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    notes: make it navigable, invite people to make additions, but do it with more intention and framing: what is the tool for, why is it better? is it green? under what cateegor yto put it?



**These apps and platforms are listed here because they might be alternatives to services provided by companies complicit in the genocide in Palestine. Often they are more secure, many of them also make a difference to the logics of hyperscaling, data extraction and everything-as-a-service of The Cloud, by proposing collective modes of maintenance, hosting and software licensing. Some are "green" as described here**: https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/. List updated from Digital Solidarity Networks: *"This is the start of a listing of resources regarding mutual aid strategies, propositions for future setups and social closeness through 'alternative' digital infrastructures. This pad contains examples of collective digital reparative practices, in a time where everything points to the further consolidation and accelerated normalization of the Big Tech industry (Zoom, Facebook, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.), a.k.a. GMAFIAZ. Other attitudes are possible!* https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/publish/digital-solidarity-networks.raw.html

Please feel free to add to this is over-growing list, but please do so with intention, such that this document remains usable and navigable.
For your entry, add the following information:

Hosted counter-cloud software, ready to use

Alternative social networks

Activist organising

Counter-cloud apps, needs installation or hosting

Related lists

Big Tech Military tech

Boycott Big Tech

Counter Cloud Action

Some examples of repressive social media