$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfNumberHeadings';
function wfNumberHeadings() {
    global $wgUser;
    $wgUser->setOption('numberheadings', true);



wfLoadExtension( 'NoTitle' );$wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false;


wild fermentation - 15.00 
http://constantvzw.org/site/Slow-Fermissage.html 15:00-18:00
Fortstraat 5, St. Gillis
An Mertens https://www.algolit.net/index.php/Data_Workers
0044 7763909074
0032 495125526 


    06:56 Brussels North - 8:50 Rotterdam CS
    09:25 Rotterdam CS - 10:32 Amsterdam Lelylaan (Sprinter 4028 Uitgeest)
    10:38 Amsterdam Lelylaan - 10:49 Amsterdam, Henk Sneevlietweg (Metro 51)

    06:56 Brussels North - 08:18 Breda
    08:23 Breda - 09:21 The Hague Central

Chat with Martino and Anita 29 April

contributions outside authorities
politics of subject headings.. emily drabinski
Emily Drabinski     http://www.emilydrabinski.com/publications/
- "Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction" 
- "Teaching the Radical Catalog" 

importing from LOC means also importing its biases...
Local construction of catalogue

"Controlled vocabulary"
no claim to completeness, .....

limit to participation in cataloguing

students input in description on interface, but not the catalogue
attached to records notes, also the actual book... only accessible to school

local subject headings

(un)controlled vocabulary

library aspects of the library

library aspects of piracy

structure of the day:
    introductory presentation (Eva) and discussion on the politics of the catalog and classification.
    look at choices and experiments at Rietveld so far (Anita, Martino)
    something practical we want to sort out?

clash of keywords
seeing differences of already catalogue books 

subjective cataloguing excercise
1 choosing a book, 
2 writing a record, keywords, description
compare: library of congress / library of rietveld / student version

search critique.... catalogue
how can the user write the record without loosing ...?
dilemma: participation while not delegating responsibility

speculative thinking how this could work


Day 2

The Piracy project: a discursive project!
some examples

vocabulary exercises
what kind of relationship does the pirate copy set up with its 'original'
catalogue/citation through relation!


Reading of the letter + interview


Discussing last paragraph of Eva's phd + discussion

17:00 END



- talk about Authors of the future
- discuss on-line publishing, wiki, ...

study meeting new generation of open content licenses, free art license, free software
thinking through licenses again
27 September, Brussel
Severine Dusollier lawyer, cc, collectivity from law perspective https://www.sciencespo.fr/ecole-de-droit/en/profile/dusollier-severine.html
Aymeric Mansoux 

worksession research/resource (working title)
7-15 November 2019
iterations,  artistic collaborations are exhibitable?
collective residencies, 30 participants

worksession Unbound libraries
Spring 2020

double bind authorship

8-9 students / Ma students / Experimental Publishing (1st year)
Gill Baldwin, Simon Browne, Tancredi Di Giovanni, Paloma García, Rita Graça, Artemis Gryllaki, Pedro Sá Couto, Biyi Wen, Bohye Woo

http://pzwiki.wdka.nl -> now offline
done 2 projects
1. https://issue.xpub.nl/07/
2. https://issue.xpub.nl/08/ (not on-line yet, but on federated networks)

Before May 8:

- received and discussed 2 letters, starting with a doubt / dilemma
Letter 1: http://custodians.online/
Letter 2: (why i signed and why I am still troubled with this letter)
-- what does care mean in this context: who cares, for what? gatekeepers and authorities
-- how is knowledge re-confirmed/unconfirmed/unbound
-- what bibliographic activism
-- how to interface with the law, how to avoid the cool parallelism. From civil disobedience to what?
-- what spaces to read together? Physical and digital spaces for extra-legal content
-- institutions, gatekeepers, infrastructures. Cooption and appropriation
- general discussion + visit to leeszaal http://www.leeszaalrotterdamwest.nl/ post apocaliptic libray
- workshop with Bodo Balasz on libgen data - economics of piracy, geographical distribution od download

Amy Wxxx
Clara Balaguer

- Steve [writing, discourse, reading]
- Michael Murtaugh [prototyping -- programming]
- Andre Castro [prototyping -- hardware]
- Aymeric Mansoux [general support] https://www.bleu255.com/~aymeric/dump/aymeric_mansoux-sandbox_culture_phd_thesis-2017.pdf    figuring out the trouble with free culture

First plan: making readers / annotation / but then ...

what does it mean to make a library of extra legal stuff / tools / processes / methods
alternative infrastructures
space, cataloguing, caretaking / maintenance / access
book scanner

In-between interfacing the law text 2018 http://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mediadesign/Interfacing_the_law_(2018)


Constant Werksessie in spring 2020: The Unbound Library
This worksession starts from the observation that in the computational  context of networked, algorithmically processed and digitally produced knowledge spaces, the contours of “book” and “library” have both dissolved. It is an occasion to experiment with interfaces between different modes of production, from print to digital, from multiplicity to singularity, from typography to infrastructure. This session aims to prototype hybrid workflows that allow us to rethink the aesthetic and hierarchical assumptions embedded in networked  knowledge objects.

The conflation between multiple scales of textuality opens up the possibility to rethink knowledge production through the inherit  transdisciplinarity of digital practice, including the potential to take the agency of machinic actors into account. Relearning, rewriting  but also the mislaying of knowledges are ways to escape the gridlock  of pre-defined structures that otherwise can only be understood  according to the conventions attached to the way libraries and books function together. Remixing deeply embedded separations of tasks (human, machine, author, publisher, designer, reader…), "Unbound  Libraries" extends cross-media publishing into the space of the  library, in order to develop situations for public, hybrid, tacit and  processual forms of knowledge production. 


Wednesday 8 May 
- Arrive 12:05
- Evening: Avenue Julien Hanssens 42

Thursday 9 May
- Eva in Amsterdam
- Femke in The Hague
Evening: meet up and stay over in Rotterdam

Friday 10 May
- Day with students in Rotterdam