Notes related to the guidelines for collaboration that Constant is writing. The second version of the guidelines will be stable until December 2020. They can be found here:
This page is collects remarks and questions that will be taken into account when the guidelines will be reviewed.
You are invited to write your comments below / Je bent welkom je opmerkingen hieronder toe te voegen / Vos commentaires sont les bienvenus ci-dessous

//////////// October 2023: seventh update 

First read: if you read the entire thing altogether it gives a different tone than reading a point separately.

We should perhaps address who gets excluded when setting such guidelines and how we deal with it...

suggestion to add some words about the after care when tings are addressed and potentially work with external groups and organisations to have support. now we only say that the email will be received and treated with sensibility, but perhaps we should start to think about this and elaborate more:

this paragraph seems to contradict itself:
    "Constant is committed to environments where possible futures, complex collectivities and desired technologies can be experimented. The spaces that we initiate are therefore explicitly opposed to sexism, racism, queer antagonism, ableism and other kinds of oppression. Our positioning is one of risk-taking and trial and error in which rigour and critique meet with humour, insecurity, tension, ambiguity and mistakes. Fearless, brave environments empower radical complexity."
    so, u initiate spaces where you explicitly oppose big words like racism, sexism, queer antagonism,... but at the same time you do take a position of risk-taking and trial and error. can we then conclude that we recognise that the isms we oppose are in fact partly what create complex collectivities that we try to navigate through risk-taking and trial and error?Or perhaps we are talking about two visions separately. the rest of the text reads a bit more in the context of FLOSS culture so it becomes explicit to that.
complex collectivivty is create by what we generate and not what we possibly damage, because of our backgrounds, sensibilities,...
finding a way that reaffirms our modes of solidarity towards (instead of against ...) 

///////////// November 2022: Sixth update (before Tecno Cul de Sac) /////////////
change contacts

* changed FAL to CC4r
* adapted section Incidents / Problems sync in all languages

? does contact need to be mentioned: Peter@ / Martino@ , next to Beep@ ? 
* to do: check the french

///////////// May 2022: Fifth update (before Weak signaaal) ///////////////

Martino, Peter:

> Update references from FAL to CC4R, add a few lines that make the link between guidelines and conditions -> YES but where/how?? somehow very difficult to place without opening up the license, and there's already soooo much text 

> maybe insert something concerning imposed health measures and how they sometimes do not correspond to tyhe needs of the people present ? such as mask policies or maximum amounts of people at gatherings
The past years have confirmed that governmental laws/regulations/measures have often been out of sync with actual needs... so be ready to re-discuss collectively how to relate to these, we encourage to proactively express discomfort / sense it with the others around you 
this is an unsolved question that will come back.. either this autumn, or with the next pandemic.
maybe it is less something that can be written in short paragraph, but an open question to think through what could be strategies / methods / practical ways to deal with these questions.

> agree on being more concrete on how Constant helps ;) ( from we find a Constant member who is responsable: they have access to aid tools, infrastructures and help lines. )

DP, Mia and EM 
> Flagging incidents and dealing with problems

What to do IF something happen
- we want us to be more precise with our introductory habits during Constant events so that all the persons responsible for something are clearly identified to the particpants 

- one person of constant who has not been involved in the org of the event taking place is designated as the contact person, so we do that in shift (6 months shifts) and this person also take care of an email adress we'll set up especially for people who want to contact in case of problem but after the event
> technically it could be a redirect/alias that goes to the person doing the shift? and every six months change it?

- we want to make a differentiation between the need for immediate response and non immediate response; as varia does 

(Example from Varia)

> "Try not to be judgmental. Collective work is exciting, challenging, de-centering, alienating and triggering. We each do what we need to do to navigate our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. If we are feeling a bit too dis-oriented or judgmental, we might leave the room for a while, but we will try to come back."

> Collaboration guidelines between insitutions / organisations
How do these guidelines work for internal troubles? It seems they are mainly for event-based situations. But what if people have long-term working relationships, how do these guidelines operate? Interest in how to imagine/think contracts between organisations: i.e. decoratelier <-> Kaaitheater
Dona: Guidelines are slowly getting included in contracts, support letters. Ref. KASK project Peter; contract with Observatory. Does this work? Do the guidelines hold for these situations?
( also thinking about other guidelines that could be talked about with organisations / institutions instead of individuals.. learning from the pools ;) thinking about correct retribution, invisibilized work, tool ecosystems.. )

///////// July 2021: Fourth Update ////////

1/4/21 Ableist language considerations

///////// January 2020: Third Update ////////

7/12/2020 Worksession Bureaucracksy

2/11/2020 -> 02/02/2021 working with Laura


15/10/2020 Agnes Quackels (preparation for Constant contribution How to make movement)

12/10/2020 discussion Dona

28-8-20 Alchorisma

26/05/2020 DIFF

19/05/2020 Discussion Newcleus

//////////// NEW VERSION MAY 19 2020 /////////////////


26/09 -> 25/11/2019 Constant_V Collaboration guidelines
08/11 -> 16/11/2019 Collective Conditions worksession
8/11/2019 JM

8/11/2019 Helen
14/10/2019 Algemene Vergadering Constant
26/09/2019 Constant_V Vernissage
20/09/2019: Constant aan Zee. Discussion with members + Constant team
19/09/19: Collective Conditions participant

03/09/19: Questions collected for Open Scores exhibition, Berlin