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tools for anti-colonial organising
Sunday 17 December 2023, 12:00-16:00
TNI, De Wittenstraat 25, 1052 AK Amsterdam
INFRA-RESISTANCE is an informal session for activists, artists and organisers on Palestine in The Netherlands. A Sunday afternoon to meet each other and to share our concerns with organising anti-colonial solidarity on commercial cloud infrastructures (Instagram, Google docs, Whatsapp, Eventbrite, Zoom, ...). We will then try out and discuss various tools outside Big Tech that we can use for organising: some more secure and useful than their cloud alternatives, others (also) more creative or experimental.
- Children welcome :-) we will provide childcare. Please let us know by Thursday 13/12 if you join with children and of what age, so we can prepare.
- Free collective lunch with vegetarian and vegan options
- If possible, bring a laptop
- There is no public call for this session but if you know of someone interested to join, contact us. Confirm your participation by sending an email to titipi@titipi.org (we have space for maximum 20 people).
- Rooms and facilities on 1st floor, the chair lift is not working today :-/
Schedule (changes will happen):
12:00 Welcome!!
- - Where are we, what is going to happen today (Femke introduces day, TNI, pragmatics, guidelines)
- - Why are we here (Miriyam introduces TITiPI, connects abolition to Counter Cloud Action + Jessica introduces need for activism and alternative organising)
- - How to document (Imane introduces splinter)
12:30 A round of informal introductions
- What actions are you involved in, what issues do you encounter, what infrastructures do you need?
13:10 2 short inputs on Counter Cloud activism (Jessica, Miriyam)
13:30 Lunch together at TNI (organised & cooked by @pipas)
14:30 Drop-in clinics: Digital organising otherwise!?
- Four drop-in clinics centered around different networked organising tasks, each facilitated by 2-3 people. Hands-on testing and discussion of alternatives. Also: how to combine physical/in-person with digital tools for organising solidarity; how to best avoid risks when engaging with cloud infrastructures e.g. when broad/public outreach requires it.
- - Tools to communicate and stay in touch (mastodon, xmpp, nonsta, signal, ...) Cristina, Imane
- - Tools to organise and meet (jitsi, bbb, feminist servers, mobilozon ...) Jessica, Femke, Karl
- - Tools to edit and publish (etherpads, wikis, wiki-to-pdf, cryptpad, hotglue ...) Martino, Sofia
- - Tools to share files and broadcast (peertube, splinter, nextcloud, webradio, ...) Aggeliki, Helen
15:30 Reports from each clinic, what next?
16:00 End
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The session is organised by TITiPI and NIAS in collaboration with @pipas, and hosted by The Transnational Institute