2) sustainability & resilience (finance, labour, care, intergenerational, education)
speculative models...
- different case studies
- resouces
- commoners
- commoning (as social process)
ideological burdens constraints (anarchists vs money)
- ideal model?
some dimensions to be analised when assesing sustainability and resilience of an infrastructure initiative >
constraints/context/environemet specifics: formal/informal, governance system and decision making process + continuity/discontinuity + size of the group and turn over
finance - funding model
labour types
care and relationship/familiar/emotional (internal external)
inter-generational (fluctuation)
education capacity (internal)
returns and rewards
assesing at indvidual level and collective level
> good at it + like it (enjoy it)
> good at it + do not like it
> not good at it (yet) + like it
> not good at it (yet) + not like it
Model: "fair research": fund projects / pay salaries to the ones researched / who's time is consumed.
- Labor and Care - make visible what, bad balance between productive- and reproductive tasks
Idea: all members are responsible: they have to gain own money
education: problem of efficiancy: generalists - specialists. easier when small organisation
formal structure after 7Jears not used, now start to use it.
finance: fuck that shit. verry expensive, somehow it works, magic, in 2Jears is payed
Labour: prductive reproductive - maintanance, ... many depend on labour outside. some work inside
Care: maried with 30persons you didn't choose (ecosystem of re
Interre... : some kids, some old but practically same age
Education: good
Feminist Server:
Finance: non
Labour: own relatoin per sub-project
Care: speak lot about it, but don't apply
education: trying to go there, documentation
electronnes (feminist small festival, 3 person doing all the work, all verry similar in the live situation, all single moms)
minimum of formal structure
care situation:
for project:
for the outside of the project: kid allways comes first.. you will not burn out.
what is making Fun, anti burnout,
Fair contracts: Decition making processes, care, Security needs
Metabolism - Autopoesis and simtopiesis
Exploitation: Privatised: Defending, you can not manage funds
Proposal: Someone raises funds, as a service.
examples: https://sfconservancy.org/
circular: if you get money you would have to give 20% to a project you like. (Nethood did this)
- not based on competition / reciprocitiy. affection?
After thoughts:
- "funding as a commons" including a wider set of "contributions" and recognition of individual needs and constraints
- suspension string between "reliable" and "non-reliable", between "compromised" and "free". BUT ...
- The trade-offs of "quantifications"
Systemic structural problem:
Highly competitive surrounding, every recource accesible is directly exploited (capitalized)
Question: ambivalence: See ourselves outside this system, and in the same time depending from this system.
A model to assess:
- Assessing context/constraints (formal? informal? continuity? size?)
- What finance models
- Labour types it generates
- Relationships it touches
- Level of intergenerationality
- Expected rewards people expect
Different tasks, and assessing them.
You do some tasks you are good at, and enjoy doing..
You do some tasks you are good at, but don't enjoy doing...
You do some tasks you are not good at, ...
You would like to do a task, but you are not yet good at it
Imagining relationships between organizations of funding, INitialitves to support the commons. Designate 20/30% that must be given to an organization, alternatives to reciprocity /
THinmking about the fundinc process as Commons itself. How we acknowwledge this. How to avoid quantifying things we don't want to quantify at the end.
Structural problem: Everything is numbered, we work competitively, funding terms as well. // How to not take part in this problematic structure and yet still be dependent on it.
Software Freedom Conservancy project as an example: An org created specifically to support the legal processes, funding (smaller) free software projects
institutional interfaces
sustainability as metabolism
new definitions of reliability?
How to accept working less, accept the reality of people's situations of work.
Common infrastructure
Shifting the perception of what it means to be unreliability. Danger that we don't actually change
Felix: Example of how It's useful to not be "always on"
Nettime moderators were sometime "unreliable"
The fact that this wasn't realtime was really condusive to thinking
It may it possible to do for a very long time (pauses were possible, it didn't survive despite this, but because of it).
Only machines can be 24/7 ?
US: Capitalist system absorbs everything, so how to protect other forms of systems from this recuperation / exhautions
How to resist productivitist tendencies