet up and talk more about it in person.

Invitation à intervenir autour des chants de Greeham Common

Chère Benedikte,

J’étais venue à la présentation du livre Des femmes contres des missiles à Joli Mai en février avec Elsa et Fabrizio. Ton intervention au sujet de la lutte, des chants et des actions inventives et solidaires des femmes de Greeham Common, leur “colère généreuse”, était non seulement passionnante mais aussi vraiment inspirante. À ce moment, j’étais particulièrement intéressée par le moment de leur marche, et aujourd’hui je te contacte au sujet de leurs chants! Avec le collectif Just for the record dont je fais partie, nous sommes en train d’organiser trois événements dans le cadre du programme The Future is Feminist au Beursschouwburg, sous le nom de “Chanting and Recording”, qui aura lieu de septembre à décembre 2017. Nous travaillons depuis deux ans sur les représentations genrées sur la plateforme collaborative de ré-écriture des savoirs Wikipédia, autour de laquelle nous organisons des sessions de travail collectives. Pour notre série de trois événements au Beursschouwburg, nous avons décidé de travailler autour des chants et des slogans féministes comme faisant partie d’une histoire orale, alternative, et d’observer comment cette histoire peut s’inscrire sur une plateforme comme Wikipédia.
Nous aimerions beaucoup t’inviter à parler des femmes de Greenham Common, de la place de leurs chants dans leurs actions et dans les traces qui en restent.
Si la proposition t’intéresse, serais-tu disponible à la date du 12 december à 18h? Nous avons trois dates donc nous pouvons éventuellement t’en proposer d’autres si celle-ci ne convient pas.
Nous avons un fee de 200€ pour chaque intervention — il y en aura une par événement, nous pouvons bien sûr t’en dire plus si ça t’intéresse.

Nous espérons que cette proposition t’intéressera, et si tu souhaite avoir plus de détails nous pouvons en discuter à Bruxelles ou par email/téléphone.

Bonne fin de semaine,
et Mia, Myriam et Sarah de Just For The Record

Hi Azahara,

How are you?

We in Just for the Record are planning 3 events this autumn at  Beursschouwburg called "Chanting & Recording" under the program "the Future is Feminist" that is happening this autumn. The events will focus on the topics of oral history and alternative sources. "Chanting" or chants can here be interpreted in its many forms, as protest slogans, songs around a fire, repetition, hypnosis, bonding. "Recording" because of how oral sources need to be included in how we write history online, because of recordings of old chants let us understand history better, because women and other marginalized groups have been exempted from written publications but have spread their stories in other ways, and because we need to put a lot of care into rethinking how we record history.

This topic actually came up in a conversation in a Just for the Record meeting as I was talking about your solo performance at P.A.R.T.S., where you are chanting a political slogan and also talking about your mother. We discussed the many angles to chanting and how it could be a beautiful way to try to dissect some questions around how to write history in a more diverse way.

So naturally, we were wondering if you would be interested in doing a performance or an intervention at one of these events? It could be this specific solo performance that you already made, or a piece of it, or something around this topic. This is up to you to decide, and of course also depends on the practical limitations I am sure.

Practical info: The date we are proposing is 18th of October at 18:00 (if this does not work then we might be able to switch with another event), and we can give a 200 euro fee per guest intervention. We know that it is not a lot for a performance, and understand that you have to take this into consideration when you decide if and what you could do.

Let us know what you think!

Big hugs,
for JFTR

Hi An

How are you?

We have been discussing the events we will be doing at Beurs this autumn and come up with an umbrella title for all three events that can let us dissect one topic from many different angles. The title is "Chanting and Recording", under which will create 3 separate events that focus on different aspects of oral history and alternative sources of information.

We would like for each event to invite someone with a specific knowledge of what Chanting and Recording can mean to do an intervention of some sort. We will then follow up this intervention with a group discussion and a workshop. We have contacted three people/collectives that we think will have interesting contributions, but are waiting for their answers before we can confirm their participation, once that is done we can add an undertitle and a paragraph specific to each of the three events on the event page.

The people we have contacted first are:
    Azahara Ubera : Performer who has created pieces on feminism, queer theory and family history, where oral history and chanting has played a central part.
    Mwanamke Collectif Afroféministe Belge : Belgiums only afro-feminist collective, who hold very well-formulated presentations, and who can shed light on the westernisation of history writing.
    Benedikte Zitouni : Sociologist who worked on ecofeminists protests in the US and the UK during the early eighties (, wrote about Donna Harraway, works with and around Isabelle Stengers and Latour. There is a specific focus on the protest chants that we are interested in.

For now we can give you this general text to post on our events, and once we have confirmed our list of guest apparences we will add an event-specific paragraph at the end of each text.

Title: Chanting & Recording

Presentation for communication / website:

Chanting in its many forms, as protest slogans, as persistant repetition, as storytelling, songs of ritual and a tool that bonds several indiviuals into one entity.
Recording because oral sources will need to be included in how we write history today and recordings of old chants let us understand history better. As non-white-male-straight and other marginalized groups have long been exempted from written publications but have spread their stories in other ways, we need to put a lot of care into rethinking how we write history.

Chanting & Recording is a participative worksession with the collective Just For The Record, addressing how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and what influence this has on the way history is recorded today. In a series of three workshops, under the title Chanting and Recording, we will address oral history and its importance as a narrative and collective practice. Feminist chants and slogans will guide us in the editing of Wikipedia pages to add these missing narratives to the polyphonic collaborative encyclopedia.


Hope this is clear, and of course if you have any questions or feedback then let us know, we are always up for new input.

All the best,

=== 04.07 ===
*Notes beursschouwburg "the future is feminist ...",
- let's see who there in the program - invite external people
- Mwanamke
- Ilse & Azahara (sexism, gender & performance
- collab. reading club + RoSa
- Bryana Fritz (Gertrude Stein, desktop as a stage)

- graphic designers beursschouwburg

- posters "the future is feminist ...", "the future is ... feminist", "the ... future is feminist"

*Girls like us / Public domain
*Ask Femke if it's OK to send what we have to Jessica
*send to Jessica to see

*Grant film
*Interview Sarah end July
*Script by Grant - review, comment (ask when he thinks?)
*Meet: 10th of July (online in case)
*See each other: beginning last week August
*Film end August: 25,26,27 -- 26 August

*Locker room: see when, how, what? (Myriam)
*Camille festival in Liège: ok!

===31st of May===
*Invitation voix des femmes
*meeting Ilse gek
*Performance ? maybe link it to beurs ?
*Relearn is no-learn, but share knowledge perhaps?
*beur meeting
*3 events ? performance (ilse, azahara), music (link it ) , afrofeminism (Mwanamke)
*London - Mia is in London from 22nd-25th - Meeting?

=== 17th of May ===
*+ proposition to extend the grant --> write in wikimedia grant
*answer Sam Donvil
*organise next Art + Feminism 2018
*ask to be paid?
*organize performance
*TRAVEL MONEY (Norway? Ladyfest)
*relearn ? answer Colm, are we intersted to make a track ?
this year they come up with work co-autonomy
*We're allowing ourselves to prefix this word, co-autonomies, because the idea of autonomy alone doesn't emphasise the co-learning and cross-seeding aspects we hope to stimulate with this learning experiment. We mean co-autonomy as a collective consciousness of a need for multiple autonomous systems and practices, that may also be alternative, simultaneous, off grid, self-standing or self-defining. Early feminist literature regarded the notion of autonomy with suspicion because [...] it was thought to presuppose a conception of the person as “atomistic”, as ideally self-sufficient, as operating in a vacuum unaffected by social relationships, or as an abstract reasoner stripped of distorting influences such as emotions. (Natalie Stoljar, 2013,
We already met/are close to some of the organisation (Colm=OSP, Cristina, Manetta, some participant from Diversion, constant etc). For me it make sens to participate or at list give a track input because through their relearn presentation, they clearly underline more than before a feminist facette on the concept of "relearning". also it could be a way for us to experiment new things, new format.
really not a good moment
? Myriam not there
? Sarah not available half of the time (Médor)
? Mia idem
? Loraine
Apparently none of us is really physicly available during that period maybe good to give them some input or track proposition or a bibliobox to nurrish this relearn week?

=== 10th of May ===
*Sarah (?): send reminder Constant pads
*send interim report + Mexico (Mia)
*send email to Ladyfest participant: (contact Gendergap NL)
*Luca & Andrea: invitation to F Word Amsterdam
*answer Ilse: meet lunch 17th, 24th and 31th of May — 24th 2017 (Myriam)
*email Christin Ho RoSa (Mia?)
*buy bibliobox/piratebox/… (Mia?)
*Public domaine day title:
*Find date to go to Gent for Kiosk + shopping ? 1st or 2nd of June waiting for Myriam answer
*answer email: Nova

=== LADYFEST ===
*we met Luca and Andrea :)
*we met Savina ( de Vie féminine Charleroi — travaille avec des femmes dans la banlieue, campagnes annuelles + travail de terrain
*Collectif Mwanamke

=== 3d of May ===
*website updated = ok
*newsletter = sent
*Ladyfest Maastricht
*performative editing
*ideas here:
*Sarah (?): send reminder Constant pads
*proofread report

=== 26th of April ===
*WMF INTERMEDIARY REPORT (ooops deadline 1st April)
*Final last year:
*Interim this year:
*Dividing tasks:
*Loraine : money
*Mia : 2.2 - 4 (impact etc)
*Myriam :
*finish + send Sophia’s proposal
*title Public domain day: Futures for the public domain
*newsletter Ladyfest + Public domain day
*answer Sam Donvil
*organise next Art + Feminism 2018
*ask to be paid?
*Organize performance
*answer Ilse (L cannot on wed 24th May but if other can no probby)
*re-ask Constant for pads
*send email AG with programme + place Mia rue de Roumanie 10, 18:00
*Approbation accounts 2016
*Budget 2017
*Constant: update about the fact that we became members
*Discussion about the future?
*next year’s budget: do we ask more grants? (we missed the deadline ooops so not that urgent)
*email Christin Ho RoSa
*Public domaine day title

=== 19th of April ===
*relearn: decision + email back to Colm
*Myriam asked to work with la houle in Hambourg on the same datesTBC
*Jeroen: check dates
*Ladyfest (talk about it in the tram ;)
*Answer Pascale Maquestiau
*3 hours-workshop on Wikipedia with women from the cooperation South-North (or something like that)
*date in June of begining July: Tuesday 6th of June morning (and we’ll see who can/wants – Loraine can for sure)
*titanpad to archive ? on the owncloud (future press button)

=== 12th of April ===
*Bellone: facture DONE :)
*review accounting owncloud (L+Myriam)
*half-year report WMF
*titanpad to archive ? on the owncloud (future press button)
*email to Constant if we can be host on their pads (Sarah)
*prepare LadyFest presentation
Title: '' Wives and daughters of: changing the narrative on Wikipedia''
Red links, search terms (wife of, daughter of), replace…
edit cheatsheets?
*relearn: think about it, read the email, and we talk about it next time
*Ilse sexism in danse 19th april (reschedule: 26 wednesnay or next wednesdays)
*Glu/Constant text
*Luca event(s):
Send email to confirm date of the second event (Mia)
Server (Raspberry Pi or Piratebox) that we let there (not confirmed?)
Sarah can check if we use a RPi (mainly download, but not so easy to tweek & upload stuff — or we need to code a CMS) or a Piratebox (already all installed)
License? Pirate documents
*update website?
- Ladyfest
- Public domain day

=== 22th of March ===
*Move pad!
*Introduce JFTR (Copy existing)
*2 parts = theoretical  vs practical
*practical= see if we split the group in sub groups
*biginners / experienced
*feminist playlist
*documentation online, sign up ourselves

*What to say
*linking wiki to archives at least a bit?
*history function / living archive
*war on irak books
*check gifts
*print post-colonial
*médors kiki wiki
*Anna Kavan
*Poster as thank you card
*answer els flour ? thanks
*Answer for setup-visit
*finish and print poster/flyer
*Answer Nina

=== 15th of March ===

radio bellone
restrospective sur 2 mois des rencontres à la Bellone.
enregistrement des conférences à réexploiter pour la radio sous forme.

- relance facebook ? réinsister sur l'heure

*Move pad!
*Confirm brunch dates (thursday 25th may 18h)
*Soizic screening: "Documentation and technical material", 100-150 euros?
*FB pub
*Order books for gifts
*answer els flour ? thanks
*Check if we have invited diversionslist
*11 march Poster visual RoSa brainstorming :
*The no black ink poster

*The "year of the woman" poster homage
*The title wrapped around text boxes
*Title of event as visual
*The bright paper with simple black print
*The info-box with weird shadow

=== 8 march 2017 === WOMEN'S DAY !!!! :D :D :D
*Move pad!
*Answer Mylene Lauzon Bellone podcast (Sarah)
*Visual poster for RoSa
*Donnatella - Kids
*Juliette - Full working hours
*Stephanie - kid, teaching
*Mia - after April
*Sarah - after April
Possible days:
*Thursday 25th apero evening in May 18:00 (holiday assension)
*Wednesday apero evenings in May 18:00
*10th, 24th
*Friday apero evenings in May 18:00
*12th, 26th
*Sarah: 26 :don't know yet, I'll be maybe in a workshop in Paris on one of the 2 dates)
*Saturday Brunch mornings in May 11:00
*  27th
*Sarah: 27th don't know yet, I'll be maybe in a workshop in Paris on one of the 2 dates)
*Loraine 13th not possible (conference)

What is Just for the Record? name each

*Group of 4 people - graphic designers - visual artists
*Looking at how gender is represented, recorded and archived
*in new media and writing/publishing tools ---> like Wikipedia, (which has been a case study for us for several events.)
*and how it  creates bias in the way history is recorded. To address these issues and  encourage more variety online, we propose an ongoing series of meetings  in Brussels.

What do you aim to achieve with the series of March events your are organising?
*in general: re·write history
*today: Art+Feminism, international campaign on women’s day write about women artists
*22d at La Bellone: collective memory memory factory
*25th at RoSa: queer and feminist archives

Who should come/who do you aim to engage with these events?
*Everyone: all genders
*There are sort of different target audiences for each event - each event has a different topic

*We started JFTR as a way to create events that we ourselves wanted to go to. From the start we wanted to make it clear that we are not the experts of the different subjects we bring up, but that we want to invite people and collaborate with places from which we can learn something.
*Everyone who is interested in the topics we

What's next for Just for the Record? What are your future plans?
*developping different collaborations
*be a part of a feminist community in Brussels through different networks
*link between art institutions and feminist and queer topics

Why is the gender gap in new media important? Why should people care about this?
*vicious circle: women aren’t well represented > harder to identify > less present > less represented

Newsletter: info@
fact sheet

=== Meeting 1st of March ===

*Action? Feminist and Queer

*Relocation : Queer and Feminist Archives

*ReLocation Queer and Feminist Archives
*.., Location of the ...,
*Repacking - Packing
*relocating the queer and feminist archive...
*4 speakers
*Lectures for Jeroen Verrecht
*Answer email, get back in April
*Femke - Diversions - Email
*Spread within network
*Digitilize-a-thon events in the future
*Discuss - Maarten Dieltins
=== Meeting 22th of February ===
*Bellone meeting

=== Meeting 15th of February ===
*e-mail to emmanuelle for finances (catering + payment)
*general (communication + catering)
*Luca school of arts
*answer dance e-mail
*AG with board members
*validate yearly accounts
*choose date for meeting
*constant email info where we are in the project
*Sophie London invitation anti university
*Elles tournent
*propose to give rental money

=== Meeting 8th of February ===

*La Bellone
*Re-write text  (Mia)
*not medor link
*too long text too detailed no need to talk about heroin page no ?
*meeting next week too soon
*RoSa Doc
*Discuss schedule
*Answer email
*Close ING
*Paying ourselves again?
*Look at Egalite
*Look at Wiki budget - remember to use it

*lecture sint lucas gent
*- graphic design/art/society and gender
*students go on to work in graphic design, advertising, art.
*- 3th 10th 17th of may
*2 hour lesson
*130-150 students
*Printed material
*Leaving behind a blibliobox
*Talking about Rosa Doc and other documentation centers - non mainstream material
*giant cadavre exquis

*recontact adva

=== Meeting 1st February ===

*texts and images for La Bellone:
*answer Amazone’s proposition
*answer Sophie Dyer
*give rent money to Elles Tournent? (since we didn’t spend anything on that budget I think it would be nice)

=== Meeting 25 January ===
*Answer maarten (done)
*Answer Helena about lenght
*Elles tournent
*Sarah might not be presenting, so we change the presentation acordingly. Shorter presentation too
*Idea to have printed material
*Spreadsheet over participants

Outine of presentation: (moved to pad)
Marie: Presenting the festival
Anne: Presenting filmmakers

=== Meeting 17 January ===

*email Maarten, proposition of dates
*Loraine’s availabilities: Wednesday, 1st February (morning or afternoon), Friday, 3rd February (morning)
*Contact Adva for updates (Sarah will call this afternoon)
*mail Louise OK

=== Meeting 10 january 2017 ===

*Get back to Adva confirming the date
*Ask if this is a public event
*Ask for info

WMF: checking our report ? Sarah send an email
adva ? sarah send an email asking more details: angle durationetc
rosadoc ? get back with date and

=== Meeting 14 december 2016 ===
RosaDoc Meeting
-Archive and Bibliothek has to move
*wont be able to keep their archive
*nor to add to it
*join archives with other archives
Stop with some parts (for instance: novels), put them in depot
People, persons, some parts are here, some are in Gent
Put them at AVG-Carhif
Decision: keep what is only available here.
Marion Wasserbauer:
PHD Encounters the concept of the Queer Archives
Music in the lives of LGBTQ*s
Archive > queer archive
Online archive
Traditional archive aren’t the most relevant for queer materials
Theoretical background on the topic
Academic world: too narrow
Queer theory: very useful, deconstructing, but go further: construct
Going to a bigger network for online catalogue
Thesaurus issue- same words can have a different meeting
How to be in a bigger system without loosing one’s specificity
Struggle/search on how to do that
how to still atract visitors if they are integrated in a network (in which you can order books in other libraries
Book – tags – network/maps of other books
New system
How can we make sure that our identity is not lost in the bigger frame
New library: more events, workshops
Celebration of the archive – say goodbye + highlight what is/not going to the archive
Not everything form the archive is catalogued
What is archive?
An artist organized a travel-through her own archive, enter her archive
Different ways archives have been shared
Laurence Rassel (send video about her work at the Fondation Tapies)
Els Flour AVG-Carhif
One-day event: different things happening in the different spaces (1st floor, 3d floor)
Pick elements of an archive
Connection: tag words (RosaDoc catalogue), Wikipedia, archiving, linking, accessing
Books: names are also tags (and mostly famous men)
Some women are mentionned in books but not referenced in the tags
How to search (further than the “official” tags)
Other website:
De Roze Kant
*Around May-June: moving
*Late March (focus on children books) or begining April
*RosaDoc librarian person
*Venue = budget Wikipedia
*Childcare = budget Wikipedia
*Food & drinks = budget Wikipedia
*Donation box to support the move
*Presentations of specific cases
*banner communication + link
*deadlines communication
*Other organisation
*LGBTQ* network
Zeljco Blace: careful with superficial “queering the archive”

=== Meeting 13 december 2016 ===

*divide the money into chunks (corresponding to things done), for instance:
*write invoices for the corresponding parts (Loraine and Sarah through SMart, Mia through her company, Myriam?)
*write the project report and the financial report
*write our invoice for the second part of the money
*write invoice for Constant

=== Meeting 29th of November 2016===

*Payments to get in within the year
*Egalite - not answered, we call her
*Answer Emmanuelle:
*can we skip the 1st Dec.? But hard to find another date maybe?
*for Loraine, the 1st of March doesn’t work, but if it’s the only date go for it
*Mia is writing a text for the presentation today
*Loraine can review and write more Friday morning
*Mia Friday evening
*L is also avalaible on Saturday afternoon - File share prepraring the raspberry pi
*Sunday after presentations: meeting
*Presentation (30min)
*queer architecture > digital
*politics of listening (silenced groups: not enough to learn to speak, others have to learn to listen ; focus on the result: consensus, the effectiveness vs process)
*Propositions of threads:
*Could there be a way to design a space (page) that does not have consensus as a goal? For instance: raising diverging voices. Is there a way to change it, to make more space for listening, reading. Less binary.
*Possibility: “climate” representation to signal the person coming in.
*Are there several kinds of consensus?
*Observe: how does it affect the other side (read), how are those two space related?
*How else could it happen?

=== MEETING 22nd of November 2016 ===
*send email to egalite to summurise our calls
*send signed contract to wikimedia
*Elles Tournent
*recontact for event (January)
La Bellone - 15th of March - paid event
*16:00-22:00 open hours
*Meeting on 1st of Dec ? Mia and Sarah can go.
*Part of a bigger program is good for our network
*Add pictures for last events
*Create calqs for expanses
*Grant 2016-2017

=== MEETING 15th NOVEMBER 2016 ===
*Sign document for grant
*send it
*Pink Screens
*send an email to Bruno to thank him for the super nice pictures
*send him and Anne the link to this documentation page that I did (needs proofreading, also from Anne herself for missing info)
*Send invoice food Bruno
*Girl Like Us
*answer Jessica
*Sandra (WMNL)
*recontact for event (February)
*Elles Tournent
*recontact for event (January)
*recontact for event (January)
*re-contact Severine (loraine)
*Call Catherine Wellemacq (loraine)
*Write follow-up e-mail to égalité
*Split the calls --> who calls writes it directly on the calq
*remind of the invoice
*Sandra ? Loraine goes and answer

Future plans
- elles tournent
- kask with Adva Zakai
- Rosadoc archiving

=== MEETING 8th NOVEMBER 2016 ===
*more work on the sheet
*Meet Anne Smolar friday (myriam)
*Check list of filmmakers in relation to wiki
*Girls Heart Brussels
*answer individually invitation
*Ladyfest netherlands (myriam)
*Answer invitation
*WMF (myriam)
*make the request for our new grant start and end dates publicly on our submission's discussion page
*read and sign a copy of the attached grant agreement
*return a signed copy of this agreement to <>
*(''We will provide you with the address to mail your signed agreement'')?

=== MEETING 25 OCTOBER 2016 ===
*send bank account details to WMF
*there's a zip in the cloud with all the reci
*there's a zip in the cloud with all the reciets
*there's a zip in the cloud with all the reciets
*there's a zip in the cloud with all the reciets
*finish financial report
*ok, global metrics? (mia)
*Check e-mail for Janice Tud

=== MEETING 18 OCTOBER 2016 ===
*rapport financier:
*rédiger la deuxième moitié (2/2)
*Pink Screens

=== MEETING 11 OCTOBER 2016 ===
*Finish Accounting
*Verify Wiki account match with money left on bank account (Sarah)
*Triodos account: choose a date to go in person: Friday 11, send e-mail (Loraine)
*finaliser le rapport d’activités (2/2)? sarah
*rapport financier:
*vérifier que tout est payé ? sarah
*correspondance relevés de compte et justificatifs ? sarah
*rédiger la deuxième moitié (2/2)
*Newsletter (Loraine)
*Pink Screens (Myriam)
*confirm meeting friday (Sarah)
*check list of films?
*check with Bruno for payment
*Answer e-mail
*talk about division of work for specific projects (~coordinator/email admin, possibility for some of us to clearly not to do/do less specific projects, etc) & money division (percent for asbl + base shared with all + parts per task / … ?)
*ex of division for income:
*- 10% of total amount goes to ASBL
*50% divided in 4 people
*50% divided per people working on the project? Or per hour working in general?
*1 day sarah 17%
*1.5 day myriam 25%
*1.5 day mia 25%
*2 day loraine 33%
*Catering + childcare (Myriam)
*ask cristian how much time in advance do you need to know? 50E anyways


*follow-up Pink Screens (Myriam & Sarah decide of a moment and I will join if I can)
*answer An/Femke/Constant with a proposal for DiVersions (take their first email as a starting point, it has a lot of good things in it)
*point on Hana: ok that she contacts Warrior Poets? I would say yes. + plan COMM facebook + newsletter
*Hana yes + ask Beurs for reservation
*Myriam + Loraine try to work on it if she can
*Loraine puts on the website
*I propose we take a Triodos account instead of an ING business account:
*for the “personnes morales” it’s not free, and it’s like 80€ per year (verify)
*we don’t really need a bank card (we anyway do notes de frais)
*it’s a way to contribute to a better world :)
*but it’s open for discussion!
*talk about division of work for specific projects (~coordinator/email admin, possibility for some of us to clearly not to do/do less specific projects, etc) & money division (percent for asbl + base shared with all + parts per task / … ?)
*but maybe tomorrow is a bit short for that…
*for those involved in Égalité, I would plan a quick skype about that (and maybe I’ll call them tomorrow morning to discuss their request of “percentage of women/men/others as a subject on Wikipedia”), plan the emails, contact in the NL, etc.
*do you see something else?
*finaliser le rapport d’activités (2/2)
*rapport financier:
*vérifier que tout est payé
*correspondance relevés de compte et justificatifs
*rédiger la deuxième moitié (2/2)


*Pink Screens
*Resource-ful person Pink Screens: invite her as a participant/talk?
*Organise meeting with her: next week Tuesdays morning, Wednesday (Sarah)
*Money for catering: Cristian & Louise (100€) + coffee and juice ordered (40€)
*300€ for us
*ask about the second beamer?
*ask reading-lists by RosaDoc
*Warrior Poets? (08/10)
*intersectionalism? weaving, red links (Wikipedia)
*identify: subjects
*bibliography? (> RosaDoc)
*email: see when/if they can?
*DiVersions (12'000€)
*Ideas in the pad
*work on the Wikipedia tools/features
*Spanish wikipedia
*send it to Constant

=== MEETING 19/07 ===
*reporting prepapartion
*Budget: clear things up (invoices)
*to be paid:
*Femke, An, Constant
*Cristian & Louise
*Where do we put the brunch budget (Cristian & Louise)
*Budget cash out RosaDoc: check on the bank (40€ Loraine)

=== MEETING 12/07 ===
*Helena & Marion (answer her email): date for meeting
*Thursday 25th of August* (Sarah only afternoon)
*Friday 26th of August
*Helena: answer about the guide

=== MEETING 28/06 ===
*order food, drink (orange juice + sparkling wine)
*left budget? one more gathering?
*600€ for Constant vzw (two-days thingy)
*700€ for Louise & Christian
*200€ for our lasts meeting (this Friday + one)
*2 x 75€: print business cards
*plan budget reporting and main reporting this summer: mid July? (ask Sarah) Mia: before 21st Sarah after the 15th
*PEG’s proposition for Alex Wang
*a bit less for food
*a bit less for space
*childcare budget
*list of teachers in journalist fields (FR + NL) in universities and technicall/professional schools (hogeschool) écoles professionnelles
*sarah will ask to some Médor journalist
*clarify: plan the editorial meeting for the gender-neutral guide this summer

=== MEETING 24/05 ===
*send newsletter about Muntpunt events (start from the existing draft – it’s better to modify the html code to make sure the formatting stays nice) Loraine can try to do it from Sweden tomorrow morning
*plan food Muntpunt: finger-food for the two events (max total budget = 500€ to have 200€ left to pay the guests) - Get contact through An, talk with her anyway.
*answer Cristina - Mia
*answer Rosadoc: see if we want to go to the LGBT-Forum on the 31st of May
*get the time of the meeting
*Mia emails Marion directly as well.
*Discuss JFTR's content at Munt Punt
*Additional meeting?
*Status Quo:
*general intro
*modular intro Wikipedia: think about what people would ask for at the begining
*tools (technical) + experiences Myriam
*Mia criticism
*bot-criticism, bot-gender

*event Muntpunt: prepare things to edit (references, things to add on Wikipedia)

=== MEETING 17/05 ===
*send newsletter
*Kika Radiocampusbruxelles, interested in recordings of the event, radio partnership?
*list Égalité
*update website with Muntpunt event OK Loraine
*Printed publicity/posters for next events OK small flyers
*Myriam can probably print at her work, to leave at rosadoc, amazone etc
*post pictures of our events on FB/twitter?
*event Muntpunt: prepare things to edit (references, things to add on Wikipedia)
*general intro
*modular intro Wikipedia: think about what people would ask for at the begining
*tools (technical) + experiences Myriam
*Mia criticism
*Friday: intro = try to make it as accessible as possible (with the first questions that people would ask)
*Saturday: intro = include hierarchy, bots
*Meeting with Rosa Doc: so cooooool!!! see pad

=== ~ MEETING 3/05 ===
Loraine’s tasks:
*update website with bio (ok) + dates Muntpunt OK
*answer RosaDoc’s enthusiastic meeting proposition OK
*answer Lise and work on the communication for the newsletter!! OK
*Kacie OK

=== MEETING 26/04 ===
*URGENT: answer our beloved future VZW board
*Interim report:
*add your bills if not added (ex: don't forget to buy your books before last events)
*finish report!! :)
*feed back: not very visible at poppositions, but can be reused. ex: Published on website ? yes if we have the rights / if it's under free license --> ok if we give only links uploaded by others?
*Names for the website: Loraine add:  Sarah and Myriam do think it might make more sens to have just a small paragraph giving our names but explaining background more collectivly not as 4 CV's presentation. Except if it is meaningful for you to add more personal details about you on that site.
Something like that in the "about" section?
    The team or who are we mixed with the "PAST" section?
    Just For The Record is a project initiated in 2015 by Myriam Arseneault-Goulet, Loraine Furter, Sarah Magnan and Mia Melvær. The four of us are coming from diverse artistic backgrounds like visual art, sculpture and graphic design, and working from several perspective as teaching, solo or collective practice. The project was created shortly after an Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon organised by Loraine in March 2015, which called our attention to the need for more gatherings that investigate how to create more diversified contributions to online knowledge platforms.

    After wining a grant from wikimedia supporting us to adress those questions and problematics, we started our first event in January 2016, followed by another in February. Surprised and gratefull by the enthousiastic welcoming of those first events we forked paralelly some of our events to a more student environment and
+ mention Égalité?

=== MEETING 19/04 ===
*URGENT: answer our beloved future VZW board
*propose another date for Donatella
*find someone else
*stephanie OSP ? yes!!
*Nadine Plateau
*Interim report:
*add your bills if not added (ex: don't forget to buy your books before last events)
*finish report
*Make final selection
*write little intro text if time
*Bios for the website (names added to fb):
*write your bio

=== MEETING 06/04 ===

could be afternoon meet then dinner, tbc
*Check unimportant points :)
*Munpunt: email answer Lise with a date to meet them
*discuss about everyone's responsability, share tasks and see how each can get involved
*Help Mia with girl tech fest (send an email to Egalité at least 2 weeks before the event – also they need to agree that it will be done in English > contract)
*Emphasize dutch
*Printed material in two languages
*Security issue - sadly hard to get in - inviting attitude
*3 presentations
*native dutch speaker collaborating
*Goedele is helping out and is dutch speaking
*Digital Leadership Institute ready to support JFTR (computers, location, 3D printers)
*Also up for including us in their communication or doing a collaboration
*language NL (mainly)
*Juliette is willing to help us out specifically or in general
*3 presentations a 45 min for a group of 7-11 students at a time.
*They can send us a letter of support to include in our report to Inst. de Egalite
*sign and send contract Egalité
*How to pay ourselves godamnnit
*Mia invoice for JFTR?
*IEG & PEG Grant?
*Marie Popposition 21-24th April: things on the bibliobox, flyer, presentation (Mia a bit busy, Myriam Ceramic, 22d only for Loraine, Sarah not available)
*wikipedia is having a 'brussels' session, call to write about Marie's project, streets with women's names
    13th April: 17:00-23:00 (call Romaine + Égalité) organised by the InfoGroep student organisation of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
*having our names mentionned? Website

= planning / calendar =
*start writing list of universities for our asignment
*VUB presentation edit-a-thon: e-mail + call égalité (Loraine)
*start discussing about publication ( ask for more money or not etc)
*Dossier for wikimedia (Loraine + Myriam)
*material and intervention for poppositions/ organise small meet with Marie and Jef
*adding our names on website + fb
*e-mail to Juliette, Donatella, Alina (Sarah)
*meeting with
*Hana Miletic
*muntpunt -  Loraine
*Cheril and Rosana (digital leadership) - Mia
*e-mail égalité (Mia)

=== MEETING 29/03 ===
*Myriam and Sarah signed the contract with égalité (see e-mail for more details)
*a copy will be sent to Loraine's address
*E-mails to Femke about payment
*e-mail to Marie for poppositions

=== MEETING 22/03 ===
*payment Amazone? myriam
*Mia book RosaDoc? Will do it.
*email Juliette and find a solution for Girl Tech Fest
*email Jurgen & Lise (Muntpunt) with a proposition:
*more a regular event (one day, presentations then workshop): around library, classification (kijk Chandra Frank first)
*librarian who selected the books (work with her to prepare – book session)
*invite Lise (suggestion: Chandra Frank) & Jurgen to give an input
*starting point: the women’s paper encyclopedia in 17 volumes
*email Femke: thank you + payment? ? Sarah

*What do we want?
*in terms of artistic practice? artistic perspective? (inspiring examples)
*board members?
*marie lec
*Nadine Plateau (Sofia)
*Steph from OSP (involved in Samedies, …)
*general assembly
*other members
*New Wikimedia grant: PEG Grant (30th MAY)
*VGC (being in the arts) ? Karina Luytens
*+ Wallonia?
*Fritt Ord grant (13th of may) - Publication funding
*100 each for books & desk materials

*interesting project to look at

Mia has a residency in September-October
Myriam is starting probably La Cambre in September
Work and share tools:
*writing guidelines: inballanced / diverse, rather than non-sexist and “about women” [publication]

=== MEETING 15/03 ===
*this format is not the best
*librarian who selected the books (work with her to prepare – book session)
*Lise (suggestion: Chandra Frank)
*The women’s encyclopedia in 17 volumes
*Feedback Égalité:
*collaboration with them
*2x presentations (~1-2 hour) on each side (FR & NL) in hogeschoolen/universities
*our contacts: Eva Vergaert <>, Eline Verhoeven <>, Marijke WEEWAUTERS <>
*brochure (10 pages) > in the 10'000 budget
*10'000 that we can split as we want
*what they can do: proofreading, translation
*we can ask them:
*help with communication + forward informations
*mid-season press release?
*1x Égalité: Juliette’s event, Digital Leadership Institute (DLII), increase women's participation in entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (ESTEAM) studies, careers and leadership. On 30th April we will run an event called "Girl Tech Fest"
*Contact: Tine Brouckaert <> (gender diversiteit), Marie’s contact at KuLeuven
*15 min on us, 20 min on what has happened
*A meaningful demonstration leading up to sign up
*Bringing standing posters
*What and who, how to divide the time:
*28 min divided on Loraine and Sarah
*Covering: Quick presentation of us, presentation of Wikipedia and explaining how.
*14 min on Mia presenting what is the problem
*14 min Myriam presenting cases which need help/are problematic.
*4 min handing out cards and flyers / wind down and write down names and emails

*How to renew wiki grant + new inspire campain
*PEG Grant (30th MAY)
*Fritt Ord grant (13th of may)
*funding from VGC ? Karina Luytens  + Wallonia
*interesting project to look at
*New Wikimedia grant
*VGC (being in the arts)
*What do we want:
*in terms of artistic practice? artistic perspective? (inspiring examples)

*apply to Juliette’s event 30th April (Mia)
*send a proposition to Muntpunt (loraine)
*write newsletter

=== MEETING 11/03 ===
*prepare Ladyfest
*Send newsletter: Sunday 15h-16h, 17h-18h
*document what happened, write down the examples + screenshots to put it on a page
*contacts Juliette
*F/LAT, Samedies

=== meeting with Mia ===
*visual: series of gifs shown on an iPad, hero page change
*take old ipads

=== MEETING 7/03 ===
To do:
*Pick up cheat sheets

=== MEETING 04/03 ===
*Feedback: later, with feedback on the discussions threads (end of March/when we have the time to do it properly)
*Ladyfest: prepare feedback on what happened so that it’s ready
*Ladyfest newsletter + what happened (screenshots- summary of what happend
*what happend?important to also say the bad things
*erwan (banner) talk page i thread of discussion
*marie & sakina ? Writing about women page? highlight the guideline
*goedele & sarah Redirect from gender?? tableau
*rdv Égalité:
*money for us
*not many things more than what we plan
*play with their contacts
*their network
*what they want us to do? report (research & publication)
*if they ask us to do things in universities and schools: model that we can co-organize, re-organize (only two of us participate)
*possibility: join the samedies

=== MEETING 26/02 ===

*Run through
*Questions? - Things to check or change:
*Practical overview
*Sarah goes to Tanneur
*We will not have left over money this time
*Mobile devices - works :)
*Bringing along:
*Extension cables - Everyone
*Plants if you have place in your arms
*No light
*Lightweight basket and bowls - Mia
*Napkins - Loraine
*Books and raspberry pi

*flowers if I have time (myriam)
*Payment - 120 at least (20 back?)
*Food - ok, we can also tip
*FB note - A performance that transitions into a party
*Answer Jessica Geysel - Mia
*Last meeting with Femke + Pascal
*why software and gender - in datamining/gendermining
*how we manage through software to feel gender
*is gonna give examples
*The female author - how the woman is considered as an author
*Sarah Ahmed - There is no author anymore
*Gender turing test
*Algorithms - expectations and presuppositions
*Finish: No exercises - No problem :)

*Feedback and responses - tricks and tips

=== MEETING 19/02 ===
*Next Egalité meeting:
*one year?
*what are the conditions > what doors it opens
*what we want:
*fee for guests
*fee for us?
*money for publication?
*what they might want:
*GLU AD: next issue #9 (october) Mia
*gender-neutral language
*new pronouns
*activists & politicians
*Feedback from Rosalia: interesting but with challenge (crash course: if you know this, feel free to go somewhere else, and on big screen), conversation could be more structured, …
*Discussion: presentation Myriam
*Femke presentation after lunch? transition to public discussion
*bring Raspberry Pi (tiny local digital library) + put PDFS and documents there
*FRIDAY: morning dress rehersal + afternoon logistic buy food Tanneurs
*before THURSDAY 6pm: poster materials
*Update meetup page:

*observe next event to decide about the next topics
*Munt Punt
*Lise Vanderpiet & Jurgen Waegeman are very positive
*Re-organizing libraries
*Meeting: Super enthusiastic
*Inviting us to organize something -
*It can only be a very light format (even lighter than Ladyfest)
*This would be for the 8th of March.
*Interesting future partner?
*Late April:
*Late May: ?
*Hanna Miletic: different format, maybe two days?

=== MEETING 13/02 ===
*Contact Midpoint & Student (somebody?)
*Monday: Amazone (Loraine) salle 207
*coffee break: possible to
*beamer rental
*Change infos on the website (Loraine)
*RDV Frau Picha: ?
*Communication: facebook MYRIAM :)
*Newsletter: (Loraine, Sunday)


What: Just For The Record – 'Gender Redirect'
Where: Amazone, rue du Méridien 20, 1210 Brussels
When: Saturday 27th February 2016 10:00-20:00

Just For The Record organizes its second event, 'Gender  Redirect', a day bringing attention to gender representations in  language constructions. 'Gender Redirect' takes over the threads  developed in the previous event, 'heroine', and continues its analysis of the process of Wikipedia editing, with its specific functions such as 'view history' and 'talk page', analysis tools  like metrics and operations like redirection and disambiguation - to  investigate the possibilities and challenges of gender-neutral writing.

Guest speaker: Femke Snelting, artist and designer, working at the juncture between design, feminism and free software. Femke is amongst other things an  instigator of the project pattern.en.paternalism, which explores the actual conditions, context and work of annotation involved in the  practice of datamining.

Guest performer: Frau Picha, is a baroque-narcissistic sound performance project (solo or collaboration, in real or online), a human-machine laboratory which goes with the motto "enjoy ourselves, seriously!". This performance will start at 7pm, place tbc.

The day starts with presentations, followed by discussions and ends with a Wikipedia editing session in the afternoon.
Free entrance, free lunch. Bring a laptop. More details coming soon!

Please subscribe to this event, we have a maximum capacity of 25 participants. The event is free, and lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided. Bring your laptops.

We are looking forward to see you soon!
Loraine, Mia, Myriam and Sarah

Just  For The Record is a project addressing how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and what influence this has on the way history is recorded.

*Tuesday contents: Sarah wednesday, Loraine maybe or from Wednesday from 17h,
*Friday logistics morning: Sarah, Loraine
*Friday afternoon: contents
*change things on the website
*beamer (check with Amazone)
*snacks tanneurs
*offline library (Raspberry Pi)?
*gender-neutral language
*FOOD FOR BAR? if bar is confirmed and ok ;) to be planned

=== MEETING 05/02 ===
*3rd- 4th event:
    argos is dead : We need to find new partners/location
*genre d'à côté
*Answer Tine Brouckeart and the person she suggested: (Loraine?) done
*1 h presentation is a bit much for this time on top of Femke's presentation, we could also propose for the 3rd-or 4th event if its too short for the 27/02

*answer e-mail
*institut égalité ok
*sarah answer donnatella
*Pascale Barret ok

*exemple RPI pour fact. Clara

*event Gender Redirect
*personnalised e-mails to institutions asking them to relay the info ex: sofia
*FB event
*Location 'after party' to have frau picha
*partner ship with venues from the neighbourhood:
*grey light project --Sarah Contact Nane who has her studio there ??
*the student (Rue des Palais 76, 1030 Bruxelles 02 303 95 18 (number shown on google maps) Sarah contact Edith who has an event there
*Midpoint, Rue de Flandre 189, 1000 Bruxelles (probably free, can arrange to play our own music. Pascale had her bithday there )

*Munt Punt 8th of march
*Should we participate?
*contact dutch speaking participants?

=== MEETING 29.01 ===

*What about press
*Also images for Ladyfest
*performance? no

*A quick orientation of last event
*Focus on language? From which angle?
*Use existing surveys (to pick up on gender in translation) and re-enact it during the event. Example: salt and pepper question. - Integrate in Mia's presentation.
*mention metrics, see if this is of interest?
*Existing reports:
*Bytes Added
*Newly Registered
*Pages Created
*Rolling Active Editor
*Rolling New Active Editor
*Rolling Surviving New Active Editor
*Wikipedia values talk page edits as much as edits on pages (process and not only result)
*time limit for debate on talk pages
*how hard is it to write on Wikipedia
*how to make a transition to wiki editing, is it through our presentations? ex:
*Continue on heroine? and take in every input we get to work on it — for instance run the pattern software
*Taking the discussion to the Talk page of Redirection from gender

*find 'epicene' (or feminist) writing guides
* ???
*name of the event? / what should it be? / Suggest and check with F. ?gender redirection?
*send an email to Quentin + ulb team

*working or not?
* festival this week-end + conference on sunday morning
*maybe write an email friend of Claire who wrote on women in cinema Maud C

*super interesting historical figure/ female historian

*what is there / how it is written
*gender division: results valued and not process
*disambiguation, redirects from gender
*talk page of “gender redirection”
*pattern.en.paternalism: concern with common sense in data-mining. Data mining is a technique that allows you to look at how the world is without pre-structure – then the algorithm runs, and how you validate the result? It confirms common sense. The truth is out there (Graph in the pdf)
*in the process of data-mining / metrics : complicated and subtile and other levels of brute and un-subtle processes > reductions
*you have to set the horizon (not deal with discussion, interpretation because then you’re lost), no doubt (or removed from the results), only affirmation, set what will be considered “positive/negatif”
*two exercices: gender redirect
*Ginger Coons: gendered turing tests:,2218.html (how can you detect/play with/modify gender (self-)identification) It seems Turing started his test with gender
*data-mining databases: detect gender from the writing – how do you detect gender, how can you rewrite it so that it doesn’t detect gender
*redirect: possibility to shift / forced
*gender-neutral point of view
*disambiguation: clariying (?), …
*disambiguation pages: could be used as a narration of ambiguity
*Figures of poker player / transgender : difficult on Wikipedia
*Stereotype threat/tax: woman poker player:
*Differences that matter : feminist theory and postmodernism, Sara Ahmed :
*Pascale Barret – find a place/bar to do that later in the evening ?
*different language terms for redirect / move in English / rename in French
*steps on how to move a page: fascinating
*move requests
*common sense

*Short: Patricia Niedzwicki (contact)
*Femke: story (language and gender, and data-mining)
*us: look at experiences
*look for criticism of Wiki-metrics
*workshop moment: exercises (?) in the pattern data library (ingest Wikipedia)
*send Femke documentation (videos, links to what we talked about)
*MEETING Monday 10:30 here (Mia’s place)
*Gelijke Council (Donatella)

=== MEETING 22.01 ===

The aftermath - Heroine

*Newsletter inviting people to continue
*Continue on heroine, and take in every input we get to work on it — for instance run the pattern software
*Use existing surveys (to pick up on gender in translation) and re-enact it during the event. Example: salt and pepper. - Integrate in Mia's presentation.
*Presentations = super!
*Warning on the talk page + village pump = good
*Time-keeping = perfect!
*Small tasks at hand so that people don’t feel lost
*list of bibliographic references from the library
*announce on/take over the talk page + village pump
*More links with the library (during the presentations + editing session)
*How to avoid repetition: somethings are going to stay the same (our presentation), improving it every time, different examples, etc.
*Guests’ presentation: how to ease it up?
*Check technicalities closer.
*Put off some time in advance to go through, also to make sure things are ready.
*Future guests: Pascale
*Structural improvements to schedule:
*A "quick-fire Present yourself session" (before lunch)
*After lunch: discussion introduction/presentation + open discussion: “do you have questions/reactions?”
*Use the event’s page
*Plan round off speaker to close the day
*Edit-a-thon black hole: what to do when people feel lost?
*Transport = car needed
*Pictures: find someone who takes care of that? people smiling, close ups of five people, …
*Other material
*Archive/publish the articles improved? (see Mathilde ter Heijne’s work)
*Argos: what can be done
*BEERS (Loraine)
*PAY Catherine ok + Clara (invoice – SMart? RPI? 100€)
*Accounting (Loraine)
*Wiki-page follow up, include participants
*Email Stefan Grondelaers (Mia)
*Follow up other email.
*Femke: catch up email (MONEY?) - mention metrics, see if this is of interest.
*contact the heads of Master in Gender en Diversiteit / Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity to ask for recommendation about February’s event (Loraine)
*login (add a way to create the user page automatically?) + metrics with Romaine from Wikipedia


Alternatives for creating users:

*wp:123start - insert in search field on Wikipedia
*The 6 account limit is per domaine/per wiki English, French, Dutch
*For next time we only need 1 account creator status.

*What is our goal
*Use that to analyze metrics
Cheat sheets 30 of each language.
4 bro

=== Last TO DO :) before the 15th JAN event ===

*Prepare material on Heroines
*TAKE ELECTRIC CABLES (multiprises, rallonges)
*Loraine: 1 multiprise
*1 extension cable
*Sarah: 2 ext cables
*Myriam: one ext cable
*bowls for biscuits
*adapters beamer
*small lamp for Clara’s presentation

*finish PRINT stuff A4 / business cards / stickers / cheatsheets (Sarah, Loraine)
*prepare email to Equality to send on Monday - Call first
*create an event page
*prepare list of entries or characters that can be improved on Wikipedia
*write a press release
*run-through + prepare the text + pdf presentation
*select things to print
*Monday 17:30: Pianofabriek: ask at what time we can come early morning on Friday and if we can drop stuff on Thursday 17:00
*Monday   after Pianofabriek: rent a Cambio for Thursday (16:00) and Friday evening (22:00?)
*Tuesday: call RosaDoc (Loraine)
*Tuesday: facebook note to discuss metrics + add facebook note event: full & next event (Mia)
*Tuesday: Loraine prints
*Wednesday: if we couldn’t get user creators status create backup users
*Thursday morning: last prints (business cards + stickers)
*Thursday: finish pdf presentation + get the books at RosaDoc + beers + biscuits, juices and fruits
*Thursday: beers in Constant before 17:00

=== meeting 08.01.16 ===

*next meeting before Friday? Thursday –and/or Monday?
*run-through – who wants to speak? (JFTR presentation – Wikipedia crash course – etc) Catherine doesn’t seem to want to talk all the time + it would be nice to prepare a bit, like read influencial extract etc
*write/modify email/communication: reminder to the participants (computer + bring reference books on your heroines!) – please tell us if you can’t make it (waiting list)
*decide which bio beer we order + order (delivery?) Brussels Beer Project? Dark Sister (black IPA) – Babylone – Grosse Bertha (heefeweisen) – Delta | Stommeling
*Ladyfest: confirm email draft Loraine + send
*contact the heads of Master in Gender en Diversiteit / Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity to ask for recommendation about February’s event (,,,, We would be very interested in having someone from Academy
*Femke: catch up email (MONEY?) - mention metrics, see if this is of interest.
*answer Art+Feminism (idea: propose something to the MuntPunt, a stand to talk, have a crash course and get an editor alter-ego card)
*work with local (feminist) libraries *IDEA*: donation
*plan a working session to prepare printed matter and presentation slides (Friday afternoon?)
* ?
*Discuss wether we go over 30 participants - waiting list.
*material needed ? beemer chairs... whats the status
*spot for Clara (Myriam, Clara)
*Presentation screen Clara
*sound installation: speakers (bose Sarah/Karel)
*beamer (if we need the osp one i need to know it a bit in advance) (Myriam/piero) Pianofabriek OK
*power extensions
*check wifi if bad maybe buy a bad boy (Alex) (otherwise Eric router)
*recorder (Henry)
*4th event on music/feminism with qo2? sarah is going tomorow to if i have the opportunity to talk to them do you have specific questions?

works well the first session is full but we would be very happy if you still want to come
have some news
bring the event to another level

2d event/Femke (email):
Link to the first event: hidden patterns > language, translation
Propose a wider first presentation on language, translation
Is it gonna be patterns en paternalism or a feminist critique of data mining.
Check if the history of Translation as a context for her project?
If she’s interested in metrics?
Money - honest - we are doing our best.

*a show, less than an hour
*absurd video, documentary in a cemetery
*printed materials

Event information

Hello participants

Today it is one week until our event the 15th of January in the Pianofabriek.

We would like to ask you to bring a laptop. If you have reference books on your favourite heroines, then you can also bring these.

Should you not be able to make it after all then we would appreciate if you let us know, as the event is full and we have a waiting list.

The Schedule still looks like this:
*10:00 – Welcome at PianoFabriek with tea and coffee
*10:30 – Presentation of Just For The Record and why we are doing this
*11:00 – Presentation by Catherine Lenoble on ‘Heroines (disambiguation)’
*12:00 –Open discussion on the representation of heroines on Wikipedia: what can be added or modified?
*13:00 – Lunch break (free and vegetarian)
*14:00 – Crash course on Wikipedia editing and start of editing session, Heroines and other.
*17:00 – Performance by Clara Thomine
*18:00 – End of the day with the finissage of Catherine Lenoble’s exhibition Anna K at Constant vzw. The finissage is right next door and open to everyone.

Please let us know if you have any questions and we are looking forward to see you there!

All the best,
Sarah, Loraine, Myriam and Mia
from Just for the Record

=== meeting 30.12.15 ===

*event page on wikipedia + reports page (?)
*list the users or new users (create a cohort)
*add metrics: interesting! Feminist metric? --> Mention to Femke? (also to catch up)
*prepare online + offline (sign-up sheets) forms (example: )
*Example of cohort page / event page
*mention that we evaluate as a group (cohort) and not as individual
*Catering for event: 25€ per person (30max.) = 750 € max
*2.70 euros x2 sandwiches
*10€ soupe & repas + 5€? for drinks coffee cookies (PianoFabriek)
*Korean food via Stef. - 27th. ? email sent to steph to ask her details
*Constant vzw: max. 150€ for beers (~30-35€ per crate) 2x crates 60-70€
*We try to keep 100€ for Clara’s delicious food!
*CONFIRM PianoFabriek (ask vegan/vegetarian) + ask how much for coffee break/cookies
*the room:
*ask for beamer, more chairs (20) ?otherwise osp has one beamer
*can we bring tea & coffee inside? (osp have a big coffee supplier) otherwise let's buy one
*MATERIAL we need to take:
*materials: plugs, rallonges, multi-prises
*print long form + forms
*recording machine (Myriam ask Piero)
*Our own statistics?
*D-DAY organisation
*wikimetrics forms explanation
*paying Catherine and Clara?
*Catherine is childcare 100€
*Clara: evening food 100€
*ask them to confirm:
*Jef & Martino (Mia)
*wikimedia people (Loraine)
*other people we know :)
*GENERAL communication (facebook, emails, etc)
*add: bring your computers
*e-mail directed to certain people/organisation asking them to transmit the information 4th of January
*personal invitations to Égalité 4th Jan + Sophia
*If on the 10th there are still places: a second newsletter (OR NOT)
*only n places left!
*reminder to the participants 10th
*schedule + BREAKS
*"bring computers"
*you can/we encourage you/suggest to create a user before the event – explain the wikimetrics thing
*remind them about the finissage after 18:00
*we offer food FREE
*bring books/documents > library
*2 shorter + crash course
*people do not have laptops on them, so let's get physical:
*wiki-ID card
*cheat sheets to give away
*Do we have any budget? - print budget

AFTER THE EVENT: post stuff on facebook!
THE WALK 135€ per year

To do:
*write Kacie wikimedia ask for user creator
*write Wikimedia people to invite them to the preparation meeting on the 8th
*write email to PianoFabriek about food
*find references, books, documents and idea/thoughts
*create a wiki page for the events
*create ID cards/editor alter-ego
*write emails based on the first newletter + decide who we send it to
*send email 4th: Égalité des chances (Loraine) + Sophia

=== meeting 18.12.15 ===

*newsletter: to be added
*silly lily --> no contact
*L festival --> no contact
*pinks screens organiser
*cinema nova
*rainbow house deja la
*genres d’à côté
*for the second event, no Jef, we could asap send an email to Veerle Draulans (KU leuven – gender studies dept.) to ask for recommendation of someone (from gender studies / linguistics / …) to invite! start a draft in the
*check-up mail to Alex (Mia)
*Argos: “feminist-movies” artists are abroad, so we try to find an art historian or someone else to talk on some movie in the Argos database
*next meeting: not next Friday not after New Year’s eve ;) so the 30th Dec. and whole day on 8th Dec.

=== meeting 11.12.15 ===

*validation newsletter
*clara details (performance, as an artist who made this bust, question about the representation of this/bust/figure/…)
*review website + presentation text
*choose Femke’s (temporary) title?
*add contacts into the mailbox
*create facebook page? –
*invite the Wikimedia people to join the January preparation meeting
*plan schedule and deadlines for the future events
*Mia email Jef

Writing/translating event
*Jef, translator: she

Argos event
*women representation in movies – extra’s representation (percentages of women/men)
*send an email to Jeremy in a few days + remind date
*send a reminder to Elles Tournent
*ask Women’s Lobby: report on women visibility in the media
*advice on who to invite: institut égalité
*someone who talks about statistics
*See the women's lobby in person
*Wikipedia: women filmmakers + info about Gender Gap related to media & movies
*Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media (Gender Equality in the News 1995-2015)
* RPodcast with transcript about the 17 percent of women in the background of movies.

*advice from Alex

=== Second meeting 04.12.15 (afternoon with Myriam & Loraine) ===

*if everyone is ok, we’ll create a facebook page
*newsletter: announce date first event, invite to go and see the website, like the facebook page
*announce first event (text)
*links to website, facebook
*announce dates
*Final revision of the pitch


Just for the record,
we are addressing how gender is (unequally) represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and how it creates bias in the way history is recorded.
To address these issues and encourage more variety online, we propose a series of meetings in Brussels starting in January 2016.

15.01.16 “Heroines” at PianoFabriek, with Catherine Lenoble
27.02.16 “Patterns” at Amazone, with Femke Snelting
18-20.03.16, JFTR at Ladyfest

We hope to see you soon and in the meantime you can discover a selection of articles, references and more around these topics.

(10h-18h and more)

=== Meeting 04.12.15 ===

*No original plan of a finissage at constant - but happy to have the event.
*Orientation of the structure of the day.
*Catherine's thoughts so far:
*How to relate to the event:
*Introduce the fact of how one becomes an editor of wikipedia.
*Wikipedia the common reference point. But it is a poor representation. A human reaction.
*Ada Lovelace day; encouraged by the London based Wikimedia.
*Wikipedia as a social space.
*Organized AL day in Brussels.
*Gathering interest for Anna Kavan - creating momentum.
*Anna Kavan: The English Wiki-page is the one she works on, but we can see where this goes.
*Anna Kavan not the name of the writer but a character  that she "became". Talking about the narrative identity of a person.
*Creating two references when you think of Anna Kavan : The character and the writer.
*Anna Kavan also a Heroine addict.
*Heroine - Disambiguation.
*There is no entry page. - Defined according to the masculine Hero
*A problematic identity.
*Make sure that we have prepared the know-how to do this live.
*For the afternoon working on the Heroine entry page and the Anna Kavan.
*Gathering references on the heroine.
*Plan a structure because the subject is broad.
*The missing pages.
*Careful with Clara's project in meeting with Wikimedia.
*The objectivity of the text
*The first event - step one - creating and starting up, only mentioning objectivity.
*The second event - step twp - delve further into the topic of objectivity.
*Heroines book - living female writers or females behind their male writers.
*Restoring the credibility of female writers.
*The mythology of the crazy woman.
*Talking about the event and how it should be:
*Using the problem of the Heroine
*The presence of Wikipedia at the event.
*The preparation
*How to solve the problem of the Heroine page
*Finding sources
*Wikimetrics - investigate

=== Meeting 27.11.15 ===

*La bellone lecture, anything noteworthy, Sarah and Myriam?

*New pad on funding and network possibilities.
*Our best shot is with Gelijke Kansen Vlanderen, Donatella has made an effort to contact them for us. So far no answer.
*The two others will only be funding the second half of our program or a postlude/concluding publication.

*Discussing what we would wish to get further funding for:
*Personal salaries (obviously)
*Publication work.
*We need a solid collaboration partner for the Flemish translations. Ewald is so far our top candidate.
*We could also use an English proof-reader.

*Jef Caro wants to share his Zotero links with us as he has a lot of information on feminist translation and writing.

*Alex Sourbis wants to help us have a look at open slots in our program to give suggestions of speakers.

=== Meeting 23.11.15 ===

*meeting Égalité
*evening events logistics:
*in the same space? (might not be perfect for both kind of events day & evening)
*if in two different places, makes the coordination a bit more complex (leaving a space to go to the other) + extra budget maybe?
*with extra catering for the evening?
*confirm Amazone: price for the room is 242€ for 9:00-18:00 and 302,5€ to stay until 22:00 which is in our budget, and it would set the question of the space for the evening – but it’s a small room (max 35p.) …
*plan a visit at Amazone & Sophia
*subsidies discussion
*Wikimedia Belgium proposes that one of us join their “wikimeet and boardmeeting” on Saturday 5th of december 2015 in Antwerp – they like what we do and would like to help
*plan a meeting with Catherine in Constant (next Friday?) – Sarah sends her an email to propose a meeting Friday at Constant
*proposition: plan a moment each meeting to talk about content, things we read, discovered, etc :)

=== Meeting 20.11.15 ===

*Participate in La Bellone meeting for those who wants OK :)
*Discuss upcoming meeting with Institut pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes reported to Monday morning?
*Go through funding solutions proposed by Donatella reported to Monday reporting?
*Make a funding choice together

Price Amazone:
50€ par unité de temps HTVA (60,50 TVAC)
+60,50 TVAC to open and close the building
+200€ catering au minimum

3 unités > 9h-18h
181,50 + 60,50€ TVAC
= 242€ TVAC
+ au moins 200€ catering

4 unités > 9h-22h
242 + 60,50 € TVAC
=302,5 TVAC (planned: 300€)
+ au moins 200€ catering

=== Meeting with Donatella 13.11.15 ===

Free course about the cultural financial landscape of Belgium in La Bellone
Each Friday from 10-12
Arranged by Brussels Academy
Topic for 2nd meeting 20th of November: Brussels specific funding
Topic for 3rd meeting 27th of November: Historic view on funding

Having link to Brussels is very good, and we're doing well already mainly because of our diverse locations.

Funding possibilities:
*••• Flemish Institute
- Already gave funding to Constant. Few restrictions and promises to make.
Contact person An/Anne Guidet (check spelling)
Donatella will send an email for us.
*Francophone publication funding --- probably not so relevant for us.
*VGC project funding
- Brussels centered
Deadline 15th of January
Check if we need organization status.
If choosing this we can get back to Constant for more info/help.
Flemish text.
*Funds for litterature
Flemish: VIL Vlaamse Institutie voor Litterature
ELO Electronic Litterature Organization

Feminist festivals:
*Sophia - Could we approach them more specifically towards funding?
*Pink Screens - Cinema Nova
*Rembohaus - Lesbian & transgender centre

Advice: look into these and chose 2.

=== Meeting 06.11.15 Mia's place ===

talked about Argos’ meeting, the presentation part and the editing part

Email to D

Hello Donatella,

I am contacting you on behalf of a project called Just for the Record organized by Sarah Magnan, Myriam Arseneault Goulet, Loraine Furter and Mia Melvær. We are arranging a series of events in 2016 and have invited Femke as one of the participants this spring.

In the process of planning this event Femke recommended to contact you in regard to finding suitable Flemish organisations where we could apply for funding.

The outline of the project is to adress how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and what influence this has on the way history is recorded. Our overall topic for this spring is disambiguation and we are inviting lecturers who are specialized in gender-related topics to do a presentation. Following each presentation there will be discussions and a workshop.

Furthermore I can add that we do not have an organisation status and that none of the project's 4 funders are from Belgium.

If you have a moment in the following weeks to have a short chat with us we would be very grateful.

Best regards,

*disambiguation in the way gender diversity is represented/made possible on Wikipedia ?

_=== Meeting Jeremy ===

3 possibilities:
1 Event - Independent - Out of the Programation

Videos in the archive:
Introduce topics so that we can do some research in the archive.

01.31.16 - 27. march
Jef Cornelis
Art and television
Artist documentaries

23.04.16 - june
Wendy Morris
(Off the record - Wendy Morris)

Dream representation in video art.

27.03 -  27.04 Is the best window. - the 2 first weeks of April the very best.

Get back to Jeremie with:
*Information about the team - How to introduce us
*A financial and practical outline
*An introduction of what the Wikipedia editathon was/is
*Overview over the 4 events and a run-through of how a single event looks
*The updated text of the website

Meeting Friday 23/10/15
Meet at Myriam's place

Meeting Friday 16/10/15
At Sarah's place

Precise topics:
Argos: feminism in videos and films, through the Argos collection, with Elles Tournent, Women Lobby Media

Elles Tournent

Nous sommes présentement en train de préparer notre programmation pour Just for the Record, un projet d’événements axés sur la représentation des genres dans les nouveaux médias et les outils d'écriture et de publication du savoir en ligne comme Wikipedia, où l’on peut observer un sérieux déséquilibre connu sour le nom de Gender Gap.  Afin de travailler sur ce déséquilibre, nous proposons une série de quatre événements dans différents lieux à Bruxelles à partir de janvier 2016 autour d’un terme utilisé par Wikipedia même: disambiguation. Pour chaque évènement, nous souhaitons inviter une personne ou un groupe à discuter d'une problématique précise dans ce cadre, présenter des objets de réflexion, et ensuite observer les représentations existantes sur Wikipedia et inviter le public à y apporter des modifications.

Nous vous contactons car nous avons pris connaissance des activités d’Elles Tournent et nous aimerions vous proposer une collaboration sur un de nos événements qui aura lieu en avril ou en mai 2016. Nous sommes en contact avec le Centre pour l’Art et les Médias Argos à Bruxelles et aimerions y organiser un événement en lien avec leur collection de vidéos et de film d'artistes et documentaires. Nous cherchons une personne qui pourrait soulever les problèmes de la représentation des genres dans ce secteur, tant devant que derrière l'écran, et introduire les méthodes existantes pour penser cette représentation (notamment le test de Bechdel). Cette introduction serait le point de départ pour entamer une discussion et observer de quelle manière cette problématique est représentée sur Wikipedia.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez plus d'informations.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer et de collaborer avec vous,
L'équipe de Just for the Record


Just For The Record est un projet portant sur la représentation du genre dans les nouveaux médias et les outils d'écriture et d'édition tels que Wikipedia, et les répercutions sur la formation de l'histoire qui en découlent.
Avec la notoriété que les plateformes telles que Wikipédia ont acquis dans notre société, nous sommes en train d'assister à une réécriture de l'histoire. Le choix des sujets et la manière de relater les faits et les évènements passés sont tributaires de leur auteur, il est donc alarmant de constater que seulement 8,5 à 22,7% des contributeurs de Wikipédia sont des femmes. On pourrait dire que l'histoire d'écrire l'histoire se répète!
Afin de s'attaquer à ce problème et de promouvoir une plus grande diversité en ligne, Just for the Record proposera une série de quatre événements à Bruxelles à partir de janvier 2016.
... plus d'informations ici:

Writing the Ladyfest text (see last meeting)

Unruly Bodies
Session 1: 1A Unruly Bodies And The Cultural Imaginary: Beauty Reinvented (M) / 1C Mad bodies, crazy norms (L)
Session 2: 2A Queer Up The Bodies
Session 3: 3A Corpo-queer Practices
Session 4: 4B Virtual Bodies, Technological Selves

Meeting Friday 02/10/15

Presentation or stand - up to us
but there is a program

Teaser and crash course -  3 hours.
A leaflet.
in addition to a small booth/stand for people passing by.

To get back with before 15th of October:

*Outline. Mark what is personal notes. Presentation of the presentation for communication.
*Attachment with personal details.
*Attachment with personal notes, presentation details, not for publication.
*If we have ideas of other participants, go.

Just For The Record – Ladyfest

Possibility 1
One longer meeting (3h): presentation + crash course
Possibility 2
Two or three smaller meetings (for less than 30 people 2h): presentation + crash course
Possibility 3
Both a meeting (2h presentation and crash course) + an information stand for people passing by in the Ladyfest

*internet connection
*tables and chairs for the crash course
*one table during the event for an eventual stand

Presentation text and info
Myriam Arseneault Goulet, Loraine Furter, Sarah Magnan, Mia Melvaer

Just For The Record is a project addressing how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, and how it influences the way history is recorded.
Starting from janurary 2016, we are organizing a series of 4 events during which we will analyse topics related to gender bias with guest speakers, group discussions and wikipedia editing.

(Wikipedia  is a starting point in this discussion as the problem of gender  equality especially concerns wiki platforms, and their claim for  neutrality that accidentally end up mirroring the existing power  structures in our society instead of challenging them.)

MEETING Friday 25/09/2015

Things to include in dossier:
*Presented as concrete results:

*Disambiguation: collecting materials, gather studies, make a comparative analysis + links to the  local situation, analysis of the forms Wikipedia used to make their studies, make propositions, add info from our events reports…A comparison of existing surveys integrated in our reports (careful not to make more work.)
*= reports
*Reports also tracks participation and attracts other participants, a sort of postlude of the previous event and advertisement for the coming one.
*Fronting graphic design as a tool for disambiguation and communication ? gapminder : send an email to the guy
*Wikimetrics measure everything Wiki-related


Dear gapminder,

We are a Brussels based project called Just For The Record that questions gender representation in online wikis to see how we today record history, and promotes disambiguation around topics of feminisms.

It is through this work that your fact-based practice came to our attention and we were especially intrigued by the Gapminder World software.

From our understanding this software was sold to Google in 2009, yet ...

- :( Wikipedia says it was sold to google in 2009.
- Ask if they have some solid statistics to contribute with?
- open source software? can we propose some deisgn ? (or not maybe we don'thavetime for that?)
- small presentation of the project + introducingthe connection with Institut pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes
- we would like to add datas, (how) can we register? ? more specificly what kind of datas?

Dear Catherine,

I hope everything is fine by your side.
As we discussed last time in WTC, we decided to postpone the Just For The Record events serie inbetween January and June. If I remember good your exhibition will be in Constant (rue du Fort) till end of January, so it would be the perfect timing for our 1st event. Could you confirm, if you are still interested, a date in January that fits you ? We were thinking about a day during those weekends: 8-9th of January or the 15-16th of January. Because of the proximity with Constrant, we would like to do this first event in Piano Fabriek (if they have available room at the date we choose) ... except if you think about another genius place that will make more sense for you.
In the meantime feel free to send and share with us ideas, tracks etc. related to this heroins topic.

Looking forward to all that,

bon soleil !

for Just For The Record

Dear Femke,
How are you?
You might have seen that we are working on a new project about gender representation in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia, called Just For The Record. It will be a series of meetings in Brussels starting in January 2016, with a lecture on a topic related to the gender gap, used as a starting point to question the topic’s representation on Wikipedia and to identify articles that need to be created or modified. Participants will then be given a crash course to Wikipedia editing, followed by an editing session. Each event will last one day and will be held in a different location each time, as a way to highlight the rich network of organizations already active in gender, feminism and media in and around Brussels.
We will organize three events in mid-February, mid-April and mid-May, and would really like to invite you to present the patern.en.paternalism project you’ve been working on, if you have disponibilities a weekend in the above-mentioned periods?

We were thinking about organizing one of the events at iMal, and it could be that in which we invite you, but we could definitely talk about it if you have other ideas of places that would fit your project better.

Kind regards,

Loraine, Myriam, Sarah and Mia

Chère Barbara Ortiz,
Merci pour votre email, nous sommes ravi·e·s d’apprendre votre intérêt pour le projet Just For The Record et votre proposition de convention pour soutenir ce projet nous intéresse  beaucoup.
Afin de préparer au mieux le dossier décrivant des actions et des résultats concrets que nous pourrions vous délivrer, pourrions-nous nous rencontrer prochainement?

Meilleures salutations,
Loraine Furter

Just For The Record
 t: +32 488 583 018

MEETING Friday 18/09/2015

*Subside égalité: they asked more info (just to re-explain the concept) and are waiting for an answer
*Catherine, Femke
*answer/send emails
*site, Owncloud, Zotero
Let’s start filling the website :) could we set working dates?
We could use Owncloud as a common calendar

MEETING 2015 07 12

Sarah Mia and Loraine updated the pitch: (l.48)
Created the pad “First even”
Starting regular meetings: wednesday lunch noon :)

Next meeting (wed 15-07-15):
*website: what, how
*follow-up contacts

Notes en vrac:
“Writing history again” = positive (a chance to do it differently) and at same time potentially doing it in the same way (since everything must be referenced to older “reference” texts…)

Let’s do a reader with reference texts!

CONTRIBUTIONS to interact with:
Ask different types of contributions: academic research-style + illustrations (F-ordet) + recordings (of a passage) + …
all colors, genders, and …

Can we find references about gender & ethnic-gap?

MEETING 2015 06 22


*find a place
*nova (pinkscreen)
*piano fabriek
*communication (text to be sent)
*participants of the first edit-a-thon
*guests (lecturer)
*guests (partners: libraries, associations…)
*public (newsletter)
*pre-event - Contact Ben

*MAIL BOX + contacts + mailinglist

*more subsidies
 (see titanpad 8 )

*what is Just for the record in itself?
*words and terms: use of the “feminist” / gender equality

POTENTIAL TOPIC for an event

AGENDA meeting 22/06/2015
*how open is the organisation? how do we involve people who are interested?
*mailinglist etc
*outline to write a pitch
*ideas of precise subjects and people
*general website / wiki page / ? compare to the wiki page

*how open is the organisation? how do we involve people who are interested?
*nucleus mailinglist or just us basically
*a bit wider organisation (close family) mailinglist ? public pad?
*wider public: newsletter (to inform, one way)
“Send us an email if you want to propose something”

*outline to write a pitch

English officially and then

*write that pitch + french + … version if needed
*each of us make a list of precise people to contact and about what we contact them
*think about places
*email + website domain things
*schedule a session on:
*website (webpage)
*search for topics
*subsidies: look at the list (Mia: email Women’s lobby), ask Catherine, ask Donatella
End of next week
*decide domain name + take + make email address
*finish pitch
*as much as possible: contact places, people
*first event

2015 05 14

4 events
1 topic/event
1 or more guest speaker/organisation:
introduction of just for the record
introduction of the guest(s) lecturer, the topic
selection, presentation of published materials on the topic
analysis of how is it represented on wikipedia page(s)
then edit-a-thon:
Introduction to wikipedia editing and content writing

networking moment
*performances/… (ask money?)*

10:00-11:00 intro (incl. late) wikipedia
11:00-12:00 lecture (presentation of the guest and link to the topic)
LUNCH (browse selection of texts)
13:00-14:00 presentation of published materials on the topic
analysis of how is it represented on wikipedia page(s)
discussions, questions
14:00-18:00 wikipedia writing workshop
*17:00-18:00 finishing and networking*
*19:00-20:00 performance/dance*

asked for a revised budget (too vague and unbalanced)

*Transport budget for the guests and material 1000€ (250€ per event)
Never mind

*Technical material and ressources (as books, paper reviews that might be usefull to help or be quoted for wiki edition, rent beamer, sound equipement, etc) 500€
Argument a bit to confirm

*Fee for the space 500€ (the events will be held in different places, often non-profit/very low budget organisations, and we would like to be able to do a symbolic gesture to support these places)
Try to ask Alex if we can ask 300€ per event so 1200€ to support

*Drinks and food budget (bio,vegan…) 500€
Women/gender-linked cooking initiatives: 40x30 = 1200/event 4800
(based on wikimedia budget template)
in case: 20 people 40x20 = 800/event 3200
Changed the budget for 25/person x 30 people
Loraine calculated 40e for 20 people, but I think it is more important to keep 30 people (as we mentionned it in our measures of success!) and lower a bit the cost.
New calculation:
means we are back on our initial 5000e budget
cool, good idea!

*Communication budget: flyers, posters and booklet (as explained previously, in Brussels it remains very important to have present and frequent paper communication, we'll need a bit more detailed but small publication which will help us to spead the word, invite people to p...