Thinking to back off from the "internal" logs (that don't exist) and focus more on the materiality / temporality of the web sites themselves.
*makes requests from:

Struck by the  "PURE ERROR" messages as parts of the server seem to be down.

See SCREESHOTS in the repo:
I can arrange a hook to publish stuff to:
Geek obsession with syncronicity and fireflies: this is a lovely "active essay" on firefly synchronicity:

Thinking also of fantastic audio piece by BIT (Kate Rich + Natalie Jeremijenko... for an audio magazine called Fallout made for Mute in the 1990s.

about "Mutual syncronisation of coupled oscillators"*random notes from the audio...
Jeremijenko contrasts the natural phenomenon of mutual syncronisation to the "clock of the long now" project from Danny Hillis.
hideously silly project... ignores the most interesting aspect of time ... it's materiality.
It assumes time as a self-contained abstraction ... privleging an abstraction of time over it's materialty. Programmers view of time as an object of absolute control.
A way to disingage with the sociality of time.
Conceived as a purely technical project, based on a certain particularly conditioned social blindness.

*COOL URLS DON'T CHANGE (Tim Berners-Lee 1998) 
*Cool URIs don't change   What makes a cool URI?
*  A cool URI is one which does not change.
*  What sorts of URI change?
*  URIs don't change: people change them.

At Transmediale, one of the presentations in Linda Hilfling's block of PHD candidate presentations included a sonification of the loading of a webpage. (would be nice to cite this work)
If I open the Network Tab of Firefox when loading ... I see a cascading back and forth response as my computer / browser shoots off a volley of requests from servers in various locations and receives the response "asyncronously".

Similar to Rich and Jeremijenko's critique of the clock of the long now, Berner's Lee's sense of "URIs don't change: people change them" exposes something of a similar disregard for the social / material conditions of the net. 

*All that you touch,
*You Change.
*All that you Change,
*Changes you.
*The only lasting truth
*Is Change.
*Is Change.
*(Verse from "Earthseed", Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler, 1993)

FOCUS on the (potential) intervention...

What if we setup an etherpad somehow that collects notes, and then a display of those notes in another (temporal) form ... elsewhere ????
(as embed on the main website?)

what about a set of brutalist digital "materialist" plugins (a la Scribed, YouTube ... or other "embedable" media plugins) that display radical views of various conference materials... For instance of the PDF above... featuring all aspects of their digital material that relate to time.

Looking at the "raw" source of this PDF
for instance shows:
<< /Title 34 0 R /Author 36 0 R /Subject 37 0 R /Producer 35 0 R /Creator
38 0 R /CreationDate 39 0 R /ModDate 39 0 R /Keywords 40 0 R /AAPL:Keywords
41 0 R >>
0 42
0000000000 65535 f 
0000106970 00000 n 
0000010668 00000 n 

with a tool like pdfinfo, I see:
Title:          Conference schedule
Author:         Jacob Lund Weinreich
Creator:        Word
Producer:       Mac OS X 10.12.4 Quartz PDFContext
CreationDate:   Wed May 31 11:28:20 2017
ModDate:        Wed May 31 11:28:20 2017
Tagged:         no
UserProperties: no
Suspects:       no
Form:           none
JavaScript:     no
Pages:          2
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      595 x 842 pts (A4)
Page rot:       0
File size:      108144 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.3

What about the temporal aspects of specific phrases contained within the text... such as "Anthroposcenic Chronotopias"

Does a google search for this phrase yield something interesting (or is it itself just a circular distortion -- suggesting a "definitive record" that is itself highly contingent.

Google allows you to sort results by time:,sbd:1
Tracking language usage over historical time via digitized text has become quite a trend...

AN ATTEMPT AT A SKETCH (inspired by Heavy Industries ;)
WOW if you open TWO of THESE it's VERY NICE !!!!
(with all kinds of phase effects)

What about a "webstalker" like "exploded" browser view of the contemporaneity website showing all the different

Actually I would love to make something LIKE the Kate Rich / Jeremijenko piece but with new materials... (recent Berners-Lee?)

Imagine a view from the "Wayback machine" in 2050...
Trying to piece together the various fragments from a conference that occured in a place called "AARHUS" 33 years ago.
Use the material of todays website in a brutalist fashion that exposes the "contemporaneous" and contingent nature.

FULLSCREEN view of the network console / a network of a loading page
How to get the info processed by the networked console

visualize the etherpad?