*italics* = text/film/recording is in our library

Gender neutral fonts RELEASE questions
http://typotheque.genderfluid.space/licences.html (French)

DeepL translation:
    The fonts in this collection are currently distributed under the three licences listed below. The Open Font Licence (OFL) is the only recognised free licence to date that has been written specifically for the software and cultural objects that fonts are, hence its widespread use in the free font field. Yet the publisher of this license, the global non-profit organization SIL, is based on a foundation and culture that is not very much like our own. That is why we are looking for and discussing and collaborating on alternative free licences and licenses, allowing for types of exchange that lower the power relations.

    The OIFL (Open Inclusif..ve Fonte License), a French and inclusive writing adaptation of the OFL, see below.
    The OFL (Open Font Licence).
    The quasi-free CC BY-NC-SACreative Commons licence with attribution, sharing under the same conditions, but no commercial use.

Free license is often associated with free. Indeed, Bye Bye Binary fonts are free, downloadable by all. But, perhaps counter-intuitively, this does not mean that no monetary exchange is possible or desirable, we need resources to continue this important work. It's not always a known or clear issue, but many free font designers have been paid in one way or another for their work. Sometimes it's very meagre, as in the case of Google Fonts, sometimes it's as part of a more general graphic work, sometimes it's a clear commission and the commissioner gets a font that fits their needs for a fee, which is then distributed under a free license. We support the latter model. And we hope to see the number of free fonts that are made inclusive, thanks to paid designers, grow. 

OIFL - Open Inclusif..ve Fonte License

PREAMBLE: The purpose of the OIFL license is to stimulate collaborative font development around the world, to assist in the creation of fonts in the academic or linguistic communities, and to provide a free and open framework through which these fonts can be shared and improved collectively.

OIFL-licensed fonts may be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely, as long as they are not sold by themselves. The fonts, and any derivatives thereof, may be supplied with, incorporated into, redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that the reserved names are not used in the derivatives. The licence of the fonts and their derivatives may not, however, be changed. This obligation to maintain the OIFL licence for fonts and their derivatives does not apply to documents created with them.

- The term "computer font" refers to all files made available by the copyright holder(s) under this licence and clearly identified as such. This may include sources, generation scripts, documentation.
- The term 'reserved font name' means any name designated as such in the copyright. Original version' means a 'computer font' as distributed by the copyright holder(s).
- Modified Version' means any derivative work obtained by adding SIL Open Font Licence, deleting or replacing all or part of any element of the 'Original Version', changing the format or porting the 'Computer Font' to a new environment.
- The 'Author' means a creator,

Permission is hereby granted, without compensation, to any person who has obtained a copy of the 'computer font' to use, study, copy, merge, include, modify, redistribute and sell it, modified or unmodified, subject to the following conditions:
- The 'computer font', in whole or in part, in its original or modified version, may not be sold by itself.
- Original or modified versions of the 'computer font' may be linked, redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy contains the above copyright statement and this license.
- These pieces may be either stand-alone text files, file headers accessible to a human reader, or contained in programmatically accessible metadata in text or binary files, so long as the text is readily accessible to a human reader.
- No modified version of the 'computer font' may use the reserved names without the express written permission of the copyright owner. This restriction applies only to the primary name of the font as presented to the user.
- The name(s) of a copyright owner and the name(s) of the author(s) may not be used to promote, advise or advertise modified versions, except as a reminder of their contribution(s), or with their express written permission.
- The 'computer font', modified or not, in whole or in part, must be distributed with exactly the same licence. This obligation to retain the licence does not apply to documents created using the 'computer font'.
This licence becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are not met.

The Computer Font is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of copyrights, patents, trademarks or other rights. In no event shall the copyright owner be liable for any claim, damage or other consequence, including any general, special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising out of the use or inability to use the computer-generated font, or any other matter involving the computer-generated font.

- Pierre Hanser, rewritten by Bye Bye Binary.


Open Access
Making a living
Who pays for Open Access
Feminist Question: Who can afford to NOT adhere to authorship?

attribution practices (work first)*
authorship practices (author first)

<> TO DO: get a grip on current oa practices, policies, positions

speak back/write back to OKF (?)
Bodo Balasz (?)
Paul Keller (?)
Rebekka Kiesewetter (currently doing a PhD on oa at Coventry -- E will find some of her texts)
(i)Conference: Radical Open Access and the Ethics of Care: http://radicaloa.co.uk/conferences/roa2/
(ii) *Publication series*, (iii) the actual collective of publishers

(anthropologist, alternative, land(ownership). Relations to land not defined by ownership.
Western capitalist understanding

bioturbation (?)

Da Silva: modern ontology

fair use
always messy
*Fair use reports* (E)
*A Day at the courtroom* (E)

Sarah Ahmed: it matters who writes without confirming the author role
>text in library

re-reading with a decolonial frame
(from gender to de-colonial)

non Western concepts of sharing (knowledge)
*Linda Tuhiwai Smith: decolonial methods*

Eduard Glissant: opacity - openness

Aymeric Mansoux
Fediverse > connect to contemporary free culture 
