These are surveys in progress. The surveys are to be used to hand to participants of the Iterations events, and ask them to fill in. 

Please help develop the questions.

Maybe we should insert a text that re-introduce the Iterations project inside the context artists have experienced, that is the one of the call they adhered to, Hangar for Hangar's residency, Trasformatorio for Trasformatorio's side.

Clean version Attempt 1:NC

Questionaire for artist / organisers

1) Did you develop/implement ways to collaborate artistically that you did not experience before? 
2) Which tools/strategies/approaches for working together can become relevant for your future work?
3) Which materials (code, images, sources, objects...) were produced during these collaboration processes? There is common products?
4) Do you consider that the collective has managed to iterate preexisting sources and/or materials?
5) Do you consider that the collective had the ability to adapt itself and reformulate its work methodology during the residency?
6) How did you experience the dynamics, the relationships, the synergies (the human side) of the collaboration? 
7) Quality of residence: 
7.1) Was the duration of the residency sufficient?
Yes / No / Why?
7.2) Was the infrastructure at your disposal-machines, spaces, laboratories...-satisfactory?

Questionaire for audience 

1) Can you perceive if this work has been made collectivelly?how?
2) Does the fact that this work is made by a collective of artists influence the appearance / aesthetics of the work ? )
A little
very much
Further comments: 
3) how did you experience the installation? what insights in art + technology did it bring to you ? 
4) This work can be used, changed, remixed by others. As an artistic positioning, do you find that interesting ?
(YES/NO) Why?:


Questionaire for artist / organisers
1: Did the Iterations project/residency help you to explore new ways of artistic collaboration? If No please tell us Why //  if Yes, please Describe in few words "how" [or describe the process]. 
(1: version P: Did you explore new forms to work together? Did you develop ways to collaborate artistically that you did not experience before ? Can you please describe. 
2: Which are the tools/strategies that were provided to you that have been helpfull in the collaborative aspect of the project? 
(2: version P: Which tools / strategies / approaches for working together that were provided by Iterations were helpful to you ?)
3. Have you developed/learnt any effective collaborative strategy throught the iterations project? 
(3: version P: In what way was the collaboration between artists meaningful to you ?) (D: a bit too similar to the first question?)
4: What is the contribution/impact/influence (remark: we need a better word for output or 'impact') of Iterations on your work?   output: turnout / impact: result, influence 
(4: version P: What is the influence if any of Iterations on your work?)
5: Is there a common product or collaboration material that you can imagine to use further? If yes, please explain.
(5: version P: Which produced materials (code, images, sources, ...) or collaborations will be usefull for your future work ?)
6: Have the dynamics implemented within the Iteration Project fostered a collaborative enviroment? 
(6: version P: How did you experience the dynamics, the relationships, the human side of the collaboration ? )
7:Do you have suggestions how we could improve?
(7: version P: Do you have suggestions how Iterations could improve in the future?

[ D: Remark: still quite a long survay, maybe you should stick to max. 5 questions but where the artists need to write the answer (not multiple choice questions) ]

 Also answer:
                                       I miss a definiton of "open tools, open knowledges. It cannot be deduced by the context
1. To what extent do you consider that the collective has managed to use open tools and knowledges?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
I do not know
Further comments:

2. To what extent do you consider that the residence has contributed to your interdisciplinary and collaborative perspective?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
Further comments:

3. To what extent do you consider that you have worked collaboratively during the residency?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
Further comments:

4. To what extent do you consider that the collective has had the ability to adapt itself and reformulate its work methology and goals during the development of the residency?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
I do not know
Further comm
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot

5. To what extent do you consider that the collective has managed to iterate the pre-existing sources and materials?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
Further comments:
6.To what extent has this residency impact  your production methods?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
Further comments:
7.To what extend you intend on keeping further synergies within the group of residents?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
Further comments:

8. Quality of residence: Yes / No and Why

8.1. Was the duration of the residence sufficient?
Yes / No and Why
Further Comments:
8.2.Was the financing of the residence sufficient?
Yes / No and Why
Further comments:
8.3.Was the infrastructure at your disposal - machines, spaces, laboratories ... - satisfactory?
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
Further comments:
8.4. For the positive output of this residency, do you think is necessary to foster other types of mediation?
Yes / No and Why
Further comments:

7. Any comments and / or suggestions?


Has to be translated in Italian? Is it a bit late to ask, the perspective changed, but we can give a wide array of letters and private messages that express the same. To be considered

Questionaire for visitors / audience

1. Are there elements that give you signals of collaborative work?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
I do not know
Further comments:

P: For me, question 1 and 3 are too close. I would try to seperate them more. 
(1: version P: How interesting did you find the work artisticly ? )
not intresting
very intresting

2.To what extent do you consider that the collective has managed to use open tools and knowledges?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
I do not know
Further comments:

(2: version P: Is it visible in the presentation that the work uses open source tools, ?

3. Can you perceive if the collective has been able to work together?
-> Please mark just one answer
Very little
A little 
Quite a lot
A lot
I do not know
Further comments:

(3 version P: Does the fact that this work is made by a collective of artists influence the appearance / aesthetics of the work ? )
A little
very much
Further comments:

    4. how did you experience the installation ? what insights in art + technology did it bring to you ? 

(5a: This work can be used, changed, remixed by others. As an artistic positioning, do you find that interesting ?
