Dear all,
We are writing this email to bring you all in contact regarding the closing discussion of this year's festival that you will all be joining. The event has the title "What moves You?" and involves now four participants of the festival and will be moderated by Sumugan Sivanesan.
This session tries to provide some closing navigation out of the festival, situating it within possible future actions as well as reflecting on what happened.
In a way then this is an event that operates on two levels:
- as a discussion on its own around the main focus described here
referring specifically to the challenges for transversal organisation and poltiical mobilisation. Where we ask you to each introduce reflections and call for actions based on your own practice.
- as a session revisiting transmediale 2019 and its main questions
What moves you? ( referring not only to an emotional response but also to the infrastructures and aesthetics that govern how affect becomes mobilized as a political force today.) And in this context of affect and social change, we would like to discuss the role of feelings, emotions and in a broader sense, affect, plays in your respective practices and whether you agree with the often quoted idea today that affect plays a greater role in civil society and of an increasing emotionalization of politics. How does this play a part (or not) in your own projects?
We would like to take the opportunity here also to look back at how these questions were dealt with in the festival, for example in the two study circles of which some of you were part of, Uneasy Alliances and Affective Infrastructures. Regardless of the participation in these circles, both the question of new alliances across different groups as well as infrastructures (for example regarding to social media or alternative technologies) plays a role in your different work and so we can discuss this also independtly of those discussions.
Within this context, you are invited to refer to the practices, initiatives, experiences, approaches of yours and then to engage in a discussion with each other and then with the audience, hopefully also drawing in some key insights, questions and critical issues that might have emerged during the festival.
We would propose an 8 min contribution from everybody following Sumu's intro who will contextualise and moderate. In the case you are presenting together as two persons, the presentation time is doubled to 16 min.
As it is the last session of the festival, we'd propose to keep this as free and vivid as possible and we would propose to avoid the use of slides.
If however there is something you would like to show, images or video, please do let us know.
Sumu will get in touch with you soon with some more points and questions about the event.
All the best for now