(since the pad is only one,  i made  a division on each of us so we can have the comments organised )


- Very scattered text, it’s hard for me to concentrate while reading. Maybe it would help if you would instead of quoting so much, rewrite some of the quotes in your own style so it becomes more like a whole and easier to read? I understand, I also thought so, but still, was there anything of note other than this? I will read again now. Hey, Hey!!!!I I reworked it a bit (took out a lot of typos!, i can send it to u! yes please :-)

- "In the case of Gadamer we see the spring/source and in its shade there is a fountain. And to talk about the myth of filiation is on one hand to mention a tree, ‘a passing genealogy’, and on the other hand to speak of chains and things that are in chains: captured, contained.
 Why are there chains? A chain would only seem necessary if a thing moves. So a source in this light would be something that moves yet must be kept in place. " maybe the word chains was used not to say it is chained down, but more in the context of a chain reaction? Or a chain as in a link to other links? EDIT: oh oops you write about this later in the text, I'm writing here in the pad as I'm re-reading your text.

- "Barthes argues that modern texts in particular make it difficult for critics to hold fast to the idea of the “Author-God,” presiding univocally over the “message” of his work, for “[w]e know now that a text is not a line of words releasing a single ‘theological’ meaning [. . .] but a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture”" 
I feel like we have been discussing this a lot in the pad, is funny that we were questioning these old men as the original sources but then Barthes says this, whom I feel is also one of these sources we were indirectly questioning! Changes my perspective. 

- I'm having a hard time understanding what filitation and the myth of filiation mean. I looked it up but still don't really understand. Can someone explain it to me please? :-) 

"So a source in this light would be that moves yet must be kept in place."

"It is said that life takes place around the edges, that notes are taken on the

"Much in the same way we find sometimes the fountain dry, that the links and chains are broken: to run into a wall."


Interesting build up of an essay. Both your essay questions and answers are in the conclusion. Usually the question(s) are in the introduction and the answers in the conclusion. I think it works for your text though! Maybe it would still be nice to try out to connect the beginning and the ending of the text together more, so the text becomes more cohesive? Maybe bring “mother” back to the pad? 


Curious about the Flusser passage! 

About the Maitland quote: 
I feel this silence to be, as Julia Kristeva points out in her book Powers of horror, to be liminal (=in between), Yet I feel as beautiful as it is. I feel it can too easily be manipulated and exploited by all these forces (especially for womxn!!) Kristeva says that being liminal, being in-between can lead to objectification ultimately ending up as ‘abjection’ —> disgust 

I wonder if this silence, presence is enough? And then again, besides poetical, what is it? A ray of sunlight? A bullet? An itch? 
We need a body of work, if only because we simply need a body
(And then also to tell about our bodies)

I understand what you mean, but can't we also pass our knowledge (our secrets) on paper? 

To trace our bodies on paper, precisly because it is paper 

I don't view it as a question of names (ownership) but of orientation
What do u think? 

Do you think it is actually worth it for womxn to even engage with academia? And then academia being a patriarchal tool and institution, constantly perpetuating these notions (as we’re seeing now with sources and bibliography)

"Anonymity, fake names and initials were the way we had to hide and speak up. "

"In the absence of our sound, there is another presence, we have recorded and passed down our knowledge in other ways.  "

"But if I go to the root of a cloth, who am I sourcing?"


In short, spaces have multiplied, been broken up and have diversified. There are spaces today of every kind and every size, for every use and every function. To live is to pass from one space to another, while doing your very best not to bump yourself.

-Species of Space and other pieces, Georges Perec, p.6 

'The action of public authorities in space almost always becomes a symbol of the authority itself' (page 2).  When does it not become the symbol of the authority? I understand this symbols (crowns) as having only one function, and that is to create hirearchy. And the same with the Arena, both are symbols  to impose a hirearchy, The arena encloses a space that can be dominated by the hirerarchy in De Bijlmer. These two cases  are clearly authoritarian, and I dont see where it  doesnt. Yes of course, actions by public authorities come from their authority itself, thus they are in a way always a symbol of their authority. However, when with their authority they try to do something, but it fails, I think this showcases where their authority ends and is thus not a symbol of their authority anymore. I did mention this in the text, but I didn't clearly link it to the example of the Bijlmer Arena. So there the municipality(public authority) tried to change the neighborhood for the better, but failed to do so. I think this shows where their authority ends. Also in the newspaper a part I didn't quote or write about, they tell abouthow the police or the municipality are not the ones seen as the authority in the neighborhood, but rather individuals who live there. They are another seperate public authority while the municipality and the police also claim to be that public authority..... Hmm now I'm thinking a lot. Also the difficut thing when talking about symbolism is that there can always be multiple valid interpretations at the same time. 

But the Bijlmer example, is it not a question of priority instead of a question of authorirty 
I mean, they built a mall!!! I don't think we need more malls!! I also don't think we need more malls :P But I can see some reasoning behind it, malls provide jobs etc.. Also investing in architecture is a way of making a neighborhood look better, which can have a self fulfilling prophecy. But clearly, yes they also did not need a mall.... Fair point about the job creation though!

"symbol is a mediator or a means of communication between humans."

"Therefore you can say that the symbolic meaning of space is both a power issue and a power instrument: those who manipulate symbols can also manipulate processes of identification."

"The action of public authorities in space almost always becomes a symbol of the authority itself"

"the municipality of Amsterdam, has created a symbol that has only reinforced their own status as a glorious city, and has failed to share the glory of the Arena building with the inhabitants of de Bijlmer who cannot even afford to go to the events held in the Arena."


When we modify a quote, do we then make our own citation?  What is the power of decontextualizing a quote? A sentence of course its almost empty of meaning when not surrounded by an enviroment. I wonder if, taken a quote and placed in another enviroment, it still makes sense to mention the person who brought you this words. Maybe with an intense decontexualization words just become so empty that the person who wrote them has nothing to do with them anymore. They become a new element  almost. If someone talks about fish and you move this words to speak about furniture, is it still important whatever  it had to be said about fish?

“Hitherto, stereophony was anterior to neolo- gism. Still, in the Oued of stereographic inter texts, polysemous fons are passably semelfactive.” 
Makes me wonder whom you wrote this text for? Sorry but this is too difficult for me


-Thought in a way is play and one thing about playing is that it causes -induces- lucidity (?) (you’re seeing the hopscotch on the sidewalk!) Although I never read the book, but the thoughts made me think of the Dutch philosopher Johan Huizinga book Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in culture. sounds like I want to read that too, it's on aaaaaargh!! https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58bfe6c3a0eda0b777800

-What do you mean by ‘anonymity constrains the author in their communication?’ In the case of the hopscotch, it clearly is the work of more than two hands? Following out of its frames, do you think the author should be free to be ‘anonymous’ in their ‘intentions’ and/or ‘conditions’? 

-Is there a difference between knowledge as textual —>  this sort of ‘fungi’ produced and spread by this expanding network of texts, quotes, sources, words, images and voices and the knowledge you gather on the streets? By engaging with your surroundings, caused by observation, induced by daydream? Wondering, guessing…

-Your piece reminded me of this beautifully short Kafka story: 

“Absent-minded Window-gazing”

WHAT are we to do with these spring days that are now fast coming on? Early this morning the sky was gray, but if you go to the window now you are surprised and lean your cheek against the latch of the casement.
The sun is already setting, but down below you see it lighting up the face of the little girl who strolls along looking about her, and at the same time you see her eclipsed by the shadow of the man behind overtaking her.
And then the man has passed by and the little girl's face is quite bright.

Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir”

Excerpt From: Franz Kafka. “The Complete Stories.” (P.833) 

-Also did the hopscotch tell you to only go one way? 

-If you met yellow on the sidewalk, I wonder what blue and grey were up to?:) I also wonder, please expand text :-) hahaha(green is Loïc, but since my birtday is coming up, I'm turning grey:()lol 

Poetic, honest, relatable.  Maybe it would be nice to have more from you in the text? Maybe the part about following the sign to Alkmaar could be more detailed, or you could add another experience you had where you followed another “source”? Basically, I like the text so I wish it was longer (I really like chalk drawings and street related stuff).

"Have you ever, perhaps in a moment of uncertainty, blindly followed road signs?"

"And indeed, I am happy to follow the anonymous clues that the chalk drawings give me, because they give it to me without any


I wish you would tell me more about what is in the books! And, why are you writing about yourself in the third person? Yes, also was wondering the same, it makes it so distant 

I really enjoyed how you brought up textures at the end, I think it is very beautiful how you weave everything is. Especially with the textures because it becomes almost palpable. 

I wonder if ‘she’ also has nice some nice reading positions techniques to share (maybe that’s another text but still, I find that I hurt my wrist quite a lot!) 

"All the books she now reads, do work as in osmosis, she doesn't want to break this ecosystem  by adding a new specimen. Such a mistake would be irrevocable."
The narration in third person is quite distractive to me in the reading. I keep on drifting away from the content, like I would in a novel, being grasped by poetic images more than a logical construct. It maybe lies in my way of reading it, wouldn't you benefit from a switch between the 'fictional' writing style and a more upfront narration at the first person? 


how would you like a  foottnote to be? Or what do you need  from a footnote? I also find myself frustrated when its  only  referencing something outside.   
'I mean that so annoying, you reading a book that talk about sources or exemples that you don’t know and it’s like you need to read all those references before getting the book. What a pain in the ass !' 
what a pain, indeed. 

I really like this. You say you have trouble with the theory class, which is fair enough, but you are a person with something to say! To me, having something to say is the key to a good essay. Your text is making a very clear point which makes me think essay writing could actually really suit you, if you gave it your own twist. Yes, Souheila, we need uuu!! 

Also this: the writer Borges (another guy, lol sorry!!) points that the gnostics tell us that the only way to be rid of a sin is to commit it, because afterwards you regret (repent) it. 
I like that you make a confession, it inspires me to gather the courage to also do it! (I’m taking my time though) 

Really feel your frustations, it does look an awful lot like a basket of cocks amazing comparison
But then again, i feel if a book does this to you, you just put it aside, a book should speak and it should speak to you!! 

"like you need to read all those references before getting the book."

I find interesting that you underline the "readibility" of one's text, as being actually an "end" product, meaning to be understood only if the rest of the "side" (becoming main) notes are known or understood. So that piece is only one in a inaccessible whole. That one piece note making any sense without the previous pieces. 

"you can’t enter into the real knowledge if you dont know all of them."
What is the real knowledge? 

>>>> General comments <<<<

So many typos in all of the texts, maybe check your text on typos, spelling and grammar mistakes before sending it in, I don’t always know if it’s on purpose or not and it makes the reading of the text more difficult(for me) yes, sir! sorry if this is rude of me to ask!!!! I just genuinly don't know sometimes if it's a new word I didn't know or just a typo or sometimes it seems to be both no, of course!