*** ??? ***
First question:
What does from your own perspective working together, collaboration, co-creation, means for you, how this is
part of your practice, and what it could look like in the future? What 'digital and/or networked contexts' support your collaborations ?
[By setting up collective residencies, Iterations tries to stimulate in a practical way the 'future of collectivity' in a digital and networked context.]
**** ??? ****
Next question:
What are problems you encounter, which digital environments could help the collective character of your work ? What good practices would you want to see happening ?
[Digital tools in the academic world raise other concerns (open acces publishing ?) then in schools (software curriculum, wiki's ? open education?) or the world of an individual artist]
*** ??? ***
Third one:
How to make collective authorship visible? Is it enough to mention a group of authors / artists / creators
that worked together ?
What about all the women and men that have made our work possible ? what about the influences of our dear ones, that live with us, the non-human agents (machines, animals, plants, cultures ...)
[In Iterations we try to foreground that the work is done by more people/agents]
For each of the questions: what examples do you find inspiring?
*** ??? ***
First question:
By setting up collective residencies , Iterations tries to stimulate in
a practical way the 'future of collectivity' in a digital and networked
context. Can you, each from your own perspective, talk about what
working together, collaboration, co-creation, means for you, how this is
part of your practice, and what it ideally would look like ?
**** ??? ****
Next question:
Can you try to imagine the ideal 'digital and/or networked context' in
which your collaboration would take place ?
Digital tools in the academic world raise other concerns (open acces
publishing ?) then in schools (software curriculum, wiki's ? open
education?) or the world of an individual artist.
What are problems you encounter, which digital environments could help
imprive the collective charcter of your work ?
What would be good practices you would want to see happening ?
*** ??? ***
Third one:
How to make visible collective authorship ?
In Iterations we try to foreground that the work is done by more people
.. but is it enough to mention a group of authors / artists / creators
that worked together ?
What about all the women and men that have made our work possible ? what
about the influences of our dear ones, that live with us, the non-human
agents (machines, animals, plants, cultures .. )
Do you have inspiring examples ?