> conviviaal 

arrival - 
/ cutting circles – cutting stripes/
setting up
- tune/

<video: local: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uMbpaFp3i4>
Hello machine
Carroll Ballard
directed by Carroll Ballard (Never Cry Wolf, The Black Stallion), The Hello Machine is a short, wordless film-poem, in which he chronicles the building of an entire ESS Mainframe.  It is a poetic musing on the connections between handwork and the act of communicating. The making and building the mainframe with human hands an artistic masterpiece, then brought to life by electricity. Ballard's stance is that it takes humans to connect humans, not machines. 
Funny when i saw the name. I was happy i could refer to a woman, or address in that case identity politics of ooooo because we are feminist not biological essentialists. 
we consider the body as non binary. the body as in human flesh, bacterias hormones,  water- wetware - opposed to the zero one one one one zero one one.
our technology is biased, it is conceived and developped by cis heteronormative privilged men. Decolonoize our technologies - 
emancipation. in hadware, software - as sysadmin.  

e.g syadmin on anarchserver a feminst server.

Digital re-affectation -* body relations with our technology.

<http://p-node.org/# - Recaptcha>

CAPTCHA is a backroniem "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". 
Het is een script op het internet which cheks you are a human and not a bot. The (slow) reaction speed and the semantic regognition are a proof 
logins  +.ReCAPTCHA's doenst only secure your human identity, it  exploit also humans as their cognitive labour is injecected in the making smarter of algoritmes.
Even your access - get's monetized or instrumentalized.

for TouchTime with Miljan Vukicevic.

<http://flatbreadsociety.net/ramona >

> Futurefarmers / Flatbread society - commons - grains, one is the breughel grain- pajottenland.
land, sea, electomagnetic spectrum - frequencies is a critical natural resource.

<img - electromagnetic spectrum>
< sattelites in orbit - declaracion de bogota>
Referring to 1976 ‘Declaracion de Bogota’ - a gathering of equatorial countries and indigenous people on their concern on geostationary sattelites: they wanted to be part of decision making and the policy. 

Middelheim : 
Do you receive me?
<img - middeleheim>
the audette was tansformed in a light house - emitting in morse code the messages of the famers we met alone the journey.
knowing that accidents can happen- https://community.dewereldmorgen.be/images/cache/community_large/2011/07/24/dsc-7302-erwin-wurm-resize.jpg

<scipt morse2ascii Documents/PERFORM/PERFORM-thereisastorm/morse-tijs.wav>

SOUND ON OF / print - dot dot dash
-Telegraph system in the 1830s that would use electrical current pulses to travel via wires from one location to another. 
<image> https://www.cmuse.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/v-for-victory-beethoven.jpg
Symphony of beethoven - played a role in Allied broadcasts during World War II. after Hitler  appropiated him fo his German romantic nationalism Written in C minor, a key he often used for compositions that are powerful, turbulent, and heroic. Appropriation always supposed a discourse on power, as in who appropiates what of whom 
V The idea of using the “V” as a symbol of resistance came from Victor de Laveleye, a Belgian producer, who saw this as unifying the Flemish and French speakers. He picked “V” because it was the first letter of the French word Victoire (victory) and the Flemish word Vrijheid (freedom). As part of his broadcast on January 14, 1941, he encouraged the people of Belgium to paint a “V” on everything possible. This was their symbol for standing up to the Germans. dot-dot-dot-dash, or three short clicks and one long. People equated it with the opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. That four-note motif was played on the timpani before every BBC wartime broadcast to Europe.

- test axoloti  *


Data / Medium /carrier

RP Boo- Speakers R-4 (Sounds)

 carrier? in relation to technology - magnetic tape - optical - printer
> modem 56K         -radioprogamma - software.commodre /         https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary_c64
< fax machine >

encoding, sending, receiving decoding
modulating, sending, receving, demodulating

Electromagic - Crystelling

print to sound --------------------------------------------------------
style figures / - onomatopea / - ideophone :         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideophone         ( Bouba/kiki effect )
Hypermedi-q / Hypermedial intellegentie – before web 2.0 -  - cocreatie /  hyperlinks / start to browse.
What You See Is What You Hear

- annotation /         compositions
Crumb - Twelve Fantasy-Pieces after the Zodiac for Amplified Piano                
With so many notes, this score would be difficult for any pianist to read if it was laid out simply on the page. Luckily, this piece by Crumb also contains three detailed pages of instructions, with movements including Primeval Sounds, Crucifixus and Spiral Galaxy.
Centie ped Katkleen St john 
Netty Simons - Silver Thaw (1969): https://prousteatsasandwich.com/2017/08/11/sidetracked-by-netty-simons
Pauline Olivireos

- credits /         splitsheets.
The masterclass The Ability to Split
Split sheet *
Recently we were inivited in the interface project of Melissa Logan with QO-2
From Split Sheets to the Streets: 
It was a TV show format - - video you can find online -  with spots - no beamer . statement. and A4 papers
how we credit, share and collect for intellectual property today and tomorrow

biodivesity - indegeouns
without accepting the legal premises of the property regime > neo-liberal trade regime which is self serving and imperialist. We need to redistribute our language, visions, ..  in the public domain, and licence to protect a critical stance in the current regime. 

Intellectual property is a regulatory structure  in this 'information' society. It inhibits the right to 'access' and hence to participate in the creation, innovation and production of alternatives and widening the gap between ‘rich’ and ‘poor’. 

Freedom can’t be mere licence | liberties are not libertarian. Freedoms carries out responsibilities. Free speech -  is a constitutional right and intellectual property limits freedom of expression. Infringing international human rights: it is human nature to share and we need cultural diversity - : /biodiversity – indigenous : seeds, music, herbs, medicine, codes, machines …