Notes related to the guidelines for collaboration that Constant is writing. The second version of the guidelines will be stable until December 2020. They can be found here:
This page is collects remarks and questions that will be taken into account when the guidelines will be reviewed.
You are invited to write your comments below / Je bent welkom je opmerkingen hieronder toe te voegen / Vos commentaires sont les bienvenus ci-dessous
//////////// October 2023: seventh update
First read: if you read the entire thing altogether it gives a different tone than reading a point separately.
We should perhaps address who gets excluded when setting such guidelines and how we deal with it...
Avoiding to speak for others. - sometimes it happens a lot that people would start an argument or sentence with "i don't mean to speak for you, but.." how do we address this in a caring way?- Using Free, Libre and Open Source software whenever possible. It's not just about using some specific tools but also about paying attention to the tool that can be used; FLOSS would not, in most cases, used in day 1, it's not that easy. - a bit, kort door de bocht imo; are we assuming that people know what FLOSS is then? can people question it? what about certain compromises when it comes to using floss? should we show compassion so people do not feel intimidated by this? + some links could also help with giving some info about floss, from framasoft maybe? there's this but it's not informative enough for FLOSS newbies
The default license for all material and documentation is a Free Art License. - This line is a bit cryptic for me. -> this needs to be changed to the CC4r anyway + Refusing and deconstructing sexism, racism, queer antagonism, ableism, ageism and other kinds of oppression. - hmm, of course i get it and its a very natural thing to say, but i wonder how we could phrase it so that it doesn't exlude those who might not necessarily understand these terms. in long version we do not explain this either ~~~ True, hard one, needs to be reviewed collectivelly, maybe some more thinking on the "refusing and deconstructing"
suggestion to add some words about the after care when tings are addressed and potentially work with external groups and organisations to have support. now we only say that the email will be received and treated with sensibility, but perhaps we should start to think about this and elaborate more:
- addressing a situation that violates the guidelines or things you have experienced can be difficult. You may always contact the person behind the beep email. Wether you are ready to address it immediately when it happens or days, weeks, months, years later, we always will pay the same attention to it. we also recognize that we might not be able to help or know how to provide the right type of care in certain situations. at this moment we recognize that we have not institutionalized a procedure depending on certain types of aggressions that we could face. we are however working with .....
- The flagging part does need some more work; it's still a bit floppy
this paragraph seems to contradict itself:
"Constant is committed to environments where possible futures, complex collectivities and desired technologies can be experimented. The spaces that we initiate are therefore explicitly opposed to sexism, racism, queer antagonism, ableism and other kinds of oppression. Our positioning is one of risk-taking and trial and error in which rigour and critique meet with humour, insecurity, tension, ambiguity and mistakes. Fearless, brave environments empower radical complexity."
so, u initiate spaces where you explicitly oppose big words like racism, sexism, queer antagonism,... but at the same time you do take a position of risk-taking and trial and error. can we then conclude that we recognise that the isms we oppose are in fact partly what create complex collectivities that we try to navigate through risk-taking and trial and error?Or perhaps we are talking about two visions separately. the rest of the text reads a bit more in the context of FLOSS culture so it becomes explicit to that.
complex collectivivty is create by what we generate and not what we possibly damage, because of our backgrounds, sensibilities,...
finding a way that reaffirms our modes of solidarity towards (instead of against ...)
///////////// November 2022: Sixth update (before Tecno Cul de Sac) /////////////
change contacts
* changed FAL to CC4r
* adapted section Incidents / Problems sync in all languages
? does contact need to be mentioned: Peter@ / Martino@ , next to Beep@ ?
* to do: check the french
///////////// May 2022: Fifth update (before Weak signaaal) ///////////////
Martino, Peter:
> Update references from FAL to CC4R, add a few lines that make the link between guidelines and conditions -> YES but where/how?? somehow very difficult to place without opening up the license, and there's already soooo much text
> maybe insert something concerning imposed health measures and how they sometimes do not correspond to tyhe needs of the people present ? such as mask policies or maximum amounts of people at gatherings
The past years have confirmed that governmental laws/regulations/measures have often been out of sync with actual needs... so be ready to re-discuss collectively how to relate to these, we encourage to proactively express discomfort / sense it with the others around you
this is an unsolved question that will come back.. either this autumn, or with the next pandemic.
maybe it is less something that can be written in short paragraph, but an open question to think through what could be strategies / methods / practical ways to deal with these questions.
> agree on being more concrete on how Constant helps ;) ( from we find a Constant member who is responsable: they have access to aid tools, infrastructures and help lines. )
DP, Mia and EM
> Flagging incidents and dealing with problems
What to do IF something happen
- we want us to be more precise with our introductory habits during Constant events so that all the persons responsible for something are clearly identified to the particpants
- one person of constant who has not been involved in the org of the event taking place is designated as the contact person, so we do that in shift (6 months shifts) and this person also take care of an email adress we'll set up especially for people who want to contact in case of problem but after the event
> technically it could be a redirect/alias that goes to the person doing the shift? and every six months change it?
- we want to make a differentiation between the need for immediate response and non immediate response; as varia does
(Example from Varia)
Intervention procedures:Immediate intervention (help is needed now!)If you are feeling unsafe, you can immediately contact the Varia members who are tasked with making sure the code of conduct is respected. These contact people are members of Varia who will do their best to help, or to find the correct assistance if relevant/necessary. Lídia Pereira -- Thomas Walskaar -- thomas@walskaar.comFor example, something happened during a still-ongoing event and needs to be acted upon right away. Action is taken immediately when this violation of the code of conduct is reported. This could involve removing an attendee from an event. Non-immediate intervention (a situation that requires more time)Other violations need to be considered and consulted upon with more people or in a more measured way. For example: If you experience an ongoing pattern of harrassment; if you witness structurally unacceptable behaviour; if somebody keeps "accidentally" using discriminatory language, after being asked to stop. If you feel comfortable or able, discuss the issues with the involved parties before consulting a mediator. We prefer to constructively resolve disagreements together and work to right the wrong, when it is possible and safe to do so. However, if the problems still persist, those who are responsible for enforcing the code of conduct can help you deal with these kinds of problems. Contact the members listed above, or send an email to this address: Information will be handled with sensitivity.
> "Try not to be judgmental. Collective work is exciting, challenging, de-centering, alienating and triggering. We each do what we need to do to navigate our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. If we are feeling a bit too dis-oriented or judgmental, we might leave the room for a while, but we will try to come back."
Proposition: The explanation phrase is good, but the 'try not to be judgmental' can feel akward.Re-phrase: use convictions, pre-conceptions? assumptions?Try to not be solely guided by your preconceptions.
> Collaboration guidelines between insitutions / organisations
How do these guidelines work for internal troubles? It seems they are mainly for event-based situations. But what if people have long-term working relationships, how do these guidelines operate? Interest in how to imagine/think contracts between organisations: i.e. decoratelier <-> Kaaitheater
Dona: Guidelines are slowly getting included in contracts, support letters. Ref. KASK project Peter; contract with Observatory. Does this work? Do the guidelines hold for these situations?
- Proposition: to explore collaborations between organisations in a session during the SPEXCRAFT project
( also thinking about other guidelines that could be talked about with organisations / institutions instead of individuals.. learning from the pools ;) thinking about correct retribution, invisibilized work, tool ecosystems.. )
///////// July 2021: Fourth Update ////////
- (crossed out comments have been taken on in the new version)
1/4/21 Ableist language considerations
Re-consider use of queerphobia? (anti-queer?) Phobic (examples: homophobic, Islamophobic)Appropriates description of a specific mental illness / psychosocial disability, frequently to describe hatred, fear, bigotry, or oppression, or else to describe something disliked or unpleasant. This is not ableist when it refers to someone who actually has a phobia such as agoraphobia, claustrophobia, emetophobia, etc.Consider instead: anti-Muslim, queer-antagonistic, fatmisia, bigotry against, bias against, hate of, prejudice against, oppressive, etc.
///////// January 2020: Third Update ////////
7/12/2020 Worksession Bureaucracksy
„These moments need to be acknowledged and discussed, within the limits of your own safety and sanity“ >> I think this sentence perpetuates saneism or the ideal of being sane. Not all people identify as „sane“ or they (especially mentally ill and/or neurodivergent people) are not read as „sane“ – with the latter resulting often in discrimination. My suggestion would be to cross out the sanity part, and if it needs replacement, find another term such as „comfort“. Happy to discuss this further - this is Isi writing from MELT. :)- Designate a contact person if people have concerns? What do if something happens? (sarrita)
- --> right now unclarity about who to go to. A proxy person. Or be more explicit about it, why this is not a function.
>> "we isolate the conflict and get rid of it, if it doesn’t work we seek help."Usage of 'get rid of it 'I think something about working with it is important.(why !!?) This is Loren writing, who is purple? Engaging with it ... (influenced by Sarah Ahmed: when you point out a problem, you become the problem. So if you get rid of a problem, what is erased?) (Perhaps "we isolate the conflict and address it" ? *semantic*)(I think address it is good)- Richard: What is the intent, what does the language want to get done. It is unclear to me. It is vague. In general, not just with this sentence. "what we are trying to do here", some archeology. Elo: The work we want to do together. The experience we have together.
>> "Avoid speaking for others. Make space, instead of intruding or imposing yourself. We are solidary with others, but we take care that they can speak for themselves. Finishing other peoples’ sentences is almost always meant as a sign of support, but it is actually not helpful, unless it is asked for. Exchange information, experiences and knowledge. Others know many things, but it might take more time." (add something about speaking for someone not in the room?)Richard: a sidebar for examples. (in general: examples seem to help)How to make that space ... not what to avoid- >> "Try not to be judgmental. Collective work is exciting, challenging, de-centering, alienating and triggering. We each do what we need to do to navigate our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. If we are feeling a bit too dis-oriented or judgmental, we might leave the room for a while, but we will try to come back."
- Isi: Judgmental comes up a lot -- but where is the problem. Making things into moral issues.
- Ren/Sarrita: Perhaps frame in the affirmative? "creating openness of receiving other people's ideas" and/or "being open to new experiences and ideas"
- Laura: judgment and navigation. But it is also a way to address/be with the judgment (and the discomfort that comes from it)
- Peter: re: Trying not to be judgemental > "we encounter each other and our respective practices with respect and engage with them and our own preconceptions." collective work is exciting, etc. FS: disrespect is needed too, sometimes :-D
- This example referenced in the CoC does a good job of separating out things "Expected Behavior" and "Unacceptable Behavior" (so both affirmative and not) > Unacceptable Behavior" could be transformed to talk about 'mistake' and 'trying again' or something similiar.
- Elo: very clear, but how much space for mistakes, trying again?
2/11/2020 -> 02/02/2021 working with Laura
- Notes to be collected here by Laura and Femke
- An: 'Never speak about an issue without the person concerned being in the room.'
15/10/2020 Agnes Quackels (preparation for Constant contribution How to make movement)
- How do these guidelines work for internal troubles? It seems they are mainly for event-based situations. But what if people have long-term working relationships, how do these guidelines operate?
- Interest in how to imagine/think contracts between organisations: i.e. decoratelier <-> Kaaitheater
12/10/2020 discussion Dona
- - Guidelines are slowly getting included in contracts, support letters. Ref. KASK project Peter; contract with Observatory. Does this work? Do the guidelines hold for these situations?
- - Add new CC4r or not to the guidelines?
28-8-20 Alchorisma
- go through specific cases with specific tools... example/analysis
- analyze case of School of Love over coffee (Adva)
- pictures: there should be 2 different questions: do you want to share it on Constant? Do you want to share it on commercial platforms?
26/05/2020 DIFF
- - It is getting very long ... 1st version 2125 wrds, second 2255 wrds (only 125 extra, feels like a lot).
- More contrast between short and long?- - How do we address on-line work (test)
19/05/2020 Discussion Newcleus
- - Clarify paragraph on taking pictures and licenses
- - Reconsider this sentence: 'The guidelines are meant to create potentiality for all, and sometimes this is done by restricting the space taken by some.' How we can we explain, should we explain that the s
ensation of restrictiveness is probably a marker of privilege / do we need to talk about privilege - - Check other/newer/closer codes to inform our harassment paragraph by, to reconsider that paragraph
//////////// NEW VERSION MAY 19 2020 /////////////////
26/09 -> 25/11/2019 Constant_V Collaboration guidelines
08/11 -> 16/11/2019 Collective Conditions worksession
- Discussions on consent:
- Repeating issues with/discussions on the need for making time for consent, assumptions of agency/control/empowerment and the ability to re-commit, continued consent or changing your mind. Different practices/geneologies of consent: as a notion used by activists and legislators. Implicit, explicit and associated consent.
- From discussions on transformative justice + anti-carceral activism + queering damage:
- The last part of the guidelines ('What if these Guidelines are not met?') does not convince anyone. Several discussions throughout the week on how to deal with this. If there are Guidelines, they need to address responsibility and consequences in some way? At the same time, we feel that we might unwillingly reproduce carceral politics (rules -> punishment). But how to approach this? We understand such guidelines as performative documents, so what you write about consequences becomes performative in itself?
- Experiments with having every day two other 'listeners' (otherwise known as whisper-bots) in the room, ie volonteers (not: organisers) that amplify, deflect, gather or document signals of transgression. Interesting experience of de-centralisation and collectivised responsibility.
- Assuming that crime/harassment is not just other people's problems. Attempt to work with practices from Transformative Justice:
- Another discussion thread on the differences of 'calling out' vs. 'calling in': How to take care of someone who doesn't care?
- Concern about proceduralisation of guidelines, whereby people become functionaries and not part of the situation: who we are is entangled with how we see problems. Timing matters: processes for immediate action and safety, and ones for long term response. In general, understanding that guidelines cannot be (left) alone: it needs a lot more than precise formulations. Need for developing practices, shared experiences, continuous work.
- A Critical COC discussion:
- - most COC we dealt with did not deal with class/economic differences (asside for maybe mentioning class as one of possible discrimination axis)
- - very few are simple enough in text-density / language level / terminology used (at least to be widely accessible or offer way to catch-up and enter as an outsider)
- - what is the space/time for checking-in/confirmations of commitments
- Discussions on audio-visual gymnastics:
- Relates to this part of the guideline: 'Do not share photographs or recordings on proprietary social networks unless explicit consent by all involved.'
- How to not respond to surveillance capitalism by stopping to make and share pictures? How to keep abundance, pleasure, possibilities in documentation; what ways to become visible as collectives, especially when we refuse to be visible as identifiable individuals. Or is there no way out of the dominant regime of exploited visibility?
- Experiments with audio-visual gymnastics. Other imaging practices that re-orient cameras away from faces and ways to sollicit on-the-spot consent of participants, rather than as a general rule or consent beforehand. Protocols for sorting through images afterwards (no immediate publishing).
- Also: watch out for discrimination/exclusion based on use of specific technologies: explain what is the problem with these structures (fb, pomme, ...) and how to or not relate this to the use of apps, etc.
- Notes from the Modes d'emploi tables / on arrival:
Conflating "maternalise" and "paternalise" is a problematic linguistic move because it is conceptually putting them at the same level in tems of patterns of oppression and violence; even though they have historically never been equal. So not to say that maternalising doesn't exist, but whether that it doesn't have the same weight than paternalising -
- These guidelines are very good at creating a sense of community, common sense and will but we have to be careful that if someone doesn't comply to it, this person actually falls out of the "community"
- It is good to know that for instance here Constant people are mindful towards the compliance of these guidelines but a good way to involve participants so to share the responsibility towards each other would be to decide on a rotating team of participants who are not only very mindfuls during exchanges but are also the persons to go to if something went wrong in regards to the guidelines
8/11/2019 JM
- Re: Notes from the Modes d'emploi tables / on arrival:
I can say from experience that maternalism can be harmful, on an individual level this can cause greater problems than equivalent problems. Perhaps such normative opinions should be minimalised in guidelines?
8/11/2019 Helen
I would suggest using "informed by" or "found useful" rather than "inspired by" because of the content of the text, somehow "inspired by" for me feels a bit uncomfortable and I think its because of the affective qualities of the word inspire (which include excite) and maybe because so often (and so wrongly) harrassment complaints become fetishised as "exciting" in complaint processes.
14/10/2019 Algemene Vergadering Constant
- It might help people understand what Constant is and does; a kind of manual for those who do not already know.
- To 'come closer' to Constant what takes time. This is a social process, and guidelines might nog help or be in the way even.
26/09/2019 Constant_V Vernissage
When writing dossiers, we try to avoid negative statements and negative language. Is there a way to approach the guidelines with a similar attitude?EkThis would give things like: Constant is committed to environments where possible futures, complex collectivities and desired technologies can be experimented without fear.Constant is committed to environments where possible futures, complex collectivities and desired technologies can be experimented with joy and freedom.The spaces that we initiate are therefore explicitly opposed to sexism, racism, queerphobia, ableism and other kinds of hatefulness. The spaces that we initiate are therefore explicitly inviting everything but sexism, racism, queerphobia, ableism and other kinds of hatefulness.
Because of the intensity of exchanges and interactions during worksessions, there are moments of disagreement and discomfort which are not to be avoided at any cost, but instead need to be acknowledged and discussed within the limits of your own safety and sanity.Because of the intensity of exchanges and interactions during worksessions, there can be moments of disagreement and discomfort which are not to be avoided at any cost, but instead need to be acknowledged and discussed within the limits of your own safety and sanity. Even if some of the below guidelines sound obvious, we have experienced that being together is not always as self-evident as it might seem.Even if some of the below guidelines sound obvious, we have experienced that being together can be more complicated as it might seem. Don’t speak for others. Do not intrude or impose yourself.Speak for yourself only. Give other people space. (leave space for others?) Exchange information, experiences and knowledge. Don’t patronise nor matronise.Exchange information, experiences and knowledge. Others always know as much as you, it might take more time to discover it. etc.
20/09/2019: Constant aan Zee. Discussion with members + Constant team
- The point of guidelines is maybe to de-naturalize behaviours. Does this interfere with making space for precarity @ Constant?
- Proposal to reorganise document; for example: bring short version to the front before the 'commitment' which contains some complicated language. In general: document is long and structure complex? Things get easily overlooked.
- Some of the examples (for example: 'dead names' in the 'no harassment'-section) are hard to understand if you are not already aware, so misses the point
- This might be a courageous step; to make such issues/guidelines explicit, given the current times.
- 'Support and foreground the use of Free Libre and Open Source software' sounds like a prerequisite. It should not be that someone who does not know about FLOSS already, cannot discover it with Constant.
- The 'we' in this document is ambiguous, on purpose. But how does that really work? Many questions about how to take collective responsibility for this, and where Constant is or should be (end)responsible.
- Are these some kind of house-rules? But where does the 'house' begin and end? How to not make this territorial? (maybe it is more a 'field' - ref. Kate Rich)
- List of hateful -isms: add ageism?
Questions about tone: imperatif or not? In general, multiple but different allergies surface to wordings/tone. Might need multiple versions for catholics, calvinists, anarchists, puritans, anti-imperialists, ...- How to not forget that the auto-restrictions that this document might produce, also generate possibilities for others (ref. Jara Rocha)?
- 'Do not share photographs or recordings on proprietary social networks unless explicit consent.' (and following text in long version) is causing confusion. Why not consent forms? It is an attempt to make space for media/visual production on other terms (agendas not set by GAFAM), instead of minimilizing situations where images can be made and shared. Might be in conflict with GDPR? It might even be in conflict with FAL... Does this mean Constant gallery needs a 'non-commercial' license? Need to think this through more.
Proposal to add to short guidelines: 'accept the limits of your understanding' -- not everything can always be processed at the same time/level/speed by everyone (ref. Algolit)- One should be able to print this document from the website! (print CSS needs attention)
19/09/19: Collective Conditions participant
- How will the questions documented on this page, lead to changes in the next version?
03/09/19: Questions collected for Open Scores exhibition, Berlin
- Constant decided to go for 'Collaboration Guidelines'. Should we call this a Code of Conduct, a community commitment, guidelines, rules, Codes of Conflict, Community Health Files, ...
- What if other collectives/individuals participate with their own guidelines, should there be a compatibility check?(collaboration cannot be on Constant's terms only?)
- Where do conditions for collaboration start and end?
- Are these guidelines just stating the obvious?
- How to make sure all participants are aware of these guidelines? Do we need to invent a test? A training programme?
- It seems this document can only grow ... Should it be a lot simpler?
- Is reading and understanding this document now a precondition for participation?
- What about transphobia, speciesism, ...?
- What do we mean by collaboration? Can participants that are not (yet) present collaborate?
- Are other variants needed to apply these guidelines to online platforms?
- What if someone feels really uncomfortable with one or more of these guidelines?
- What do we do if someone refuses to keep with the guidelines?
- Can't we just not have written rules?
- Does/should the legal system already take care of (some of) this?
- The rules apply to people. What about the techno-industrial complex they bring along?
- There is an elephant in the room. It is called GAFAM!
- Will these rules now make artistic collaboration very complicated? Will Constant change (in a bad way?)
- It is important to be explicit about what counts as harassment. But how to do that in a good way?
- Is there a way to make these guidelines digestible/materialize them?
- Why now? Some Free Software communities have had similar guidelines in place for years
- Do we need to acknowledge the geneology of authorship for these guidelines, if so how?
- If the guidelines change all the time, how do you know which one counts?
- Isn’t telling people how to behave, in itself a violation of our own guidelines (don’t patronise, don’t matronise)?
- We did not include any concrete commitment to accessibility (but we do say: 'no ableism')!