Some were posted here:
Coming out as feminist, a text about terms
3 highlights:
I realized that the discourse itself was laden with inequalities. People–most often (but not always) men–who tend to be into words like humanism and equalism and insist that today's default is equality and that "we're past all that now" were always pitted against me. They seem to believe that only after a laundry list of men's grievances were rectified, would it even fair to BRING UP women's issues–to say nothing of spending social capital becoming aware of them. Their effort was expended not in addressing or redressing issues, but in muscling into conversations to make sure the focus was still on them that not ALL men behaved poorly or that sometimes unpleasant things happen to men too.
"That happens to men too!" they keen.
Does it happen to men and so they feel solidarity? No. Does it happen to men and so they can relate? No. Does it happen to men and so they want to link arms and go fix it...together? No. Does it happen to men too and since it's bad enough they can really appreciate the urgency of the fact that it affects women disproportionately? No. Does it happen to men and they then really GET it? No. Does it happen to men and they turn to women and say "Holy crap my fellow human. Given how difficult this experience is to my half of the population, I can only sympathize with how much worse it is to be disproportionally affected by it! Clearly, you have a legitimate grievance." No.
No. It is always, always, ALWAYS used in only one way: "That happens to men shut up."
The problem isn't the word feminism. ("Fem" is not a bad thing, and the hypocrisy of this position can be observed when many of the same people with an axe to grind against the word feminism will roll their eyes at changing mankind to humankind.)
The problem is the idea of feminism. If feminists ignored the history and context of their struggles to this point and changed their name tomorrow to "equalists," these people wouldn't suddenly jump on board. They would just quibble over that. (Well "equalist" implies that we're all in the same place, so I prefer the term "egalitarian" which discusses potential.) As they would quibble over the next term and the next and the next. ("Egalitarian" implies that we shouldn't have designated roles so I prefer the term "humanist" "Well, humanism is a philosophical movement, so I prefer the term....") And while they stroke their chins and have a brandy in an endless debate over the perfect word, every issue to which those labels concern themselves remain un-redressed.
And it's not as if these people couldn't struggle for equality under another label–any other label. Instead they have limited their "struggle" to policing the word wherever they see it. When your only cause for equality is to piss and moan about the label used by the people actually doing the work, you suck at caring about equality.
=============RADIO, SOUND EXTRACT=======
Website talking about new books in gender studies + series of podcast with interviews with the authors
1962, Benoîte Groult: “Dans 50 ans, les femmes ne porteront plus les enfants pendant 9 mois”, France culture
Artiste-femme, artiste ET femme, femme-artiste, artiste tout court ? Troisième épisode de la série de notre nouveau rendez-vous Mémoires vives, consacrée au témoignage de femmes plasticienne, écrivaine, chanteuse ou comédienne, avec Benoîte et Flora Groult.
Le commun (3/5) : la mise en commun du savoir sur internet, France culture
Grande traversée Simone de Beauvoir, absolument, France culture
Mona Eltahawy, le combat des femmes
Le combat d'une femme pour les femmes, cette femme Mona Eltahawy, est née en Egypte et a grandi au Royaume-Unis et en Arabie saoudite. Elle vit désormais entre Le Caire et New-York et elle a participé au printemps arabe sur la place Tahrir, elle publie aujourd'hui un document coup de poing, à mi-chemin entre l'autobiographie et le manifeste, sur la place des femmes au Moyen-Orient et sur la necessité d'une révolution sexuelle.
The he-she package
Point Médian · Wikipedia
============WIKI PAGES definitions================
Nice wikipedia article about all the different variants of feminism. And there are MANY.
wiki on Systematic bias
*Women are underrepresented on Wikipedia, making up less than 15% of active contributors.[3] A 2011 Wikimedia Foundation survey found that 8.5% of editors are women.[4] The gender gap has not been closing over time and, on average, female editors leave Wikipedia earlier than male editors.[5] Research suggests that the gender gap has a detrimental effect on content coverage: articles with particular interest to women tend to be shorter, even when controlling for variables that affect article length.[5] Women typically perceive Wikipedia to be of lower quality than men do.[6]
Press on the GAP
Pourquoi les femmes sont-elles toujours sous-représentées dans les médias écrits ?
The power of google visibility.
On Feminism: The Word, the History, and the Case Against Leaning In Article about a book + interview; - Less a philosophical treatise on what feminism is and more a lucid account of what feminism did.
You Don’t Hate Feminism. You Just Don’t Understand It. , the daily beast “I don’t need ‘feminism’ because I believe that men and women are EQUAL, not that women should belittle men.” Those posts hurt a bit more because they reveal how deeply misinterpreted feminism is.
Feminist is a 21st century word, Time
Robin Morgan is an author, activist and feminist. She is also a co-founder, with Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda, of the Women's Media Center
Book by Caitlin Moran. In her criticism, she stressed that women who don’t identify as feminists don’t realize what feminism implies, nor all that feminism has secured for them : What do you think feminism IS, ladies? What part of ‘liberation for women’ is not for you? Is it freedom to vote? The right not to be owned by the man you marry? The campaign for equal pay? Did all that good shit GET ON YOUR NERVES? Or were you just DRUNK AT THE TIME OF SURVEY?
We Respond To "Women Against Feminism," Because This Is What Feminists Look Like, Bustle
The willfully ignorant women who post on 'Women Against Feminism' , Los Angeles Times
wo seemingly unrelated stories about feminism, sexism and social media caught my eye this week.
i-am-feminist-and-so-can-you, Harvard university institute of politics
If you have ever wondered what a feminist is, Caitlin Moran has an answer for you.
Meet the New Female Artists of Wikipedia, Time
Over 200 hundred women were added during a mass weekend edit-a-thon
Self-publishing lets women break book industry's glass ceiling, survey finds , the guardian
While men still dominate the traditional books world, among DIY writers women are publishing and selling more
Digital Feminism: Righting the Gender Divide for Authors on Wikipedia, Bookriot
Have you heard about the 2015 Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon? It’s aim is to increase the number of female participants sharing knowledge on Wikipedia, and in turn, teach readers and researchers more about important women in the arts and sciences that have been ignored or left out.
A Master’s Degree in ... Masculinity?, nytimes
Causette est le seul magazine féminin reconnu comme une publication d'information politique et générale.
Toward an Intellectual History of Black Women
Selection of new books in gender studies
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
is a best-selling 2002 book by Steven Pinker arguing against tabula rasa models in the social sciences. Pinker argues that human behavior is substantially shaped by evolutionary psychological adaptations. The book was nominated for the 2003 Aventis Prizes and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.
Glossaire Du Féminisme: (intéressant pour préciser les termes)
Le terme « féminisme » est aujourd’hui délaissé par les jeunes générations. Par manque de combattivité ou de connaissances, mais aussi parce qu’il recouvre différentes interprétations et engagements. (...) Le Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique a cherché à donner une définition actuelle au féminisme.
webster's first new intergalactic wickedary of the english language
Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness
Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader, inc reader
Geert Lovink and Nathaniel Tkacz
Cette recherche s’appuie sur un corpus, non exhaustif, de cent cinquante occurrences des termes auctrix et autrice entre le Ier et le XXIe siècle. Celui-ci dessine une chronologie de l’usage qui recoupe à la fois les grandes étapes de l’histoire de la langue, de la fonction auteur et de l’accès des femmes à la sphère publique.
Il témoigne surtout de la légitimité terminologique de ce féminin pour désigner la femme qui écrit. Nous nous attardons plus particulièrement sur le XVIIe siècle, lorsque la langue s’institutionnalise et se politise, étape-clé dans l’effacement du féminin autrice et la généricisation du masculin auteur
L’égalité s’écrit · Canton de Vaud
50 essential feminist movies
Female Film Directors Put Together a List of Must-See Movies Made By Women
New books in gender studies: List of Books + podcast presentation with the authors
I haven't had a go at it yet, but sounds like you could download these and learn nice stuff whwhile doing something else!
ART+FEMINISM bookshelf, Loraine Furter
memory of the world library
Free PDF Books on race, gender, sexuality, class, and culture
========== ARCHIVES OF DOCUMENTS ========
So great!! Pictures, pdfs about american feminism
Women's Liberation Movement Print Culture