# shovel (temporary name?)
desc: A small extension that exposes editable CSS:root variables of websites. This allows people to make local and persistent edits to those variables, modifying the style of the website and creating an alternative look and feel.
we called it shovel because it removes a bit of dirt to show the `:root` (if the webpage have one)
* the modifications are domain filtered because of how local storage works
* it's consistent between webpage of a same domain :)
made by: doriane,martin,
in: 1h (20min + install time)
during: declarations worksession between the 1st and the 5th of April
based on: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/clemtre/cssVarFilledCookies.js
licence: CC4r License
## :root
about the root element: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:root
> In HTML, :root represents the <html> element and is identical to the selector html, except that its specificity is higher.
## scheme
/ \
css variables \/_ \ editable html table
:root { | |
--underline-style: wavy; |--underline-style : wavy |
--title-width: 10ch; |--title-width : 10ch |
--src: url('image.png'); |--src : url('image.png')|
--gradient-start: olive; |--gradient-start : olive |
--gradient-end: brown; |--gradient-end : brown |
} |____________________________________|
\ /\
## whishlist
* putting the fixed pop-up menu as a real pop-up extension menu
* Synching styles to an online webserver, which would make chnages persistant across every people using of the extention.
- this also become a way to collectivize user-customizations.