*Floor meeting
*September 22
- Introducing Charline, our new manager !
- Cleaning corridors
- Entrakt update
- Electric meter
- Corona measures
- Money pot/common space
- Post-Hacktiris / Permanent
- Open atelier with LVL5
*Introducing Charline, new Overtoon manager
Since September, replaces Saartje. charline@overtoon.org
*Telegram group is created.
Double cleaning services? Also garbage?
Not possible for the employer to have a cleaner on Sunday.
The proposal of the cleaning service : Monday and Thursday would be 180 euros more per month. Excl VAT.
This can start 1st of October.
Aernoudt: we don't have a budget for that.
If we do it we have to adjust the costs for everybody.
Should we do an effort and be back on cleaning tours?
We'll ask Marialena to update the tour list.
The lonely people need to be incorporated to a group (for example Antje joins OSP)
Still Charline will do a map of waht would represent the cost of a double cleaning and then we decide.
One a month big cleaning of the corridors.
*Big Space
Marilyne is the only one who's here. Christophe Hefti, Julien Pik and Lucille are there quite often but there is a lot of ghost desks.
Hopefully there is a big space meeting next Monday so Marilyne will try to have a clearer view on who's there.
Is Katrien still coordinating/still renting there? Not clear now whether anyone knows who's using the space. David Weber Krebs makes the transfers.
Every cost the building have we have to pay for it. The lighting, heating, broken doors, etc...
For the moment 8000 euros.
Until now we never payed the heating and the recurrent cost.
Until March we payed additional provisionnal charges but we stopped in March (this goes for all floors).
Aernoudt: We are always fighting in groups.
Diederik (who succeeded Marion) quit last Friday.
We'll now have to pay in advance for the heating.
Charline: asking assistance etc from Entrakt can lead to higher costs.
Jesse: sometimes urgencies (front door, etc)
Sarah: they're already breeching the contract, we also.
Pablo: It's now a kinf of tour de force. They could stop the heating if they want.
Aernoudt: Do we know any lawyers who can help us?
Ludi: Smart? Amplo?
Marilyne: An asbl rue Berckmans do advice for free.
Jesse: see with Kantine floor if we can join for lawyer cost ?
Aernoudt: First another meeting with all floors.
*Electric meter
Electric costs are quite expensive, Overtoon asked for individual box for each floor. Entrakt contacts owner for permissions.
Last week : Entrakt announced that Mai or June 2021 is the end of the contract.
Wouter proposed that Fars installs his hair dressing salon in the toilet blocks in the back.
Security issue: we agree that it should be on appointment, and that he should get the customers from the front door and bring them back.
Would be nice to organise a tour so that he meets everybody.
*Money pot/common space
Samah isn't there, but we think she's planning to reinitiate the lunches.
aRzu installed plant shelves. Everybody is welcome to bring plants. Rob proposes swap of baby plants.
The plan is to go to a pepinière to find some other baby plants and ground. We could go get lamps, couches at the same time.
aRzu: Open a part of the panel between common space and kitchen? Window, to pass dishes etc.
Rob: It's easy to displace the door, just need specific tools for a metal part.
We agree that we ask the person who helped us at WTC for this.
*Open atelier
Level Five organises for general public. 6 and 7 of November would be the dates
Rob: So two open days where we welcome public visitors. Not sure whether this can happen physically. 3000 euros from VGC that we'll be spend to build a website where people can present themself.
An other format would be radio. Every week one interview will be published.
Physically it's also doable with one direction to circulate and slot to reserve for the visits.
The event will be promoted on Instagarm.
How can we at the 6th Floor be involved?
Rob: You could do something/the same at the same dates. Emma & Chloé are organising video programme. (looping around every 2 hours)
We could plan a projection too on the 6th floor cinema room.
Performance/sound art in the conference room?
Rob: Would be cool to make cross-overs between the floors. Poster with photos, floorplan, names. Intro text Level Five. Could be interesting to have one for this floor as well.
Print plans with names and a small text presentation of the floor.
Osp will check with Deal what they are doing.
Soon Level Five meeting about this (end of September), someone of us should be there to take info to us.
October 5 is the next Level 5 forum.
aRzu: Ask around on floor who's interested. (Overtoon cannot make it)
Ludi: Even if only 3 people are presenting, it would still be a nice occasion to make a flyer showing all users, etc.
*Post Hacktiris / Permanent
End of our rent probably June 2021.
Aernoudt: different solutions thinkable. For instance: Citydev.
Rob: We had a meeting with Citydev about shortterm solutions, specifically about Delhaize site Osseghem next to West Station. We didn't hear about that anymore.
Fire fighers station at Helihavenlaan could be a possibility for Permanent (because only in 4 or 5 years or so), also other groups.
Jesse : A new servece will open and we'll ask for it in the report. A regional service, competence of the region.
2nd point we do to VGC is to start an non profit to coordinate and organise spaces rent for artist and to be supported for thet by the VGC.
One and half week ago Jesse and Rob organised a Brssels artists meeting.
VGC said they wanted also to see how to join forces with the COCOCF.
Rob: for sure unite the different initiatives, avoid competition. Organise assembly of studio spaces, create mapping, show how they're organised?
So first make visible the groups of artist and show where they are now.
Timeplan VGC: budget & 5 year plan by the end of this year.
Rob: Open studios can be instrumental moment to invite influential people.
*Rooftop Bar
Marilyne: went there to have a coffee and smoke a cigarette, manager/waiter got really angry. How private is it?
Probably private.
Dirty water is drained through the building's drain pipes that end on the street. Stinks.
Rob thinks they'll stay open during winter.