Escaping stereotypical cartographies - Maria Dada

Stereotypes: generalized ideas of groups. Expectation general is true for every individual
Encourages prejudice

Looking at animals in captivity. Confinement induces stereotypical behaviour. Rocking, swimming in circles, feather picking ...
repetetive, automatic.


Pigeonholing -- representational form

Barthes: 'Language is fascist' -> to subjegate.
For example the forcing of feminin/masculin. But there is no exterior
Deleuze + Guattari: Language to be obeyed
A prison with no outside -- it produces stereotypes. We're compelled to generalize

it is not just language but all attempts to represent

signifiers. interpretation is based on the regulary fiction it represent
map as logo of the state
would you have a state without a map?

digital maps resemble representations, but they are mathematical models

code does what it says
code is naive

digital is code?

language in action? code is action?
Katherine Hayles -- performative

no ambiguity -- code is a superprison?

indeterminate does not really exist. 

prisonhouse permeates walls
code modelling weather, busroutes ...

modelling =/ representation // modelling / plotting ... patched together prospects to cross

it is not a surprise that bias is there, in the digital
(not only because of materiality, but how it is tied into infrastructures)

chun queering

What atlas that does not reproduce the colonial map

there is no outside of the digital

the incomputable in this space?

Personas (agents?) as a design tool

It is impossible to avoid stereotypes when working in digital.
Who is this map for, audience ...

Fox D. Harrel

Algebraic Semantics
'to be known from afar' (close/far as stereotype vs 'real')
passing for the other - Chimera
understanding the structure as you play

revealing stereotypes

Fox D. Harrel, [Grayscale]( (2019) "As a step toward this aim as it relates to sexism, we present our interactive narrative called Grayscale. The experience is intended to provoke players to reflect critically on sexism in the workplace, both overt & hostile and more subtle." [Play Grayscale](

coercive coercion
needing to understand how the prison functions.

scanning <-> mapping <-> modelling
POV / frame of reference / georeference

turf js gis D3

faithful to the screen

can we actually do topology?

escape the prisonhouse, needing whatever singularity (Galloway) stiegler (cinema)

people not being allowed to be poetic. double incarceration ... afro pessimism.
exiled subjectivities

culture of the center vs the culture of the margin. The bad shoemaker.
they need the digital.

who becomes visible in the digital

Patchiness through patchy grids.
'allowing the invisible'

the unknown unknowns
the things that can not be said
revealing through a process. DiVersions ;-)
did we forget about ourselves?

mapping from the middle

the ability to manouvre

maps made with 'people on the ground'

entering the map in a different way (through plotting, modelling).

an investment in the map
a map that happens in real time.

seeing with three eyes
different kinds of depths

laura cergan

platform seeing
composites and stereotypes

where is the platform?

what is an atlas
if you do not feel the border, it does not exist.

an atlas is many maps

language has no senses?!

there is hope in the digital. it is not just about exclusions. it is hard to do it. see the limits of the digital, we need to intervene and experiment.
writing the mistakes.

personas reinforcing individual

path dependencies


passing, plotting 

interdependent orientations.
where things are


Ilke Sanlier Yuksel

prison of representation