Annotated selection: (sporadically available)

Contributions by Michel Cleempoel, Yves Bernard, Martino M, Natacha Roussel, Renee Turner, Jara Rocha, Seda Guerses, Marcell Mars, Robert M. Ochshorn, Dusan Barok, Alexia de Visscher, Femke Snelting

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1. With the help of Dusan Barok (Monoskop) I started to look into the actual structure of the Universal Decimal Classification and it is fascinating to see the way he thought connections. What if we tried to re-materialize this structure in the context of a semantic wiki? It would not be about resurrecting UDC litterally but somehow to understand it's intentions and potential through poetic research. I am of course thinking about Tagging Matters, early Active Archives thinking and our discussions on RDF. -> pages 17-60

2. The collection of 24.000 image squares that R.O. scraped from the Mundaneum collection on Google Institute still fascinates me and I would love to look at it with you to see if we could find a way to publish them on this wiki in a way that makes sense. I am wondering about their scale and how to locate/contextualize them, possibly without
restoring them to downloadable large-scale images.

3. The Fathers of the internet story (I re-titled it: 'We don't live in that kind of world') is built around many videos, subtitled in both French and English. But I still have not found a way to publish the material on-line. I might have found ways by the time we meet (I'll spend most of my time in January on that), but it would be very useful for me if we
could look at how to deal with it in the context of Mondotheque.

4. I am preparing an interview with colleague Dries Moreels, now 'head of digital innovations' at the Ghent Boekentoren. Before he started to work there (2008), Boekentoren signed a 7 year collaboration agreement (under NDA) with Google. Dries is now responsible for executing the agreement that is about to expire and is interested in a conversation.

5. Otlet In Brussels. Rework the notes from the Otlet Tour into a tourguide, to trace Otlet and the Mundaneum through Brussels

6. Combine image archive with Feed To Be Fed

De Belgische universalist en documentalist Paul Otlet stierf in 1944 als een gedesillusioneerd man. Tijdens zijn leven had hij Het Mundaneum, een encyclopedisch overzicht van de menselijke kennis dat “geleidelijk een permanente en volledige weergave van de hele wereld zou vormen” slechts gedeeltelijk kunnen realiseren. Terwijl Otlet op dit moment wordt herontdekt als 'een grondlegger van het Internet', heeft Google de overblijfselen van zijn archief in Bergen geadopteerd. Bergen is behalve de geboortestad van ex-premier Elio Di Rupo, ook gunstig gelegen naast een van de grootste datacenters van Google in Europa.
Mondotheque was de imaginaire machine die Paul Otlet bedacht om informatie te bewaren, te classificeren en te verspreiden. De website laat zich door het werk van Otlet inspireren om kritisch te kijken naar de manier waarop kennis vandaag de dag wordt beheerd en verspreid. Naast poetische experimenten met het 20e eeuwse Universeel Decimaal Systeem in de context van Het Semantisch Web van nu, een wandelroute door Brussel waarin we de zwerftocht van Het Mundaneum op de voet volgen en een exploratie van de omvangrijke en belangwekkende collectie digitale documenten die exclusief op een commerciele site wordt aangeboden, worden op de site de recente toenaderingen tussen de internet gigant, lokale overheden en Het Mundaneum in kaart gebracht.
De site is een voorbereiding op een zomerse interventie in het kader van Mons 2015. Met bijdragen van Nicolas Maleve, Michael Murtaugh, Dick Reckard, Natacha Roussel, Alexia De Visscher, Femke Snelting, Dusan Barok, Marcell Mars en vele anderen.

how to download Google Art and why

marshall plan:

google for government

html5 subtitles


As  it turned out, sharing was not broken. Sharing was working fine and  dandy, Google just wasn’t part of it. People were sharing all around us  and seemed quite happy. A user exodus from Facebook never materialized. I  couldn’t even get my own teenage daughter to look at Google+ twice,  “social isn’t a product,” she told me after I gave her a demo, “social  is people and the people are on Facebook.”

Aymeric: define cultural freedom in the age of digital openness

What is this book: "le mundaneum: Google de papier JP Deplus, 2010" ?

introductie van Di Rupo: Internet in Belgie

librarians are last basion of non-commercial public space
Shinjoung Yeo and James Jacobs - first sale doctrine, does not work for digital content
not selling but licensing info, libraries are renting info

Opening up the gates guarding cultural reservoirs is a first step, as Google tries to reconfigure cultural spaces for incorporation into its evolving business of information. The next step, also ongoing, is to wrap up these newly-opened spaces with glittering technologies that combine convenience, efficiency and newness. The distinctive technical feature of Google’s cultural project is that users are able to zoom in and out on paintings and sculptures, to see even the finest brushstrokes and to virtually stroll through museums. The technology that powers this “new and improved” art experience – “Street View” – supplements CIA-based satellite and geospatial imaging programs that Google acquired in 2004, and which are embedded in its Google Earth and Google Maps services.
Shinjoung Yeo

Document om te (proberen) te vinden:

*Overeenkomst Mundaneum met Google (Maart 2012)
*Overeenkomst Boekentoren met Google (2007)
*De overdracht van het Mundaneum van Brussel naar Bergen

"Het principe dat archieven moeten worden bijeengehouden per archief­vormende organisatie",nl_BE/

Dries Moreels: 
We hebben een contract van 7 jaar; daarna mogen we doen wat we willen. Gedurende die 7 jaar scant Google alles voor ons; wij krijgen toegang tot de files (infrastructuur verantwoordelijkheid Boekentoren) en tekst bestanden. Restricties: we mogen geen eigen interface bouwen, en gebruikers die via Google books onze boeken terugvinden krijgen geen toegang tot het tekstmateriaal. We mogen ook de data niet en masse doorsluizen (verkopen?) naar andere organisaties.
Het is een geode deal; duidelijk. Er zijn erger voorbeelden van publiek-private samenwerkingen waar niets beschikbaar wordt gemaakt (verwijst naar Barbara van Dijk case).
Cultural institute dat is mist; Google books dat zijn professionals (ie een rij advocaten)
Ik zie het probleem niet - de boeken zijn gratis zoekbaar; 250.000 boeken worden elk jaar op z'n minst een keer geraadpleegd; daar doe je het toch voor?
And even though we had an idea, it was Google Books' digitization  project that revealed how extraordinary the University's historical  collection really is, as was recently illustrated yet again during the  research project that was at the basis of the exhibition Piranesi, the Ghent University's print collection.

Partnerschap: vrijdag 25 mei 2007 + 7 jaar
Het partnerschap is een mooi voorbeeld van [...] ons innovatiebeleid,  namelijk een samenwerking tussen private en publieke partners', aldus de  minister van Wetenschap en Innovatie.

"Alleen boeken die ouder zijn dan zeventig jaar worden ingescand."
Waarom tekst niet beschikbaar? Omfloerste vorm van DRM (hoe kun je uitgevers overtuigen beschikbaar te maken en niet Google/Boekentoren)

Wat een vreemd beleid, wtf heeft het met innovatie te maken?!

Verder zijn deze boeken eigendom van de wereld, dat ze nu eindelijk  bevreid worden is een goede zaak. Ik hoop dat Google dan ook zo  vriendelijk is om een kopie naar Project Gutenberg te sturen.                                                                   

Terugtrekkende overheid

David Garcia:

From communications to vice-director: Delphine Jenart

An European project: From industrial heartland to Internet age

Google + jobs in The Netherlands:
"De Nederlandse overheid is actief betrokken geweest bij de keuze van  Google voor Nederland. Onder andere het Netherlands Foreign Investment  Agency (NFIA) en de Noordelijke Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (NOM) hebben  zich ingespannen voor de komst van het internetbedrijf. Begin 2016 kan het centrum in gebruik genomen worden."

lu ceci: sur

(réservé aux abonnés, je vous mets la conclusion...) 

Les Enjeux Eplosifs de la Culture... 

Mons 2015 pose une autre question. *La FWB s'est engagée à verser en  2015 10 millions d'euros en plus* et non plus 3 ou 4 millions comme les  années précédentes. 

On sera donc devant un mur : payer Mons 2015, décider sur les demandes  urgentes de contrats-programme des compagnies que les non-indexations  successives ont mis sur les genoux (ces contrats influent directement  sur le niveau d'emploi des artistes); lever un moratoire devenu  intenable sur les infrastructures, gérer un statut d'artiste contesté,  etc., et cela avec un budget sans doute en baisse ! On n'échapperait pas  alors à des choix plus sélectifs et douloureux. 

voir aussi rapport/bilan de Fadila "Focus Culture 2013" sur www.

Letter to Stephanie Manfroid (unsent)
Notes meeting with Natacha + Martino 28/02/14


Julia Rone
What   is the connection between capitalism, patriarchy and (cultural)   heritage "Property Relations: Renewing the Anthropological Tradition"

Natacha Roussel
10   dec 2013 la ministre de la culture: Anne Laure Filippetti refuse    l'invitation à l'inauguration de l'institut culturel google (rue de   Londres dans le marais) elle invoque:  «   La  question de l'équité fiscale, celle de la protection des données    personnelles, celle de la protection de la diversité culturelle et   enfin  le dossier des droits d'auteurs. » Par ailleurs, dans « l'automne numérique » (politique    numérique du ministère) sont traités des sujets comme la mise en   valeur  du domaine public et l'ouverture des données du domaine public    culturel, poursuit la ministre.
I   think one of the problem is that google licenses their images (high   resolution caption of art work) which creates cases of     enclosure of   public domain belonging + obviously no funding for showing artwork on   their virtual museum which creates strong     interferences from a   private entity  with usual museum functioning (aside from the fact that   their is no funding either for living artists)........... 
also a good article here
and of course (however less explicit)

some   more notes about incorporating information to life, pervasiveness and   invisibility as know illusion, it is I guess rather a question of   openess curiosity that creates lively possibility within documentation   structures, it is about personnal action rather than accessibility,   about strongly existing and sharing rather than easyness I really like   the reflection about google's tunnel as a process of detachment from  the  world part of an ongoing process that might be a new capitalistic  phase  >>> hence the importance to keep information alive and   attached to the world.

How to differentiate between the two systems (Otlet vs. Google) to understand why Google  can but should not assimilate Otlet:
*Otlet    willing to create a dynamic information structure where traffic would    impact content, while Google uses content and identity to create an    economical force of power
*Generative production of knowledge vs. reductionist source of control
*Wikipedia vs. Google?
*From a world of sensorialities to a world of organisation?
*A dynamic organization vs world domination
*Was   Otlet aiming to make an archiving model that would foster dynamic   organisation, not necessarily participative as in wikipedia but rather   focused on relations as in hypertext, or  rather  mapping out dynamic set of relations constantly forming new  patterns  between themselves. More than a content archive this would be a  "relation archive"; this is what is dynamic about it
*Google is the most adaptative structure, however, because it works on individualistic premisces   it should not integrate Otlet that has conceived a structure made from   exchanges a system not aiming at fostering power relation but rather   dynamic exchanges.
*Why did UIA move to Den Hague in 1938??

Marthe Van Dessel
What to make of the letter that Otlet apparently wrote to Hitler

Roel Roscam Abbing
Hoe   dan ook, wat me opviel aan het verhaal van Paul Olet is dat Google   juist bezig is met het schrijven/beschrijven/herschrijven van zijn  eigen  verleden. In plaats van te roepen hoe nieuw ze zijn zeggen ze  eigenlijk  hoe oud ze zijn. Ze  plaatsen zich  heel bewust in een historische context die anders is dan  de de context  waaruit het bedrijf is ontstaan, wat een boeiende stap  is.  Tegelijkertijd is het voor Mons, DiRupio en Wallonie een manier om  te  laten zien hoe nieuw/innovatief zij wel niet zijn!

Connections between Google and cybernetics theorists and implications ...

Colonialism   in Otlet and Google (problematics of universalist world view for  both).  Find where it is different from Walmart, Amazon moving in.


The result is that this perspective leads one necessarily to
consider   all creation simultaneously as reinvestments, revalorizations of   mankinds's activities. The object, reality or ''presence'' takes on   value only as an agent of ''becoming''. But it is impossible to   establish a future without a past. The future is made through   relinquishing or sacrificing the past. He who possesses the past of a   phenomenon also possesses the sources of its becoming. Europe will   continue to be the source of modern development. Here, the only problem   is to know who would have the right to sacrifices and to the   relinquishments of this past, that is who will inherit the futurist   power. I wish to rejuvenate European culture. I begin with art. Our  past  is full of becoming. One needs only to crack open the shells.   ''Détournement'' is a game born out of the capacity for   ''devalorization.'' Only he who is able to devalorize can create new   values. And only there where there is ''something'' to devalorize, that   is an already established value, can one engage in devalorization. It  is  up to us to devalorize or be devalorized according to our ability  to  reinvest in our own culture. There remain only two possibilities for  us  in Europe: to be sacrificed or to sacrifice. It is up to you to  choose  between the historical monument and the act that merits it.

text: Asger Jorn. Translated form the French and annotated by Thomas Y. Levin. (c) 1988
MIT Press, Cambridge MA, USA
Original   text Peinture détournée, first published in "Vingt peintures modifées   par Asger Jorn", exhibition catalogue, Paris, Galerie Rive Gauche, May   1959.

Look at history of Autoworld

Renee Turner
If   you wanted to get autobiographical with your analysis of Google's   embracing of Otlet - it could be interesting to look at the fact that   Larry Page was absolutely phobic about winding up like Nikola Tesla -   who he thought was the smarter man but had no commercial sense like   Edison, the latter being a brutal economic Darwinist with a will to  win.  With that it mind, I find it almost comical that Google would now   fabricate its history around Otlet's Utopian enterprise. It's almost   contradictory to Page's will to being the greatest of media moguls.

Larry Page: You   don't want to be Tesla. He was one of the greatest inventors, but   it's  a sad, sad story. He couldn't commercialize anything, he could   barely  fund his own research. You'd want to be more like Edison. If  you  invent  something, that doesn't necessarily help anybody. You've  got to   actually get it into the world; you've got to produce, make  money doing   it so you can fund it.


Gustave Abeels, president des Amis de palais mondial en 1983

"Monsieur  ABEELS Gustave (prof de néerlandais) un VRAI rotzak...mais TRES  TRES  TRES intelligent, l'emmerdant c'est que tout l' monde devait le savoir."


*Marcel Otlet died in 1966 ?
*See how bibliology refers to Otlet as a "father" but/and takes its root in historical classification systems (Natacha)
*Talk to Michel Cleempoel
*Interview Yves Bernard - Natacha
*Project OSP mapping?
*Incorporate Fork Workers?
*Coal - Intellectual Property - Data and the oil of the 21st century
*Source for statement Francoise Levie - check Otlet looking for Mussolini/Hitler patronage
*Think through "erfgoed" meets "territory" as an axe
*Find someone to help check financial/labour details
*Find out more, visit (Google) Cultural Institute
*Journalist for Di Rupo? Biography Di Rupo? Francis Van de Woestyne (chef La Libre)
*Di Rupo and family values
*Check   story MF and former director Mundaneum on pregnancy leave (Josiane   Roelants? Eerste directeur in 1994: Jean-François Füeg!)
*CLPCF  vs Mundaneum (Liege vs Mons): Between 1983 and 1992, the CLPCF spent  26  million on this project. Maurice Demolin, Eric Tomas ...


*Stéphanie Manfroid (responisble archives Mundaneum)
*Thomas Hapke (Luehneburg, Hamburg)


Jean-François Füeg, Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 95:147-156 (2000) 

Cahiers de la documentation – Bladen voor documentatie – 2012/2
HUBRIS OR UTOPIA? Megalomania and imagination in the work of Paul Otlet

Robert Estival, Paul Otlet dans l'histoire de la Bibliologie

Cérisier, Bettina ; Füeg, Jean-François (coord.). Un Internet
de papier, le Mundaneum. Éditions Mundaneum, 1998, 80p.

Füeg,   Jean-François. Le Mundaneum d’Otlet à Internet, une machine à faire la   paix. In: Roelants-Abraham, Josiane (éd.). Information et  documentation:  du réel au virtuel. Commémoration du XXe anniversaire de  la section  INFO-DOC. Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1998, p. 105-114.

Paul   Otlet (1868-1944) Fondateur du mouvement bibliogique international Par   Jacques Hellemans (Bibliothèque de l’Université libre de Bruxelles,   Premier Attaché)

Mention "Google du papier"

Happy New Year "Pere de l'idee de l'internet"


Make AA version; subtitle and translate videos EN - FR

At least one more public lecture/presentation in "friendly circles" before March 1

1   March 2014: Ask Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles for a (symbolic) subsidy   "aides à la création/production, à l'édition et pour l'organisation  d'un  évènement"

Before September 2014: publish text + translate in FR


Looking for patronage

"Towards    the end of the documentary, I only found it to be profoundly sad  for    such a principled man who was a staunch pacifist to turn to Hitler  in   a  last-ditch effort. This was a man whose life’s work in cataloguing   and collections was “systematically destroyed,” as the documentary    stated.  Johanna (several posts below) made the point that Otlet’s    ongoing  struggle to fight for his collections is something that   current   librarians and archivists have to deal with today. It made me   think about the extraordinary lengths that Otlet went through to try  to  preserve his work."

Otlet   was a utopian. For him, if everyone shared what they knew, there'd be   no more  war. He proposed to the League of Nations [the first   incarnation of the UN] that  they sponsor his library, but it never   happened. He had a small family  fortune, but in the end he died   completely ruined and alone. He'd asked many countries to  fund his   project - even Hitler's Germany."

"Mais   Otlet aura tout essayé pour concrétiser son projet. Jusqu'à le  proposer  au Troisième Reich, en 1941, parce que le Führer a déclaré sa  volonté  d'une paix juste et stable et que la cité mondiale repose sur  des  principes idéologiques conformes à de tels désiderata ! La fin du  chemin  pour un homme que la démesure aura perdu et dont l'histoire de  ce  siècle n'aura finalement conservé qu'un vague souvenir." (Le Soir, 

Why the Mundaneum is not a Google on Paper

"Situé   à proximité d’un des principaux data center de Google dans le  monde   (Baudour), le musée montois va créer en son sein un espace  didactique   consacré à ces gigantesques fermes à serveurs. Le Mundaneum  sera aussi   le lien entre Google et les opérateurs culturels locaux dans  le cadre   de Mons, Capitale européenne de la Culture en 2015."

Both   Otlet and Google had the notion of a world view it is indeed very   difficult to differentiate how their sense of englobing the world   thoroughly differs. However it feels like Google has an action that  tends to reproduce the world power structure whereas Otlet was looking as structured environment some sort of harmony/choreography where everyone would have its voice.

Obviously   this can be a very scary approach also (as history has already shown,   group choreography are scary...) however it doesn't seem that Otlet has   fallen into that aspect, whatever his relations with money structures   where, he never commited the structure of his project to any direct control  but always continued aiming for peaceful relations.  Otlet and  Lafontaine were implicated in structuring, that is they were  not only  concentrated in how peaceful relations could be obtained  between nation  states (linking them in la société des nations). Nevertheless Otlet  thought of UIA as a way to foster relationships between information  rather than information itself in this sense he is often acknowledged as  being a precursor of the internet. Mostly it is this acknowledgement on  the essential status of relations   that makes for the importance of Otlet's approach, more than its world   view or the precusor view of media, it is the focus on relations that   makes for a dynamic documentation structure.

"Dans   son Traité de documentation publié en 1934, Paul Otlet avait prédit :   "Sous sa forme nouvelle, le livre sera croissance continue" (p.429)  Dans  sa vision, le livre avait pour vocation de prolonger le rêve    encyclopédique des Lumières, de tenter d’englober la complexité du   monde, en n’hésitant pas à se faire réseau, rhizome, structure en   perpétuelle expansion. Chaque livre pourrait ainsi tendre à devenir un  livre-monde, idéalement presque aussi complexe que le monde lui-même."

"Nous   ne pouvons comprendre, aujourd’hui, l’importance de l’œuvre   bibliographique de Paul Otlet,  si nous n’établissons pas sa relation   étroite avec les Encyclopédistes  du siècle des Lumières. Pour les   Encyclopédistes du 18e siècle, Diderot,  d’Alembert et les autres, il   est temps pour l’humanité de faire  l’inventaire de son savoir acquis   dans tous les domaines. L’encyclopédie  sera alors la base de l’essor   des sciences. Pour Paul Otlet, dès la fin  du 19e siècle,  il   est temps de faire l’inventaire de tous les supports de ce savoir,  de   tous les livres et de tous les documents. Toute recherche aujourd’hui    part du document, pour atteindre le savoir. Historiquement, c’est    l’inverse qui s’est produit."
Robert Estival, Paul Otlet dans l'histoire de la Bibliologie

"Otlet   envisioned links that carried meaning by, for example, annotating  if   particular documents agreed or disagreed with each other." Alex Wright,   2008

Link   to semantic web seems more obvious than Wikipedia vs Google. RDF + see   why Tim Berners Lee is mad at Facebook/Google. Google turning down RDF?

According   to Charles van den Heuvel's interpretation, Otlet was proposing a    system in which knowledge would be laid out hierarchically; only a   small  group of scholars would organize the information, and changes   and  annotations would not be blended into existing information, as   Wikipedia  does, but would complement them.


Lesoir (1998): Après toutes ces années, quelle est encorel'actualité du Mundaneum?
Josiane   Roelants: Nos peurs restent celles d'Otlet et de La Fontaine, en  somme.  Ils craignaient l'entrée dans le vingtième siècle, et la guerre;  nous  sommes face aux incertitudes du troisième millénaire. Leur  réponse était  mondiale avec le répertoire bibliographique universel ou  le palais  mondial; la nôtre aussi, avec Internet. En 1895, ils  estimaient déjà  qu'être informé, c'est lutter contre l'obscurantisme et  la dictature.  Mais ils soulignaient aussi que le contrôle de  l'information est un  redoutable instrument de pouvoir.

Francois   Schuiten dans Le Soir: j'ai envie de faire comprendre que l'utopie est   un besoin pour nous tous, aujourd'hui encore. Pour mener à bien cette   tâche, Schuiten et Peeters ont conçu un décor... que personne n'a été   autorisé à voir avant l'inauguration. On sait toutefois qu'il   s'articulera autour d'un globe de trois mètres et demi de diamètre,   animé et lumineux, et qui retracera l'histoire du monde depuis la   création de l'Office international de bibliographie en 1895.

«La   France est la Silicon Valley de la culture et il était une évidence    pour Google d’y installer son institut culturel», a ajouté Nick Leeder    quelques heures plus tard au cours de l’inauguration.


From notes Martino:

So the operation we are trying to get through here is “taking the tool inside life rather than taking life inside the tool”.
Interestingly   enough, the co-founders of Google (Page and Brin) were students of   Winograd, and thus inherited in a subterrean. For example, take the   Google’s homepage (in contrast to the cluttered web-page of Yahoo!).   It’s always ready-to-hand (Zuhandenheit), very clear and uncluttered so   that one types in queries without even thinking about it. To  accelerate  this further, the goal is to make computing invisible,  transparent,  ubiqutious, and integrated into every aspect of life. Then  what becomes  interesting is the “breakdown”, when the engineeried  system no longer  works. This is the kind of operation that Agamben  calls “rendering  inoperable”. For Winograd and Flores, the “breakdown”  is a great  opportunity to fix an engineering problem. The world, left  out of the  classical Cartesian ontology, becomes incorporated into the  cybernetic  system. In this way, the entire Heideggerian ontology can  become part of  all an all encompassing project of enframing. Now, with  the crisis of  capitalism (the detachment of capitalist value from the  world), the  project of incorporating the world directly into a system  of domination  makes increasing sense. It is unclear if this is a new  stage of  capitalism, a further refinement of real subsumption, or  actually a  phase beyond capitalism where many concepts crucial to  capitalism have  been surprassed.


Google Cultural Institute: 8, rue de Londres, Paris

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Fathers of the Internet @ Are You Being Served: +
We do not live in that kind of world @ Public Library: