Last meeting notes 29/08/19:
Agenda 26 September 2019
Present: Sarah, Christoph, Iona, Eduardo, An, Jesse, Aernoudt, Saartje, Joris, Erik, Gosie, Philippine,
Agenda points:
- Cleaning experiences & pricing from cleaner
- 'temporary occupation' re: common position [Raf/BigSpace] / future
Future spaces
initiatives from Koen & Wouter
application with Innoviris did not go through
waiting for answer from VGC on collective project 'Permanent' by Wouter, Koen, Lietje, Katrien, Julia, CLTB and Rob from Level 5
Jesse has news from last week:
Community Landtrust Brussels has interesting propositions: investing in common trust, also 3rd parties can invest, for purpose of collectively buying property
not as financial investment, but as common asset, people can get out of it again and get % back, not the idea of housing speculation
Level 5 sees this also as an option, they have a legal organisation now, have someone to coordinate the management fo the floor, he can spend time on this plan, Rob Ritzen.
Wouter & Katrien are also involved in this discussion
Not sure in what stage they are
Finding new space through that is not realistic in 1,5 year, Rob said
Jesse will check:
What can Entrakt offer to landowners, to see if it would be feasible to do something similar
Saartje: in this case it was a package, condition of the sale, to have this space available for artists until the new building site started
Saartje talked to the city (Ans Persoons), explained that we are not happy with them, the city agreed, will not work with them anymore
Maybe the city could also think of organising something like Entrakt is doing
-> we need a building :-)
-> the city needs to have a building available, they know we are looking
What about the Region? Or other municipality?
Ideally 1000 Brussels
Saartje: We were involved in another project/proposal for ex-Actiris building with Koen Berghmans
with 123/Koen
An: It happens a lot that land owners allow artists to 'upgrade' places, use material.
Philippine: Answer from Katrien: reapplied with the existing dossier with VGC. Name of project: Permanent
Saartje: interesting that Rob is there, Saartje cannot take on the searching for a new space
Jesse: is invited in meeting on external communication, about continuity of Level 5, somewhere in October, will mention that we are interested in collectively supporting their case
Do we agree to be in this situation again before finding something else?
Looking for opportunity in the mean time?
Would be good to look for something where we can stay longer
Is Community Landtrust a solution for the people of our floor? Many international artists, that stay in Brussels not for such a long time / have the means to buy? How to get organised with so many people?
It needs more involvement.
Maybe Level 5 can think of a system that allows people to participate.
Invitation to Jesse to come along to the meeting, he could bring Saartje: tbc when!
VGC Gallaitstraat will be free again in January 2020.
Overtoon/Jubilee applied last time, but were not selected. You need to organise events with the neighbourhood
Rob/Level 5 does not want to mobilize a space for less than 2 ys.
Maybe we can stay longer than December 2020. (Contractually, Entrakt has to notice us 10 weeks before.)
Tax benefit for landowner giving their space available for temporary use?
While negociating contract with Entrakt, there was issue with taxes, they wanted to put that costs to us - in Brussels they had never paid taxes
When they decide to do it, we will renegociate the contract
Maybe it is about the taxes you pay for an empty building...
cfr Lancelot, temporary vacant buildings, business model. Joris: Entrakt's offer to landowners is to manage the building while they don't have to pay the taxes related to anti-leegstand-law.
For those interested:
Level 5: 4-10 coffee break from 10-13h: good occasion to meet
Jesse will keep us updated about meeting Level Five 'External Communication', where housing possibilities will be discussed. Saartje is interested in coming along, others are welcome, too. A report will be made & shared.
Sarah: OSP is geared towards non-temporary occupation only.
Maybe contact the artlover/building owner woman again from Avenue Louise that OSP was in contact with last year? But it was expensive... Sarah will call her, we'll see.
An: buildings of iMAL & Zinneke are being renovated now, there may be a possiblity for us to be involved. Perhaps not so much space, price unclear. Would be completed in 2020, but we're doubtful about that.
Sarah: I could recontact the real estate person who informed us about the different possibilities we had a year ago.
Cleaning experiences & pricing from cleaner
positive reactions by Michael (Constant) & aRzu
Sarah: ok to continue, last time we did it, a lot of people did not want to do it, they proposed to pay someone
it would be good to know who is in, not always the same people
make a clear schedule of when to do it - 6 people is good, 15 min each: every 1st Friday of the month, 11h = same moment as coffee break Level 5 :-)
carpets are nice
Manuel is still cleaning kitchen/toilets/common space - sends strange messages to Saartje :-), maybe check with Pablo if he's ok?
Iona taking care for the blue bags, sometimes she came especially for it, and found that someone had taken it out
-> please let Iona know when you take blue bags out on Sunday evening!!!! Send a mail on the mailinglist!
-> please take the bin from the common space as well
-> ask Entr'act to have 2 toilets for women? does the smell come from the ones that are locked?
Group Big space does not have enough badges
Saartje ordered 10 more badges, 49€
-> take it with other costs of floor?
-> everyone should bring back badges when they're not in building anymore, find a way that Saartje can follow up!
Problems with badges?
not common problem, mark it, bring it to Saartje, will be replaced
Overtoon showcase Wed 30-10 till Sunday 3-11
not public, on invitation for curators, together with Werktank
will use the dark common spaces + their own space
would like to use the hallway connecting Overtoon to OSP
-> 30 people that have to enter big space.... should be ok
-> visits on 30-10 in the afternoon + 31-10 between 12-18h
Be welcome!
Next meeting: 31-10 at 12:30
Jesse will send reminder again, thanks!